
WV Transportation

WV Transportation

WV Transportation

WV Department of Transportation

Geotechnical Overview

A geotechnical overview is usually prepared as part of the Design Study Report.  The overview will include a review of readily available information that includes, but is not limited to, the following:
  1. any existing boring information available from the WVDOH Geotechnical Unit;
  2. a review of the WVGES Interactive Coal Maps For Mining;
  3. a review of the WVDEP TAGIS Mapping Applications for mining, quarrying, oil, and gas permits on or nearby the site;
  4. a review of LiDAR hillshade mapping for possible scarps.
For LiDAR hillshade mapping, Google Earth and ArcMap versions are available at:

At a minimum, the overview shall state the geologic age of the near surface bedrock, the group or formation name(s) of the strata, the general strike bearing and dip angle, and prevalent surface soil and rock types.  The overview shall also be based on a site visit by the geotechnical engineer or his representative.  The overview shall discuss potential geohazards related to mining, karst, landslides, and rockfalls, including the name of any rock unit, seam, or soil type associated with the geohazard.  The overview shall recommend rock cut and fill slope ratios, as applicable, for initial design of roadway cut slopes and for front and side slopes for approach fills at bridges.  The overview should be reported on approximately one page.