WVDOH accepts bids for massive renovation project on Hal Greer Boulevard in Huntington
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A massive renovation project on Hal Greer Boulevard all the way from Washington Avenue to Third Avenue in Huntington is among 20 projects included in a bid letting held by the West Virginia Division of Highways on Tuesday, Aug. 9, 2022.The WVDOH is reviewing the bids and hopes to award the contracts for these projects soon.“This is a great example of working together with local planning organizations and the city of Huntington to see this project come to fruition,” said Rob Pennington, P.E., WVDOH District 2 Engineer. “This will improve the overall operation of Hal Greer Boulevard for both motorists and non-motorists.”The WVDOH worked closely with both the KYOVA Interstate Planning Commission and the city of Huntington to develop an improvement plan for Hal Greer Boulevard, which is a major artery into the city. The section of Hal Greer Boulevard to be renovated passes by Cabell Huntington Hospital and Marshall University.Plans call for realigning intersections at 10th Avenue and Charleston Avenue, widening sidewalks, adding bicycle lanes, installing new lighting, reconfiguring traffic lights and adding greenspace along the Hal Greer corridor, all to make the area more user-friendly for drivers, pedestrians and bicyclists and to make the corridor more attractive.The city of Huntington will contribute 20 percent of the cost of the project.The Aug. 9 bid letting included the following projects:- Holland Avenue and additional ADA ramp projects. (Marion and Monongalia counties)
- Kimball, Maybeury and additional ADA ramp projects. (McDowell and Mercer counties)
- Cleaning and painting project for the Robert Byrd Memorial Bridge. (Brooke County)
- Pleasant Street Streetscape project. (Monongalia County)
- Interstate 81 paving from southern rest area to Inwood. (Berkeley County)
- Freemansburg Arch Bridge replacement. (Lewis County)
- Elbys Bridge deck overlay project. (Ohio County)
- US 22 westbound high friction pavement project. (Brooke County)
- Capehart Bridge replacement. (Mason County) (Roads to Prosperity)
- Fourth Street Arch Bridge replacement. (Lewis County)
- Corridor H guardrail replacement. (Grant and Hardy counties)
- Interstate 64 paving, Lewisburg to Greenbrier River. (Greenbrier County)
- Cameron and additional ADA ramp projects. (Marshall County)
- Smithers Streetscape project. (Fayette County)
- Maple Fork Road traffic signals. (Raleigh County)
- Fairmont sidewalk renovations. (Marion County)
- Hal Greer Boulevard renovations. (Cabell County)
- Beech Fork State Park fitness trail renovations. (Cabell County)
- District 6 road striping.
- District 4 road striping.
Several factors are considered before awarding a bid, including whether a bid falls above or below the WVDOH Engineer’s Estimate and by what percentage. In cases where a bid is above the Engineer’s Estimate, WVDOH must consider the project need, repercussions of not awarding the project, additional funding sources, and whether sufficient reasons exist for the differences in estimates. Most projects are reviewed, analyzed, and awarded within a week of the bid letting, but the process can take longer.When the Division of Highways has a project that is determined to be best constructed by a contractor, it is processed through the bid letting system. A letting is a scheduled opportunity for contractors to review and bid on several construction projects at one time. Lettings are held either once or twice per month and conducted through the Bid Express System online at www.bidx.com and handled through the Contract Administration Division. Contractors need to subscribe to Bid Express before bids can be accepted on any project.As the date and time approach the deadline of the letting, contractors are expected to place their bids, with complete documentation as necessary. Shortly after the letting, the respective bids are reviewed. All bids are evaluated thoroughly for competitiveness and deemed acceptable through guidelines as approved by policy, reviewed, and approved by the FHWA. Award of the contracts is made based on the recommendation by our Awards Committee based on the results that evaluation and approval by the Commissioner. Projects are typically awarded to the lowest bidder with all proper documentation in place.