Wheeling, Ohio County, West Virginia
The West Virginia Department of Transportation, Department of Highways (WVDOH) is seeking input on their project to replace the current Shilling Bridge. Below, please find a summary of the project as well as instructions for commenting and how to find more information. Please provide comments by April 18, 2025.
Purpose and Need for the Project
The purpose of the project is to replace the existing Shilling Bridge which carries Overbrook Street over Little Wheeling Creek in the City of Wheeling and is located 0.20 mile north of the junction of I-70 in Ohio County. The existing bridge is owned by the City of Wheeling and built in 1970. The bridge is a simple tow-span concrete T-beam bridge approximately 102-feet long. The 2020 ADT was 2,470 VPD. The 2024 Bridge Inspection report determined that the bridge is in poor condition with concrete spalling on the T-beams and concrete cracking on the concrete piers and abutments.
Preferred Alternative
The project includes replacing Shilling Bridge on existing location to include two 11-foot travel lanes, 2-foot shoulders, and a 6-foot wide sidewalk on the right side (downstream) of the bridge. A small amount of permanent right-of-way and temporary construction easement will be required. No residential or business relocations are required. The bridge will be closed to vehicular and pedestrian traffic during the duration of construction. Project construction is anticipated to take 18 months. Vehicular traffic will be detoured utilizing the National Road (US 40) and Lumber Avenue intersection located 0.6 miles northwest of the project location. This option will use a temporary signal at the intersection to allow for left hand turns, which is currently prohibited. Construction cost will be approximately $1,503,922.
Online Comment Form
Shilling Bridge Replacement Comment Sheet
Public Notification Flyer
Public Notification Flyer PDF
Technical Support Division,
West Virginia Division of Highways,
1900 Kanawha Boulevard East,
Building 5, Room 820
Charleston, West Virginia 25305