
WV Transportation

WV Transportation

WV Transportation

WV Department of Transportation

Ten bridge projects and 62 slide repairs: WVDOH continues rolling out projects in Doddridge, Harrison, Marion, Monongalia, Preston and Taylor counties


West Virginia Division of Highways (WVDOH) District 4, consisting of Doddridge, Harrison, Marion, Monongalia, Preston, and Taylor counties, has recently completed 49 slide repairs and has another 13 scheduled. The district has completed one bridge projects and has another nine scheduled.
Additional projects are under design and will continue to be scheduled as WVDOH works to aggressively catch up on years of underfunded road maintenance.
In the counties of Doddridge, Harrison, Marion, Monongalia, Preston, and Taylor, the 49 slide repairs completed since January 2023 include:
(Monongalia) Jakes Run soil nail project, completed Jan. 7, 2023.
(Monongalia) Crossroads MP 1.42 soil nail project, completed March 21, 2023.
(Monongalia) Crossroads MP 1.49 soil nail project, completed April 22, 2023.
(Monongalia) Crossroads MP 2.26 soil nail project, completed March 10, 2023.
(Doddridge) Dis Debar soil nail project, completed June 8, 2023.
(Marion) Finches soil nail project, completed April 12, 2023.
(Preston) George Washington slip soil nail project number one through six, completed June 13-26, 2023.
(Preston) Herm Criss Road slip number one soil nail project, completed Feb. 22, 2023.
(Preston) Herm Criss Road slip number two soil nail project, completed Feb. 20, 2023.
(Taylor) Knottsville MP .69 soil nail project, completed March 27, 2023.
(Harrison) Lake Floyd Circle soil nail project, completed June 8, 2023.
(Harrison) Locust Drive Slide soil nail project, completed Feb. 20, 2023.
(Marion) Manley Chapel MP .94 soil nail project, completed April 24, 2023.
(Monongalia) WV 7 MP .34 soil nail project, completed Feb. 20, 2023.
(Doddridge) Meathouse Fork soil nail projects one through eight, completed March 2-June 7, 2023.
(Harrison) Nutter Fort MP 12.34 soil nail project, completed May 9, 2023.
(Marion) Pine Grove MP 7.20 soil nail project, completed March 14, 2023.
(Marion) Pine Grove MP 7.22 soil nail project, completed March 23, 2023.
(Harrison) Pumpkin Farm MP 7.44 soil nail project, completed April 21, 2023.
(Harrison) Rail Trail soil nail project, completed June 8, 2023.
(Taylor) Riverside Drive MP 1.55 soil nail project, completed March 10, 2023.
(Preston) St. Joe Road MP 2.39 soil nail project, completed June 21, 2023.
(Harrison) Stonewood MP 10.53 soil nail project, completed April 12, 2023.
(Monongalia) Upper Days Run Road soil nail project, completed March 23, 2023.
(Taylor) US 119 MP 12.26 soil nail project, completed March 1, 2023.
(Preston) US 50 MP 19.74 soil nail project, completed March 29, 2023.
(Preston) US 50 MP 20.87 soil nail project, completed March 29, 2023.
(Preston) US 50 MP 21.06 soil nail project, completed April 8, 2023.
(Preston) US 50 MP 21.10 soil nail project, completed April 15, 2023.
(Monongalia)Wadestown MP 2.4 soil nail project, completed Feb. 15, 2023.
(Preston) Jim Boylard Road soil nail project, completed Feb. 17, 2023.
(Doddridge) Wilhelm Road MP 0.60 soil nail project, completed Jan. 28, 2023.
(Doddridge) Wilhelm Road MP 1.07 soil nail project, completed Jan. 24, 2023.
(Harrison) Wilsonburg Road soil nail project, completed Feb. 3, 2023.
(Preston) WV 26 MP 22.36 soil nail project, completed March 21, 2023.
(Monongalia) WV 218 MP 7.44 soil nail project, completed Jan. 13, 2023.
(Harrison) Lake House soil nail project, completed July 31, 2023.
Slide repairs include both an on the ground phase which is visible to the public, and a behind the scenes design phase which -- to the driver -- just looks like cones on the ground. No two hillsides are alike, and each site requires a specific design. While those designs are being completed, WVDOH places cones and signs to allow roads to remain open while under design, as often as possible. 
Thirteen additional slide repair locations in District 4 are under construction or are scheduled for work in the next few months. Those locations include:

(Doddridge) Jockeycamp soil nail project.
(Doddridge) Berverlin Fork soil nail project.
(Doddridge) Harmony Road soil nail project.
(Doddridge) Meathouse Fork MP 1.50 soil nail project.
(Doddridge) Meathouse Fork MP 7.62 soil nail project.
(Harrison) US 19 MP 5.85 soil nail project.
(Doddridge) Brushy Fork soil nail project.
(Taylor) Veteran’s Memorial MP 3.60 soil nail project.
(Preston) Red Rock soil nail project.
(Preston) North Preston Highway soil nail project.
(Marion) Crossroads to Fairview soil nail project.
(Monongalia) WV 7 MP 6.91 soil nail project.
(Marion) Four State soil nail project.
In addition to slide repair projects, WVDOH crews and contracting partners are repairing or replacing 10 bridges throughout District 2.
Bridge project scheduled or under construction include:
(Harrison) Duck Creek Bridge replacement.
(Harrison, Marion) Interstate 79 bridge replacements. (Six pairs of bridges.)
(Harrison, Marion) Interstate 79 bridge rehabilitation projects. (Six pairs of bridges.)
(Harrison, Marion) Interstate 79 South Fairmont to Pleasant Valley widening, bridge rehabilitations and bridge replacements.
(Harrison) Bristol Bridge eastbound and westbound bridge replacements.
(Harrison) Wilsonburg T-Beam Bridge replacement.
(Monongalia) Morris Builders Bridge replacement.
(Harrison) Elk Creek East Bridge renovation.
(Monongalia) Everettville Bridge replacement.
(Marion) Annabelle Bridge replacement.
There is so much work taking place that WVDOH developed an interactive roadwork map available at where project dates are provided as they are scheduled for on-the-ground work. The map is updated every two weeks, with new projects added as they are scheduled.
The map itself cannot answer all questions for 36,000 plus miles of roads, so the WVDOH has set up a citizen response line, 833-WV-ROADS, to answer individual citizens with questions. The phone line is staffed from 7:30 to 4:00 each day, and WVDOH will respond with information on the specific roadway question within seven days. Citizens can also fill out a form online by visiting and clicking on Request Road Work.​​
