West Virginia Parkways Authority

Meeting Dates and Agendas



Please be advised that a regular meeting of the West Virginia Parkways Authority Board will be held as follows:

​DATE:    Tuesday, March 25, 2025
TIME:     10:30 A.M.
PLACE: Tamarack Conference Center
               One Tamarack Park
               Beckley, WV 25801

PURPOSE: To consider and act upon all matters that may properly come before a regular meeting of the Parkways Authority. These matters may include discussion of and possible action to approve the following: Approval of the minutes of the Authority’s Board meeting held on February 25, 2025; Discussion and/or approval for Consulting Engineers, HNTB to design the following projects: 1) TPP-1-26 – Toll Plaza Paving for Barrier B at Pax, Fayette County, WV and 2) 1A-26 – Pavement Rehabilitation – Mill and Inlay - Various Locations on the Turnpike; Presentation, Discussion, and Possible Acceptance of the following: 1) Parkways Authority’s Semi-Annual Investment Report dated December 31, 2024 by Truist Financial Services; Discussion and/or approval of the following contracts: 1) MTP-1-25 –Demolition and reconstruction of the Morton Travel Plaza Replacement, MP 72 Northbound; 2) HFST-1-25 – High Friction Surface Treatment, MP 48 NB, 96 SB, 93 NB, and 74 SB; 3) 1A-25 – Pavement Rehabilitation – Mercer, Raleigh, Fayette, and Kanawha Counties, WV; 4) BFR-1-25 – Year 1 – Bridge and Facility Retrofit Contract from Mile 9 to 95 in Mercer, Raleigh, Fayette, and Kanawha Counties, WV; 5) 1A-23 – Pavement Rehabilitation – I-77/I-64 Interchange; and 6) PM-19 – Pavement Striping & Marking Contract Renewal; Discussion and/or approval of the following purchases: 1) Cold-applied Asphalt Repair Material, and 2) Services of Professional Account Management, LLC/Law Enforcement Systems, LLC for account lookup of license plates for toll-by-plate and violations, for the month of January, 2025 and, 3) PE-1-26 - Public Education and Media Buys Related to toll payment options, and any other items which may become apparent or need attention and may be added to the business agenda of the meeting; attention is called to the fact that the agenda of the meeting will be available three (3) days in advance by calling 304-926-1900 or at the website www.wvturnpike.com; items of business may be added to the agenda up to 48 hours prior to the date of the meeting. The Authority reserves the right to go into Executive Session for appropriate and lawful reasons upon proper motion and vote.