
WV Transportation

WV Transportation

WV Transportation

WV Department of Transportation

Upcoming Highways Consultant Contracts

Alternate Project Delivery

Due DateStatusSummary
Closed: Short-Listed
Short-Listed Firms
American Bridge
The West Virginia Department of Transportation, Division of Highways (DOH) seeks to design and construct a bridge across the Ohio River from near Wellsburg in Brooke County, West Virginia to Brilliant in Jefferson County, Ohio on new location using a Public-Private Partnership method.  The purpose of the Request For Qualifications (RFQ) was to solicit letters of interest and qualifications from firms interested in providing the services described in the RFQ.  It is scheduled for letting in July 2016.  Further project details are located at http://WWW.BIDX.COM.  Any questions concerning this notification should be submitted via BIDX.
Closed: Short-Listed
Short-Listed Consultants
Trumbull Corporation and Kokosing Construction Company, Inc. with TRC Engineers, Inc.

Flatiron Constructors, Inc. and Beaver Excavating Company, with Michael Baker International, Inc.

Joseph B. Fay Company and Orders Construction Company, with GAI Consultants Inc.

The West Virginia Department of Transportation, Division of Highways (DOH) seeks to design and construct the renovation (preservation, rehabilitation, or replacement) of roadway and bridge facilities along the I-70 Corridor in Ohio County, West Virginia from the Ohio State Line to mile marker 12.5, near the Stulphire Bridges using a Design Build method. An additional adjoining bridge structure in Ohio (Ohio Back Channel Bridge) is also included. The purpose of the Request for Qualifications (RFQ) was to solicit letters of interest and qualifications from firms interested in providing the services described in the RFQ.  It is scheduled for letting in June 2018.  Further project details are located at http://WWW.BIDX.COM.  Any questions concerning this notification should be submitted via BIDX


6/10/2021Closed: Selected
CALL 21-003 Selected CALL 21-004 Selected
Sealed proposals will be received by the West Virginia Department of Transportation, Division of Highways at its central Right of Way office in Building Five, Room A-618, 1900 Kanawha Boulevard, East, Charleston, West Virginia 25305-0430 until 4:00 p.m. June 10th, 2021.  Due to COVID-19 restrictions to Capitol building access, a virtual opening of bids will be conducted on the next business day, June 11th, 2021, at 11:00 a.m. where said proposals will be opened and read immediately thereafter for the appraisal or appraisal review services for the following project:       
                CALL 21-003 – Appraisal Services – State Project: U331-59-0.00 00; Federal Project: STP-0059(007)D; Van Voorhis Road, Monongalia County, West Virginia; Appraisal approx. 23 Parcels. See proposal for more detailed information.
                CALL 21-004 – Appraisal Review Services – State Project: U331-59-0.00 00; Federal Project: STP-0059(007)D; Van Voorhis Road, Monongalia County, West Virginia; Appraisal approx. 23 Parcels. See proposal for more detailed information.
Sealed proposals will be received by the West Virginia Department of Transportation, Division of Highways at its central Right of Way office in Building Five, Room 820, 1900 Kanawha Boulevard, East, Charleston, West Virginia 25305-0430 until 4:00 p.m. February 11th, 2021. 

Due to COVID-19 restrictions to Capitol building access, a virtual opening of bids will be conducted on the next business day, February 12, 2021, at 11:00 a.m. where said proposals will be opened and read immediately thereafter for the appraisal or appraisal review services for the following project:       

                CALL 21-001 – Appraisal Services – State Project: U320-622-1.96 00; Federal Project: STGB-0622(029)D; WV 622 – Cross Lanes, Kanawha County, West Virginia; Appraisal approx. 45 Parcels. See proposal for more detailed information.

                CALL 21-002 – Appraisal Review Services – State Project: U320-622-1.96 00; Federal Project: STGB-0622(029)D; WV 622 – Cross Lanes, Kanawha County, West Virginia; Appraisal Review approx. 45 Parcels. See proposal for more detailed information.
10/3/2019Closed: Selected
CALL 19-007    Selected Kent Kesecker

CALL 19-008    Selected Jennings R. Bradford

Sealed proposals will be received by the West Virginia Department of Transportation, Division of Highways at its central Right of Way office in Building Five, Room 820, 1900 Kanawha Boulevard, East, Charleston, West Virginia 25305-0430 until 4:00 p.m. October 3rd, 2019.  The next business day at 11:00 a.m. the said proposals will be publicly opened and read immediately thereafter for the appraisal or appraisal review services for the following project:       
                CALL 19-007 State Project: X341-ZWA/Y-1.00 02; Federal Project: STP-0019(428)D; Shady Springs to Beaver, Raleigh County, West Virginia; Appraisal approx. 87 Parcels. See proposal for more detailed information.
                CALL 19-008 State Project: X341-ZWA/Y-1.00 02; Federal Project: STP-0019(428)D; Shady Springs to Beaver, Raleigh County, West Virginia; Appraisal Review approx. 87 Parcels. See proposal for more detailed information.
8/22/2019Closed: Withdrawn

Sealed proposals will be received by the West Virginia Department of Transportation, Division of Highways at its central Right of Way office in Building Five, Room 820, 1900 Kanawha Boulevard, East, Charleston, West Virginia 25305-0430 until 4:00 p.m. August 22, 2019.  The next business day at 11:00 a.m. the said proposals will be publicly opened and read immediately thereafter for the appraisal or appraisal review services for the following project:       

CALL 19-005 State Project: X341-ZWA/Y-1.00 02; Federal Project: STP-0019(428)D; Shady Springs to Beaver, Raleigh County, West Virginia; Appraisal approx. 158 Parcels. See proposal for more detailed information.

CALL 19-006 State Project: X341-ZWA/Y-1.00 02; Federal Project: STP-0019(428)D; Shady Springs to Beaver, Raleigh County, West Virginia; Appraisal Review approx. 158 Parcels. See proposal for more detailed information.
7/25/2019Closed: Selected
CALL 19-003 Selected Joseph A. Chico
CALL 19-004 Selected Robert M. Pratt
Sealed proposals will be received by the West Virginia Department of Transportation, Division of Highways at its central Right of Way office in Building Five, Room 820, 1900 Kanawha Boulevard, East, Charleston, West Virginia 25305-0430 until 4:00 p.m. July 25, 2019.  The next business day at 11:00 a.m. the said proposals will be publicly opened and read immediately thereafter for the appraisal or appraisal review services for the following project:       
                CALL 19-003 State Project: U354-2-23.11 07; Federal Project: NHPP-0002(595)D; Parkersburg – St. Marys Road, Wood County, West Virginia; Appraisal approx. 89 Parcels. See proposal for more detailed information.
                CALL 19-004 State Project: U354-2-23.11 07; Federal Project: NHPP-0002(595)D; Parkersburg – St. Marys Road, Wood County, West Virginia; Appraisal Review approx. 89 Parcels. See proposal for more detailed information.
6/21/2019Closed: Selected

CALL 19-001    Selected Kent Kesecker

CALL 19-002    Selected Randy Bradford

Sealed proposals will be received by the West Virginia Department of Transportation, Division of Highways at its central Right of Way office in Building Five, Room 820, 1900 Kanawha Boulevard, East, Charleston, West Virginia 25305-0430 until 4:00 p.m. June 21st, 2019.  The next business day at 11:00 a.m. the said proposals will be publicly opened and read immediately thereafter for the appraisal or appraisal review services for the following project:      
CALL 19-001 State Project: U333-522-11.92 00; Federal Project: NH-0522(018)C; Winchester Grade Road, Morgan County, West Virginia; Appraisal approx. 78 Parcels. See proposal for more detailed information.
CALL 19-002 State Project: U333-522-11.92 00; Federal Project: NH-0522(018)C; Winchester Grade Road, Morgan County, West Virginia; Appraisal Review approx. 78 Parcels. See proposal for more detailed information.
3/30/2018Closed: Selected
Call 18-005 Selected Joe Chico
Call 18-006 Selected Philip W. Swartz

Sealed proposals will be received by the West Virginia Department of Transportation, Division of Highways at its central Right of Way office in Building Five, Room 820, 1900 Kanawha Boulevard, East, Charleston, West Virginia 25305-0430 until 4:00 p.m. March 30, 2018.  The next business day at 11:00 a.m. the said proposals will be publicly opened and read immediately thereafter for the appraisal or appraisal review services for the following project:      

 CALL 18-005 – Appraisal Services - State Project: X342-H-40.21 05; Federal Project: NHPP-0484(322) Corridor H – WV 72 Interchange to Parsons, Randolph and Tucker Counties, West Virginia; Appraisal approx. 29 Parcels. See proposal for more detailed information.

CALL 18-006 – Appraisal Review Services - State Project: X342-H-40.21 05; Federal Project: NHPP-0484(322) Corridor H – WV 72 Interchange to Parsons, Randolph and Tucker Counties, West Virginia; Appraisal approx. 29 Parcels. See proposal for more detailed information.



3/23/2018Closed: Withdrawn
Sealed proposals will be received by the West Virginia Department of Transportation, Division of Highways at its central Right of Way office in Building Five, Room 820, 1900 Kanawha Boulevard, East, Charleston, West Virginia 25305-0430 until 4:00 p.m., March 23, 2018.  The next business day at 11:00 a.m. the said proposals will be publicly opened and read immediately thereafter for the following projects:     
2/26/2018Closed: Selected

CALL 18-003    Selected Kent Kesecker

CALL 18-004    Selected Robert M. Pratt

Sealed proposals will be received by the West Virginia Department of Transportation, Division of Highways at its central Right of Way office in Building Five, Room 820, 1900 Kanawha Boulevard, East, Charleston, West Virginia 25305-0430 until 4:00 p.m. February 26, 2018.  The next business day at 11:00 a.m. the said proposals will be publicly opened and read immediately thereafter for the appraisal or appraisal review services for the following project:      
                CALL 18-003 State Project: X342-H-40.21 04; Federal Project: NHPP-0484(320); Corridor H – US 219 Connector to WV 72 Interchange, Randolph and Tucker Counties, West Virginia; Appraisal approx. 35 Parcels. See proposal for more detailed information.
                CALL 18-004 State Project: X342-H-40.21 04; Federal Project: NHPP-0484(320); Corridor H – US 219 Connector to WV 72 Interchange, Randolph and Tucker Counties, West Virginia; Appraisal approx. 35 Parcels. See proposal for more detailed information.
8/11/2017Closed: Selected
Call 18-001 Kent Kesecker
Call 18-002 R. Scott Barber
Bids for Appraisers and Review Appraisers for State Project : U320-601-0.00 00 Federal Project: STP-0601(002)D Jefferson Road Improvement, Kanawha County, West Virginia.
2/17/2017Closed: Selected
Call 17-001 Robert Elliot, Jr.
Call 17-002 B. Scott Ware
Bids for Appraisers and Appraiser Review Services for State Project U331-119-16.00 03 Federal Project STP-0119(384)D Monongalia County.
12/31/2016Closed: Short-Listed

Notice is hereby given by the West Virginia Department of Transportation, Division of Highways, that Right of Way Appraisal and Appraisal Review services related to transportation projects will be used for statewide projects. Future projects will be advertised and awarded on a low-bid basis.

12/31/2015Closed: Short-Listed

Notice is hereby given by the West Virginia Department of Transportation, Division of Highways, that Right of Way Appraisal and Appraisal Review services related to transportation projects will be used for statewide projects.  Future projects will be advertised and awarded on a low-bid basis.

11/20/2015Closed: Short-Listed

Appraisal Reviewer Short-Listed
Scott Barber
Scott Ware
David Casto

Appraisal Reviewer Selected
Scott Barber

    Appraisal reviews on Project S341-B-2.80, East Beckley By-Pass Slide Repair, Raleigh County, WV.
8/14/2015Closed: Selected
Call 15-009 Kent Kesecker
Call 15-010 R. Scott Barber
Bids for Appraisers and Appraisers Review Services for State Project X342-H-40.21 00 Federal Project NHPP-0484(317) Randolph & Tucker Counties.
5/8/2015Closed: Selected
Call 15-007 Kent Kesecker
Call 15-008 R. Scott Barber
Bids for Appraisers and Appraisers Review Services for State Project U354-14-8.69 00 Federal Project STP-0014(112)D Wood County.
4/10/2015Closed: Selected
15-005 Robert R Elliott, Jr
15-006 David C. Casto
Bids for Appraisers and Appraisers Review Services for State Project X302-51-5.18 00 Berkeley County
2/27/2015Closed: Selected
Call 15-003  B. Scott Ware
Call 15-004  Jennings R. Bradford
Bids for Appraisers and Appraisers Review Services for State Project U306-10-13.36  00 Cabell County.
1/23/2015Closed: Selected
Call 15-001  no bids, requested use of alternate procedure
 15-002  J.R. Bradford
Bids for Appraisers and Appraisers Review Services for State Project U331-119-16.00 04 Federal Project STP-0119(372)D Monongalia County.
12/31/2014Closed: Short-Listed
Notice is hereby given by the West Virginia Department of Transportation, Division of Highways, that Right of Way Appraisal and Appraisal Review Services related to Transportation projects will be used for statewide projects. Future projects will be advertised and awarded on a low-bid basis
12/18/2014Closed: Selected
Call 14-002 Roscoe Shiplett
Call 14-003 R. Scott Barber
Bids for Appraisers and Appraisers Review Services for State Project X341-125-0.02 00Federal Project DE-0062(824)T Raleigh and Summers Counties.
9/3/2014Closed: Selected
Call 14-001 - Joseph A Chico III
Bids for Appraisers and Appraisers Review Services for State Project N081-BLD/GR-0.00, Randolph County Maintenance Headquarters, Randolph County.
12/31/2013Closed: Selected
Notice is hereby given by the West Virginia Department of Transportation, Division of Highways, that Right of Way Appraisal and Appraisal Review Services related to Transportation projects will be used for statewide projects. Future projects will be advertised and awarded on a low-bid basis
10/17/2013Closed: Selected
Call 026 - Mark Pilcher
Call 028 - Mark Pilcher
Call 029 - Alternate Procedure
Call 030 - Alternate Procedure
Bids for Appraisers for State Project S342-219-19.12, Federal Project BR-0219(148)D, Randolph County, Project N081-BLD/GR-0.00, WAYN0001 Wayne County, Lease No. 54-0354 Wood County, and Lease Number 08-0344 Roane County.
8/23/2013Closed: Selected
Call 024 Kent Kesecker
Call 025 R. Scott Barber
Bids for Appraisers and Appraisers Review Services for State Project S325-FAI/RM-1 00 Federal Project BR-2000(026)D Marion County.
7/8/2013Closed: Short-Listed
Call 023 no bids received
Bids for Appraisers for State Project S331-7-26.01, Federal Project BR-0007(195)D, Monongalia County.
6/24/2013Closed: Withdrawn
Call 022  withdrawn
Bids for Appraisers for State Project S346-9-0.03 00, Federal Project BR-0009(142)D/STP-0009(142)D, Taylor County.
4/25/2013Closed: Selected
Call 019 Kent Kesecker
Call 020 Roscoe Shiplett
Call 021 R. Scott Baber
Bids for Appraisers for State Project U341-19-14.47 05 Raleigh County, and for Appraisers and Appraisers Review Services for State Project S323-12/4-0.05, Federal Project BR-0124(003)D, Logan County.
3/5/2013Closed: Selected
Call 017  Mark A. Pilcher
Call 018 Mark A. Pilcher
Bids for Appraisers for State Project S342-219-25.40, Federal Project NH-0219(322)D, Randolph County and for State project S342-22-14.01 00, Randolph County.
12/31/2012Closed: Selected
Notice is hereby given by the West Virginia Department of Transportation, Division of Highways, that Right of Way Appraisal and Appraisal Review services related to transportation projects will be used for statewide projects. Future projects will be advertised and awarded on a low-bid basis.
12/5/2012Closed: Selected
Call 16 - Roscoe Shiplett
Bids for Appraisers  for State Project S322-5/9-7.47, Lincoln County.
9/19/2012Closed: Selected
Call 012 Mark A. Pilcher
Call 013 Jeff Parsons
Call 014 Philip Lucas
Bids for Appraisers and Review Appraisers, Bids for Specialty Merchantable Timber Valuation and Bids for Specialty Gas Well Valuation  for State Project S323-10-16.20 00, Federal Project EOAP-0010(213)D, Loagn County.
9/19/2012Closed: Selected
Call 015 Dana Burns
Bids for Specialty Mineral Valuation (Coal) for State Project S323-10-16.20 00, Federal Project EOAP-0010(213)D, Logan County
9/7/2012Closed: Selected
Bids for Appraisal State Projects Lease No. 251-0635 Ohio County, Lease No. 174-0635 Ohio County, Property Management No.PM11-4-MARI-1, and Property Management No. PM10-4-MONO-1.
7/30/2012Closed: Selected
Call 007 Mark A. Pilcher
Bids for Appraisal Services for State Project N081-BLD/GR-0.00, Pocahontas Co Headquarters
7/11/2012Closed: Selected
Call 006 Kent Kesecker
Bids for Appraisal Services for State Project U341-19-14.47
4/19/2012Closed: Selected
Call 001, Alternate Procedures
Call 002, B. Scott Ware
Call 003, B. Scott Ware
Call 004, B. Scott Ware
Call 005, B. Scott Ware
Bids for Appraisal Services for State Project U315-105-0.00 05, Federal Project STP-0105(085)D and State Projects Lease No. 274-0635, Lease No. 175-0635, Lease No.27-0615, and Lease No. 56-0626.
12/31/2011Closed: Selected
Notice is hereby given by the West Virginia Department of Transportation, Division of Highways, that Right of Way Appraisal and Appraisal Review services related to transportation projects will be used for statewide projects. Future projects will be advertised and awarded on a low-bid basis.
11/3/2011Closed: Selected
Call 54, Philip Lucas
Bids for Specialty Mineral Valuation (Coal) for State Project U326-2-6.46.
10/19/2011Closed: Selected
Call 052 Gerald Terry
Call 053 J. R. Bradford
Bids for Appraisal Services and Appraisal Review Services for State Project S343-50/34-0.11 00, Federal Project BR-5034(002)D.
9/26/2011Closed: Selected
Call 050 Joseph A. Chico, III
Call 051 B. Scott Ware
Bids for Appraisal Services and Appraisal Review Services for State Project PM10-4-MONO-2
8/25/2011Closed: Selected
Call 043 Mark A. Pilcher
ReBids for Second Appraisals for State Project S323-10-16.20 00, Federal Project EOAP-0010(213)D
8/4/2011Closed: Selected
Call 033 Eugene Zdrojewski, Jr.
Call 034 R. Scott Barber
Call 039 Rob Johnston
Call 040 R. Scott Barber
Call 041 Jeff Parsons
Call 042 Phillip Lucas
Call 043 To Be Rebid
Call 044 R. Scott Barber
Call 045 Withdrawn
Call 046 Withdrawn
Bids for Appraisal Services and Appraisal Review Services for State Project U306-10-1.46, Federal Project STP-0010(199)D, and Second Appraisals and Appraisal Review Services for State Project S323-10-16.20 00, Federal Project EOAP-0010(213)D and State Project S323-10-12.56 00, Federal Project TCSP-0010(202)D. Bids for Appraisal Services and Appraisal Review Services,  Specialty Timber and Coal Valuation for State Project S323-10-12.56 00, Federal Project TCSP-0010(202)D.
6/30/2011Closed: Selected
Call 032 In-House
Bids for Appraisal Review Services for State Project N081-BLD/GR-0.00, PM# GRAN0009.
6/21/2011Closed: Selected
Call 030 Phillip Lucas
Call 031 Kent Kesecker
Bids for Specialty Mineral Valuation (Coal) for State Project X47-H-66.85, Federal Project APD-0484(184)C, and Bids for Appraisal Services for State Project X47-H-66.85, Federal Project APD-0484(184)C.
6/6/2011Closed: Selected
Call 028 Mark Sturgill
Call 029 Phillip Lucas
Bids for Specialty Merchantable Timber Valuation and Specialty Mineral Valuation (Coal) for State Project X355-121-16.65, Federal Project HPP-0121(013)
5/18/2011Closed: Selected
Call 019 Alternate Procedure
Call 020 R. Scott Barber
Call 027 Rob Johnston
Bids for Appraisal Services and Appraisal Review Services for State Project S342-219-28.84, Federal Project BR-0219(309)D, and Bids for Appraisal Services for State Project  S348-18/7-3.86, Federal Project BR-0187(032)D.
5/9/2011Closed: Short-Listed
Alternate Procedure
Bids for Appraisal Services for State Project  PM02-6-OHIO-1, Lease No. 254-0635.
4/26/2011Closed: Withdrawn
Call 025 In-House
Bids for Appraisal Services for State Project  PM90-8-RAND-6, Lease No. 59-0842.
4/21/2011Closed: Selected
Call 019 To be Rebid
Call 020 To be Rebid
Call 021 Joseph A. Chico III
Call 022 David C. Casto
Call 023 Joseph A. Chico III
Call 024 In-House
Bids for Appraisal Services and Appraisal Review Services for State Project S342-219-28.84, Federal Project BR-0219(309)D, Bids for Appraisal Services and Appraisal Review Services  for State Project S331-MOR/GA-8.00, Federal Project BR-2000(023)D, and Bids for Appraisal Services and Appraisal Review Services  for State Project S331-7-20.44 00, Federal Project BR-0007(176)D.
4/13/2011Closed: Selected
Call 015 Phillip Lucas
Call 016 In-House
Bids for Specialty Mineral Valuation (Coal) and Specialty Mineral Valuation Review (Coal) for State Project U350-52-10.85, Federal Project DPS-0011(056).
4/13/2011Closed: Selected

