
WV Transportation

WV Transportation

WV Transportation

WV Department of Transportation

Performance Forecasting and Planning


​​​Section Head: Vacant
Unit Lead: Vacant

Performance Measures

Legislative mandates from the Moving Ahead for Progress in the 21st Century Act (MAP-21) and the Fixing America's Surface Transportation Act (FAST Act) establish requirements for transportation performance management activities statewide and regionally. Fifteen currently required performance measures address safety, asset management, system performance, freight movement, and emissions.  They can be sorted into three categories based on which road network they apply to; those categories are:

Highway Safety Performance Measures – these apply to all public roads.

Pavement/Bridge Performance Measures apply to bridges and roads on the National Highway System (NHS).

System Performance/ Freight/ CMAQ Performance Measures apply to travel reliability and environmental concerns on the NHS.


15 Performance Measures

Safety Measures

1)      Number of Fatalities

2)      Fatality Rate (per 100 million Vehicle Miles Traveled)

3)      Number of serious injuries

4)      Serious injury Rate (per 100 million vehicle miles traveled)

5)      Number of non-motorized fatalities and serious injuries

Pavement/ Bridge Performance Measures

6)      % of pavements on the Interstate system are in GOOD condition

7)      % of pavements on the interstate system are in POOR condition

8)      % of pavements on the non-interstate system are in GOOD condition

9)      % of pavements on the non-interstate system in POOR condition

10)  % of NHS bridges are classified as in GOOD condition

11)  % of NHS bridges are classified as in POOR condition

System Performance/ Freight/ CMAQ performance measures

12)  % of person miles on the interstate system that is reliable

13)  % of person miles on the non-interstate system are not reliable

14)  % of Interstate mileage providing for reliable truck travel times

15)  Total Emissions reduction (CMAQ projections)​

Reporting Requirements and Frequency

Targets 1,2, and 3 are part of the Highway Safety Plan (HSP) and will be submitted to NHSP by July 1. Targets 4 and 5 are part of the HSIP and will be reported to FHWA by Aug 31st. The first five targets are reported annually.

Targets 6- 11 are set and reported biennially; performance data is submitted annually to the National Bridge Inventory (NBI) and the Highway Performance Management System (HPMS). These targets are reported to the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA). For targets 12 through 15, DOH sets targets, reports performance biennially, and submits data to HPMS/CMAQ  annually. These targets are reported to FHWA.

Current Targets- updated 2023

Safety Measures – Apply to all Public Roads

1)      Number of Fatalities 262

2)      Fatality Rate (per 100 million Vehicle Miles Traveled) 1.692

3)      Number of serious injuries 855

4)      Serious injury Rate (per 100 million vehicle miles traveled) 5.522

5)      Number of non-motorized fatalities and serious injuries 80.9

Pavement/ Bridge Performance Measures – Apply to Interstate System and NHS

Performance MeasureBaseline Performance2023 Target2025 Target
Percentage of Pavements of the Interstate System in Good Condition73.8%72.0%70.0%
Percentage of Pavements of the Interstate System in Poor Condition0.4%4.0%4.0%
Percentage of Pavements of the Non-Interstate NHS in Good Condition46.5%43.0%42.0%
Percentage of Pavements of the Non-Interstate NHS in Poor Condition0.9%5.0%5.0%


Performance MeasureBaseline Performance2023 Target2025 Target
Percentage of NHS Bridge Deck Area Classified in Good Condition10.1%11.5%12.0%
Percentage of NHS Bridge Deck Area Classified in Poor Condition14.1%14.0%13.0%



System Performance/ Freight/ CMAQ performance measures – Apply to NHS and interstate systems.

Performance MeasureBaseline Performance2023 Target2025 Target
Percentage of person-miles on the Interstate system that is reliable99.9%97.0%96.0%
Percentage of person-miles on the non-Interstate NHS that are reliable95.4%93.0%92.0%


Performance MeasureBaseline Performance2023 Target2025 Target
Truck Travel Time Reliability Index (Interstates)1.211.351.40


Performance MeasureBaseline Performance​2023 Target2025 Target
PM2.5 Emission Reductions (total daily kilograms)0.1510.0900.090
PM10 Emission Reductions (total daily kilograms)0.1500.1000.100
NOx Emission Reductions (total daily kilograms)1.8161.0001.000


Performance Approach:

In 2021, WVDOT developed the 2050 Multimodal Long-Range Transportation Plan. The Plan developed an approach for WVDOT to connect the vision, goals, and objectives to strategic plans, investment decisions within the statewide transportation improvement program (STIP)and performance measures that help communicate how WVDOT is better serving its customers.

Performance measures presented on this page focus on those required by the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA). WVDOT also tracks the performance of transit asset conditions and safe operations through cooperation with the Federal Transit Administration (FTA). More information on transit measures is available here.

WVDOT also tracks organizational performance measures and the performance of other state-owned systems as part of its commitment to a data-driven decision-making process.

Performance Information:

On an annual basis, DOH submits performance data to FHWA enabling the calculation of statewide performance and performance for each of West Virginia's eight metropolitan planning organizations (MPOs). DOH also reviews performance compared to existing performance targets or sets new performance targets annually or biennially. FHWA tracks performance and targets on an annual basis here.

Through the West Virginia Performance Connection site, DOH provides access to performance data, performance trends, and targets through an interactive website and Dashboard. To access the Performance Connection site, Please follow the following link:

For more information on using the Performance Connection
The site please view the user guide here.

If you have any questions regarding the information on this webpage or within the Performance Connection site, please get in touch with us: at


Highway Safety:

On an annual basis, the DOH Traffic Engineering Division reviews safety performance trends, sets following calendar year performance targets, and develops and submits the Highway Safety Improvement Program (HSIP) report to FHWA. The 2020 HSIP report is available for review here. These performance measures track safety outcomes regarding fatalities and serious injuries for vehicle drivers and passengers, bicyclists, and pedestrians on public roads.

The Governors Highway Safety Program, in cooperation with WVDOT, annually submits a Highway Safety Plan to the National Highway Transportation Safety Administration (NHTSA). More information on the GHSP is available here, and the current Fiscal Year (FY) 2022 Highway Safety Plan is available here.​

Bridge and Pavement Condition:

On an annual basis, DOH submits bridge and pavement performance data to FHWA based on the results of an extensive annual inspection program. These data support estimates of annual bridge and pavement performance measures on the National Highway System (NHS) in West Virginia.

The NHS represents only 5% of roadway miles and only.
WVDOT maintains 18% of total bridges. WVDOT asset management practices focus on preserving and maintaining the entire roadway system.

Performance targets are developed biennially, and performance trends are reviewed annually for progress. DOH's Transportation Asset Management Plan (TAMP) documents investment strategies and performance outcomes over the next ten years. The current TAMP was developed in 2022 and is available h​​ere.

System Performance, Freight, and Emissions:

The Performance Management Division coordinates with the DOH  Planning Division to track reliability, freight, and emissions measures annually. Reliability measures, estimated based on real-world travel time data, estimate the percent of miles traveled in reliable conditions. The freight measure estimates the number of roadway miles experiencing unreliable conditions for trucks. The emission measure estimates the emission reductions from congestion mitigation and air quality (CMAQ) funded projects.

Data for each measure is submitted to FHWA annually, and DOH reviews statewide and regional performance. Targets are set on a biennial basis.