The Aggregates and Soils group maintains the approved source listings, performs aggregates and soils testing at Division level, reviews the District laboratories for quality assurance to meet the required standards, and reviews District and contractor’s testing procedures and documentation.
Along with the quality assurance monitoring and testing, the Aggregate and Soils group also provides training and offers certification in West Virginia’s Aggregate Technician Program, teaching and certifying aggregate technicians across the region. This program maintains a level of certainty that any person who completes the program is properly trained in the methods of sampling and testing of soils and aggregates utilized in various public and private projects.
A general description of the laboratories within the Aggregates and Soils group, and the list of tests each laboratory performs are listed below:
Preparation Laboratory
This is the first laboratory in which the materials are introduced before the Aggregate and Soils group can perform their respective tests. The samples must be run through the following series of AASHTO procedures to then be further examined by our group of Engineers, Geologists and Technicians.
- AASHTO T 11 - Wash Test
- AASHTO T 27 - Gradation Analysis
- AASHTO R 76 - Reducing Samples of Aggregate to Testing Size
- AASHTO T 87 - Dry Preparation of Soils
- AASHTO T 260 - Bridge deck samples for chloride content to be tested by Chemistry Lab
Once the samples are prepared, washed and separated into specific, corresponding test portions, we can move forward to one of the following sub-sections of our Aggregate and Soils group for further testing and analysis.
Soils Lab
Soils analysis is performed to determine classification and material properties of soil, such as cohesive strength and bearing capacity. The geotechnical information collected is used by highway designers to aid in the construction of the highest quality roads and bridges. In addition, soils analysis can aid in determining agricultural capabilities and help delineate environmental contamination.
- AASHTO T 84 - Fine Aggregate Specific Gravity
- AASHTO T 88 - Particle Size Analysis of Soils
- AASHTO T 89 - Liquid Limit of Soils
- AASHTO T 90 - Plastic Limit of Soils
- AASHTO T 99 - Compaction and Density of Soils
- AASHTO T 100 - Specific Gravity of Soils
- AASHTO T 176 - Sand Equivalent Test
- AASHTO T 236 - Direct Shear
- AASHTO T 265 - Moisture Content of Soils
Soundness Laboratory:
The durability of aggregates is very important to the structural integrity of any product utilizing aggregates as a base for support. If the aggregate cannot withstand the rigors of testing within the parameters of the West Virginia Specifications, there would likely be a potential for failure, both structurally and economically.
- AASHTO T 32 - Sampling and Testing Brick
- AASHTO T 85 - Specific Gravity Test for Coarse Aggregates
- AASHTO T 104; MP 703.00.22 - Sodium Sulfate Soundness Test
- AASHTO T 96 - Los Angeles Abrasion Test
Deleterious Lab:
Consistency is key for any regular or reoccurring production to be successful. These tests are in place to ensure consistency in the aggregates the state of West Virginia intends to use in all of our infrastructure projects.
- MP703.00.25 Percent of Thin or Elongated Pieces
- MP703.00.27 Percent by Weight for Shale in Crushed Aggregate
- MP702.01.20 Percentage of Coal and Lightweight Pieces for Coarse and Fine Aggregate
- MP703.01.20 Friable Particles in Coarse and Fine Aggregate
- AASHTO T 21; MP 702.01.25 Organic Impurities in Fine Aggregate
Petrographic Lab:
Specific projects call for specific types of aggregates, depending on the end use of the product. Certain types of aggregates are better suited for certain types of applications than others, and to be sure of the type and quality of the aggregates, we utilize a team of experienced geologists to examine the petrographic properties of aggregates to confirm or deny the suitability for a given task or product.
- MP703.00.29 Insoluble Residue Test
- MP 402.02.20 Carbonate Particle Test
- ASTM C 856 Petrographic Examination of Hardened Concrete
- ASTM C 457; MP700.03.50 Modified Point Count
Other Various Petrographic Analyses and Special Projects such as:
Superpave Consensus Property Tests:
- AASHTO T 304 Fine Aggregate Angularity
- ASTM D 4791; MP 703.00.25 Flat and Elongated Particles
…and Other Miscellaneous Tests:
- AASHTO T 19 Unit Weight Test
The overall purpose of these tests is to ensure quality and consistency of aggregates and soils in the application of state projects, including roads, bridges, buildings, dams and countless other infrastructural components. With these parameters in place, the citizens and visitors of the State of West Virginia can be sure our investments will be held to the highest standards.