
WV Transportation

WV Transportation

WV Transportation

WV Department of Transportation

Trends, Drivers, and Opportunities

John Doe

Trends, Drivers, and Opportunities - Updated on July 7, 2021

Trends, Drivers, and Opportunities focus on topics shaping WVs future like demographics, economics, technology, and environment. Cross-cutting issues in these topics like education, public health, tourism, and resiliency are also important to WVs transportation future. This information will help WVDOT develop strategies in the LRTP that account for the opportunities and challenges West Virginia is experiencing across these topics​.

Outcomes from the research conducted across these topics are presented in factsheets that highlight the key findings and white papers that document the technical resources used in the research.

Each paper covers four questions:  

  • Why is this topic relevant to West Virginia’s transportation future?
  • What are West Virginia’s trends and how do they compare to our peers?
  • Where might the future take us based on state and national perspectives?
  • How might West Virginia create opportunities from these trends and avoid risks?

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