Call 011 Alternate Procedure
Call 017 In-House
Call 018 R. Scott Barber

Bids for Appraisal Services and Appraisal Review Services for State Project S322-10-0.40, Federal Project STP-0010(185)D. Rebids for Appraisal Services for State Project U330-6-0.52, Federal Project BR-0006(026)D.
3/17/2011Closed: Selected
Call 013 In-House
Call 014 In-House
Bids for Appraisal Services and Appraisal  Review Services for State Project  PM84-6-HANC-3, Lease No. 27-0615.
3/10/2011Closed: Selected
Call 011 to be rebid
Call 012 David C. Casto
Call 003 Rebid awaiting technical review
Bids for Appraisal Services and Appraisal Review Services for State Project S330-6-0.52, Federal Project BR-0006(026)D. Rebids for Appraisal Services for State Project U331-705-0.68 00, Federal Project STP-0705(007)D.
2/8/2011Closed: Selected
Call 050 Rebid  Roscoe Shiplett
Call 001 Rob Johnston
Call 002 In-House
Call 003  To be Rebid
Call 004 Phillip Swartz
Call 005 Eugene Zdrojewski, Jr.
Call 006 R. Scott Barber
Call 007 Thomas Gray
Call 008 In-House
Call 009 Thomas Gray
Call 010 In-House
ReBid for Appraisal Services for State Project U354-14-11.08, Federal Project CMAQ-0014(109)D.  Bids for Appraisal Services & Appraisal Review Services for State Project S317-9-5.09, Federal Project BR-0009(154)D, State Project U331-705-0.68 00, Federal Project STP-0705(007)D, & State Project N081-BLD/GR-0.00/G020-HDQ-6 00. Bids for Coal Valuation Report & Coal Valuation Review for State Project S323-10-12.56 00, Federal Project TCSP-0010(202)D and Bids for Mineral Valuation & Mineral Valuation Review (Gas Wells) for State Project X312-H-79.05, Federal Project APD-0484(196).
1/3/2011Closed: Selected
Call 044Rebid  Phillip Lucas
Call 045Rebid  R. Scott Barber
Call 048 Linda York
Call 049 Gerald Terry
Call 050 To be Rebid
Call 051 R. Scott Barber
Call 052 Roscoe Shiplett
ReBid for Coal Valuation Report for State Project S323-10-16.20 02, Federal Project EQAP-0010(213)D, and Appraisal Services for State Project U306-10-17.90, Federal Project NH-0010(144)D. Bids for Appraisal Services and Appraisal Review Services for State Project S323-10-12.56 00, Federal Project TCSP-0010(202)D and State Project U354-14-11.08, Federal Project CMAQ-0014(109)D. Bids for Appraisal Services for State Project S323-10-8.61, Federal Project HP-1159(012)C.
1/3/2011Closed: Selected
Call 053 Alternate Procedure
Call 054 R. Scott Barber
Bids for Appraisal Services and Appraisal Review Services for State Project S324-83/14-0.03, Federal Project BR-8314(002)D.
12/31/2010Closed: To Be Rebid
See new Bid Close Date 12/31/11
Notice is hereby given by the West Virginia Department of Transportation, Division of Highways, that Right of Way Appraisal and Appraisal Review services related to transportation projects will be used for statewide projects. Future projects will be advertised and awarded on a low-bid basis.
11/30/2010Closed: Selected
Call 39 Kent Kesecker
Call 40 Gerry Terry
Call 41 Mark A. Pilcher
Call 42 Gerry Terry
Call 43 Jeff Parsons
Call 44 To be Rebid
Call 45 To be Rebid
Bids for Appraisal Services and Appraisal Review Services for State Project X347-H-68.86, Federal Project APD-0484(186)C, and Appraisal Services for State Project U306-10-17.90, Federal Project NH-0010(144)D. Bids for Appraisal Services and Appraisal Review Services, Timber and Coal Valuation for  State Project S323-10-16.20 02, Federal Project EOAP-0010(213)D.
11/30/2010Closed: Selected
Call 46 Roscoe Shiplett
Call 47 Gerald Terry
Bids for Appraisal Services and Appraisal Review Services for State Project S302-1-1.57, Federal Project BR-0001(224)D.
11/16/2010Closed: Selected
Call 36 Inhouse
Call 37 Mark A. Pilcher
Call 38 Gerald Terry
Bids for Appraisal and Appraisal Review Services for State Project U318-21-16.70, Fed. No. STPG-0021(048)D and State Project U347-219-7.45, Fed. No. TCSP-06WV(001)E.
10/27/2010Closed: Withdrawn
Call 35 Inhouse
Bids for Appraisal Services for State Project S309-23-7.90, Federal  Project BR-0023(023)D.
10/20/2010Closed: Selected
Call 030 REBID to be performed in House
Call 032 REBID to be performed in House
Call 034 Mark A. Pilcher
ReBids for Appraisal Services for State Project  PM08-4-MONO-1, Federal Project APD-483(25),  State Project PM87-6-MARS-1, Lease No. 54-0626, and Bid for Appraisal Services for Project F-157(9), Lease No. 41-0842.
10/13/2010Closed: Selected
Call 029 Roscoe Shiplett
ReBid for Appraisal Services for State Project S341-3-23.60, Federal  Project BR-0003(109)D.
9/28/2010Closed: Selected
Call 030 To be Rebid
Call 031 Gerald Terry
Call 032 To be Rebid
Call 033 Gerald Terry
Bids for Appraisal Services and Appraisal Review Services for State Project PM08-4-MONO-1, Federal Project APD-483(25), and State Project PM87-6-MARS-1, Lease No. 54-0626.
9/21/2010Closed: Selected
Call 027Phillip Lucas
Bid for Appraisal Services for State Project X347-H-64.85, Fed. No. APD-0484(182)C.
9/21/2010Closed: Selected
Call 028 Eugene Zdrojewski, Jr.
Call 029 to be rebid
Bids for Appraisal Services for State Project S340-35-1.06, Fed. No. BR-0035(117)D and State Project S341-3-23.60, Fed. No. BR-0003(109)D.
9/13/2010Closed: Selected
Call 020 REBID Eugene Zdrojewski, Jr.
Call 022 REBID Eugene Zdrojewski, Jr.
Call 023 REBID Eugene Zdrojewski, Jr.
ReBid for Appraisal Services for Project PM10-7-BRAX-1,  Project PM09-4-MARI-1and Project PM09-4-MARI-5.
8/24/2010Closed: Selected
Call 025 Rob Johnston
Call 026 Gerald Terry
Bid for Appraisal and Appraisal Review Services for State Project S317-19-26.19, Fed. No. BR-0019(196)D.
8/16/2010Closed: Selected
Call 020 To be Rebid
Call 021 Gerald Terry
Call 022 To be Rebid
Call 023 To be Rebid
Call 024 Gerald Terry
Bids for Appraisal and Appraisal Review Services for Project PM10-7-BRAX-1 and Project PM09-4-MARI-5, and Bids for Appraisal for Project PM09-4-MARI-1.
8/11/2010Closed: Selected
Alt. A Selected
Call 001 Kent Kesecker
Call 002 R Scott Barber

Alt. B withdrawn
Call 019 Jeff Parsons
Bid for Appraisal and Appraisal Review Services for State Project U340-35-19.00, Fed. No. HPP-0035(173), a MANDATORY PRE-BID MEETING will be held on: Thursday, August 5, 2010 at 1:00 p. m.   All prospective bidders from the agency’s approved appraiser/review list MUST attend this Pre-Bid Meeting in order to bid on this Project. Bidders not attending the pre-Bid meeting will be disqualified.
8/4/2010Closed: Selected
Call 015 Eugene Zdrojewski, Jr
Call 016 Gerald Terry
Bid for Appraisal and Appraisal Review Services for State Project X347-H-64.85, Fed. No. APD-0484(182)C.
7/13/2010Closed: Selected
Call 011 Mark A. Pilcher
Call 012 Gerald Terry
Call 013 Eugene Zdrojewski, Jr.
Call 014 Gerald Terry
Bid for Appraisal and Appraisal Review Services for State Project S342-33-18.68 00, Fed. No. NFA-0033(226),  and Project PM Lease #27-0721.
6/28/2010Closed: Selected
Call 009 Roscoe Shiplett
Call 010 Roscoe Shiplett
Bid for Appraisal and Appraisal Review Services for State Project S323-73-2.31 00.
6/16/2010Closed: Selected
Call 003 Mark A. Pilcher
Rebid for Appraisal Services for State Project U330-65/5-0.25 00, Fed Project BR-0655(012)D.
6/8/2010Closed: Selected
Call 006 Gerald Terry
Call 007 Kent Kesecker
Bid for Appraisal and Appraisal Review Services for State Project X347-H-74.85 00, Fed. No. APD-0484(192).
5/19/2010Closed: Selected

Call 036 Rebid   hold for review

Call 037 Rebid  Eugene Zdrojewski

Call 002    Robert Pratt

Call 003  to be rebid

Call 004  R. Scott Barber

Call 005  Dean E. Dawson

Bids for Appraisal and Appraisal Review Services for State Project U330-65/5-0.25 00, Fed Project BR-0655(012)D and State Project U341-19-14.47, Rebid for Appraisal Services for Project S339-7-2.32 00 00 and Rebid for Appraisal for State Projects  S309-18-15.92 00,  Fed Project NFA-0018(126)
4/28/2010Closed: Selected
Call 001 Joseph A. Chico, III
Bid for Appraisal and Appraisal Review Services for State Project S342-219-12.59 00, Fed. No. BR-0219(264)D.
4/13/2010Closed: Selected

Call 031 Dean E. Dawson

Call 032 R. Scott Barber

Call 033 Dean E. Dawson

Call 034 R. Scott Barber

Call 035 Phillip Lucas

Call 036 to be rebid

Call 037 to be rebid

Call 038 Gerald Terry

Bid for Appraisal and Appraisal Review Services for State Project S323-73-2.31 00, State Project S323-10-12.56 00, State Project S339-7-2.32 00 and State Project S309-18-15.92 00, Fed. No. NFA-0018(126).
3/31/2010Closed: Selected

Call 027  Linda York

Call 028 David C. Casto

Call 029 Phillip Lucas

Call 030 Mark A. Pilcher

Bid for Appraisal, Appraisal Review Services and Minerals/Quarry Valuation for State Projects U320-214/13-0.00 00 and Bid for Appraisal Services for Project S327-62-20.53, Fed Project BR-0062(807)D
3/17/2010Closed: Selected

Call 025 and 026 Closed Withdrawn

Call 001 rebid Joseph A. Chico, III

Call 012 rebid  Rob Johnson
Bid for Appraisal and Appraisal Review Services for State Projects U341-19-14.47 and Rebid for Appraisal Services for Project S304-1-4.02 00 and Project N081-BLD/GR-0.00
3/17/2010Closed: Selected

Call 019 Rob Johnston

Call 020 Gerald Terry

Call 021 R Scott Barber

Call 022 Gerald Terry

Call 023 Rob Johnston

Call 024 Gerald Terry

Bid for Appraisal and Appraisal Review Services for State Project S352-9-4.54, Fed. No. BR-0009(146)E,  Project PM Lease #12-0704 and State Project X341-125-0.02, Fed. No. DE-0062(824)T
2/24/2010Closed: Selected

Call 014  Roscoe Shiplett

Call 015 Joseph A. Chico, III

Call 016 Robert Pratt

Call 017 Joseph A. Chico, III

Call 018 Robert Pratt

Bid for Appraisal and Appraisal Review Services for State Projects U319-17-0.43, Fed. No. NFA-0017(085),  Project PM09-4-MONO-1 and Project PM08-4-MONO-5
2/16/2010Closed: Selected

Call 010 Joseph A. Chico, III

Call 011 Gerald Terry

Call 012 will be rebid

Call 013 Gerald Terry

Bid for Appraisal and Appraisal Review Services for State Projects S331-857-10.20, Fed. No. BR-0857(007)D and State Project N081-BLD/GR-0.00
2/10/2010Closed: Selected

Call 006 Roscoe Shiplett

Call 007 Gerald Terry

 Call 008 Mark A. Pilcher

Call 009 Robert Pratt

Bid for Appraisal and Appraisal Review Services for State Projects S302-9/56-0.00, Fed. No. TIP-0956(004)D and State Project S330-65/75-0.01 00
2/9/2010Closed: Selected

Call 004 Mark Sturgill

Call 005 Gerald Terry

Bid for Appraisal and Appraisal Review Services for State Projects N081-BLD/GR-0.00 00 Lewis County
2/9/2010Closed: Selected
Call 001 to be Rebid
Call 002 Gerald Terry
Bid for Appraisal and Appraisal Review Services for State Projects S304-1-4.02 00 and State Project S304-40-0.80 00,Fed.No. BR-0040(045)D
1/26/2010Closed: Selected
Call 007 R. Scott Barber
Call 008 R. Scott Barber
Appraisal and Appraisal Review Services for Lease No. 32-0104, Federal Project I-79-2(18)79 Braxton County and PM06-7-BRAX-7, Braxton County
1/12/2010Closed: Selected
Call 006 Rob Johnston
Appraisal and Appraisal Review Services for State Projects S323-10-12.56 00, STP-0010(202) Logan County. 
12/31/2009Closed: To Be Rebid
Notice is hereby given by the West Virginia Department of Transportation, Division of Highways, that Right of Way Appraisal and Appraisal Review services related to transportation projects will be used for statewide projects. Future projects will be advertised and awarded on a low-bid basis.
12/22/2009Closed: Selected

Call 001  No Bids
Call 002 Mark Pilcher
Call 003 Gerald Terry
Call 004 Joe Chico
Call 005 Gerald Terry

Appraisal and Appraisal Review Services for State Projects S326-21/3-3.36 00, S347-219-8.84 00 BR-0219(098)E, and State Project U354-68-1.66 00 CMAQ-0068(141)D. 
11/24/2009Closed: Selected
Call 001 Joseph A. Chico, III
Call 002 Robert Pratt
Bids for Appraisal And Appraisal Review Services, Project PM08-4-MONO-2.
11/3/2009Closed: Selected
Call 004 Rebid  Rob Johnston
Call 005 Rebid  R. Scott Barber
Rebid for Appraisal and Appraisal Review Services for State Project S324-80-0.02 00
11/3/2009Closed: Selected
Project S323-10-16.20
Call 001 Rebid  Rob Johnston
Call 002 Rebid  R. Scott Barber

Project S306-160/4-0.01
Call 003 Rebid  Mark A. Pilcher
Rebid for Appraisal and Appraisal Review Services for State Projects S323-10-16.20 00 and State Project S306-160/4-0.01 00
10/20/2009Closed: Selected
Call 001 Joseph A. Chico, III
Appraisal Services for State Project U331-67-6.99. Monongalia County 
ReBid for Appraisal and Appraisal Review Services for State Project S315-2/8-0.20
10/6/2009Closed: To Be Rebid
Appraisal and Appraisal Review Services for State Project S323-10-16.20 00 and  State Project S306-160/4-0.01 00 
10/6/2009Closed: To Be Rebid
Appraisal and Appraisal Review Services for State Project S324-80-0.02 00
9/15/2009Closed: Selected
Call 008 Phillip Lucas
Call 009 Jeff Parsons
Appraisal Services for State Project X341-121-0.78 / Federal Project HPP-0052(256)D
9/15/2009Closed: Selected
Call 003 Ken Kesecker
Call 004 Robert Pratt
Appraisal and Appraisal Review Services for State Project X312-H-76.85 / Federal Project APD-0484(194)
9/4/2009Closed: Selected
Call 002 Philip Jackson    
Call 003 J. R. Bradford
Appraisal and Appraisal Review Services for State Project U315-105-0.00 04 / Federal Project STP-0105(084)D
9/4/2009Closed: Selected
Call 001 Linda York
Call 002 R. Scott Barber
Appraisal and Appraisal Review Services for Charles Town Race Track Park Access Road - Jefferson County
8/12/2009Closed: To Be Rebid
Appraisal and Appraisal Review Services for State Project U315-2/8-0.20
8/4/2009Closed: Selected
Call No. 1: R. Scott Barber
Appraisal Services for State Police Concrete Beam Bridge, Wayne County
8/4/2009Closed: Selected
Call 001: John D. D'Angelo
Call 002: To Be Rebid
Call 003: To Be Rebid
Residential and Commercial Appraisal and Appraisal Review for State Project U315-105-0.00 04 / Federal Project STP-0105(084)D
Sealed proposals will be received by the West Virginia Department of Transportation, Division of Highways at its central Right of Way office in Building Five, Room 820, 1900 Kanawha Boulevard, East, Charleston, West Virginia 25305-0430 until 4:00 p.m. February 26, 2018.  The next business day at 11:00 a.m. the said proposals will be publicly opened and read immediately thereafter for the appraisal or appraisal review services for the following project:      
                CALL 18-003 State Project: X342-H-40.21 04; Federal Project: NHPP-0484(320); Corridor H – US 219 Connector to WV 72 Interchange, Randolph and Tucker Counties, West Virginia; Appraisal approx. 35 Parcels. See proposal for more detailed information.
                CALL 18-004 State Project: X342-H-40.21 04; Federal Project: NHPP-0484(320); Corridor H – US 219 Connector to WV 72 Interchange, Randolph and Tucker Counties, West Virginia; Appraisal approx. 35 Parcels. See proposal for more detailed information.


Bids for the disinterment and reinterment of the remains of approximately (11) ELEVEN decedents from the Waugh - Adams Cemetery, Mason County
8/14/2013Closed: Selected
 Chafin Funeral Home
Bids covering the disinterment and reinterment of the remains of approximately (50) Fifty decedents from the Robinette Cemetery, Logan County
9/12/2012Closed: Selected
O. C. Service
Bids covering the disinterment and reinterment of the remains of approximately (21) TWENTY-ONE decedents from the Grimmett Cemetery, Logan County
11/24/2009Closed: Selected
Chafin Funeral Home
Covering the disinterment and reinterment of the remains of approximately (36) THIRTY-SIX decedents from the Milam\Gross and Cook Cemeteries, situate within the right of way limits of the West Virginia Department of Transportation, Division of Highways' Project X341-121-0.78 00, HHP-0052(256)D, Slab Fork District, Raleigh County, West Virginia, to other locations as set forth in the contract proposal


