
WV Transportation

WV Transportation

WV Transportation

WV Department of Transportation

Upcoming Consultant Contract Detail

Status: Closed: Selected

Ascent Consulting & Engineering
E.L. Robinson Engineering
Greenman-Pedersen, Inc.
Infrasense, Inc.
Potesta & Associates, Inc.
Resource International, Inc.
Terracon Consultants, Inc.
Terradon Corporation, Inc.

Notice is hereby given by the West Virginia Department of Transportation, Division of Highways, that consulting services will be utilized for Engineering Services Related to MCS&T Division for calendar year 2025-2026 who have expertise and capability in the following:
Provide Highways with engineering services for testing for the Materials Control, Soils and Testing Division.  Primary services include, but not limited to, bridge deck surveys, smoothness evaluations, seismic testing, ground penetrating radar, etc., at locations to be designated by the Division of Highways.
Firms interested in being considered must submit the following documents addressed to Mr. Michael Mance, P. E., Interim Director, Materials Control, Soils and Testing Division, 190 Dry Branch Drive, Charleston, West Virginia 25306 prior to 4:00 p.m., July 17, 2024.
1. Letter of Interest
2. Un-priced Prospectus
Both documents are to be submitted, preferably electronically in pdf format to:
And copied to:
As a minimum, the prospectus shall include the following:
1. A completed copy of the WVDOH Consultant Confidential Qualification Questionnaire (CCQQ), dated January 1, 2024, or later.  This form can be found at the following website:
2. Overall capabilities to perform the work, including workforce available to assign to the project, personnel qualifications, and present workload.
3. Location of office in which control of the work will be performed.
4. Indicate the area(s) of the State in which the work will be performed.
5. Indication of whether a cost accounting system has been maintained and is in effect such that is capable of segregating and identifying accumulating costs for each job that is performed under cost type contracts.
6. Type of work anticipated to be subcontracted or performed by a sub-consultant, with a listing of the proposed sub-consultants.
7. Completed WVDOH Consultant’s Short List Selection Criteria Technical Evaluation form. Cross referencing on this form to other parts of the prospectus is not acceptable.  This form can be found at the following website:
Prior to entering into contract negotiations, the selected firm and any sub-consultants shall submit a current audited overhead rate computation performed by a State or Federal government agency or independent CPA firm.  The submitted overhead audit shall contain a detailed exhibit of the computations with all applicable eliminations and references.  The audit shall be done in accordance with Government Auditing Standards issued by the Comptroller General of the United States and all eliminations required by the Federal Acquisition Regulations will be made.  This requirement will be waived for the selected firm or any sub-consultant when its portion of the fee for the project is less than One Hundred Thousand Dollars ($100,000.00).  In such instances, a company computed overhead rate may be utilized.
It is the policy of the West Virginia Department of Transportation, Division of Highways, that Disadvantaged Business Enterprises (DBE) shall have the maximum opportunity to participate in the performance of contracts financed in whole or in part with Federal funds.
The selection of firms will be based on experience, expertise in type of work to be performed including demonstrated ability, capacity of firm to perform contract, time required to accomplish work, past performance both technically and administratively, and quality management and workmanship.
For additional information concerning this notice, please contact Phillip Brown at (304) 414-8934 or at​
