The West Virginia Division of Highways (WVDOH) held an informational workshop on Tuesday, February 25, 2025, at Teays Valley Christian School in Scott Depot. The WVDOH is studying the Teays Valley Road (CR33) corridor for enhancements due to increased traffic from Scott Depot's growth. The project aims to improve access and safety for both residents and businesses along the entire corridor. It will involve roadway improvements featuring roundabouts, bicycle and pedestrian accommodations, and lighting.
Several residents said they were glad to have the opportunity to come and voice any concerns they may have, and gain a better understanding of the project's plan.
The meeting’s workshop format gave attendees a chance to view detailed project plans, ask questions directly of project managers, and provide valuable feedback regarding the project. The meeting had a large turnout, including local residents, business owners, and commuters, all interested in the outcome of the project.
The proposal is for a boulevard style roadway from Great Teays Boulevard to Scott Lane with roundabouts at key intersections to ease congestion. There would also be a six foot bike lane and five foot sidewalk in each direction. The center island would be eight feet wide and could be used for plantings and lighting.
The project is intended to improve the infrastructure and decrease congestion in the area. For additional information, questions, or to submit feedback, residents are encouraged to visit for project information and the opportunity to comment.
Comments are due by Thursday, March 27, 2025. You may comment online here. Those wishing to file written comments may send them to:
Sondra Mullins, Assistant Director
Technical Support Division
West Virginia Division of Highways
1900 Kanawha Blvd., East
Building 5, Room 820
Charleston, West Virginia 25301