The unrelenting rain continues to super-saturate roads and hillsides, causing flooding, road closures (due to high water), mudslides and rock falls. As of Thursday afternoon, the Transportation Management Center (TMC) reported
49 closures in almost every Highways District in the State.
“It is safe to say, we have our work cut out for us after the rains end,” stated Secretary of Transportation Byrd White. “Our crews continue to monitor and react to the affects and have worked tirelessly to do what they can during the event but, we sure could use a break in the weather.”
Most recently, Fairview Addition Road (Williamson Community Southern College) along County 15 in Mingo County, was the site of a massive rock fall and remains closed while we actively break up the rock into movable pieces and removing them from the roadway (see photo). Also, in Mingo County, County3/4, Right Fork Laurel Creek, is closed due to a rock fall.
This morning, there was a rockslide along US 250 at Muriales Restaurant, in Marion County, that forced closure of one lane.
Other notable mudslides and rock falls include Route 4, near Frametown, and County 21, Frametown-Herold Road, in Braxton County. On Route 4, DOH has assessed the situation and surveyed the site using its drone technology. DOH geo-technical engineers are working on a plan and crews will continue to monitor that site.
Cabell County reports 14 roads closed and Wood County shows 4 closures due to high water. Other Counties report multiple roads closed.
Motorists are encouraged to slow down when conditions are less than perfect.
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