Charleston, West Virginia-
Due to the national economic downturn and subsequent lack of private development interest in the Prichard Intermodal Terminal, the West Virginia Public Port Authority (PPA) will delay development plans until a later date.
In April, PPA issued the initial Request for Proposals, which were due to be submitted Friday, June 4. One proposal was received.
The projected intermodal terminal will provide Prichard and the surrounding markets with direct intermodal access to optimal geographic markets. Intermodal rail service would be provided between Prichard and Chicago - via Columbus, Ohio - and all points west. To the east, it would provide direct on-dock double-stacked rail service to the Virginia Port Authority along the Heartland Corridor.
Said Transportation Secretary Paul Mattox, “Conceptually, we believe this to be a very good and worthwhile project. Unfortunately, we received very little interest. Private investment companies are not willing to take risks at this time; however, we hope to readvertise for proposals when the national economy stabilizes.”
Meanwhile, to maximize taxpayer’s dollars, PPA and the Division of Highways are currently working on a Memorandum of Understanding that would allow PPA to complete site preparation at Prichard using excess material from a nearby highway project.
Additionally, PPA and the Federal Highway Administration are moving forward on the completion on the National Environmental Policy Act compliance documentation and PPA will continue working on a literature, archeological and environmental review of the site.