A minivan crashed into a West Virginia Division of Highways (WVDOH) work truck in a work zone on Interstate 64 near White Sulphur Springs on Wednesday, Dec. 14, 2022. No one was injured in the wreck.
“This just reinforces the need for all motorists to pay attention when they’re driving, especially when they’re going through work zones,” said Jim Moore, P.E., WVDOH District 9 Engineer.
WVDOH work crews were removing road work signs from I-64 between mileposts 180 and 181 when a purple Kia minivan swerved around a truck, drove onto the shoulder where crews were working and slammed into the back of a WVDOH work truck and sign trailer. WVDOH workers scrambled up a shale embankment to escape the crash. They were shaken up but uninjured.
The WVDOT urges drivers to remain alert when traveling through work zones. Pay attention to signage and abide by posted speed limits. Above all, keep your head up and your cell phone down to avoid being another crash statistic.