West Virginia Digital
Titles are verifiable in NMVTIS. To facilitate the ability to verify
the validity of West Virginia Digital Titles directly from the state
of West Virginia, there is now a Verification Portal on WV.gov.
Using this Verification Portal, potential buyers and titling
authorities outside of West Virginia can confirm a digital title
using West Virginia’s own records system. Paper title records
printed on secure paper stock are no longer needed! The WV DMV
Verification Portal is a publicly accessible web portal used to
validate a digital title using West Virginia state records. The web
URL is https://dmv.wv.gov/digitaltitle. To validate a digital title,
a user will enter the required title information fields in the
spaces provided, using a PDF of the digital title as reference. The
web portal passes this information along to the West Virginia
titling database, where the data is compared against current legal
records. If all the data from the digital title entered matches all
the data in state records, the Verification Portal will notify the
user that the data has been successfully validated.