The WV Division of Highways (WVDOH) usually does not acquire necessary property
for a highway project until shortly before construction is due to start. When
that time arrives, WVDOH will contact all the persons directly affected. In some
cases, there are no homes or businesses that need to be relocated.
Before Highways reaches the construction stage, however, there is much you can
learn about the process. Two extremely informative booklets are available
through the links below.
This brief summary of right-of-way information may be helpful:
No residents will be displaced unless decent, safe and sanitary housing will be
offered to those who are to be relocated.
All families, farms, businesses and non-profit organizations affected by the
project will be given just compensation for their property as established by
accepted appraisal practices.
In addition, displaced families may be eligible for certain relocation benefits,
such as assistance in finding replacement homes, moving costs and replacement
housing payments.
Displaced businesses may also be eligible to receive relocation benefits, such
as relocation assistance, actual moving costs expense reimbursement, business
reestablishment expense payment and in-lieu-of payments.
Right-of-Way Booklets:
The Guide for Property Owners:
Tenants and Relocation Assistance and Moving Costs or Replacement Housing: