

Instructions:  When the print is in blue, underlined and linked, it contains quantity changes.

001 9715026 X316-000H/00-117.40 05 ACPD 0484 136 C00

002 0118440 X316-000H/00-117.40 09 0APD 0484 213 C00

003 9829205 X317-0050/76-000.00 00  Addendum #1,  #2, #3, #4

005 0112241 S308-0004/00-002.32 00 0STP 0004 033 E00

006 0124740 E310-0013/02-L07.01 00 FEMA 1378 000 000

008 *0213017 S334-0039/00-027.63 00

013 0119205R1 G034-0NCM/0H-001.00 00

023 *0135425 S320-0060/12-000.00 00