The West Virginia Department of Transportation, Division of Highways (WVDOH) will hold an informational public workshop on Thursday, July 31, 2014 at the Morgan County School Board Office. The public workshop will be held to provide an opportunity for public comments for the Town of Bath’s Fairfax and Washington Streets Improvement Projects.
NO FORMAL PRESENTATION WILL BE MADE. Information identifying the area of interest and study alternatives will be displayed for discussion. Representatives from the WVDOH and the Town of Bath will be available. Verbal and written comments will be accepted during the meeting. The comment period ended on September 1, 2014.
Meeting Materials

Area Features Map (2.3 MB PDF)

Historic Resources Considerations (275 KB PDF)

Environmental Resources Considerations (335 KB PDF)

Overall General Concept Plan (3 MB PDF)

Project Alternatives and Preliminary Project Timeline (10.7 MB PDF)