
WV Transportation

WV Transportation

WV Transportation

WV Department of Transportation

Civil Rights

Language Assistance


If translation services are needed, please notify the Division.

Nondiscrimination Policy

The West Virginia Department of Transportation, Division of Public Transit is committed to ensuring access to all the services that it offers.  As a recipient of federal funds for programs, we are required to ensure non-discrimination in all our programs and activities.  To that end, we do not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, disability, sex, age or low income status.
To find out more about our non-discrimination obligations, please contact us at or 304-558-0428.  If you believe discrimination is occurring in any of the DPT's programs or activities or have a complaint, please click h​ere for the WV Department of Transportation's procedures and complaint form.
If you believe discrimination is occurring in any of the state's public transit systems or have a complaint, file with that system.  The websites and contact information can be found on the Public Transit Systems page.  If the issue remains unsolved, you may file a complaint with the WV Department of Transportation.

ADA Reasonable Modification Policy

Persons with disabilities may request modifications to current procedures to access the Division of Public Transit's programs.  To make a request, please call us at 304-558-0428 or email us at .

ADA Complaints

If you have a complaint about the accessibility of our transit programs, or believe you have been discriminated against because of your disability, you can file a complaint.  Click here for the complaints procedures and form.  Please provide all facts and circumstances surrounding your issue or complaint so we can fully investigate the incident.  If you are unable to complete a written complaint due to a disability or if information is needed in another language, we can assist you.  Please contact us at 304-558-0428 or