Governor's Highway Safety Program
The Governor’s Highway Safety Program (GHSP) is the lead agency for West Virginia’s participation in federally mandated and funded behavioral highway safety improvement measures. The mission of the WV GHSP is to reduce crashes, injuries, and fatalities on West Virginia's roadways by encouraging, promoting, and supporting highway safety throughout the state.
Regional Programs
The state is divided into regional traffic safety programs that cover all fifty-five counties. Each region has a designated regional coordinator to develop and implement the counter-measures that their regions require to lower the total crashes, injuries, and fatalities on the roadways in West Virginia.
Click on the map on the right to find out more about each region.
GHSP Programs & Focus Areas
The GHSP, along with our highway safety partners and advocates, works to prevent crashes, fatalities, and injuries and make West Virginia roads safer by focusing on Occupant Protection, Child Passenger Safety, Impaired Driving prevention, Distracted Driving prevention, and Speed Enforcement.
The Motorcycle Safety Program (MSP) promotes awareness of motorcycle safety practices and laws. The MSP also encourages riders to obtain their Class F Endorsement. The ATV Safety and Awareness Program fosters all-terrain vehicle safety, as well as awareness of West Virginia's laws governing proper and safe use of ATVs. Target Red is a campaign that regional traffic safety programs use to spread awareness of the dangers of red light and stop sign violations.
Save the date! Governor's Highway Safety Program "Highway Safety Conference." Additional information coming soon!

GHSP Reports, Data, and Manuals
Law Enforcement Officer Training
Highway Safety Program Regions
Highway Safety Staff Directory
Uniform Traffic Citations
Highway Safety-Related Links
Governor's Highway Safety Association
National Highway Traffic Safety Administration
Traffic Safety Info • Quick, easy access to data
West Virginia Law Enforcement Professional Standards (LEPS) Training
West Virginia State Police
WV Data Tracking and Agency Support (DTASP) Program