US Navy PO2 R.P. Laderach Memorial Bridge, located in Randolph County, West Virginia. This project includes US Navy PO2 R.P. Laderach Memorial Bridge (BARS No. 42A137), which carries United States Route (US) 219 over Files Creek and is located 0.24 mile south of the junction with County Route (CR) 37/8 and is 84 feet in length and 32 feet in width. This project shall consist of the preparation of contract plans and related documents for the construction of a new bridge at the current location, while maintaining traffic during construction. The professional services for bridge replacement shall include the design of construction plans and right-of-way plans, surveying, geotechnical services, and traffic engineering services. A Design Study will not be a part of these services. The Technical Support Division shall be responsible for all related environmental surveys and documentation required to complete the NEPA and obtain environmental clearance. The Consultant shall reference DD-681 and develop the appropriate Traffic Management Plan. The Consultant shall reference DD-506 and use pollution prevention and discharge reduction methods in the design. As part of WVDOH’s desire to facilitate safety discussions for transportation projects, the Consultant shall complete and submit to the Traffic Engineering Division the Safety Assessment for Every Roadway (SAFER) Form for the project as part of the Preliminary Field Review and Final Office Review. Post Design Services, if required, will be by separate Agreement.
STATE PROJECT U302-009 6.53 00 FEDERAL PROJECT (EN) CMAQ-0009(310)D FEDERAL PROJECT (CN) CMAQ-0009(312)D WV 9 SCHOOLHOUSE DR I/S IMPROVEMENT, located in Berkeley County, West Virginia. This project is located on West Virginia Route (WV) 9 at milepost 6.53 and is approximately 0.2 mile long. The project includes the intersection of WV 9 and County Route (CR) 9/33 (Schoolhouse Drive). This project shall consist of the preparation of contract plans for the construction of intersection improvements at WV 9 and CR 9/33. The project shall consist of two phases. Phase I shall be to study intersection improvements that will accomplish the following: • Improve access to CR 9/33 • Improve safety • Reduce congestion on WV 9 • Minimize impacts to adjoining properties Phase II shall be the contract plans and shall be a planned supplement. The professional services include related documents, survey and mapping, environmental services, geotechnical services, and traffic engineering services. The Consultant shall perform all related environmental surveys and documentation required to complete the NEPA and obtain environmental clearance. The Consultant shall reference DD-681 and develop a Traffic Management Plan. The Consultant shall reference DD-506 and use appropriate pollution prevention and discharge reduction methods in the design. As part of the WVDOH’s desire to facilitate safety discussions for transportation projects, the Consultant shall complete and submit to the Traffic Engineering Division, the Safety Assessment for Every Roadway (SAFER) Form for the project as part of the Preliminary Field Review and Final Office Review. Post Design Services, if required, will be by separate Agreement.
Notice is hereby given by the West Virginia Department of Transportation, Division of Highways, that engineering consulting services will be utilized for the following project: STATE PROJECT T699-DARTR 24 00 FEDERAL PROJECT (OT) STBG-2024(087)D CANDY DARTER PROGRAMMATIC AGREEMENT W/USFWS. This project shall consist of writing a Programmatic Agreement (PA) by utilizing data gathering and coordination to establish a streamlined process for handling routine environmental requirements regarding the Candy Darter for commonly encountered project types in West Virginia. The PA will be produced in accordance with Section 7 Endangered Species Act and will focus on repetitive actions at the state level. To develop the PA, the Consultant shall: • Identify the general locations of future projects and the schedules for completion of the projects • Identify areas where the Candy Darter and Candy Darter critical habitat are likely to be impacted by these future projects • Identify recovery plans, biological studies, and biological opinions conducted within the geographic area of these projects in addition to data that the USFWS/WVDNR/WVDEP already have • Identify relevant regional guidance that has undergone Section 7 consultation • In coordination with state and federal agencies including the USFWS, jointly develop general strategies for addressing species conservation needs • Develop avoidance and minimization procedures, such as seasonal restrictions or erosion-control measures, to remove or reduce the risk of direct impacts to listed and proposed listed species and their critical habitat • Group future projects and associated actions according to the appropriate effects categories (e.g. “no effect”, “not likely to adversely affect”, etc.) • Develop methods to offset impacts to listed species and their critical habitat The PA will then be submitted to the Technical Support Division for review and distribution to other interested agencies. The purpose of this PA is to satisfy programmatic consultation requirements under Section 7 of the ESA and will be developed in conjunction with and in accordance with the formal Section 7 Consultation Processes.
1/6/2025Closed: Selected
Selected Consultant
Whitman, Requardt and Associates, LLP
LEVI BAR BRIDGE, located in Calhoun County, West Virginia. The structure carries County Route (CR) 7 over Steer Creek and is located approximately 0.51 mile east of CR 7/5. This project shall consist of the preparation of contract plans and related documents for the construction of a new bridge at the current location while maintaining traffic on a downstream single-lane temporary detour. The professional services include related documents, geotechnical services, and traffic engineering services. A Design Study will not be a part of these services. The Consultant shall reference DD-681 and develop the appropriate Traffic Management Plan, which will also be required. The Consultant shall reference DD 506 and use pollution prevention and discharge reduction methods in the design. As part of the WVDOH’s desire to facilitate safety discussions for transportation projects, the Consultant shall complete and submit to the Traffic Engineering Division, the Safety Assessment for Every Roadway (SAFER) Form for the project as part of the Preliminary Field Review and Final Office Review. NEPA Documentation will be handled in-house by the Technical Support Division. Post Design Services, if required, shall be by a separate Agreement.
12/2/2024Closed: Selected
Selected Consultant
The Mannik & Smith Group, Inc.
STATE PROJECT S342-257/00-0.03 00 FEDERAL PROJECT (EN) STBG-2257(002)DBC FEDERAL PROJECT (CN) STBG-2023(117)DBC DAVIS AVENUE BRIDGE, located in Randolph County, West Virginia. The structure carries Davis Avenue over Tygart Valley River and is located approximately 0.44 mile south of Randolph Avenue in the city of Elkins in Randolph County. This project shall consist of the preparation of contract plans and related documents for the construction of a new bridge at the current location, while maintaining traffic on existing routes during construction. The professional services include related documents, geotechnical services, and traffic engineering services. A Design Study will not be a part of these services. The Consultant shall reference DD-681 and develop the appropriate Traffic Management Plan, which will also be required. The Consultant shall reference DD-506 and use pollution prevention and discharge reduction methods in the design. As part of the WVDOH’s desire to facilitate safety discussions for transportation projects, the Consultant shall complete and submit to the Traffic Engineering Division, the Safety Assessment for Every Roadway (SAFER) Form for the project as part of the Preliminary Field Review and Final Office Review. NEPA Documentation will be handled In-House by the Technical Support Division. Post Design Services will be by separate Agreement.
12/2/2024Closed: Selected
Selected Consultant
Herbert, Rowland & Grubic, Inc.
STATE PROJECT S317-024/00-0.07 00 FEDERAL PROJECT (EN) STBG-0024(042)D FEDERAL PROJECT (CN) STBG-0024(044)D VIRGINIA AVENUE BRIDGE, located in Harrison County, West Virginia. The structure carries Harrison County Route (CR) 24 over Simpson Creek and is located approximately 0.07 mile north of United States Route (US) 50 in the city of Bridgeport in Harrison County. This project shall consist of the preparation of contract plans and related documents for the construction of a new bridge at the current location, while maintaining traffic on existing routes during construction. The professional services include related documents, geotechnical services, and traffic engineering services. A Design Study will not be a part of these services. The Consultant shall reference DD-681 and develop the appropriate Traffic Management Plan, which will also be required. The Consultant shall reference DD-506 and use pollution prevention and discharge reduction methods in the design. As part of the WVDOH’s desire to facilitate safety discussions for transportation projects, the Consultant shall complete and submit to the Traffic Engineering Division, the Safety Assessment for Every Roadway (SAFER) Form for the project as part of the Preliminary Field Review and Final Office Review. NEPA Documentation will be handled In-House by the Technical Support Division. Post Design Services will be by separate Agreement.
11/12/2024Closed: Selected
Selected Consultant
HDR Engineering, Inc.
State Project S205-002-0.09 00, Market St Bridge Replacement, which carries West Virginia (WV) Spur Route 2 across the Ohio River, Ohio Route 7, and Norfolk Southern Railroad. The spans are arranged as follows: spans 1and 2 are girder spans; spans 3 through 6 are truss spans; and spans 7 through 9 are suspension spans. The overall length is 1794.2 feet, and the roadway width is 20.7 feet. This structure was built in 1904 and rehabilitated in 2011. Due to critical deficiencies in the superstructure and serious deficiencies in the substructure, this bridge is currently closed to all vehicular and pedestrian traffic. The professional engineering services shall include, at a minimum, a Design Study, preliminary surveying, a geotechnical overview, traffic engineering services with special consideration to Design Directive 681 - Work Zone Safety and Mobility, NEPA documentation, Natural and Cultural Resource services, and Coast Guard coordination. The Consultant shall reference DD 506 and use pollution prevention and discharge reduction methods in the design. As part of the WVDOH’s desire to facilitate safety discussions for transportation projects, the Consultant shall complete and submit to the Traffic Engineering Division, the Safety Assessment for Every Roadway (SAFER) Form for the project as part of the Preliminary Field Review and Final Office Review. The selected Consultant may also be asked to perform the contract plans and related documents portion of the project. Post Design Services, if required, shall be by a separate Agreement.
11/4/2024Closed: Selected
Selected Consultant
A. Morton Thomas & Associates, Inc.
AMIGO ARCH BRIDGE, located in Raleigh County, West Virginia. The structure carries West Virginia (WV) Route 16 over Devils Fork and is located 0.05 mile north of County Route (CR) 35. The BARS Number is 41A068. This project shall consist of the preparation of contract plans and related documents for the construction of a new bridge at the current location. The professional services include related documents, geotechnical services, and traffic engineering services. A Design Study will not be a part of these services. The Consultant shall reference DD-681 and develop the appropriate Traffic Management Plan, which will also be required. The Consultant shall reference DD 506 and use pollution prevention and discharge reduction methods in the design. As part of the WVDOH's desire to facilitate safety discussions for transportation projects, the Consultant shall complete and submit to the Traffic Engineering Division, the Safety Assessment for Every Roadway (SAFER) Form for the project as part of the Preliminary Field Review and Final Office Review. NEPA Documentation may be included; this will be determined at Scope of Work Meeting. Post Design Services, if required, shall be by a separate Agreement.
11/4/2024Closed: Selected
Selected Consultant
Greenman-Pedersen, Inc.
US ARMY SPC-4 TOMMY JOE BELCHER MEMORIAL BRIDGE, located in Logan County, West Virginia. The structure carries County Route (CR) 3 over Crawley Creek and is located 0.01 mile west of CR 3/2. The Bridge No. is 23-3-4.31 and the BARS No. is 23A005. This project shall consist of the preparation of contract plans and related documents for the construction of a new bridge near its current location, while maintaining traffic on a detour. The project shall be developed in two phases. Phase I of the project shall be to determine an alignment for the new bridge and detour. Phase II (by supplement) shall be the contract plan development. The Consultant shall reference DD 681 and develop the appropriate Traffic Management Plan, which will also be required. The Consultant shall reference DD 506 and use pollution prevention and discharge reduction methods in the design. As part of the WVDOH’s desire to facilitate safety discussions for transportation projects, the Consultant shall complete and submit to the Traffic Engineering Division, the Safety Assessment for Every Roadway (SAFER) Form for the project as part of the Preliminary Field Review and Final Office Review. NEPA Documentation may be included; this will be determined at Scope of Work Meeting. Post Design Services, if required, shall be by a separate Agreement.
10/14/2024Closed: Selected
Selected Consultant
Michael Baker International, Inc.
*** REVISED *** PLEASE NOTE: THE LOQ DUE DATE IS BEING EXTENDED AND WILL NOW BE DUE BY 4:00 P.M. ON 10/14/24 Notice of Consulting Services Notice is hereby given by the West Virginia Department of Transportation, Division of Highways, that engineering consulting services will be utilized for the following project: STATE PROJECT S320-25-12.59 00 FEDERAL PROJECT (EN) HWI-0025(168)D FEDERAL PROJECT (CN) HWI-0025(170)D LITTLEPAGE BR, located in Kanawha County, West Virginia. The structure (BARS 20A316) carries 7th Avenue over Two Mile Creek and is located approximately 0.04 mile west of United States Route (US) 60 in Kanawha County. The BARS Number is 28A087. This project shall consist of the preparation of contract plans and related documents for the construction of a new bridge at the current location, while maintaining traffic on existing routes during construction, as per the recommendations in the Bridge Replacement Study. The professional services include related documents, surveying, geotechnical services, and traffic engineering services. A Design Study will not be a part of these services The Consultant shall reference DD 681 and develop the appropriate Traffic Management Plan, which will also be required. The Consultant shall reference DD 506 and use pollution prevention and discharge reduction methods in the design. As part of the WVDOH’s desire to facilitate safety discussions for transportation projects, the Consultant shall complete and submit to the Traffic Engineering Division, the Safety Assessment for Every Roadway (SAFER) Form for the project as part of the Preliminary Field Review and Final Office Review. NEPA Documentation will be handled in-house by the Technical Support Division. Post Design Services, if required, shall be by a separate Agreement.
10/14/2024Closed: Selected
Selected Consultant
Rummel, Klepper & Kahl, LLP
*** REVISED *** PLEASE NOTE: THE LOQ DUE DATE EXTENIS BEING EXTENDED AND WILL NOW BE DUE BY 4:00 P.M. ON 10/14/24 Notice of Consulting Services Notice is hereby given by the West Virginia Department of Transportation, Division of Highways, that engineering consulting services will be utilized for the following project: STATE PROJECT U302-009/30-0. 00 FEDERAL PROJECT (EN) CMAQ-0930(046)D FEDERAL PROJECT (CN) CMAQ-0930(048)D WV 9 CO 1 ROUNDABOUT +1, located in Berkeley County, West Virginia. This project begins on West Virginia Route (WV) 9 at milepost 9.8 and is approximately 0.4 mile long. The termini include the intersections of County Route (CR) 1 (Harlan Springs Road), CR 9/21 (Stribling Road), and CR 9/30 (GM Access Road). This project shall consist of the preparation of contract plans for the construction of a 4-leg roundabout incorporating WV 9, CR 1, and CR 9/21. These plans shall also include the construction of dual left turn lanes exiting CR 9/30. The professional services include related documents, survey and mapping, environmental services, geotechnical services, and traffic engineering services. The Consultant shall perform all related environmental surveys and documentation required to complete the NEPA and obtain environmental clearance. The Consultant shall reference DD-681 and develop a Level 2 or 3 Traffic Management Plan. The Consultant shall reference DD-506 and use appropriate pollution prevention and discharge reduction methods in the design. As part of the WVDOH’s desire to facilitate safety discussions for transportation projects, the Consultant shall complete and submit to the Traffic Engineering Division, the Safety Assessment for Every Roadway (SAFER) Form for the project as part of the Preliminary Field Review and Final Office Review. Post Design Services, if required, will be by separate Agreement.
9/23/2024Closed: Selected
Selected Consultant
Mead and Hunt, Inc.
INGLESIDE ROAD BRIDGE, located in Mercer County, West Virginia. The structure carries Mercer County Route (CR) 27 over Brush Creek and is located approximately 0.08 mile north of United States Route (US) 460 in Princeton. The BARS Number is 28A087. This project shall consist of the preparation of contract plans and related documents for the construction of a new bridge at the current location. The professional services include related documents, geotechnical services, and traffic engineering services. A Design Study will not be a part of these services The Consultant shall reference DD-681 and develop the appropriate Traffic Management Plan, which will also be required. The Consultant shall reference DD 506 and use pollution prevention and discharge reduction methods in the design. As part of the WVDOH’s desire to facilitate safety discussions for transportation projects, the Consultant shall complete and submit to the Traffic Engineering Division, the Safety Assessment for Every Roadway (SAFER) Form for the project as part of the Preliminary Field Review and Final Office Review. NEPA Documentation will be handled in-house by the Technical Support Division. Post Design Services, if required, shall be by a separate Agreement.
9/23/2024Closed: Selected
Selected Consultant
HNTB Corporation
POCAHONTAS COUNTY VETERANS MEMORIAL BRIDGE, located in Pocahontas County, West Virginia. The structure carries West Virginia (WV) Route 39 over the Greenbrier River and is located approximately 0.03 mile east of the junction with United States (US) Route 219. The existing structure consists of four (4) continuous wide flange beam spans supported by reinforced concrete abutments and piers. Built in 1959, the overall length of the structure is approximately 365.0 feet and the roadway width is approximately 28.0 feet. The BARS Number is 38A053. This project shall consist of the preparation of contract plans and related documents for the rehabilitation of the existing structure. The Consultant shall reference DD-681 and develop the appropriate Traffic Management Plan, which will also be required. The Consultant shall reference DD 506 and use pollution prevention and discharge reduction methods in the design. As part of the WVDOH’s desire to facilitate safety discussions for transportation projects, the Consultant shall complete and submit to the Traffic Engineering Division, the Safety Assessment for Every Roadway (SAFER) Form for the project as part of the Preliminary Field Review and Final Office Review. NEPA Documentation will be handled in-house by the Technical Support Division. Post Design Services, if required, shall be by a separate Agreement.
9/16/2024Closed: Selected
Selected Consultant
TERRADON Corporation
FEAGANS GARAGE BRIDGE, located in Lewis County, West Virginia. The structure carries United States Route (US) 19 over Stonecoal Creek and is located approximately 0.40 mile north of US 33. The existing structure consists of a simple span concrete deck girder, supported by two (2) full height reinforced concrete abutments. The overall length of the structure is approximately 68.8 feet. The BARS Number is 21A060. This project shall consist of the preparation of contract plans and related documents for the rehabilitation of the existing structure. The Consultant shall reference DD-681 and develop the appropriate Traffic Management Plan, which will also be required. The Consultant shall reference DD 506 and use pollution prevention and discharge reduction methods in the design. As part of the WVDOH’s desire to facilitate safety discussions for transportation projects, the Consultant shall complete and submit to the Traffic Engineering Division, the Safety Assessment for Every Roadway (SAFER) Form for the project as part of the Preliminary Field Review and Final Office Review. NEPA Documentation will be handled in-house by the Technical Support Division. Post Design Services, if required, shall be by a separate Agreement.
9/16/2024Closed: Selected
Selected Consultant
AECOM Technical Services, Inc.
PEYTON PLACE, located in McDowell County, West Virginia. The structure carries Peyton Place Street over Tug Fork and is located approximately 0.01 mile south of West Virginia Route (WV) 103. The bridge is owned and maintained by the City of Gary. The existing structure consists of a two span steel girder, supported by cut stone abutments and a steel bent. The overall length of the structure is approximately 67.5 feet. The overall width, curb to curb, is approximately 10.8 feet. The BARS Number is 24A902. This project shall consist of the preparation of contract plans and related documents for the construction of a new bridge at the current location, while maintaining traffic on a temporary detour bridge during construction. The professional services include related documents, geotechnical services, and traffic engineering services. A Design Study will not be a part of these services. The Consultant shall reference DD-681 and develop the appropriate Traffic Management Plan, which will also be required. The Consultant shall reference DD 506 and use pollution prevention and discharge reduction methods in the design. As part of the WVDOH’s desire to facilitate safety discussions for transportation projects, the Consultant shall complete and submit to the Traffic Engineering Division, the Safety Assessment for Every Roadway (SAFER) Form for the project as part of the Preliminary Field Review and Final Office Review. NEPA Documentation will be handled in-house by the Technical Support Division. Post Design Services, if required, shall be by a separate Agreement.
8/26/2024Closed: Selected
Selected Consultant
HNTB Corporation
EVEREST DRIVE BRIDGE, located in Marion County, West Virginia. The structure carries Everest Drive over Coal Run and an access road and is located approximately 0.23 mile north of West Virginia Route (WV) 310 in Marion County. This project shall consist of the preparation of contract plans and related documents for the construction of a new bridge at the current location, while maintaining traffic on existing routes during construction. The professional services include related documents, surveying, geotechnical services, and traffic engineering services. NEPA documentation will be handled by the Technical Support Division. A Design Study will not be a part of these services. The Consultant shall reference DD-681 and develop the appropriate Traffic Management Plan, which will also be required. The Consultant shall reference DD-506 and use pollution prevention and discharge reduction methods in the design. Post Design Services will be by separate Agreement.
8/26/2024Closed: Selected
Selected Consultant
Greenman-Pedersen, Inc.
TYLER CREEK SLAB, located in Kanawha County, West Virginia. The structure carries West Virginia Route (WV) 62 over Tyler Creek and is located approximately 0.32 mile north of County Route (CR) 25/25. The existing structure consists of a simple concrete slab span, supported by full height reinforced concrete abutments. The overall length of the structure, from out to out of backwalls, is 24 feet – 7 inches. The BARS Number is 20A374 and the Bridge Number is 20-62-0.63. This project shall consist of the preparation of contract plans and related documents for the construction of a new bridge on the existing alignment with traffic being maintained on a temporary detour upstream. The professional services include related documents, surveying, and traffic engineering services. A Design Study will not be a part of these services. The Consultant shall reference DD-681 and develop the appropriate Traffic Management Plan, which will also be required. The Consultant shall reference DD 506 and use pollution prevention and discharge reduction methods in the design. As part of the WVDOH’s desire to facilitate safety discussions for transportation projects, the Consultant shall complete and submit to the Traffic Engineering Division, the Safety Assessment for Every Roadway (SAFER) Form for the project as part of the Preliminary Field Review and Final Office Review. NEPA Documentation will be handled in-house by the Technical Support Division. Post Design Services, if required, shall be by a separate Agreement.
8/12/2024Closed: Selected
AECOM Technical Services, Inc.
RECONNECTING BLUEFIELD PLANNING STUDY, located in Mercer County, West Virginia. This project is in Downtown Bluefield and will be for the future development of a “T” shaped corridor that would expand and enhance access and transit between the East End, downtown Bluefield, and local amenities. This project shall be performed in two phases. Phase I shall consist of various studies to document the existing conditions on Bluefield’s East End, study alternative corridor segments and alignments of the proposed East End connections and examine traffic operations of the roadway network after the reconnection will be performed to initiate the project. The result of the studies will be identified in a Design Study Report which includes current traffic patterns on the facility and surrounding street network, capacity of existing transportation networks to maintain mobility needs, alternative roadway and tunnel structure designs, project impact on mobility of freight and people, impacts on safety, estimate cost to restore community connectivity, environmental information, public health and community impacts. As part of the WVDOH’s desire to facilitate safety discussions for transportation projects, the Consultant shall complete and submit to the Traffic Engineering Division, the Safety Assessment for Every Roadway (SAFER) Form for the project as part of the Office Review. Phase II of the project will include design of construction and right-of-way plans, with geotechnical investigation and environmental documentation and will be done under a separate project number and a separate agreement. Post Design Services, if required, will be by separate Agreement.
8/12/2024Closed: Selected
Whitman, Requardt and Associates, LLP
WALKERSVILLE TRUSS, located in Lewis County, West Virginia. The structure (BARS 20A053) carries United States Route (US) 19 over West Fork River and is located 0.07 mile south of County Route (CR) 44/7. The existing structure is a three-span steel through truss. The existing bridge roadway width is 20 feet-4 inches, curb to curb, and the bridge’s overall length is 136 feet-8 inches. This project shall consist of the preparation of contract plans and related documents for the construction of a new bridge on the existing alignment while using an upstream temporary bridge to maintain traffic during construction, as per the recommended Alternative No. 1 listed in the Bridge Replacement Study dated January 2024. The professional services include related documents, surveying, and traffic engineering services. A Design Study will not be a part of these services. The Consultant shall reference DD-681 and develop the appropriate Traffic Management Plan, which will also be required. The Consultant shall reference DD-506 and use pollution prevention and discharge reduction methods in the design. As part of the WVDOH’s desire to facilitate safety discussions for transportation projects, the Consultant shall complete and submit to the Traffic Engineering Division, the Safety Assessment for Every Roadway (SAFER) Form for the project as part of the Preliminary Field Review and Final Office Review. NEPA Documentation will be handled in-house by the Technical Support Division. Post Design Services, if required, shall be by separate Agreement.
8/12/2024Closed: Selected
Greenman-Pedersen, Inc.
WV 9 RIDGE RD ROUNDABOUT, located in Berkeley County, West Virginia. This project begins on West Virginia Route (WV) 9 at milepost 7.88 and is approximately 0.04 mile long. The termini include the intersections of County Route (CR) 4 (Ridge Road) and CR 1/6 (Cumbo Road). This project shall consist of the preparation of contract plans for the construction of a roundabout and related intersection improvements. The professional services include related documents, environmental services, geotechnical services, and traffic engineering services. The Consultant shall perform all related environmental surveys and documentation required to complete the NEPA and obtain environmental clearance. The Consultant shall reference DD-681 and develop a Level 2 or 3 Traffic Management Plan. The Consultant shall reference DD-506 and use appropriate pollution prevention and discharge reduction methods in the design. As part of the WVDOH’s desire to facilitate safety discussions for transportation projects, the Consultant shall complete and submit to the Traffic Engineering Division, the Safety Assessment for Every Roadway (SAFER) Form for the project as part of the Preliminary Field Review and Final Office Review. Post Design Services, if required, will be by separate Agreement.
8/5/2024Closed: Selected
EB AIRPORT BRIDGE+1, located in Raleigh County, West Virginia. This project includes EB Airport Bridge (41A173), which carries Interstate 64 (I-64) EB and the EB Exit Ramp over County Route (CR) 9/9, Exit 125B, and is located approximately 1.26 miles east of United States Route (US) 19 in Raleigh County and is 312.5 feet in length and 81.4 feet in width. Also included is the WB Airport Bridge (41A174), which carries I-64 WB and the WB Entrance Ramp over CR 9/9, Exit 125 and is 321.3 feet in length and 48.9 feet in width. The project shall consist of preparation of contract plans and related documents for the rehabilitation of the bridges while maintaining traffic during construction. The rehabilitation project shall consist of reviewing current Inspection Reports and performing adequate fieldwork to permit all recommended and approved repair items to be quantified and addressed in the contract plans and related documents. The professional services include surveying and traffic engineering services. The Consultant shall reference DD-681 and develop the appropriate Traffic Management Plan, which will also be required. As part of the WVDOH’s desire to facilitate safety discussions for transportation projects, the Consultant shall complete and submit to the Traffic Engineering Division, the Safety Assessment for Every Roadway (SAFER) Form for the project as part of the Rehabilitation Report and Final Detail Bridge Plans. Post Design Services will be by separate Agreement.
8/5/2024Closed: Selected
Stantec Consulting Services Inc.
INSTITUTE RAMP B, located in Kanawha County, West Virginia. The structure (BARS 20A069) carries Interstate 64 (I-64) WB/EB Entrance Ramp traffic over West Virginia Route (WV) 25 and is located approximately 0.17 mile east of County Route (CR) 25/10 in Kanawha County. The four span structure is 149.3 feet in length and 25 feet in width. This project shall consist of preparation of contract plans and related documents for the construction of a new bridge at the current location, while maintaining traffic during construction. The professional services include related documents, geotechnical services, surveying, and traffic engineering services. A Design Study will not be a part of these services. The Consultant shall reference DD 681 and develop the appropriate Traffic Management Plan, which will also be required. The Consultant shall reference DD-506 and use pollution prevention and discharge reduction methods in the design. As part of the WVDOH’s desire to facilitate safety discussions for transportation projects, the Consultant shall complete and submit to the Traffic Engineering Division, the Safety Assessment for Every Roadway (SAFER) Form for the project as part of the Preliminary Field Review and Final Office Review. Post Design Services will be by separate Agreement.
7/29/2024Closed: Selected
Sucevic, Piccolomini & Kuchar Engineering, Inc.
SOUTH IDAMAY ARCH +1, located in Marion County, West Virginia. This project includes South Idamay Arch (25A169), which carries West Virginia Route (WV) 218 over Helens Run and is located approximately 0.34 mile south of County Route (CR) 15/5 in Marion County and is 28 feet in length and 22.5 feet in width. This structure shall be replaced with a new bridge upstream while using the existing structure as a detour during construction. Also included is Church of God Bridge (25A167), which carries WV 218 over Helens Run and is located approximately 0.15 mile north of CR 52 in Marion County and is 24 feet in length and 22.6 feet in width. This structure shall be replaced with a new bridge at the existing location while using a temporary bridge downstream as a detour during construction. This project shall consist of the preparation of contract plans and related documents for the construction of the two new bridges. The professional services include related documents, geotechnical services, and traffic engineering services. A Design Study will not be a part of these services. The Consultant shall reference DD-681 and develop the appropriate Traffic Management Plan, which will also be required. The Consultant shall reference DD-506 and use pollution prevention and discharge reduction methods in the design. As part of the WVDOH’s desire to facilitate safety discussions for transportation projects, the Consultant shall complete and submit to the Traffic Engineering Division, the Safety Assessment for Every Roadway (SAFER) Form for the project as part of the Preliminary Field Review and Final Office Review. Post Design Services will be by separate Agreement.
7/12/2024Closed: Selected
Selected Consultants

