CHARLESTON-Work will begin soon on two additional segments of the King
Coal Highway, Governor Bob Wise announced recently, following November
24 and December 15 contract awards by the Division of Highways totaling
nearly $3.5 million.
“These contracts are part of project that will provide a four-lane
highway so important for the economic life for the people of southern
West Virginia,” the governor said.
Kanawha Stone Company, Inc. of Nitro was awarded both contracts.
The first, for $2,057,914, was the second contract for four-lane
upgrading of US 52 in Mercer County. The project involves nearly half a
million cubic yards of excavation to grade and drain 0.22 mile of the
route from the recently completed $27 million interchange with
Appalachian Corridor Q (US 460) east of Bluefield to US 19. Including
demolition of six buildings, the project is the first of those necessary
to extend the route to Airport Road. The second contract, for
$1,371,251, calls for more than 200,000 cubic yards of excavation to
grade and drain 0.18 mile of the route from Mercer County 25 to south
of the old Raleigh Grayson Turnpike, including demolition of 36
structures. The segment is on the opposite side of US 19 from the other
project, with a bridge to be built over US 19 under a future contract.