
WV Transportation

WV Transportation

WV Transportation

WV Department of Transportation

WV 10 closed near Logan as WVDOH removes rocks to prevent future rockslides



CHARLESTON, WV – WV 10 is closed so West Virginia Division of Highways (WVDOH) heavy equipment crews can remove rock from a cliff above Logan that could result in future rockslides.
On Saturday, February 17, 2024, a massive rockslide occurred at mile marker 21.99 in Logan, completely blocking the road. Although WVDOH crews were able to clear away rock and debris blocking the highway, there were overhanging rocks about 70 feet above the road that could potentially fall, creating a possible hazard to the public if not removed. Therefore, WVDOH plans to remove overhanging rock before completely reopening the roadway to traffic.

WVDOH work crews cut a road to the top of the hill and brought in an excavator on Tuesday, February 20, 2024, to remove overhanging rocks from the cliff and prevent future rockslides on the site.
Work is expected to be complete Monday, February 26, 2024, depending on weather and other factors.

The WVDOH is placing message boards and signage for traffic to follow. Flaggers will be in place to assist traffic as needed throughout the repair process.
The WVDOH will update the public on the progress of repairs.​
