The West Virginia Division of Highways (WVDOH) is pleased to announce the opening of our online grant application system for FFY 2022 Transportation Alternatives (TA) and Recreational Trails Program (RTP) potential projects. A direct link to the page is The application process has two phases: An Intent-to-Apply (ITA) Phase and an Application Phase. All applicants must first be registered and then complete and submit an online ITA for the project for which funding is sought. When the ITA is approved by the WVDOH grant staff, then the applicant will be allowed to complete and submit an online Application. No paper ITA’s or Applications will be accepted. Detailed instructions for the completion of the ITA and Application can be found at the website listed above.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) may be found at We encourage anyone applying for a TA or RTP award to closely examine the FAQ for clarification and detailed explanations of many aspects of the grant programs, including funding changes for the FFY 2022 grant cycle.
The ITA Phase will be closed at 5:00 p.m. on May 23, 2022. The Application Phase will be closed at 5:00 p.m. on June 30, 2022. Please check your email and the online application system concerning your ITA or Application as it is the responsibility of the applicant to track the progress of the applicant’s own submission(s). Also, please be sure to review any email notifications as there may be suggestions from the WVDOH grant staff regarding your project’s ITA or Application. Please feel free to share this information with any interested, eligible parties.
If you have any technical questions regarding the online ITA, Application, accessing the system, getting registered or have any questions regarding the TA or RTP, please contact Mr. Mark Scoular at or by phone at (304) 414-6937 or Mr. Timothy B. Sedosky at or by phone at (304) 414-6938.