
WV Transportation

WV Transportation

WV Transportation

WV Department of Transportation

Passenger vehicle crashes into administration building at Ghent toll plaza


An elderly couple was killed after their vehicle ran off the roadway on the West Virginia Turnpike and crashed into an administration building at the Ghent toll plaza.

The accident happened just before 10 a.m. Jeff Miller, Executive Director of the West Virginia Parkways Authority, said the driver of the vehicle left the road just below the northbound Ghent toll plaza. Miller said the vehicle jumped the curb in the administration building parking lot, hit a parked car and ran into the building.

"Its a very unfortunate thing thing that occurred," Miller said. "Our hearts go out to the families of those affected."
No Parkways employees were injured, but the driver and a passenger in the vehicle were killed.
The accident occurred in the parking lot and there was no damage to any Turnpike toll booths. All lanes of the Turnpike are open to traffic.