Bridge of Honor
1. HNTB - selected
2. Michael Baker - 1st alternate
3. HDR - 2nd alternate

Dunbar Toll Bridge
1. Volkert - selected
2. Terradon - 1st alternate
3. Larson Design Group - 2nd alternate

Dunbar-South Charleston (Glenn Lough Mem)
1. Terradon - selected
2. Consor - 1st alternate
3. TRC - 2nd alternate

Nick Joe Rahall
1. Larson Design Group - selected
2. AMT - 1st alternate
3. Transystems - 2nd alternate

Robert C. Byrd
1. Burgess and Niple - selected
2. GAI - 1st alternate
3. WRA - 2nd alternate

Wellsburg Bridge
1. Stantec - selected
2. Modjeski and Masters - 1st alternate
3. HNTB - 2nd alternate

William S. Ritchie
1. Modjeski and Masters - selected
2. AI Engineers - 1st alternate
3. Carpenter Marty - 2nd alternate





Notice is hereby given by the West Virginia Department of Transportation, Division of Highways, that consulting services will be utilized for six-year inspection projects, per the current National Bridge Inspection Standards and may include design plans for repairs and a load rating analysis, for the following projects:

1) ***CANCELLED, WILL BE INSPECTED BY DOH*****Six-year inspection project for Admiral T. J. Lopez Bridge, over the Kanawha River. The bridge consists of eight continuous plate girder spans, a simple plate girder span, three continuous thru truss spans, and two continuous plate girder spans respectively. The roadway width is 56 feet.

2) Six-year inspection project for Bridge of Honor Bridge, over the Ohio River. The bridge consists of ten spans, three continuous cable stayed suspension spans and seven prestressed concrete spread box beam spans with an overall length of 1,852 feet. The roadway width is 56 feet with a six-foot sidewalk.

3) Six-year inspection project for Dunbar-South Charleston EB Bridge, over the Kanawha River. The bridge consists of eight continuous concrete box girder spans with an overall length of 2,795 feet. The roadway width is 64 feet.

4) Six-year inspection project for Dunbar Toll Bridge, over the Kanawha River. The bridge consists of three continuous wide flange beam spans, three cantilevered through truss spans, and three simple deck girder spans with an overall length of 1,385 feet. The roadway is 28 feet with a 4’-8” sidewalk.

5) Six-year inspection project for Nick Joe Rahall II Bridge, over the Ohio River. The bridge consists of four steel beam spans, three steel through truss spans, and four steel deck girder spans with an overall length of 2,249 feet. The roadway is 28 feet.

6) Six-year inspection project for Robert C. Byrd Bridge, over the Ohio River. The bridge consists of two continuous steel beam spans, a three span Warren thru truss, and a simple steel beam span respectively. The roadway width is 32 feet.

7) Six-year inspection project for William S. Ritchie Bridge, over the Ohio River. The bridge consists of ten spans, a three-span steel through truss and seven steel beam spans with an overall length of 2,716 feet. The roadway width is 31 feet.

8) Six-year biennial inspection project for Wellsburg Bridge, over the Ohio River. The bridge consists of five simple steel girder spans, and a tied arch main span with an overall length of 1,854 feet. The roadway width is 48 feet with an 8’ shared use path.

Additional information may be obtained on each bridge by contacting Kimberly Hoover Trent, Operations Division, via e mail at The above projects are currently scheduled for work to begin in 2025. Single or multiple assignments may be made for this work. Several of these structures are located on routes in urban and extremely high ADTT areas that will mandate traffic disruption. Progressive and innovative methods of inspection access will be considered in the selection process. Firms interested in being considered for this project must submit a letter of interest and unpriced prospectus to Mr. William R. Murray, Assistant Director, Operations Division, West Virginia Division of Highways, Building Five, Room A-350, 1900 Kanawha Boulevard, East, Charleston, West Virginia 25305-0430 AND via e-mail to prior to 4:00 p.m., July 12, 2024. As a minimum, the prospectus will include the following items for evaluation: 1) A completed copy of the Division’s Consultant Confidential Qualification Questionnaire, if not already on file, dated January 1, 2024 or later. 2) Overall capabilities to perform the work, including workforce available to assign to the project, personnel qualifications, and present workload. 3) Location of office in which the work will be performed. 4) Type of work anticipated to be sub-contracted or performed by a sub-consultant. 5) Indication of whether a cost accounting system has been maintained and is in effect such that it is capable of segregating and identifying accumulating costs for each job that is performed under cost type projects. 6) A completed copy of the Division’s Short List Selection Criteria Technical Evaluation form limited to a single page of data. Cross-referencing on this form to other parts of the prospectus is not acceptable. 7) Indication of the project(s) for which the firm is submitting information for consideration. If the submission is for all projects, a statement to that effect shall be made and a detailed listing shall not be required. Prior to entering into contract negotiations, the selected firm and any sub-consultants shall submit a current audited overhead rate computation performed by a state or federal government agency or independent CPA firm. The submitted overhead audit shall contain a detailed exhibit of the computations with all applicable eliminations and references. The audit shall be done in accordance with Government Auditing Standards issued by the Comptroller General of the United States and all eliminations required by the Federal Acquisitions Regulations will be made. This requirement will be waived for the selected firm or any sub-consultant when its portion of the fee for the project is less than One Hundred Thousand Dollars ($100,000.00). In such instances, a company computed overhead rate may be utilized. A single letter of interest and unpriced prospectus is required regardless of the number of projects requested by the firm for consideration. It is the policy of the West Virginia Department of Transportation, Division of Highways that disadvantaged and women-owned business enterprises shall have the maximum opportunity to participate in the performance of contracts financed in whole or in part with federal funds.

7/8/2024Closed: Selected
Selected Consultant
Mott MacDonald, LLC
ARMOUR CREEK BRIDGE, located in Putnam County, West Virginia. The structure carries West Virginia Route (WV) 25 over Armour Creek and is located approximately 0.05 mile east of County Route (CR) 25/4 in Putnam County. This project shall consist of the preparation of contract plans and related documents for the construction of a new bridge at the current location, while maintaining traffic on a detour during construction. The professional services include related documents, geotechnical services, and traffic engineering services. A Design Study will not be a part of these services. The Consultant shall reference DD-681 and develop the appropriate Traffic Management Plan, which will also be required. The Consultant shall reference DD-506 and use pollution prevention and discharge reduction methods in the design. Post Design Services will be by separate Agreement.
7/8/2024Closed: Selected
Selected Consultant
Herbert, Rowland & Grubic, Inc.
WALNUT STREET BRIDGE, located in the City of Morgantown in Monongalia County, West Virginia. The structure carries Walnut Street over Deckers Creek and the Deckers Creek Trail. The BARS# is 31A016. The existing structure is approximately 499.7 feet long with a clear width of approximately 28.5 feet. This rehabilitation project shall consist of replacing the deck and making repairs to the superstructure and substructure as necessary. The Consultant shall review current Inspection Reports and perform adequate fieldwork to permit all recommended and approved repair items to be quantified and addressed in the contract plans and related documents. All fieldwork shall be coordinated with regularly scheduled Bridge Inspection Services. The professional services for the bridge rehabilitation shall include preparing construction plans, surveying, and traffic engineering services with special consideration given to Design Directive 681 – Work Zone Safety and Mobility. Post Design Services, if required, shall be by a separate Agreement.
6/24/2024Closed: Selected
Selected Consultant
The Thrasher Group, Inc.
BAKER STREET BRIDGE, located in Ohio County, West Virginia. The structure carries a city street over Big Wheeling Creek and is located approximately 0.10 mile north of Unted States Route (US) 250. The bridge is owned and maintained by the City of Wheeling. This project shall consist of the preparation of contract plans and related documents for the construction of a new bridge at the current location, while maintaining traffic on existing routes during construction. The professional services include preparing construction contract plans, geotechnical services, and traffic engineering services with special consideration given to Design Directive 681 – Work Zone Safety and Mobility. The Consultant shall reference DD-506 and use pollution prevention and discharge reduction methods in the design. NEPA documentation will be handled by the Technical Support Division. Post Design Services, if required, shall be by a separate Agreement.
6/24/2024Closed: Selected
Selected Consultant
Michael Baker International, Inc.
BROWNS CREEK BRIDGE NB & SB, located in Harrison County, West Virginia. The structures carry Interstate 79 (I-79) over Browns Creek, County Route (CR) 25, and a rail trail. The BARS Numbers are 17A246 (NB) and 17A247 (SB). This rehabilitation project shall consist of reviewing current Inspection Reports and performing adequate fieldwork to permit all recommended and approved repair items to be quantified and addressed in the contract plans and related documents. The existing bridge roadway width is 33 feet-1 inch, and the bridge overall length is 262 feet-3 inches and is located 2.17 miles north of West Virginia Route (WV) 270. The professional services for the bridge rehabilitation shall include the preparation of construction plans, surveying, and traffic engineering services with special consideration given to Design Directive 681 – Work Zone Safety and Mobility. NEPA Documentation will be handled in-house by the Technical Support Division. Post Design Services, if required, shall be by separate Agreement. PLEASE BE ADVISED THAT THIS PROJECT IS ON AN ACCELERATED SCHEDULE.
6/14/2024Closed: Selected
Selected Consultant



Notice is hereby given by the West Virginia Department of Transportation, Division of Highways, that consulting services will be utilized for the research and development of a Structural Health Monitoring (SHM) system. The West Virginia Structural Health Monitoring System (SHM Project) will conduct planning and initial installation efforts for the implementation of a structural health monitoring (SHM) system at the East Huntington cable-stay structure on the Ohio River along the Ohio-West Virginia state line in Cabell County, WV. Consultant will identify critical features of the monitoring system during SHM Project planning as well as determine improvements to asset management strategy utilizing the system’s data and repeatability and use on all types of bridge structures. The consultant will propose utilizing structural health monitoring equipment to provide real-time data. The specific technology to be used will be decided during the planning phase of the Stage 1 effort and will be selected based on current and anticipated future capabilities of the equipment, flexibility for use in varied structural settings, installation opportunities and challenges, and available monitoring data and its ability to assist WVDOH decision-making for possible incident response and long-term asset management. Through the planning process and determination of the structural health monitoring equipment, the consultant, with direct oversight from the WVDOH, will address any and all challenges through collection of real-time information on at-risk and priority structures to confirm critical structural members, reduction in lane and structure closures to minimize impact to commuters and freight, and prioritization of needs for asset management within the WVDOH overall transportation system. Consultant will also show through the SHM Project, ways to increase safety of the structure utilizing SHM equipment through identification of areas of structural concern within minutes as opposed to waiting for an incident or annual/special inspections. The SHM Project is to also show reliability of vehicular traffic and commerce on national highway assets by using monitoring data to assist with maintaining these assets strategically and reopening bridges to continued highway operations more quickly after an incident, which decreases the possibility of a major roadway detour due to a bridge closure and, in turn, provides travel time, safety, and emissions benefits.


Additional information may be obtained by contacting Edward Armbruster, Operations Division, at or William Murray, Operations Division, at The above project is currently scheduled for work to begin immediately upon award in 2024. Single or multiple assignments may be made for this work. Firms interested in being considered for this project must submit a letter of interest and unpriced prospectus to Mr. Stephen Johnson, Director, Operations Division, West Virginia Division of Highways, via e-mail to prior to 4:00 p.m., June 14, 2024. As a minimum, the prospectus will include the following items for evaluation: a) A completed copy of the Division’s Consultant Confidential Qualification Questionnaire, if not already on file, dated January 1, 2024, or later. b) Overall capabilities to perform the work, including workforce available to assign to the project, personnel qualifications, and present workload. c) Location of office in which the work will be performed. d) Type of work anticipated to be sub-contracted or performed by a sub-consultant. e) Indication of whether a cost accounting system has been maintained and is in effect such that it is capable of segregating and identifying accumulating costs for each job that is performed under cost type projects. f) A completed copy of the Division’s Short List Selection Criteria Technical Evaluation form limited to a single page of data. Cross-referencing on this form to other parts of the prospectus is not acceptable. g) Indication of the project(s) for which the firm is submitting information for consideration. If the submission is for all projects, a statement to that effect shall be made and a detailed listing shall not be required. Prior to entering into contract negotiations, the selected firm and any sub-consultants shall submit a current audited overhead rate computation performed by a state or federal government agency or independent CPA firm. The submitted overhead audit shall contain a detailed exhibit of the computations with all applicable eliminations and references. The audit shall be done in accordance with Government Auditing Standards issued by the Comptroller General of the United States and all eliminations required by the Federal Acquisitions Regulations will be made. This requirement will be waived for the selected firm or any sub-consultant when its portion of the fee for the project is less than One Hundred Thousand Dollars ($100,000.00). In such instances, a company computed overhead rate may be utilized. A single letter of interest and unpriced prospectus is required regardless of the number of projects requested by the firm for consideration. It is the policy of the West Virginia Department of Transportation, Division of Highways that disadvantaged and women-owned business enterprises shall have the maximum opportunity to participate in the performance of contracts financed in whole or in part with federal funds.

5/10/2024Closed: Selected
Selected Consultants

AI Engineers




Notice is hereby given by the West Virginia Department of Transportation, Division of Highways, that consulting services will be utilized for six-year inspection projects, per the current National Bridge Inspection Standards and may include design plans for repairs, for the following projects:


1)      Six-year inspection project for Six Year Inspection Project with Load Rating Analysis for seven (7) Bigley Avenue Interchange Bridges (1-7), located in the City of Charleston, Kanawha County, carrying Interstate 64 and Interstate 77 over various city streets, railroad tracks, and state routes. The bridges carry one or more lanes of traffic with overall widths from about 30' to about 70'. a) Bridge 1-20-64-58.72 (2564) WB–8 spans, 9 substructure units b) Bridge 2-20-64-58.61 (2564) EB–11 spans, 13 substructure units c) Bridge 3-20-77-100.26 (2574) SB–15 spans, 14 substructure units d) Bridge 4-20-77-100.28 (2574) NB–15 spans, 15 substructure units e) Bridge 5-20-64-58.61 (2564) WB–11 spans, 12 substructure units f) Bridge 6-20-64-58.71 (2564) EB –4 spans, 4 substructure units g) Bridge 7-20-77-101.01 (2564) Ramp WR–4 spans, 3 substructure units

2)      Six-year inspection project for 2) Six Year Inspection Project with Load Rating Analysis for two (2) Bigley Avenue Interchange Bridges (8-9), located in the City of Charleston, Kanawha County, carrying Interstate 64 and Interstate 77 over various city streets, railroad tracks, and state routes. The bridges carry one or more lanes of traffic with overall widths from about 30' to about 70'. a) Bridge 8-20-77-100.97 (2564) SB–18 spans, 18 substructure units b) Bridge 9-20-77-100.76 (2564) NB–19 spans, 20 substructure units

Additional information may be obtained on each bridge by contacting William Murray, Operations Division, Bridge Preservation Section Manager at (304) 414-8958 or by email at The above projects are currently scheduled for work to begin in 2024. Single or multiple assignments may be made for this work. These structures are located on routes in urban and extremely high traffic areas that will mandate traffic disruption. Progressive and innovative methods of inspection access will be considered in the selection process. Firms interested in being considered for this project must submit a letter of interest and unpriced prospectus to Mr. Stephen Johnson, Director, Operations Division, West Virginia Division of Highways, Building Five, Room A-350, 1900 Kanawha Boulevard, East, Charleston, West Virginia 25305-0430, AND via e-mail to prior to 4:00 p.m., April 19, 2024. As a minimum, the prospectus will include the following items for evaluation: a) A completed copy of the Division’s Consultant Confidential Qualification Questionnaire, if not already on file, dated January 1, 2024, or later. b) Overall capabilities to perform the work, including workforce available to assign to the project, personnel qualifications, and present workload. c) Location of office in which the work will be performed. d) Type of work anticipated to be sub-contracted or performed by a sub-consultant. e) Indication of whether a cost accounting system has been maintained and is in effect such that it is capable of segregating and identifying accumulating costs for each job that is performed under cost type projects. f) A completed copy of the Division’s Short List Selection Criteria Technical Evaluation form limited to a single page of data. Cross-referencing on this form to other parts of the prospectus is not acceptable. g) Indication of the project(s) for which the firm is submitting information for consideration. If the submission is for all projects, a statement to that effect shall be made and a detailed listing shall not be required. Prior to entering contract negotiations, the selected firm and any sub-consultants shall submit a current audited overhead rate computation performed by a state or federal government agency or independent CPA firm. The submitted overhead audit shall contain a detailed exhibit of the computations with all applicable eliminations and references. The audit shall be done in accordance with Government Auditing Standards issued by the Comptroller General of the United States and all eliminations required by the Federal Acquisitions Regulations will be made. This requirement will be waived for the selected firm or any sub-consultant when its portion of the fee for the project is less than One Hundred Thousand Dollars ($100,000.00). In such instances, a company computed overhead rate may be utilized. A single letter of interest and unpriced prospectus is required regardless of the number of projects requested by the firm for consideration. It is the policy of the West Virginia Department of Transportation, Division of Highways that disadvantaged and women-owned business enterprises shall have the maximum opportunity to participate in the performance of contracts financed in whole or in part with federal funds.

