This section is responsible for administration of the Research, Development and Technology Transfer Program. The Section's main responsibilities include:
- Management of all Federal and State funded research projects with the assistance of Project Monitors from the West Virginia Department of Transportation/Division of Highways (WVDOT/DOH) and the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA).
- Solicitation, selection and monitoring all State Planning and Research (SPR) funded research projects conducted primarily by state colleges and universities, and occasionally by private contractors or other research institutions when the need arises.
- Dissemination of research findings through report distribution, and coordination of seminars, technology transfer activities, technical training workshops and implementation of research results.
Problem Statement Solicitation
Process For Research Services Solicitation, Selection and Contract Implementation
document describes the solicitation, selection, and contract implementation process that the Research and Special Studies follows when it opts to publically solicit researches services. It is intended to be used as an informational guide for persons from public or private agencies and institutions pursuing a research services contract with the West Virginia Department of Transportation, Division of Highways.
For convenience, useful links to Transportation Research Libraries and Information Centers are included to assist with literature searches and the investigation of transportation research conducted throughout the United States.
Research Section
Perry McCutcheon