1                                             WEST VIRGINIA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION                                             
                                                         Division of Highways                                                        
                                        NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS  --  December 11, 2001  LETTING                                        
         Sealed proposals will be received by the West Virginia Department of Transportation, Division of Highways at its office in  
   Building Five, Room A-148, 1900 Kanawha Boulevard East, Charleston, West Virginia 25305-0430 until 10 A.M. December 11, 2001      
   and said proposals will be publicly opened and read immediately thereafter for the construction of the following project(s):      
   Call   Contract  State Project           Federal Project        Description                                                       
   001    9715023   X316-000H/00-117.40 02  ACPD 0484 116 CTC      CONST NEW/RELOC 4 LANE ROAD W/BRIDGE(S)                           
                                                                   CORRIDOR H, BAKER I/C - W BRIDGE #4273                            
                                                                   0.08 MI W WV 55 & 259 - 0.23 MI W BR 4273                         
                                                                   COUNTY: HARDY                                                     
          BRIDGE : 4271       CONCRETE SLAB ON PRESTRESSED GIRDER                                                                    
          SPAN(S):  1 ;       STRUCTURE  STEEL:    1313 KG                                                                           
          BRIDGE : 4272       CONCRETE SLAB ON FABRICATED STEEL GIRDER                                                               
          SPAN(S):  3 ;       STRUCTURE  STEEL: 1597522 KG                                                                           
          Electronic data files of this project are available on CD to be used FOR INFORMATION ONLY.  These electronic               
          files consist of original MicroStation drawings files (*.dgn) and files that are converted to AutoCAD (*.dwg).             
          We make every reasonable effort to provide these files in a cross-platform and complex multi-protocol                      
          environment.  The West Virginia Department of Transportation does not possess a staff that is available to                 
          provide technical support to outside parties who avail themselves of CAD files that are on this CD. It is                  
          important, therefore, that all potential users understand that these file are for information only.                        
          The Contractor agrees that WVDOT and its Consultants cannot be held responsible for problems arising from                  
          files which have been converted for use in non-native applications (e.g. MicroStation design files to AutoCAD.)            
          Call 304-558-0602 or Fax 304-558-4344                                                                                      
          REMARKS : MANDATORY PRE-BID 11/27/01, 1:00 P.M., RM A-122                                                                  
   002    9903201   S334-0129/00-000.01 00                         STRUCTURE REPLACEMENT                                             
                                                                   PETERS CREEK BRIDGE                                               
                                                                   BEGIN:INTERSECTION WV 39   ENDS:0.11 M S WV 39                    
                                                                   COUNTY: NICHOLAS                                                  
          BRIDGE : 4905       CONCRETE SLAB ON FABRICATED STEEL GIRDER                                                               
          SPAN(S):  2 ;                                                                                                              
   003    9218146   S335-0040/00-007.52 00  00BR 8265 004 E00      CONST NEW/RELOC 2 LANE ROAD W/BRIDGE(S)                           
                                                                   OVER VACANT CSX RIG & WHEELING CREEK                              
                                                                   COUNTY: OHIO                                                      
          BRIDGE : 4137       CONCRETE SLAB ON PRESTRESSED GIRDER                                                                    
          SPAN(S):  2 ;
	  DBE GOAL: 12 % OF CONTRACT BID AMOUNT. BIDDER MUST PROVIDE WRITTEN ASSURANCE OF MEETING GOAL ON FORM IN PROPOSAL.                                                                                                              
   004    0123403   S354-0077/00-183.81 00                         CLEAN AND PAINT STRUCTURE                                         
                                                                   WV 31 OP & WILLIAMSTOWN OP NB & SB                                
                                                                   3.76 MILES NORTH OF WV 2 & 5.82 MILES NORTH OF WV 2               
                                                                   COUNTY: WOOD                                                      
          BRIDGE : 2250.2 & 22CONCRETE ON ROLLED I BEAM                                                                              
          SPAN(S): 12 ;                                                                                                              
          Letting location: DOH CONFERENCE ROOM A-122                                                                                
                            STATE CAPITOL COMPLEX - BUILDING FIVE                                                                    
                            1900 KANAWHA BOULEVARD EAST                                                                              
                            CHARLESTON, WEST VIRGINIA 25304-0430