CHARLESTON- The West Virginia Division of Highways announces that beginning Monday, July 23, two lane traffic flow will resume on the westbound (WB) side of I-64 between Crooked Creek/US35 and Teays Valley as the contractor turns their attention to begin work on the eastbound side (EB).
Lasting the entire week, the contraflow lane will be closed while crews prepare to remove the wall from the EB lanes and begin placing it on the WB lanes. That work will be done at night.
During the weekend of July 27th, work will begin EB, requiring one lane of EB traffic to be closed, and the new contraflow traffic phasing open for EB travelers. As with the WB contraflow, the new EB traffic phasing will bypass the Teays Valley and US35 exits.
These changing traffic patterns may heavily impact commuters so drivers should expect delays. The Division of Highway reminds travelers to please slow down in work zones. The speed limit in the expanded work zone area (milepost 24 through 44) remains 55 mph, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, and law enforcement agencies will continue their enforcement.
For important traveler information, please go to, or follow us on Facebook at West Virginia Department of Transportation and search for the group, Drive Forward WV, I-64 Milton to US35.