During the 2022 highway construction season, law enforcement will be issuing tickets in work zones throughout West Virginia. Police will be targeting work zones on Interstate 70, Interstate 68, Interstate 64, Interstate 77, Interstate 79, and Interstate 81 throughout the season. West Virginia Department of Transportation Secretary Jimmy Wriston, P.E., is committed to zero deaths in West Virginia work zones in 2022. In 2021, there were 889 crashes in West Virginia work zones, killing five and injuring more than 300 people. Although 61 WVDOT workers have been killed in work zones over the years, the vast majority of those killed and injured in work zone accidents are drivers. For this reason, the WVDOT urges drivers to remain alert when traveling through work zones. Pay attention to signage and abide by posted speed limits. Above all, keep your head up and your cell phone down to avoid being another crash statistic. |