West Virginia Parkways Authority

Toll Rates 2025

Current Toll Rates, Effective January 1, 2025

There are three (3) mainline toll plazas on the West Virginia Turn​pike.  They are located at Chelyan (Toll Plaza C) at milepost 83, Pax (Toll Plaza B) at milepost 56, and Ghent (Toll Plaza A) at milepost 30.  There is also one (1) side toll located on Route 19 at the North Beckley Exit (Exit 48).  NOTE:  No debit/credit cards are accepted at the toll plazas. Only cash and E-ZPass can be used to pay toll.  A description of the Sin​gle Fee Discount Plan for E-ZPass customers is described below.​

ALL Mainline Toll Plazas  ​ ​
North Beckley Plaza  ​ ​
Toll ClassAxlesVehicle TypeWV E-ZPass® Personal Account Rate  
​WV E-ZPass® Personal ​Account Rate  
12Single Fee Discount Program$0.00 With valid Single Fee Discount Plan ​ ​
$0.00 With valid Single Fee Discount Plan ​
Toll ClassAxlesVehicle TypeCash RateWV E-ZPass® Commercial Rate
E-ZPass® Rate
WV E-ZPass®
Commercial Rate
E-ZPass® Rate
12Passenger Cars/Pickup Trucks/Motorcycles and Passenger Vans (under 7'6")$4.50$2.93
Toll ClassAxlesVehicle TypeCash RateWV E-ZPass® Personal Pre Paid Account & Commercial Rate
E-ZPass® Rate
Pay-by-PlateWV E-ZPass® Personal Pre Paid Account & Commercial Rate
E-ZPass® Rate
23+Passenger Cars/Pickup Trucks with a trailer (under 7'6")$5.50$3.58
2 - 3Motor Home$5.50$3.58
43+Motor Home with a trailer$7.00$4.55$7.00$2.65$1.72
Toll ClassAxlesVehicle TypeCash RateWV E-ZPass® Commercial Rate
E-ZPass® Rate
WV E-ZPass®
Commercial Rate
E-ZPass® Rate
2 Axle Trucks$7.00$5.60$6.10$1.76$1.41
633 Axle Trucks$10.00$8.00$8.70$2.65
744 Axle Trucks$14.00$11.20$12.20
855 Axle Trucks$15.00$12.00$13.00
96+6+ Axle Trucks$21.00$16.80$18.25
10 Oversize Trucks$27.00$21.60$23.50$15.88​

Single Fee Discount Plan

Valid for Personal Account plans beginning January 1, 2025. Cost is $27.50 (plus one-time transponder issuance fee of $13) per transponder for unlimited use of the entire West Virginia Turnpike for a period of one year from date of activation.  Single Fee Discount Plans and transponders are non-refundable.

​​Click here to view FAQ's about the WV E-ZPass Single-Fee Discount Plan

​​​​Click here to renew your WV E-ZPass Single-F​ee Discount Plan.​​

Click here for instructions on how to renew the E-ZPASS Single-Fee Discount Plan.​​


Commercial Discount Plan – West Virginia E-ZPass Account

There is a $25.00 charge for the purchase of each E-ZPass® transponder (non-refundable).  Rates are based on the West Virginia Toll Rates table above under the column “WV Commercial E-ZPass Rate”.

Example:  For a 5 axle tractor trailer, the cost per toll plaza of $11.34 will be deducted from an E-ZPass ® pre-paid account as opposed to a cash rate of $14.25.


Commercial Discount Plan – Non-West Virginia E-ZPass Account

Accounts are opened and managed by other E-ZPass® agencies, so there is no pa​perwork, account maintenance, or charge for transponders.  Rates are based on the West Virginia Toll Rates table above under the column “Non-WV E-Pass® Rate”.

Example:  For a 5 axle tractor trailer, the cost per toll plaza of $12.33 will be charged to your Non-West Virginia E-ZPass® account, as opposed to a cash rate of $14.25.