4/29/2024Closed: Selected
Burgess & Niple, Inc.
SGT SCOTT ANGEL MEMORIAL BRIDGE, located in the Town of Gauley Bridge in Fayette County, West Virginia. The structure crosses the Gauley River just upstream of the confluence with the Kanawha River. This rehabilitation project shall consist of converting the abutments to semi-integral, superstructure replacement, and reviewing current Inspection Reports and performing adequate field work to permit all recommended and approved repairs to the piers and portions of the abutments below the semi-integral conversion. All fieldwork shall be coordinated with regularly scheduled Bridge Inspection services. The existing overall bridge width is 36.4 feet with a curb-to-curb width of 28.0 feet, and the bridge length is 705.5 feet. The professional services for the rehabilitation shall include the preparation of construction plans, surveying, and traffic engineering services with special consideration to Design Directive 681 – Work Zone Safety and Mobility. Environmental documents necessary for submission to obtain NEPA clearance shall be included in the engineering services. Post Design Services, if required, shall be by a separate Agreement.
4/15/2024Closed: Selected
Herbert, Rowland & Grubic, Inc.
PRICKETT CREEK W-BEAM BRIDGE, located in Marion County, West Virginia. This structure carries County Route (CR) 73 over Prickett Creek and is located 0.12 mile south of CR 72. The bridge is a three-span, multi-girder bridge with an overall length of approximately 116 feet-10 inches and a roadway width of 26 feet with a 3-foot-wide cantilever sidewalk. The professional services for the bridge replacement shall include the design of construction plans and right-of-way plans, surveying, geotechnical services, and traffic engineering services with special consideration to Design Directive 681 – Work Zone Safety and Mobility. Assume that NEPA clearance will be handled in-house by the Technical Support Division. Post Design Services, if required, will be by a separate Agreement.
4/8/2024Closed: Selected
L. A. Gates Company
PVT LAWRENCE OOTEN MEM BR, located in Mingo County, West Virginia. The structure carries United States Route (US) 119 over CSX Railroad and is located approximately 0.12 mile south of County Route (CR) 65/30. The existing structure consists of five steel girder spans (SSBM) supported by concrete stub abutment ends which are founded on spread footings and by eight cantilever piers (four per direction) constructed of reinforced concrete which are founded on piling and spread footings. The overall length of the structure, from paving notch to paving notch, is 552 feet. The BARS Number is 30A134 and the Bridge Number is 30-119-20.67. This project shall consist of the preparation of contract plans and related documents for the replacement of the existing bridge. Post Design Services, if required, shall be by a separate Agreement.
4/8/2024Closed: Selected
The Markosky Engineering Group, Inc.
SO SIDE CSX RAMP, located in Kanawha County, West Virginia. The structure carries two lanes of divided traffic over the Amtrak Station Platform in Charleston, WV. This rehabilitation project shall consist of reviewing current Inspection Reports and performing adequate fieldwork to permit all recommended and approved repair items to be quantified and addressed in the contract plans and related documents. All fieldwork shall be coordinated with regularly scheduled Bridge Inspection services. The existing bridge width is 20.0 feet, and the bridge length is 358.0 feet and is located 0.40 mile south of West Virginia Route (WV) 61. The professional services for the bridge rehabilitation shall include the preparation of construction plans, surveying, and traffic engineering services with special consideration to Design Directive 681 – Work Zone Safety and Mobility. Post Design Services, if required, shall be by separate Agreement.
3/18/2024Closed: Selected
Selected Consultant
HDR Engineering, Inc.
BRIDGEPORT HILL OVERPASS, located in Harrison County, West Virginia. The structure carries United States Route (US) 50 over Interstate 79 (I-79) and is located approximately 0.43 mile west of County Route (CR) 50/16. The existing structure consists of a four span, combined simple and continuous steel W-beam bridge supported by two reinforced concrete stub abutments and three reinforced concrete column piers. Built in 1974, the overall length of the structure is approximately 387.9 feet and the BARS Number is 17A208. This project shall consist of the preparation of contract plans and related documents for the rehabilitation of the existing bridge. NEPA documentation will be performed by the WVDOH. Post Design Services, if required, shall be by a separate Agreement.
3/18/2024Closed: Selected
Selected Consultant
Michael Baker International, Inc.
FARNSWORTH DRIVE BRIDGE, located in Kanawha County, West Virginia. The structure is situated over I-77, Piedmont Road, and Richards Street. This rehabilitation project shall consist of reviewing current Inspection Reports and performing adequate field work to permit all recommended and approved repair items to be quantified and addressed in the contract plans and related documents. All fieldwork shall be coordinated with regularly scheduled Bridge Inspection services. The existing bridge width is 25.9 feet, and the bridge length is 456.4 feet. The professional services for the rehabilitation shall include the preparation of construction plans, surveying, and traffic engineering services with special consideration to Design Directive 681 – Work Zone Safety and Mobility. Post Design Services, if required, shall be by a separate Agreement.
3/4/2024Closed: Selected
Short-Listed Consultant
Herbert, Rowland & Grubic, Inc.
NEW CREEK BRIDGE, located in Mineral County, West Virginia. The structure carries United States Route (US) 50 over New Creek and is located approximately 0.01 mile east of West Virginia Route (WV) 972. The existing structure consists of three simple reinforced concrete T-beam spans (SCTB) supported by full-height reinforced concrete abutments and solid reinforced concrete piers. The overall length of the structure, from out to out of backwalls, is 133 feet. The BARS Number is 29A047 and the Bridge Number is 29-50-10.65. This project shall consist of the preparation of contract plans and related documents for the construction of a new bridge in accordance with Location and Design Approval dated May 8, 2023. Post Design Services, if required, shall be by a separate Agreement.
3/4/2024Closed: Selected
Selected Consultant
HNTB Corporation
I-81 WELCOME CENTERS & OVERNIGHT TRUCK PARKING, located in Berkeley County, West Virginia on I-81. The project shall consist of preparing construction contract plans for the site development and building plans for the replacement with two new-style Welcome Centers on the same location and an upgrade to one existing overnight truck parking facility. Building plans will include architectural, structural, mechanical, electrical, and plumbing design services. The project will be developed in one phase. The consultant will be responsible for survey and geotechnical services. NEPA will be performed by WVDOH. Post Design Services, if required, may be by separate Agreement. PLEASE BE ADVISED THAT THIS PROJECT IS ON AN ACCELERATED SCHEDULE AND PLANS WILL BE DUE BY NOVEMBER 24, 2024.
2/26/2024Closed: Selected
Selected Consultant
Burgess & Niple, Inc.
I-77 CHARLESTON BRIDGE BUNDLE, located in Kanawha County, West Virginia. The project includes Stadium Place OP over Stadium Place (BARS 20A416) and the Boyhood Home of Booker T. Washington Bridge over US Route 60 W, Norfolk & Southern Railroad, and Campbells Creek (BARS 20A643). The existing structures are 108.1 feet by 123.7 feet and 84.1 feet by 655.7 feet, respectively. These rehabilitation projects shall consist of reviewing current Inspection Reports and performing adequate fieldwork to permit all recommended and approved repair items to be quantified and addressed in the contract plans and related documents. All fieldwork shall be coordinated with regularly scheduled Bridge Inspection Services. The professional services for the bridge rehabilitations shall include preparing construction plans, surveying, and traffic engineering services with special consideration to Design Directive 681 – Work Zone Safety and Mobility. Post Design Services, if required, shall be by separate Agreement.
2/26/2024Closed: Selected
Selected Consultants
GAI Consultants Inc.
NORTH 77 & 79 BRIDGE BUNDLE, located in Kanawha County, West Virginia. The project includes the thirteen structures shown below. These rehabilitation projects shall consist of reviewing current Inspection Reports and performing adequate fieldwork to permit all recommended and approved repair items to be quantified and addressed in the contract plans and related documents. All fieldwork shall be coordinated with regularly scheduled Bridge Inspection Services. The professional services for the bridge rehabilitations shall include preparing construction plans, surveying, and traffic engineering services with special consideration to Design Directive 681 – Work Zone Safety and Mobility. Post Design Services, if required, shall be by separate Agreement.
2/20/2024Closed: Selected
Selected Consultant
Whitman, Requardt and Associates, LLP
HURRICANE CITY BRIDGE BUNDLE, located in Putnam County, West Virginia. The project includes Hurricane City Park Bridge over Mill Creek (BARS 40A904) and the Conner Street Bridge over CSX Railroad (BARS 40A903). The existing structures are 26.7 feet wide by 55.5 feet long and 20.0 feet wide by 50.1 feet long, respectively. These rehabilitation projects shall consist of reviewing current Inspection Reports and performing adequate fieldwork to permit all recommended and approved repair items to be quantified and addressed in the contract plans and related documents. All fieldwork shall be coordinated with regularly scheduled Bridge Inspection Services. The professional services for the bridge rehabilitations shall include preparing construction plans, surveying, and traffic engineering services with special consideration to Design Directive 681 – Work Zone Safety and Mobility. Post Design Services, if required, shall be by separate Agreement.
2/20/2024Closed: Selected
Selected Consultant
Greenman-Pedersen, Inc.
UPPER KANAWHA VALLEY BRIDGE BUNDLE, located in Kanawha County, West Virginia. The project includes the six structures shown below. These rehabilitation projects shall consist of reviewing current Inspection Reports and performing adequate fieldwork to permit all recommended and approved repair items to be quantified and addressed in the contract plans and related documents. All fieldwork shall be coordinated with regularly scheduled Bridge Inspection Services. The professional services for the bridge rehabilitations shall include preparing construction plans, surveying, and traffic engineering services with special consideration to Design Directive 681 – Work Zone Safety and Mobility. Post Design Services, if required, may be by separate Agreement.
2/12/2024Closed: Selected
Selected Consultant
CHARLESTON CITY BRIDGE BUNDLE, located in Kanawha County, West Virginia. The project includes the five structures shown below. These rehabilitation projects shall consist of reviewing current Inspection Reports and performing adequate fieldwork to permit all recommended and approved repair items to be quantified and addressed in the contract plans and related documents. All fieldwork shall be coordinated with regularly scheduled Bridge Inspection Services. The professional services for the bridge rehabilitations shall include preparing construction plans, surveying, and traffic engineering services with special consideration to Design Directive 681 – Work Zone Safety and Mobility. Post Design Services, if required, may be by separate Agreement.
2/12/2024Closed: Selected
Selected Consultant
HDR Engineering, Inc.
SOUTH CHARLESTON BRIDGE BUNDLE, located in Kanawha County, West Virginia. The project includes the six structures shown below. These rehabilitation projects shall consist of reviewing current Inspection Reports and performing adequate fieldwork to permit all recommended and approved repair items to be quantified and addressed in the contract plans and related documents. All fieldwork shall be coordinated with regularly scheduled Bridge Inspection Services. The professional services for the bridge rehabilitations shall include preparing construction plans, surveying, and traffic engineering services with special consideration to Design Directive 681 – Work Zone Safety and Mobility. Post Design Services, if required, may be by separate Agreement.
2/5/2024Closed: Withdrawn
I-81 WELCOME CENTERS & OVERNIGHT TRUCK PARKING, located in Berkeley County, West Virginia on I-81. The project shall consist of preparing construction contract plans for the site development and building plans for the replacement with two new-style Welcome Centers on the same location and an upgrade to one existing overnight truck parking facility. Building plans will include architectural, structural, mechanical, electrical, and plumbing design services. The project will be developed in one phase. The consultant will be responsible for survey and geotechnical services. NEPA will be performed by WVDOH. Post Design Services, if required, may be by separate Agreement.
12/18/2023Closed: Selected
Selected Consultant
AI Engineers, Inc.
HUGHES BRIDGE SB, located in Nicholas County, West Virginia. The structure carries US 19 southbound over Summersville Lake and is located approximately 0.22 mile north of CR 19/66. The bridge is a seven-span structure with two-span continuous beam approaches at either end, and a three-span deck truss for the main spans. The project shall consist of the design and preparation of contract plans and related documents for the rehabilitation of the existing structure. Rehabilitation shall include addressing the elevation differential in the bridge deck at the finger joints of the bridge, specifically the joint between Span Two and Span Three at Pier Two and the joint between Span Five and Span Six at Pier Five, in addition to replacing the existing bridge deck and rehabilitating the substructure units. The project shall consist of two phases. Phase I shall begin with an inspection of the bridge to become familiar with the finger joint problem, focusing on the finger joints at Pier Two and Pier Five, the overall deck, and the bearings of the truss and approach spans. The Consultant shall also investigate the cause of the misalignment as well as possible corrective actions. In addition, the Consultant shall perform any additional inspection efforts required to quantify deficiencies that need addressed in a substructure renovation. The Consultant is tasked with determining or proposing an explanation to the cause of the elevation difference between the approach spans and the truss spans. Multiple solutions to the problem shall be proposed with a general work plan and cost estimate for each option. After presentation of the solutions and discussion, the WVDOH shall select an option to address the finger joint problem as well as the basic approach for the deck replacement and the substructure rehabilitation. Phase II shall be the preparation of detailed construction contract plans for the rehabilitation of the bridge and shall be done as a planned supplemental agreement. If required, environmental services necessary for submission to obtain NEPA clearance shall be done under a separate Agreement. Post Design Services, if required, shall be by a separate Agreement.
10/23/2023Closed: Selected
Selected Consultant
Stantec Consulting Services Inc.
KANAWHA CITY BRIDGE BUNDLE, includes Kaufmann Memorial 35th Street Bridge over the Kanawha River, Ramp A Bridge over CR 60/76, Ramp B Bridge over NSRR, CR64/4, and CR60/76, Ramp C Bridge over CR 60/76, Ramp D Bridge over I-77 S, NSRR, CR64/4, and CR60/76, and Bob Basil Memorial 36th Street Bridge over the Kanawha River located in Kanawha County, West Virginia. These rehabilitation projects shall consist of reviewing current Inspection Reports and performing adequate field work to permit all recommended and approved repair items to be quantified and addressed in the contract plans and related documents. All fieldwork shall be coordinated with regularly scheduled Bridge Inspection services. The various structures carry one and two lanes of one-way traffic on ramp bridges and mainline bridges over the Kanawha River. The existing structures over the Kanawha River are 1383.8 feet and 1326.5 feet in length, respectively. The Ramp structures are 328.2 feet, 477.3 feet, 112.2 feet and 394.1 feet in length, respectively. The professional services for these bridge rehabilitations shall include the preparation of construction plans, surveying, and traffic engineering services with special consideration to Design Directive 681 – Work Zone Safety and Mobility. Post Design Services, if required, shall be by a separate Agreement.
10/16/2023Closed: Selected
Selected Consultant
Neff, Longest & Beam and Associates, LLC
CAMP CREEK OVERPASS NO. 2 +1, located in Mercer County, West Virginia. The structure carries County Route (CR) 3 over Interstate 77 (I-77) and is located approximately 0.02 mile west of the intersection of CR 3 and CR 3/1 in Mercer County. This project shall consist of the preparation of contract plans and related documents for the replacement of structure 28A006 along the existing alignment and the rehabilitation of structure 28A153. The rehabilitation of structure 28A153 shall include deck replacement, and superstructure and substructure rehabilitation. Staged construction will be required to maintain the flow of traffic during construction. NEPA services will be handled in-house by the Technical Support Division. Post Design Services, if required, shall be done by a separate Agreement.
10/16/2023Closed: Selected
Selected Consultant
Herbert, Rowland, & Grubic, Inc.
DEEP VALLEY BR, located in Tyler County, West Virginia. The structure carries County Route (CR) 56 over Middle Island Creek and is located approximately 0.20 mile west of the junction of West Virginia Route (WV) 18. The existing bridge is a pin connected simple span steel pony truss (Acrow Bridge) with an overall span length of 161 feet – 1 inch. The BARS Number is 48A096 and the Bridge Number is 48-56-0.20. This project shall consist of the preparation of contract plans and related documents for the construction of a new bridge on the downstream side of the existing bridge while maintaining traffic on the existing bridge during construction. NEPA Clearance will be handled in-house by the Technical Support Division. Post Design Services, if required, shall be by a separate Agreement.
10/10/2023Closed: Selected
Selected Consulant
HDR Engineering, Inc.
CRADDOCK BROTHERS VETERANS BRIDGE, located in Calhoun County, West Virginia. The structure carries United States Route (US) 33 over the West Fork of Little Kanawha River and is located approximately 0.07 mile west of County Route (CR) 18. The existing structure is a three-span continuous steel beam bridge with a span length of 172 feet – 6 inches. The BARS Number is 07A057 and the Bridge Number is 07-33-5.34. This project shall consist of the preparation of contract plans and related documents for the construction of a new bridge using innovative ideas for maintaining traffic during construction. Environmental documents necessary for submission to obtain NEPA clearance shall be included in the engineering services. Post Design Services, if required, shall be by a separate Agreement.
10/10/2023Closed: Selected
Selected Consultant
Mead and Hunt, Inc.
KAUSOOTH BRIDGE, located in Marshall County, West Virginia. The structure carries County Route (CR) 74/2 over Fish Creek and is located approximately 0.10 mile south of the junction of CR 74. The existing bridge consists of two simple steel through girder spans and one pin connected Pratt Through Truss with an overall span length of 195 feet – 9 inches. The BARS Number is 26A058 and the Bridge Number is 26-74/2-2.61. This project shall consist of the preparation of contract plans and related documents for the construction of a new bridge in the vicinity of the existing bridge while maintaining traffic on the existing bridge during construction. NEPA clearance will be handled in-house by the Technical Support Division. Post Design Services, if required, shall be by a separate Agreement.
10/2/2023Closed: Selected
Selected Consultant
Mead and Hunt, Inc.
GREENBAG RD, located in Monongalia County, West Virginia. This project shall consist of the development of Construction and Right-of-Way plans for a roadway widening and intersection improvement project. The project is approximately 3.0 miles in length and is located along Monongalia County Route (CR) 857 between its junction with United States Route (US) 119 to W I/S 857/1 (Miss. St.) and a segment from I/S 857/6 (Luckey Lane) to WV 7. Also included, will be an Engineering Design Study and complete NEPA documentation to obtain environmental clearance for the roadway widening and intersection improvements and any other related work as may be required. Other improvements include bicycling and pedestrian safety, drainage improvements, lighting, roadway deficiencies, signing, transit travel, and green infrastructure improvements. The Consultant will be responsible for survey, traffic engineering services and geotechnical services. Post Design Services, if required, will be by separate Agreement.
10/2/2023Closed: Selected
Selected Consultant
A. Morton Thomas and Associates, Inc.
W WASHINGTON STREET, located in Jefferson County, West Virginia. This project shall consist of a Design Study to update and enhance the report “WV-51 Feasibility Study.” The Design Study will address the traffic safety and pedestrian mobility improvements throughout the WV 51 corridor study area also known as MLK Jr. Blvd. and W. Washington Street in Charles Town, WV. The study scope shall address the alternatives identified as 1, 2, and 3 of the Feasibility Study, and a no build. A new alternative will be added to modify Alternative 3 to show the one-way conversion flow in the opposite direction. In addition, a second new alternative will be added with a connector road from WV 51 to CR 13 to the west of the railroad tracks and a roundabout with CR 13, thus eliminating a railroad crossing. Also, an additional highway specific alternative, based on field reviews, will be added to the tasks if the firm identifies an efficient, economical solution during preliminary evaluation of the existing report. Due to the large area of impacts, NEPA activities will be limited to an overview only. During the evaluation process, the firm should eliminate any alternative that cannot be advanced to final report due to any NEPA issues. Final NEPA activities will occur by a planned supplement, a separate Consultant, or in parallel with preliminary engineering during the 300 series activities associated with this portion of the project. The Consultant will also prepare mapping and survey for the project. Post Design Services, if required, shall be by a separate Agreement.
9/18/2023Closed: Selected
Selected Consultant
L. A. Gates Company
JARRELLS BOTTOM BRIDGE, located in Raleigh County, West Virginia. The structure carries HARP (HA) 902/33 over Marsh Fork and is located approximately 0.1 mile west of the intersection of West Virginia Route (WV) 3 and HA 902/33. This project shall consist of the preparation of contract plans and related documents for the replacement of the bridge along the existing alignment, while maintaining traffic on a temporary bridge just downstream during construction. Environmental documents necessary for submission to obtain NEPA clearance shall be included in the engineering services. Post Design Services, if required, shall be by a separate Agreement.
9/18/2023Closed: Selected
Selected Consultant
Greenman-Pedersen, Inc.
WILLIAM C BROWN BRIDGE, located in Raleigh County, West Virginia. The structure carries United States (US) 19 connector over Piney Creek and is located approximately 0.30 mile northeast of the intersection of United States Rout (US) 19 connector and US Interstate 64 (I-64) in Raleigh County. This project shall consist of the preparation of contract plans and related documents for the rehabilitation of the substructure, joint replacement, paint replacement, and deck overlay, while maintaining traffic on the existing bridge during construction. Post Design Services, if required, shall be done by a separate Agreement.
8/28/2023Closed: Selected
Selected Consultant
HNTB Corporation
MORGANTOWN INDUSTRIAL PARK ACCESS, located in Monongalia County, West Virginia. This project consists of the development of right of way, construction contract plans and related documents for the Morgantown Industrial Park Access Road. The project consists of designing a road and bridge identified as the recommended alignment from the Design Study. All alignments begin at the Harmony Grove Bridge and terminate at US 119, Don Knotts Boulevard. A proposed bridge over the Monongahela River, with Coast Guard permitting and clearance requirements is required. Geotechnical services and traffic management plan will be required. Post Design Services will be by a separate Agreement. ACCELERATED CONSULTANT PROCUREMENT AND DESIGN IS REQUIRED.
8/14/2023Closed: Selected
Selected Consultant
WILLIAM S RITCHIE JR, located in Jackson County, West Virginia. The structure carries United States Route (US) 33 over West Virginia Route (WV) 68, CSX Railroad, and Ohio River and is located approximately 0.30 mile west of WV 68. The bridge consists of a three (3) span continuous steel thru truss main structure in addition to seven (7) steel plate girder approach spans. Each span includes a reinforced concrete bridge deck with the exception of the main river span of the truss, where the deck consists of a concrete half-filled steel grid decking system. Professional engineering services are sought for the preparation of contract plans and related documents for a bridge rehabilitation project. The project will be developed in two phases. Phase I will consist of analyzing the existing truss structure and developing suitable replacement decking options available that will not exceed the capacity of the existing bridge. Phase II will include the design of construction plans, surveying, and traffic engineering plans to replace all expansion joints, replace the half-filled steel grid decking system with the chosen option from Phase I, and to install a concrete deck overlay in the remaining spans. One lane of traffic shall be maintained across the bridge at all times during construction. Post Design Services, if required, shall be done by a separate Agreement.
8/14/2023Closed: Selected
Selected Consultant
Palmer Engineering Company
12th STREET BRIDGE, located in Cabell County, West Virginia. The structure carries 12th Street over Fourpole Creek in the City of Huntington and is located approximately 0.34 mile west of WV 10. The existing structure is a single span spandrel filled reinforced concrete arch with a span length of 44 feet – 4 inches, spring line to spring line. The BARS Number is 06A902 and the Bridge Number is 06 N0760-0.03. This project shall consist of the preparation of contract plans and related documents for the construction of a new bridge at its current location, while maintaining traffic on city streets owned by the City of Huntington. Environmental documents necessary for submission to obtain NEPA clearance shall be included in the engineering services. Post Design Services, if required, shall be by a separate Agreement.
7/31/2023Closed: Withdrawn
***PLEASE NOTE THAT THE DEADLINE OF JULY 24, 2023 REFERENCED IN THE BODY OF THE RFQ IS EXTENDED BY ONE WEEK AND WILL BE DUE ON JULY 31, 2023.*** ***ALSO PLEASE NOTE THAT THIS IS AN ACCELERATED PROJECT WITH HIGH PRIORTY AND PLANS WILL BE BASED ON ALTERNATE 3 OF THE PHASE I DESIGN STUDY, NOT ALTERNATE 1 AS ORIGINALLY DESCRIBED, AND SHALL REQUIRE A SEVEN-SPAN, 1,324 -FOOT-LONG BRIDGE AND SHALL INCLUDE AN AT GRADE INTERSECTION*** MORGANTOWN INDUSTRIAL PARK ACCESS PHASE II, located in Monongalia County, West Virginia. This project consists of the development of right of way plans, construction contract plans and related documents for Phase 2 (road extension and new bridge). The project consists of the extension of the Morgantown Industrial Park Access Phase 1 road across the Monongahela River and to tie to US 119. A proposed three-span, 810-foot-long bridge, with Coast Guard permitting and clearance requirements is required. It is anticipated that a grade separated intersection will be designed at the US 119 – Don Knotts Boulevard connection. Geotechnical services and a traffic management plan will be required. Post Design Services, if required, shall be done by a separate Agreement.
7/17/2023Closed: Selected
Selected Consultant
A. Morton Thomas & Associates, Inc.
ALLEN JUNCTION ARCH BR, located in Wyoming County, West Virginia. The structure carries West Virginia Route (WV) 16 over the Guyandotte River and is located approximately 0.13 mile south of County Route (CR) 12/1 in Wyoming County. This project shall consist of preparation of contract plans and related documents for the construction of a new bridge upstream of the existing bridge, while maintaining traffic on the existing bridge during construction. Environmental documents necessary for submission to obtain NEPA clearance shall be included in the engineering services. Post Design Services, if required, shall be done by a separate Agreement.
7/17/2023Closed: Selected
Selected Consultant
Michael Baker International, Inc.
I-79 CO 14/1 O/P MULTI-PLATE ARCH REPLACEMENT +1, located in Lewis County on I-79. This project consists of the development of contract plans and related documents and geotechnical services for the replacement of two multiplate arches. These culverts are located under I-79. A Design Study has not been completed and will not be a part of these services. Based on the information collected, it is recommended that the arches be replaced by twin bridges with special attention to removal of the culverts while maintaining local traffic and utilizing crossovers on the interstate. The firm will be responsible for surveys, core borings and preparing a traffic management plan. Post Design Services will be by a separate Agreement.
7/10/2023Closed: Selected
Selected Consultant
Michael Baker International, Inc.
BRIDGE STREET BRIDGE, located in Pleasants County, West Virginia. The structure carries Bridge Street over CSX Railroad and is located approximately 0.07 mile west of WV 2. This project shall consist of the preparation of contract plans and related documents for the construction of a new bridge near its current location, while maintaining traffic on a detour thru property owned by the City of St Mary’s. The project shall be developed in two phases. Phase I of the project shall be to determine an alignment that minimizes impacts to the community. Innovation is crucial in this Phase of the project to keep right of way takes at a minimum. Phase II (by supplement) shall be the contract plan development. Environmental documents necessary for submission to obtain NEPA clearance shall be included in the engineering services. Post Design Services, if required, may be by separate Agreement.
7/10/2023Closed: Selected
Selected Consultant:
BUFFALO CREEK BRIDGE, located in Preston County, West Virginia. The structure carries United States Route (US) 50 over Buffalo Creek and is located approximately 0.03 mile east of State Route (SR) 72 in Preston County. This project shall consist of preparation of contract plans and related documents for the construction of a new bridge at the current location, while maintaining traffic on a downstream detour during construction. Environmental documents necessary for submission to obtain NEPA clearance, as well as Army Corp of Engineers permits shall be included in the engineering services. Post Design Services, if required, shall be done by a separate Agreement.
6/23/2023Closed: Selected

SELECTED - WRA, 1st Alt. -CONSOR, 2nd Alt.-Carpenter Marty

SELECTED-TRC,1st Alt.-GPI, 2nd Alt.-Palmer,

SELECTED-Transystems, 1st. Alt-WRA, 2nd Alt. -TRC

SELECTED-GPI, 1st. Alt.-Larson DG, 2nd Alt.-AECOM

SELECTED-Carpenter Marty, 1st Alt.-Stantec, 2nd Alt.-Markosky


SELECTED-B&N, 1st Alt.-Stantec, 2nd Alt.-Modjeski,

SELECTED-Michael Baker,1st Alt.-HNTB, 2nd Alt.-AMT, ,

SELECTED-HNTB, 1st Alt.-Michael Baker, 2nd Alt.-Terradon

SELECTED-CONSOR, 1st Alt.-HDR, 2nd Alt.-Palmer

SELECTED-Gannet Fleming,1ST Alt.- HDR, 2ND Alt.- Mott McDonald

SELECTED-AI, 1st Alt.-Larson DG, 2nd Alt.-GAI

SELECTED-GAI, 1st Alt.-Markosky, 2nd Alt.-AMT



Notice is hereby given by the West Virginia Department of Transportation, Division of Highways, that consulting services will be utilized for six-year inspection projects, per the current National Bridge Inspection Standards and may include design plans for repairs, for the following projects:


1)      Six-year inspection project for Arch A. Moore, Jr. Bridge, State Project No. T626-2-0.02 00, over the Ohio River. The bridge consists of fourteen spans, one steel through arch span and thirteen steel beam spans with an overall length of 2,623 feet. The roadway width is 59 feet.

2)      Six-year inspection project for Blennerhassett Island Bridge, State Project No. T654-50-0.00 00, carrying US 50 over the Ohio River, Blennerhassett Island, Ohio Route 618, and CSX Railroad. The bridge consists of thirteen spans with an overall length of 4008’9”. There is one tied arch span at 878’6”, eleven continuous steel girder spans at 171’0”, 179’0”, 139’9”, 320’9”, 401’0”, 393’0”, 393’0”, 393’0”, 301’0”, 210’0”, and 195’0”, and one concrete span at 18’1”. The bridge has two 48’0” roadways separated by a 2’0” median barrier.

3)      Six-year inspection project for Court/Leon Sullivan Way and Brooks Street Bridges, State Project No. T620-77-100.00 00. The project consists of the following bridges:

a)      Court Street I-77 Approach Ramp (Ramp D) over U.S.D.A. Farmers’ Market. The bridge consists of three steel box beam spans with an overall length of 289 feet. The roadway width is 24 feet 6 inches.

b)      Leon Sullivan Way I-77 Exit Ramp (Ramp E) over Piedmont Road, Northern and Southern Railroad, Smith Street and Leon Sullivan Way. The bridge consists of eleven steel box girder spans with an overall length of 929 feet. The roadway width is 30 feet 6 inches.

c)      Leon Sullivan Way I-77 Exit Ramp (Ramp F) over I-77, Ramp G, Piedmont Road, Northern and Southern Railroad, Smith Street. The bridge consists of twelve steel box girder spans with an overall length of 1,350 feet. The roadway width is 20 feet 6 inches.

d)      Brooks Street I-77 Approach Ramp (Ramp G) over I-77 and Piedmont Road. The bridge consists of four steel box beam spans with an overall length of 522 feet. The roadway width is 21 feet 6 inches.

e)      Brooks Street I-77 Approach Ramp (Ramp H) over Piedmont Road. The bridge consists of four steel box beam spans with an overall length of 478 feet. The roadway width is 21 feet 6 inches.


f)       Brooks Street I-77 Approach Ramp (Ramp GH) over Smith Street, Brooks Street and Northern and Southern Railroad. The bridge consists of seven steel box beam spans with an overall length of 825 feet. The roadway width is 20 feet 6 inches.

4)      Six-year inspection project for CPL Thomas Bennett Memorial Bridge, State Project No. T631-79-149.41 00, over the Monongahela River, CSX and Monongalia Railroads and county routes. The bridge consists of nine spans, a three-span continuous deck truss, three continuous deck girder spans and three continuous deck stringer spans with an overall length of 1,550 feet. The roadway is 97 feet.

5)      Six-year inspection project for Hi Carpenter Memorial Bridge, State Project No. T637-807-0.01 00, over the Ohio River, and Ohio Route 7. The bridge consists of nine spans and has a total length of 2,584’-10”. The roadway is 64 feet.

6)      Six-year inspection project for Jennings Randolph Bridge, State Project No. T615-30-0.02 00, The project consists of the following bridges:

a)      The West Virginia Approach consists of ten spans. The superstructure has two continuous spans consisting of two steel plate I-girder units with floorbeams and stringers and eight simple steel plate I-girders having from 10 to 14 girders per span. The roadway on the bridge consists of four lanes of traffic, two lanes in each direction with lane widths of approximately 12’ and a total out-to-out deck width that varies, with a minimum width of 65’ – 0”.

b)      Ramp A North over a back channel of the Ohio River and River Road in Ohio. The structure is a two-span continuous, welded plate girder bridge with an overall length of 460 feet. The roadway width is 26 feet 6 inches.

c)      Westbound Ramp over a back channel of the Ohio River and River Road in Ohio. The structure is a four span, welded plate girder bridge with an overall length of 778 feet. The roadway width varies from 29 feet 6 inches to 38 feet 6 inches.

d)      Eastbound Ramp and Ramp B over a back channel of the Ohio River and River Road in Ohio. The Eastbound Ramp is a four span, welded plate girder bridge with an overall length of 783 feet. The roadway width varies from 38 feet 6 inches to 29 feet 6 inches. Ramp B is a one span, welded plate girder with a span length of 163 feet. The roadway width is 26 feet 6 inches.

e)      Main truss over the Ohio River. The structure is a welded through Pratt Truss with an overall length of 756 feet. The truss has a height of 85 feet between the bottom and top chords and has 16 panels. The roadway width is 30 feet in each direction.


7)      Six Year Inspection Project for Market Street Bridge, State Project No. T605-2-0.01 00, over the Ohio River. The bridge consists of nine spans, the three main spans (Spans Seven through Nine) are cable-suspended with stiffening through Warren truss. The west approach consists of two deck girder spans (Spans One and Two) and a four-span (Spans Three through Six) steel through truss which is a quadrangular Warren with verticals. The overall length of the structure is 1,794’-2” with a roadway width of 21’-8”.

8)      Six-year inspection project for Silver Memorial Bridge, State Project No. T627-35-17.97 00, over the Ohio River. The bridge consists of five spans, a three-span steel cantilever through truss and two steel beam spans with an overall length of 1,961 feet. The roadway is 60 feet.

9)      Six-year inspection project for Veterans Memorial Bridge, State Project No. T605-22-0.03 00, over the Ohio River. The bridge consists of 6 spans, two continuous cable stayed suspension spans and four continuous welded plate girder spans with an overall length of 1,965 feet. The roadway width is 81 feet.

10)  Six-year inspection project for Wheeling Suspension Bridge, State Project No. T635-251-0.07 00, is a 1,307'-6" long, single span steel suspension bridge carrying WV Route 251 over the Ohio River. The structure has a 20'-0" wide roadway, with a 4'-2" wide sidewalk on each side of the structure.

11)  Six-year inspection project for Wheeling Tunnel, State Project No. T635-70-0.86 00, under Wheeling Hill. The tunnel consists of twin tunnels 1,517 feet in length. The roadway width is 24 feet in each tunnel.

12)  Six-year inspection project for Wilbur Lee Clayton Memorial Bridge, State Project No. T616-48-123.64 00, over Clifford Hollow Run. The bridge consists of 6 continuous span steel plate girder spans with an overall length of 1,535 feet. The roadway width is 70 feet.

13)  Six-year inspection project for Williamstown Marietta (WV31) Bridge, State Project No. T654-31-19.04 00, over the Ohio River and city streets. The bridge consists of two span steel thru truss and ten continuous steel deck girder spans with an overall length of 2,497 feet. The roadway is 60 feet.

Additional information may be obtained on each bridge by contacting William Murray, Operations Division, Bridge Preservation Section Manager at (304) 414-8958 or by email at

The above projects are currently scheduled for work to begin in 2024. Single or multiple assignments may be made for this work.

Several of these structures are located on routes in an urban and extremely high traffic areas that will mandate traffic disruption. Progressive and innovative methods of inspection access will be considered in the selection process.


Firms interested in being considered for this project must submit a letter of interest and unpriced prospectus to Mr. Jacob Bumgarner, Director, Operations Division, West Virginia Division of Highways, Building Five, Room A-350, 1900 Kanawha Boulevard, East, Charleston, West Virginia 25305-0430 or via e-mail to prior to 4:00 p.m., June 23, 2023.

As a minimum, the prospectus will include the following items for evaluation:

1)      A completed copy of the Division’s Consultant Confidential Qualification Questionnaire, if not already on file, dated January 1, 2023 or later.

2)      Overall capabilities to perform the work, including workforce available to assign to the project, personnel qualifications, and present workload.

3)      Location of office in which the work will be performed.

4)      Type of work anticipated to be sub-contracted or performed by a sub-consultant.

5)      Indication of whether a cost accounting system has been maintained and is in effect such that it is capable of segregating and identifying accumulating costs for each job that is performed under cost type projects.

6)      A completed copy of the Division’s Short List Selection Criteria Technical Evaluation form limited to a single page of data. Cross-referencing on this form to other parts of the prospectus is not acceptable.

7)      Indication of the project(s) for which the firm is submitting information for consideration. If the submission is for all projects, a statement to that effect shall be made and a detailed listing shall not be required.

Prior to entering contract negotiations, the selected firm and any sub-consultants shall submit a current audited overhead rate computation performed by a state or federal government agency or independent CPA firm. The submitted overhead audit shall contain a detailed exhibit of the computations with all applicable eliminations and references.

The audit shall be done in accordance with Government Auditing Standards issued by the Comptroller General of the United States and all eliminations required by the Federal Acquisitions Regulations will be made. This requirement will be waived for the selected firm or any sub-consultant when its portion of the fee for the project is less than One Hundred Thousand Dollars ($100,000.00). In such instances, a company computed overhead rate may be utilized.

A single letter of interest and unpriced prospectus is required regardless of the number of projects requested by the firm for consideration.

It is the policy of the West Virginia Department of Transportation, Division of Highways that disadvantaged and women-owned business enterprises shall have the maximum opportunity to participate in the performance of contracts financed in whole or in part with federal funds.

6/12/2023Closed: Selected
Selected Consultant
The Mannik & Smith Group, Inc.
***PLEASE NOTE THAT THIS RFQ DEADLINE WILL BE EXTENDED ONE WEEK AND WILL BE DUE ON JUNE 12, 2023.*** RICHARD SNYDER MEM BR, located in Wetzel County. This project consists of the development of contract plans and related documents and geotechnical services for the replacement of the Richard Snyder Memorial Bridge. This structure is located on WV 7 over WV 2 in New Martinsville. A Design Study has been completed and will not be a part of these services. Based on the information collected, it is recommended that staged construction will be used to maintain traffic during construction. The firm will be required to rate the bridge for the staged condition. Post Design Services will be by a separate Agreement.
6/12/2023Closed: Selected
Selected Consultant
Herbert, Rowland & Grubic, Inc.
***PLEASE NOTE THAT THIS RFQ DEADLINE WILL BE EXTENDED ONE WEEK AND WILL BE DUE ON JUNE 12, 2023.*** HACKERS CREEK BRIDGE, located in Harrison County, West Virginia. The structure carries United States Route (US) 19 over Hackers Creek and is located approximately 0.01 mile north of County Route (CR) 19/22 in Harrison County. This project shall consist of preparation of contract plans and related documents for the construction of a new bridge at the current location, while maintaining traffic on a downstream detour during construction. Environmental documents necessary for submission to obtain NEPA clearance, as well as Army Corp of Engineers permits shall be included in the engineering services. Post Design Services, if required, shall be done by a separate Agreement.
5/22/2023Closed: Selected
Selected Consultants
L. A. Gates Company
BIRCH RIVER BR, located in Nicholas County, West Virginia. Bridge number34-1-4.48, Bars number 34A001. This structure carries County Route (CR) 1 over the Birch River and is located 2.24 miles west of US 19 at the Birch River exit. The bridge is a one span pony truss on concrete crib abutments. The structure length is 76.8’ and the roadway width is 19.0’ curb to curb. Professional engineering services are sought for the total replacement of the bridge. Engineering services shall include the design of construction plans, right-of-way plans, surveying, geotechnical services, and traffic engineering plans with a special consideration for Design Directive 681-Work Zone Safety and Mobility. A temporary bypass and bridge will be required for maintenance of traffic. The existing roadway alignment will remain the same. Environmental documents necessary for submission to obtain NEPA clearance, as well as Army Corp of Engineers permits shall be included in the engineering services. Post Design Services, if required, shall be done by a separate Agreement.
5/15/2023Closed: Selected
Selected Consultants
Stantec Consulting Services Inc.
MINE BRIDGE, located in Ohio County, West Virginia. The structure carries County Route (CR) 1 over Short Creek and is located approximately 0.43 mile north of the intersection with CR 1/1. This project shall consist of preparation of contract plans and related documents for the construction of a new bridge at the current location, while maintaining traffic on a downstream detour during construction. A Design Study has been completed and will not be a part of these services. Post Design Services, if required, may be by separate Agreement.
5/8/2023Closed: Selected
Selected Consultant
HNTB Corporation
I-64 HUNTINGTON WELCOME CENTER EXIT 8, located in Cabell County, West Virginia along WV 152, 0.13 miles south of exit 8. The project shall consist of preparing construction and right of way plans, for the site development and building plans for a welcome center. A design study has been completed. Building plans will include architectural, structural, mechanical, electrical, and plumbing design services. The project is in an MS4 area; therefore, the Consultant shall reference DD-506 and use pollution prevention and discharge reduction methods in the design. The project will be developed in two phases. Phase I will include a 15% conceptual plan that identifies entrance and exit points, internal roads, parking areas and a building concept plan for establishing expectations and budget. Phase II will be by supplemental agreement for final right of way and construction plans. Post Design Services, if required, may be by separate Agreement. The consultant will be responsible for survey and geotechnical services. NEPA will be performed by WVDOH. Any potential subconsultant must be identified and proof of current overheads and the availability to do work in West Virginia must be provided.
4/17/2023Closed: Selected
Selected Consultant
H. W. Lochner, Inc.
WASHINGTON AVENUE BRIDGE, located in Ohio County, West Virginia. The structure carries Washington Avenue over Wheeling Creek and is located approximately 0.10 mile west of the intersection with US 40 in Wheeling. This project shall consist of preparation of contract plans and related documents for the construction of a new bridge at its current location, while maintaining traffic on existing routes during construction. A Design Study has been completed and will not be a part of these services. Post Design Services, if required, will be by separate Agreement. Any potential subconsultant must be included on the list of prequalified Consultants for the applicable Prequalification Category (Engineering Division).
4/17/2023Closed: Selected
Selected Consultant
GAI Consultants Inc.
H. LABAN WHITE MEMORIAL BR (Design Study), located in Harrison County, West Virginia. This study shall consider the replacement or renovation of the H. Laban White Memorial Bridge and the West Pike Street Bridge located in Clarksburg, WV. Located in the route segment of US 19 beginning at 0.07 mile south of WV 20 and ending at 0.03 mile north of WV 20. This project shall consist of the development of a Design Study and all related environmental surveys and documentation required to complete the NEPA process and obtain environmental clearance. The professional services include related documents, surveying, geotechnical services, and traffic engineering services. Other considerations include intersection improvements, bicycle/pedestrian access, Maintenance of Traffic, public outreach, and constructability issues. Any potential subconsultant must be included on the list of prequalified Consultants for the applicable Prequalification Category (Engineering Division).
4/10/2023Closed: Selected
Selected Consultant
HDR Engineering, Inc.
TEAYS VALLEY ROAD WIDENING, located in Putnam County, West Virginia. Beginning at Great Teays Boulevard (CR 34/40) following Teays Valley Rd (CR 33) to termini point 0.30 mile west of the US 35 spur intersection. This project shall consist of preparation of contract plans related to widening the subject road for a center two-way left-turn lane, shoulders, and sidewalks. The professional services shall include related documents, surveying, geotechnical services, and traffic engineering services. Other improvements include intersection improvements, traffic signals, bicycle lanes, sidewalks, pedestrian lighting, and crosswalks. One bridge, located at milepost 0.83 will need replaced. The Consultant shall perform all related environmental surveys and documentation required to the complete NEPA process and obtain environmental clearance. A Level 2 or 3 Traffic Management Plan will also be required. The project is in an MS4 area; therefore, the Consultant shall reference DD-506 and use pollution prevention and discharge reduction methods in the design. Post Design Services, if required, may be by separate Agreement. Any potential subconsultant must be included on the list of prequalified Consultants for the applicable Prequalification Category (Engineering Division).
3/27/2023Closed: Selected
Selected Consultant
Herbert, Rowland & Grubic, Inc.
BUTCHERS RUN TRUSS, located in Gilmer County, West Virginia. The structure carries Gilmer County Route (CR) 17/8 over Cedar Creek and is located approximately 0.06 mile south of CR 17. This project shall consist of preparation of contract plans and related documents for the construction of a new bridge downstream of its current location, while maintaining traffic on the existing bridge during construction. A Design Study has been completed and will not be a part of these services. Post Design Services, if required, may be by separate Agreement. Any potential subconsultant must be included on the list of prequalified Consultants for the applicable Prequalification Category (Engineering Division).
3/27/2023Closed: Selected
Selected Consultant:
Michael Baker International, Inc.
ROCKY FORK CHANNEL BEAM BR, located in Kanawha County, West Virginia. The structure carries West Virginia Route (WV) 622 over Rocky Fork and is located approximately 0.04 mile north of CR 5/3. This project shall consist of preparation of contract plans and related documents for the construction of a new bridge at the current location, while maintaining traffic on an upstream detour during construction. A Design Study has been completed and will not be a part of these services. Post Design Services, if required, may be by separate Agreement. Any potential subconsultant must be included on the list of prequalified Consultants for the applicable Prequalification Category (Engineering Division).
3/13/2023Closed: Selected
Selected Consultant
E. L. Robinson Engineering Co.
WVU TECH CAMPUS CORRIDOR, located in Raleigh County, West Virginia. The project includes two roundabouts on WV 210, President Carolyn Long Campus Drive, and South Kanawha Street, along with appropriate improvements to side streets for a length of 0.67 miles in Beckley. Other improvements but not limited to in the project (corridor) include many Smart Road technologies such as sensors to monitor changing road conditions, Wi-Fi transmitters that provide broadband services to vehicles, homes and businesses, glowing pavement markings, interactive lights, cameras for traffic lights, bike lanes and sidewalks, utility relocations, installation of broadband, greenspace features and lighting enhancements, crosswalk enhancements and pedestrian lighting, electric charging stations, stormwater management (rain gardens), and various pavement materials. The professional services include design of construction plans and right-of-way plans, surveying, geotechnical services, and traffic engineering services with consideration given to Design Directive 681-Work Zone Safety and Mobility. The Consultant shall perform all related environmental surveys and documentation required to complete the NEPA requirements. Post Design Services, if required, may be by separate Agreement. Any potential subconsultant must be included on the list of prequalified Consultants for the applicable Prequalification Category (Engineering Division).
1/25/2023Closed: Selected
Selected Consultant
Whitman, Requardt and Associates, LLP
STATE PROJECT U321-79-106.32 00 FEDERAL PROJECT (EN) NHPP-0792(291)D FEDERAL PROJECT (CN) NHPP-0792(293)D HARRISON CO LINE N & S, located in Lewis County, West Virginia. These twin structures carry Interstate 79 (I-79) over McKinney Run and County Route (CR) 3 and is located 1.27 miles north of CR 7. The northbound and southbound bridges consist of multi-girder system with six (6) spans having an overall length of 444 feet, 10 inches and a deck width out-to-out of 44 feet, 1 inch. The professional services for the bridge replacements shall include the design of construction plans and right-of-way plans, surveying, geotechnical services, and traffic engineering services with special consideration to Design Directive 681 – Work Zone Safety and Mobility. The project is located on the portion of I-79 designed as nighttime closure only on the WVDOH Closure Map. Crossovers and a contraflow lane will be required to maintain two (2) lanes of traffic in each direction. NEPA clearance will be assumed to be handled in-house by the Technical Division. Any potential subconsultant must be included on the list of prequalified Consultants for the applicable Prequalification Category (Engineering Division). Post Design Services will be by a separate Agreement.
11/17/2022Closed: Selected
Selected Consultant
L. A. Gates Company
MABSCOTT OVERHEAD BRIDGE +1, located in Raleigh County. This project consists of the development of contract plans and related documents, geotechnical services, and possible additional surveying for the replacement of the Mabscott Overhead Bridge (#41-16-16.34) and the Cova Street Overhead Bridge (#41-16-16.49) at their existing locations and permanently shutting down an existing West Virginia Route (WV) 16 ramp between the two bridges. These structures are on a section of roadway that carries WV 16 over Whitestick Creek, railroad tracks, WV 16 entrance/exit ramps, Frontier Street, and Cova Street, and are located approximately 0.6 mile northeast of the West Virginia Turnpike (I-64/I-77). A Design Study has been completed and will not be a part of these services. Based on the information collected, it is recommended that traffic will be maintained on the existing bridge during construction, utilizing Case E-12 from the Manual on Temporary Traffic Control for Streets and Highways (2006 Edition). Any potential subconsultant must be included on the list of prequalified Consultants for the applicable Prequalification Category (Engineering Division). Post Design Services will be by a separate Agreement.
11/16/2022Closed: Selected
Selected Consultant
Mead and Hunt, Inc.
GIMLET HOLLOW O/P, located in Cabell County. The twin structures carry Interstate 64 over Cook School Road, East Road, and West Road and is located 0.47 mile west of United States Route (US) 52. Eastbound and Westbound bridges consist of girder floor beam stringer system with eight (8) spans, having an overall length of 905 feet 6 inches and a deck width out-to-out of 35 feet 3 inches. The professional engineering services for this replacement project shall include the design of construction plans and right-of-way plans, surveying, geotechnical services, and traffic engineering services with special consideration to Design Directive 681 – Work Zone Safety and Mobility. During Phase I of Maintenance of Traffic (MOT) a portion of the permanent bridge will be constructed in the median to maintain two lanes of westbound traffic while the existing westbound bridge is demolished, and the permanent is constructed. During Phase II of MOT the westbound traffic from the median will be transferred to the newly constructed westbound bridge and existing eastbound traffic moved to median portion of the bridge while eastbound bridge is demolished, and the permanent bridge is constructed. NEPA clearance will be handled by Technical Support Division. The superstructure for both eastbound and westbound bridge is fracture critical. There is a tear in the beam in the westbound bridge. The acceleration and deacceleration lanes at Exit 6 may be substandard and may possibly require upgrading with this project. There are utilities under the bridge and the bridge also has bats. Any potential subconsultant must be included on the list of prequalified Consultants for the applicable Prequalification Category (Engineering Division). Post Design Services will be by a separate Agreement.
11/15/2022Closed: Selected
Selected Consultant
BRISTOL BR EB & WB, located in Harrison County. These structures carry United States Route (US) 50 over Salem Fork and a North Bend Rail Trail, and is located 0.30 mile east of County Route (CR) 50/6. The eastbound bridge consists of seven (7) spans with four (4) steel girders having an overall length of 520 feet and a deck width out-to-out of 36 feet, 7 inches. The westbound bridge consists of eight (8) spans with six (6) steel girders having an overall length of 623 feet, 6 inches and a deck width out-to-out of 42 feet, 4 inches. The professional engineering services for this replacement projects shall include the design of construction plans, right-of-way plans, surveying, geotechnical services and traffic engineering services with special consideration to Design Directive 681 – Work Zone Safety and Mobility. Crossovers will be utilized for the Maintenance of Traffic Scheme due to fracture critical pier cap in both structures. NEPA clearance will be handled by Technical Support Division. There is a possibility of 4f involvement with the Rail Trail. There is a possibility of a 42-inch gas line under the bridge. Any potential subconsultant must be included on the list of prequalified Consultants for the applicable Prequalification Category (Engineering Division). Post Design Services will be by a separate Agreement.
8/9/2022Closed: Selected
Consultant Selected
White Brothers Consulting, LLC
TUNNEL BRIDGE, located in Greenbrier County, West Virginia. This structure carries Interstate 64 (I-64) over two (2) CSX Railroad Lines. It begins 3.95 miles East County Route (CR) 60/14. The twin structures consist of three (3) simple prestressed concrete I-beam spans, each having an overall length of 166.5 feet and a deck width out-to-out of 40.5 feet. The professional services for the bridge replacement shall include the design of construction plans and right-of-way plans, surveying, geotechnical services, and traffic engineering services with special consideration to Design Directive 681 – Work Zone Safety and Mobility. Post Design Services will be by separate Agreement. Any potential subconsultant must be included on the list of prequalified Consultants for the applicable Prequalification Category (Engineering Division).
Notice is hereby given by the West Virginia Department of Transportation, Division of Highways (WVDOT-DOH), that consulting services will be utilized for the following project: Statewide Pavement Data Collection - This project shall consist of the collection and delivery of pavement condition data in accordance with the Federal Highways Administration (FHWA) Moving Ahead for Progress in the 21st Century Act (MAP-21), Fixing America’s Surface Transportation Act (FAST Act) and subsequent legislation and WVDOT-DOH requirements. The work will be performed statewide on all Interstates, APD and NHS routes, and selected US, West Virginia, and county routes in addition to other non-continuous road sections that include the Highway Performance Monitoring System (HPMS). The data collection may include, but not necessarily be limited to: roughness, rutting, faulting, pavement cracking, shoulder type and width, global referencing data, digital roadway images and highway centerline geometrics. The data collected will be used to analyze the system needs and develop construction programs. Existing asset information may also be collected to supplement or update the data previously collected such as guardrail, signs, sign assemblies, signals, barriers, pavement markings, rumble strips, shoulders, curb ramps, lighting, etc.
7/19/2022Closed: Selected
Selected Consultant
HDR Engineering, Inc.
Corridor H/Roaring Run Bridge, located in Tucker County, West Virginia. This project consists of the preparation of grading and drainage contract plans and related documents between construction projects WV 72 I/C – Parsons (X342-H-40.21 05) and Parsons – Davis (X347-H-55.68 00) on Appalachian Corridor H. Pavement contract plans will also be provided from the beginning of the WV 72 I/C – Parsons project (X342-H-40.21 05) to the beginning of the Parsons – Davis project (X347-H-55.68 00) project. This project also includes the preparation of contract plans and related documents for the construction of the new Roaring Run Bridge. The new structure will be approximately 1,740 feet in length and will be located approximately 0.2 mile west of the United States (US) Route 219 interchange within the project limits. A Study has been completed and will not be a part of these services. Additional services to be performed include geotechnical services. Any potential subconsultant must be included on the list of prequalified consultants for applicable Prequalification Category (Engineering Division). Post Design Services will be by separate Agreement.
7/12/2022Closed: Selected
Consultant Selected
The Mannik & Smith Group, Inc.
US 50 I/C N & S, located in Wood County, West Virginia. This project consists of the preparation of contract plans and related documents for the replacement of the mainline bridges carrying northbound and southbound Interstate 77 (I-77) over United States Route 50 (US 50) at exit 176 in Wood County, West Virginia near Parkersburg, while increasing the vertical clearance over US 50. The existing bridges are three-span continuous steel girder structures approximately 200 feet in length. Traffic engineering services and geotechnical engineering services may also be required. Special consideration is to be given to Design Directive 681 - Work Zone Safety and Mobility. Any additional surveying and environmental work that is not performed by the Department may become the responsibility of the Consultant. Any potential subconsultant must be included on the list of prequalified consultants for applicable Prequalification Category (Engineering Division). Post Design Services will be by separate Agreement.
7/5/2022Closed: Selected
Selected Consultant
GAI Consultants Inc.
WEIRTON STEEL OVERPASS, located in Hancock County, West Virginia. This structure carries West Virginia Route (WV) 2 over haul-roads owned and maintained by the Frontier Group of Companies. The structure begins 0.90 miles North Jct. County Route (CR) 507 and ends 0.03 miles South Jct. WV 105 in Weirton. The structure contains nineteen approach spans and one main span and is approximately 50’ x 1428’. Also included is the adjoining structure South Main Street Bridge over the Cleveland Cliff Railroad and Yard which is located 0.45 miles South of Jct. WV 105. This structure contains four approach spans and one main span and is approximately 50’ x 365.9’. The professional services shall include, at a minimum, a Design Study with alternatives including a detailed inspection with preparation of rehabilitation and recommendation report, an alternative for replacement with elimination of various spans while bringing WV 2 down to grade. Additional services to be performed under a separate Agreement referencing different State and Federal Project Numbers will include the design of construction plans and right-of-way plans, surveying, geotechnical services, traffic engineering services with special consideration to Design Directive 681 - Work Zone Safety and Mobility, NEPA documentation, and Natural and Cultural Resource services. Post Design Services will be by separate Agreement. Any potential subconsultant must be included on the list of prequalified Consultants for the applicable Prequalification Category (Engineering Division).
6/27/2022Closed: Selected
Consultants Selected
AECOM Technical Services, Inc.
HNTB Corporation
Michael Baker International, Inc.
Mott MacDonald, LLC
Stantec Consulting Services Inc.
Federal Grant Opportunities, West Virginia. This work shall consist of supporting State Agencies expressing interest in federal grant opportunities, on an as-needed (on-call) basis related to the Infrastructure Investment and Job Acts (IIJA).
5/9/2022Closed: Selected
Selected Consultant
​HDR Engineering, Inc.
STATE PROJECT X316-H-125.16 00 (EN) FEDERAL PROJECT NHPP0484117 PROGRAM KEY 1998013623 HARDY CO 23/12-VA STATE LINE BRIDGES, located in Hardy County, West Virginia. This project shall consist of Consultant Services for the design and production of structure plans and related documentation for four dual structures (both northbound and southbound) carrying United States Route (US) 48 along the Hardy County Route (CR) 23/12-VA State Line section of Corridor-H. The Consultant design team selected for this project will be utilized by the Department to assist Engineering Division’s In-House Design Section.
4/4/2022Closed: Selected
Selected Consultant
The Thrasher Group, Inc.
STATE PROJECT U317-131-0.00 00 (CP) FEDERAL PROJECT STBG-0131(008)D (RW) FEDERAL PROJECT STBG-0131(009)D PROGRAM KEY 2022170004 WV 131 BENEDUM DR WIDENING, located in Harrison County, West Virginia. This project shall consist of the preparation of contract plans and related documents for the widening of approximately 3.72 miles of 2-lane highway. The project shall be divided into three phases for construction purposes. Phase 1 will be from the intersection of County Route (CR) 50/32 with West Virginia (WV) Route 131 (Milepost (MP) 0.92) to the westbound ramps of WV 279 (MP 2.20). Phase 2 will be from the westbound ramps of WV 279 (MP 2.20) to 0.20 mile south of the I-79 northbound ramp (MP 3.72). Phase 3 will be from the intersection of WV 131 with United States (US) Route 50 (MP 0.00) to the intersection of CR 50/32 with WV 131 (MP 0.92). A design study is currently being performed by the Initial Design Section of Engineering Division and will be provided, for information, upon completion. All geotechnical aspects, right-of-way plans, and environmental work shall be included. Survey data will be provided to the consultant, but some additional survey may be needed. Post Design Services, if required, will be by separate agreement.
11/15/2021Closed: Selected
Selected Consultant
A. Morton Thomas and Associates, Inc.
State Project S354-68-17.07 00, Sen. JF Deem Memorial Bridge, which carries West Virginia Route (WV) 68 over the Little Kanawha River, United States Route (US) 50, 1st Street, 2nd Street, and CSX Railroad. The bridge contains 3 separate structures. The Main structure contains eight (8) spans and is approximately 1,200 feet long. Ramps A and B contain six (6) spans and are approximately 360 feet each. The professional engineering services shall include, at a minimum, Pier rehabilitation of the main structure, replacement of the superstructure for Ramps A and B, inspection of the substructure for Ramps A and B to determine viability of substructure elements versus total replacement, traffic engineering services with special consideration to Design Directive 681 - Work Zone Safety and Mobility, NEPA documentation, Natural and Cultural Resource services, and other tasks as assigned. Post Design Services will be by a separate Agreement.
11/15/2021Closed: Selected
Selected Consultant
Greenman-Pedersen, Inc.
State Project X347-H-55.68 00, Parsons - Davis, located in Tucker County, West Virginia. This project shall consist of Consultant Services for the development and preparation of contract plans and related documents for the construction of approximately 9.15 miles of new 4-lane highway as per the Alignment and Resource Plans dated April 2017. In addition, the project will include approximately 4.33 miles of connector and side roads, 1.30 miles of interchanges, and 0.7 miles of approaches will be included. There are two (2) structures anticipated, along with one (1) box culvert. All geotechnical aspects and right-of-way plans shall be included. Survey & Mapping data will be provided to the Consultant, but additional services may be required. Environmental services are being performed by others and are not anticipated to be included in this project. The Prime Consultant should clearly delineate the roles and responsibilities of the Consultant Team, with assigned project tasks clearly described in the qualification submission. The Prime Consultant shall also perform Quality Control (QC) for all subconsultants (minimum of three firms). Post Design Services will be by separate Agreement.
10/4/2021Closed: Selected
Consultant Selected
E. L. Robinson Engineering Co.
State Project T699-KCH/CM-20. 00, King Coal Highway Corridor Management, located in Cabell, McDowell, Mercer, Mingo, Wayne, and Wyoming Counties, West Virginia. This Corridor Management project shall consist of services to expedite the planning, design, and construction of the remaining sections of the Corridor. The Consultant shall investigate feasible funding sources, such as applying and obtaining available grants, explore realignment to chase available coal seams, and produce a realistic financial plan for the entire Corridor. Services for the Preliminary Investigation and Engineering (PIE) Study shall also include obtaining geotechnical information for the preliminary design, all necessary right-of-way, providing for realistic and efficient construction and design schedules, and if required, acting on behalf of the Department in procuring Consultants to provide NEPA Ready Plans for reasonable sections of the entire Corridor. The Consultant may also provide services in construction management, inspection, QA/QC, and material inspection. This project will be completed in Phases with Notice to Proceed being given for the individual phases over the duration of the project. Post Design Services, if required, shall be by a separate Agreement. These services shall be required from project conception to completion of construction. This advertisement replaces the advertisement on June 24, 2019.
9/20/2021Closed: Withdrawn
State Project S353-5-13.00 00, Creston Bridge, located in Wirt County, West Virginia. This project shall consist of consultant services for the development and preparation of contract plans and related documents for the replacement of the existing bridge, which carries West Virginia (WV) 5 over Little Kanawha River and County Route (CR) 35/13. The existing structure is a four-span structure approximately 400 feet long and 32 feet wide. A Design Study has been completed and will not be a part of these services. Any additional surveying and required environmental documentation that is not performed by the Department may become the responsibility of the Consultant. Post Design Services will be by separate Agreement.
9/13/2021Closed: Selected
Selected Consultant
Burgess & Niple, Inc.
State Project S303-119-12.35 00, Jill Micah Hess Memorial Bridge (Northbound & Southbound), located in Boone County, West Virginia.  This rehabilitation project, at a minimum, shall consist of a detailed inspection, preparation of rehabilitation and recommendation report, and the preparation of contract plans and related documents for the approved recommended repairs to the dual structures.  These structures carry two lanes of one-way traffic along United States Route (US) 119 over Little Coal River, Boone County Route (CR) 119/9, CSX Railroad and West Virginia Route (WV) 85.  The existing northbound and southbound bridges are each approximately 1,553 feet long by 44 feet 7 inches wide and are located near the town of Danville.  Post Design Services will be by separate Agreement.
8/10/2021Closed: Selected
Selected Consultant
State Project S220-25/47-0.10  00, Dunbar Toll Bridge, which carries County Route (CR) 25/47 (10th Street) over the Kanawha River and United States Route (US) 60.  The structure connects the City of South Charleston and the City of Dunbar in Kanawha County.  The nine-span structure is approximately 1,383 feet long with a 450-foot main span.  The professional engineering services shall include, at a minimum, Preliminary Investigation and Engineering (PIE) services, a Design Study, main span river pier/foundation inspections, a geotechnical overview, traffic engineering services with special consideration to Design Directive 681 - Work Zone Safety and Mobility, NEPA documentation, Natural and Cultural Resource services, Coast Guard coordination, and other PIE project specific tasks as assigned.  A rehabilitation option and a no build option will be included in the PIE project.  Any potential subconsultant must be included on the list of prequalified Consultants for the applicable Prequalification Category (Engineering Division).
7/6/2021Closed: Selected
Selected Consultant
Potesta and Associates, Inc.
State Project S320-RAN/D-21. 00, City of Rand Drainage, which includes the stormwater system in Rand, West Virginia.  The stormwater sewers are in fair to poor condition and the system is inadequate in collection, conveyance, disposal, and extent of the coverage.  Obstructions, sags, crushed or deteriorated pipes, and other damages are found throughout the system.  These conditions, along with the topography, cause recurring, localized flooding during minor rainfalls.  A Preliminary Investigation and Engineering (PIE) Study for this area was completed May 2021.
5/27/2021Closed: Selected


Notice is hereby given by the West Virginia Department of Transportation, Division of Highways, that consulting services will be utilized for six-year inspection projects per the current National Bridge Inspection Standards and may include design plans for repairs, for the following project:


  1. Williamstown-Marietta Interstate Bridge, Wood County, carrying Interstate 77 over the Ohio River, Wood County Route 1 and CSX Railroad. The bridge consists of eleven spans with an overall length of 2611’0”. There is one steel truss span at 651’0”, nine continuous steel girder spans at 199’0”, 205’0”, 205’0”, 231’0”, 205’0”. 205’0”, 202’0”, 193’6”, and 191’0”, and one simple span steel girder at 117’0”. The bridge has two 29’0” roadways separated by 4’0” of concrete barriers.


Additional information may be obtained on each bridge by contacting William Murray, Operations Division, Bridge Preservation Section Manager at (304) 414-8958 or by email at


            The above project is currently scheduled for work to begin in 2022. Single or multiple assignments may be made for this work.


            Structure is located on a route in an urban and extremely high traffic area that will mandate traffic disruption. Progressive and innovative methods of inspection access will be considered in the selection process.


Firms interested in being considered for this project must submit a letter of interest and unpriced prospectus to Mr. Jacob Bumgarner, Director, Operations Division, West Virginia Division of Highways, Building Five, Room A-350, 1900 Kanawha Boulevard, East, Charleston, West Virginia 25305-0430 or via e-mail to prior to 4:00 p.m., May 27, 2021.


As a minimum, the prospectus will include the following items for evaluation:


  1. A completed copy of the Division’s Consultant Confidential Qualification Questionnaire (CCQQ) dated January 1, 2020 or later, if not already on file. This form may be found on the follow website:

    It must specifically indicate the staff levels by classification located in-state vs. out-of-state. It must also identify the person in-charge overseeing the work that holds a valid professional license issued by the West Virginia Board of Professional Engineers.


  2. Overall capabilities to perform the work, including workforce available to assign to the project, personnel qualifications, and present workload.


  3. Location of office in which the work will be performed.


  4. Type of work anticipated to be sub-contracted or performed by a sub-consultant.


  5. Indication of whether a cost accounting system has been maintained and is in effect such that it is capable of segregating and identifying accumulating costs for each job that is performed under cost type projects.


  6. A completed copy of the Division’s “Consultant Short List Selection Criteria Technical Evaluation” form limited to a single page of data. One loose leaf copy of form is to accompany the bound unpriced prospectus. Cross referencing on this form to other parts of the prospectus is not acceptable.


  7. Indication of the project(s) for which the firm is submitting information for consideration.If the submission is for all projects, a statement to that effect shall be made and a detailed listing shall not be required.


  8. A copy of a valid “Certificate of Authorization” to offer Engineering, Surveying, or other related services within the state, issued by the appropriate West Virginia Board.


            A single “Letter of Qualification” and one unpriced prospectus are required and must contain all of the above information required to be considered. Failure to provide the required information and/or insufficient information will cause disqualification and the prospectus will be returned. All evaluation factors as noted herein before will be given equal consideration in the selection process unless a project specific weighting of the evaluation factors is shown in the Notice for Consulting Services.  

Prior to entering into any contract negotiations, the selected firm and any subconsultants shall submit a current audited overhead rate computation performed by a State or Federal government agency or independent CPA firm. The submitted overhead audit shall contain a detailed exhibit of the computations with all applicable eliminations and references. The audit shall be done in accordance with Government Auditing Standards issued by the Comptroller General of the United States and all eliminations required by the Federal Acquisition Regulations will be made. The submitted certified audited overhead (Indirect Cost Rate) report shall include the certification, certifying that the allowability of costs used to establish the final indirect cost rate are in accordance with the FAR cost principles, or a verification indicating this certification was previously submitted and accepted by the cognizant agency. This requirement will be waived for the selected firm or any subconsultant when its portion of the fee for the project is less than Two Hundred Fifty Thousand Dollars ($250,000.00).  In such instances, a company computed overhead rate may be utilized.

            It is the policy of the West Virginia Department of Transportation, Division of Highways, that Disadvantaged and Women-owned Business Enterprises shall have the maximum opportunity to participate in the performance of contracts financed in whole or in part with Federal funds.

2/1/2021Closed: Selected
Selected Consultant
Michael Baker International, Inc.

State Project S211-33-16.59  00 and State Project U311-33-16.59  00, Glenville Truss Bridge replacement, which carries United States Route (US) 33 over the Little Kanawha River, and is located 0.03 mile east of County Route 119/9 in the City of Glenville in Gilmer County, West Virginia.  This project shall include, at a minimum, Preliminary Investigation and Engineering (PIE) studies that include a Design Study, traffic study and all potential environmental and NEPA documentation.  A rehabilitation option will be included in the Design Study.  The project may also consist of the preparation of contract plans and related documents for the construction of a new bridge, with innovative design practices.  The existing bridge is 327 feet long by 20 feet wide.  Post Design Services will be by separate Agreement.

2/1/2021Closed: Selected
Consultant Selected
Mead and Hunt, Inc.

State Project S306-60-0.02 00, Colonel Justice Chambers Bridge replacement, which carries United States Route (US) 60 over Fourpole Creek and is located approximately 0.74 mile West of US Route 52 in Cabell County, West Virginia.  This project shall include, at a minimum, Preliminary Investigation and Engineering (PIE) studies that include a traffic study and all potential environmental and NEPA documentation.  The project will also consist of the preparation of contract plans and related documents for the construction of a new bridge, with innovative design practices.  The existing bridge is 625 feet long by 68 feet wide.  Post Design Services will be by separate Agreement.

11/3/2020Closed: Selected
Selected Consultant
HNTB Corporation

State Project To Be Determined, includes the rehabilitation of fourteen (14) structures and the replacement of four (4) structures along Interstate 79, beginning at the structure near milepost 109.74 and ending at the structure near milepost 160.00.  This grant-funded project also includes a single structure rehabilitation near milepost 0.56 on Interstate 68.  The consultant design team selected for this project will be utilized by the Department in providing contract plans via multiple project delivery methods (Design Bid Build and Design Build) for a final plan delivery for all nineteen (19) projects by June 28, 2022. 

10/13/2020Closed: Selected
Selected Consultant
Whitman, Requardt and Associates, LLP

State Project S254-14-24.76 00 and State Project S354-14-24.76 00, US Marine Danny Marshall Memorial Bridge replacement, which carries West Virginia Route (WV) 14 over Big Run, and is located approximately 0.11 mile north of the intersection with Wood County Route (CR) 21/2 in Wood County, West Virginia.  This project shall be a Preliminary Investigation and Engineering (PIE) project.  Services shall consist of the preparation of a Design Study, geotechnical information for design, and other PIE project specific tasks as assigned.

10/13/2020Closed: Selected
Selected Consultant
J.B. Turman Engineering, PLLC

State Project S228-20/9-0.09 00 and State Project S328-20/9-0.09 00, Andrew Scott Memorial Bridge replacement, which carries Mercer County Route (CR) 20/9 over the Bluestone River, and is located approximately 0.02 mile east of Mercer County Route (CR) 120 in Mercer County, West Virginia.  This project shall be a Preliminary Investigation and Engineering (PIE) project.  Services shall consist of the preparation of a Design Study, geotechnical information for design, and other PIE project specific tasks as assigned.

9/14/2020Closed: Selected
Consultant Selected
GAI Consultants Inc.
State Project S225-90/3-0.03 00 and State Project U325-90/3-0.03 00, Hutchinson Truss, which carries Marion County Route (CR) 90/3 over the West Fork River, and is located approximately 0.03 mile east of United States Route (US) 19 in Marion County, West Virginia.  This project shall be a Preliminary Investigation and Engineering (PIE) project.  Services shall consist of the preparation of a Design Study, geotechnical information for design, and other PIE project specific tasks as assigned.  A rehabilitation option will be included in the Design Study.
9/7/2020Closed: Selected
Consultant Selected
Michael Baker International, Inc.

***** PLEASE NOTE:  SUBMISSION WILL BE ACCEPTED UNTIL TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 8, 2020 AT 4:00 P.M. since Monday, September 7, 2020 is a holiday******

State Project S344-34-1.21 00, Pocatalico River Road Truss, which carries Roane County Route (CR) 34 over the Pocatalico River, and is located approximately 0.21 mile west of CR 34/4 in Roane County, West Virginia.  This project shall consist of the development of remaining Preliminary Investigation & Engineering (PIE) documentation, that includes the preparation of contract plans and related documents for the construction of a new bridge downstream of its current location, while maintaining traffic on the existing bridge during construction.  A Design Study has been completed and will not be a part of these services.  Post Design Services will be by separate Agreement.

6/8/2020Closed: Selected
Selected Consultant

State Project S306-MCB-20. 00, Milton Covered Bridge, located in Cabell County, West Virginia.  This project shall consist of the preparation of contract plans and related documents for the repair/rehabilitation of the existing historical covered bridge, located on the grounds of the West Virginia Pumpkin Festival in Milton, WV.  Consideration will be given to Consultants with a strong background in historical wooden structures and knowledge of historic and accurate methods of repairs for wooden structures.  Post Design Services will be by separate Agreement.

6/8/2020Closed: Selected
Selected Consultant
The Mannik & Smith Group, Inc.
State Project S312-48-8.69. 00, Rt. 93 Scherr Overpass, located in Grant County, West Virginia.  This project shall consist of the preparation of contract plans and related documents for the rebuild/repair of the abutments and wingwalls of the existing bridge along with providing a load rating analysis for the entire rehabilitated structure.  This structure carries four lanes of two-way traffic along United States Route (US) 48 over Elk Lick Run and West Virginia Route (WV) 93.  The existing bridge is 752 feet long by 84 feet 6 inches wide and is located near the town of Scherr.  Post Design Services will be by separate Agreement.
6/5/2020Closed: Selected
Selected Consultants:

New River Gorge Bridge

Burgess and Niples, Inc. (Selected)
Michael Baker International (1st Alternate)
Modjeski and Masters, Inc. (2nd Alternate)

Patrick Street Bridge
E.L. Robinson Engineering (Selected)
Whitman, Requardt and Associates, LLP (1st Alternate)
GPI (2nd Alternate)

Lt. Col. Carroll B. Lilly Memorial Bridge
HNTB Corporation (Selected)
GPI (1st Alternate)
AECOM Technical Services, Inc. (2nd Alternate)

2nd Lt. Theodore Woo Memorial Bridge
GAI Consultants (Selected)
TRC Engineering, Inc. (1st Alternate)
E.L. Robinson Engineering (2nd Alternate)

Notice is hereby given by the West Virginia Department of Transportation, Division of Highways, that consulting services will be utilized for six-year inspection projects per the current National Bridge Inspection Standards and may include design plans for repairs, for the following six projects:


  1. New River Gorge Bridge over the New River in Fayette County, WV.The 3,030 foot bridge consists of 23 spans and is a continuous span steel deck arch.The main arch is a 1,700 foot open spandrel, two-hinged truss arch with a rise of 370 feet.The bridge has a roadway width of 33 feet and 8 inches in each direction.


  2. Patrick Street Bridge over the Kanawha River in Kanawha County, WV. The 1,769 foot bridge consists of twenty-seven spans, spans one thru ten and fifteen thru twenty-seven are simple span deck girders, spans eleven, thirteen and fourteen are simple span deck trusses and span twelve is a simple span through truss.The roadway width is 40 feet.


  3. Lt. Col. Carroll B. Lilly Memorial Bridge over Cheat Lake in Monongalia County, WV.The bridge consists of seven spans that equal 1,966 feet overall.Spans one and seven consist of simple span composite steel plate girders and spans two thru six consist of continuous deck truss spans with cantilevers and suspended end spans.The roadway width is 40 feet and 8 inches in each direction.


  4. 2nd Lt. Theodore R. Woo Memorial Bridge (formerly South Charleston-Dunbar Bridge Westbound) over the Kanawha River in Kanawha County, WV.  The bridge consists of fourteen continuous welded deck girder spans with an overall length of 2,383 feet in length.  The roadway width is 72 feet.


Additional information may be obtained on each bridge by contacting William Murray, Operations Division, Bridge Preservation Section Manager at (304) 414-8958 or by email at


            The above projects are currently scheduled for work to begin in 2021.  Single or multiple assignments may be made for this work.


            Several of these structures are located on routes in urban and extremely high traffic areas that will mandate traffic disruption.  Progressive and innovative methods of inspection access will be considered in the selection process.

 Firms interested in being considered for this project must submit a letter of interest and unpriced prospectus to Mr. Jacob Bumgarner, Director, Operations Division, West Virginia Division of Highways, Building Five, Room A-350, 1900 Kanawha Boulevard, East, Charleston, West Virginia 25305-0430 or via e-mail to prior to 4:00 p.m., June 5, 2020.

 As a minimum, the prospectus will include the following items for evaluation:


  1. A completed copy of the Division’s Consultant Confidential Qualification Questionnaire (CCQQ) dated January 1, 2020 or later, if not already on file. This form may be found on the follow website:

    It must specifically indicate the staff levels by classification located in-state vs. out-of-state.  It must also identify the person in-charge overseeing the work that holds a valid professional license issued by the West Virginia Board of Professional Engineers


  2. Overall capabilities to perform the work, including workforce available to assign to the project, personnel qualifications, and present workload.


  3. Location of office in which the work will be performed.


  4. Type of work anticipated to be sub-contracted or performed by a sub-consultant.


  5. Indication of whether a cost accounting system has been maintained and is in effect such that it is capable of segregating and identifying accumulating costs for each job that is performed under cost type projects.


  6. A Completed copy of the Division’s “Consultant Short List Selection Criteria Technical Evaluation” form limited to a single page of data.  One loose leaf copy of form is to accompany the bound unpriced prospectus.  Cross referencing on this form to other parts of the prospectus is not acceptable.


  7. Indication of the project(s) for which the firm is submitting information for consideration.If the submission is for all projects, a statement to that effect shall be made and a detailed listing shall not be required.


  8. A copy of a valid “Certificate of Authorization” to offer Engineering, Surveying, or other related services within the state, issued by the appropriate West Virginia Board


            A single “Letter of Qualification” and one unpriced prospectus are required and must contain all of the above information required to be considered.  Failure to provide the required information and/or insufficient information will cause disqualification and the prospectus will be returned. All evaluation factors as noted herein before will be given equal consideration in the selection process, unless a project specific weighting of the evaluation factors is shown in the Notice for Consulting Services.  

Prior to entering into any contract negotiations, the selected firm and any subconsultants shall submit a current audited overhead rate computation performed by a State or Federal government agency or independent CPA firm.  The submitted overhead audit shall contain a detailed exhibit of the computations with all applicable eliminations and references.  The audit shall be done in accordance with Government Auditing Standards issued by the Comptroller General of the United States and all eliminations required by the Federal Acquisition Regulations will be made.  The submitted certified audited overhead (Indirect Cost Rate) report shall include the certification, certifying that the allowability of costs used to establish the final indirect cost rate are in accordance with the FAR cost principles, or a verification indicating this certification was previously submitted and accepted by the cognizant agency.  This requirement will be waived for the selected firm or any subconsultant when its portion of the fee for the project is less than Two Hundred Fifty Thousand Dollars ($250,000.00).  In such instances, a company computed overhead rate may be utilized.


It is the policy of the West Virginia Department of Transportation, Division of Highways, that Disadvantaged and Women-owned Business Enterprises shall have the maximum opportunity to participate in the performance of contracts financed in whole or in part with Federal funds.


1/6/2020Closed: Selected
Selected Consultant
Mead and Hunt, Inc.

State Project S313-60-41.35, Dry Creek Bridge (Clifford Family Memorial Bridge), located in Greenbrier County, West Virginia.  This project shall consist of the preparation of contract plans and related documents for the construction of a new bridge in the existing location with an existing detour to maintain traffic during construction.  A Design Study has been completed and will not be a part of these services. It is recommended that Accelerated Bridge Construction (ABC) techniques be used to minimize the length of closure(s) for US 60.  The Consultant must provide examples and resumes of personnel with project experience utilizing ABC design methods.  Post Design Services will be by a separate Agreement.

1/6/2020Closed: Selected
Selected Consultant
J.B. Turman Engineering, PLLC

State Project S321-N 16/70-0.02 00, Fourth Street Arch Bridge, located in Lewis County, West Virginia.  This project shall consist of the preparation of contract plans and related documents for the construction of a new bridge approximately one-half mile downstream of its current location, while maintaining traffic on the existing bridge during construction.  A Design Study has been completed and will not be a part of these services.  Post Design Services will be by a separate Agreement.

1/6/2020Closed: Selected
Selected Consultant
L. A. Gates Company

State Project S342-15-11.34 00, Valley Head T-Beam Bridge, located in Randolph County, West Virginia.  This project shall consist of the preparation of contract plans and related documents for the construction of a new bridge at its current location, while maintaining traffic via staged construction.  A Design Study has been completed and will not be a part of these services.  Post Design Services will be by a separate Agreement.


11/21/2019Closed: Selected

Consultant Selections

Selected – Mott MacDonald

First Alternate – The Mannik & Smith Group

 Second Alternate – The Hackett Praxis, LLC

 Third Alternate Alpha Associates, Incorporated


Notice is hereby given by the West Virginia Department of Transportation, Division of Highways, (WVDOT/DOH) that consulting services will be utilized for Project Management Services related to the development of the final phases (Original Phase E) for its Enterprise Readiness Program (ERP).  

  1. The project scope involves providing Project Management assistance to the current WVDOT/DOH ERP Project Manager. This will include working with several internal working groups currently developing various phases of the system. It is anticipated that Consultant personnel will function as an extension of current WVDOT/DOH personnel working on the project.


  2. The consultant will also be required to provide input and expertise on workflow and business practices on WVDOT/DOH operational functions including but not limited to Maintenance Management, Equipment Management, Safety Analysis, Asset Management, Facilities Management, etc. Expertise in Transportation Project (Design, Right-of-Way and Construction) Scheduling and Development Processes will also be required.


  3. Project Management Services personnel, provided by the consultant, may be required to be co-located at the WVDOT/DOH Headquarters, Bldg. 5 in Charleston, WV. Personnel may also be required to travel throughout West Virginia to coordinate ERP activities and/or participate in training activities prior to implementation of any phase of the ERP project.


Additional information may be obtained on this project by contacting Tressie Lopez, WVDOT/DOH ERP Project Manager at (304) 414-7194 or by email at  

The above project is currently scheduled for work to begin immediately upon contract execution.  The project is currently scheduled to be complete in December 2021. 

Firms interested in being considered for this project must submit a letter of interest and unpriced prospectus to Mr. Jacob Bumgarner, Director, Maintenance Division, West Virginia Division of Highways, Building Five, Room A-350, 1900 Kanawha Boulevard, East, Charleston, West Virginia 25305-0430 or via e-mail to prior to 4:00 p.m., November 21, 2019.

 As a minimum, the prospectus will include the following items for evaluation:


  1. A completed copy of the Division’s Consultant Confidential Qualification Questionnaire, if not already on file, dated January 1, 2019 or later.


  2. Overall capabilities to perform the work, including workforce available to assign to the project, personnel qualifications, and present workload.


  3. Location of office in which the work will be performed.


  4. Type of work anticipated to be sub-contracted or performed by a sub-consultant.


  5. Indication of whether a cost accounting system has been maintained and is in effect such that it is capable of segregating and identifying accumulating costs for each job that is performed under cost type projects.


  6. A completed copy of the Division’s Short List Selection Criteria Technical Evaluation form limited to a single page of data.Cross-referencing on this form to other parts of the prospectus is not acceptable.


  7. Indication of the project(s) for which the firm is submitting information for consideration. If the submission is for all projects, a statement to that effect shall be made and a detailed listing shall not be required.

Prior to entering into contract negotiations, the selected firm and any sub-consultants shall submit a current audited overhead rate computation performed by a state or federal government agency or independent CPA firm.  The submitted overhead audit shall contain a detailed exhibit of the computations with all applicable eliminations and references. 

The audit shall be done in accordance with Government Auditing Standards issued by the Comptroller General of the United States and all eliminations required by the Federal Acquisitions Regulations will be made.  This requirement will be waived for the selected firm or any sub-consultant when its portion of the fee for the project is less than One Hundred Thousand Dollars ($100,000.00).  In such instances, a company computed overhead rate may be utilized.

A single letter of interest and unpriced prospectus is required.

It is the policy of the West Virginia Department of Transportation, Division of Highways that disadvantaged and women-owned business enterprises shall have the maximum opportunity to participate in the performance of contracts financed in whole or in part with federal funds.

9/9/2019Closed: Selected
Selected Consultant
Stantec Consulting Services Inc.

State Project To Be Determined, Hal Greer Boulevard, located in Cabell County, West Virginia.  This project shall consist of services to expedite the design of the Hal Greer Boulevard upgrades.  The Consultant will be required to provide (but may not be limited to) project management and coordination with various Department Divisions, the City of Huntington, and other federal and state agencies.  Services for the PIE Study shall also include obtaining geotechnical information for design, all necessary right-of-way, surveying and/or mapping, and all required environmental/NEPA documentation.  The project will consist of three (3) segments:  1) 3rd Avenue to C&O Viaduct  2) C&O Viaduct to Washington Boulevard  3) Washington Boulevard to I-64/Huntington High School.  A Design Study and/or a Traffic Study will not be required for this project.  Post Design Services, if required, may be by a separate Agreement.


State Project T699-KCH/CM-20. 00, King Coal Highway PIE Study, located in McDowell, Mercer, Mingo, Wyoming, and Wayne Counties, West Virginia.  This project shall consist of services to expedite the planning, design, and construction of the remaining sections of the Corridor.  The Consultant shall investigate feasible funding sources, such as applying and obtaining available grants, explore realignment to chase available coal seams, and produce realistic financial plan for the entire Corridor.  Services for the PIE Study shall also include obtaining geotechnical information for design, all necessary right-of-way, facilitating future Department maintenance facilities, providing for realistic and efficient construction and design schedules, and acting on behalf of the Department in procuring Consultants to provide 30% Plans for reasonable sections of the entire Corridor.  The Consultant shall also provide services in construction management, inspection, QA/QC, and material inspection.  This project will be completed in Phases with Notice to Proceed being given for individual phases over the duration of the project.  Post Design Services, if required, may be by a separate Agreement.  These services shall be required from project conception to completion of construction.

6/24/2019Closed: Selected
Greenman-Pedersen, Inc. (Selected Consulant)
Civil & Environmental Consultants, Inc. (1st Alternate)
Alpha Associates, Incorporated (2nd Alternate)

State Project S317-50/59-0.01 00, Northview Overpass (USMC PFC Michael Angiulli Memorial Bridge), located in Harrison County, West Virginia.  This project shall consist of the preparation of contract plans and related documents for the replacement of a bridge carrying County Route (CR) 50/59 over United States (US) Route 50.  The existing bridge is 168 feet long by 28 feet wide and is located .9 of a mile east of US 19.  Post Design Services, if required, may be by a separate Agreement.

6/5/2019Closed: Selected


Bloomery Road Tunnel
State Project: T619-27-2.21 
Jefferson County

Donald Legg Memorial Bridge
State Project: T640-64-43.79
Selected - GAI Consultants
First Alternate - Whitman Requardt & Associates
Second Alternate - Modjeski & Masters        

Eugene A. Carter Memorial Bridge/Ramps
State Project: T620-64-57.50 
Selected – HDR
First Alternate – HNTB
Second Alternate – Burgess & Niple

Fort Henry Bridge
State Project: T635-70-0.42 
Selected - HNTB
First Alternate - Modjeski & Masters
Second Alternate - GAI Consultants                       

Korean War Veterans Bridge
State Project: T652-7-0.03 
Selected - Michael Baker International
First Alternate - AECOM
Second Alternate - Stantec Consulting 

Parkersburg-Belpre Bridge
State Project: T654-618-0.10 
Selected - Burgess & Niple
First Alternate - AECOM
Second Alternate - TRC Engineers

SFC Terrance N. Gentry Bridge
State Project: T623-10-8.65 
Selected - Carpenter-Marty Transportation
First Alternate - TRC Engineers
Second Alternate - Whitman Requardt & Associates

Shenandoah River Bridge
State Project: T619-9-13.53
Selected - Stantec Consulting
First Alternate - Modjeski & Masters
Second Alternate - Michael Baker International

Vietnam Veterans Memorial Bridge 
State Project: T635-470-0.02
Selected - HNTB
First Alternate - Michael Baker International
Second Alternate - HDR


Notice is hereby given by the West Virginia Department of Transportation, Division of Highways, that consulting services will be utilized for six-year inspection projects per the current National Bridge Inspection Standards and may include design plans for repairs, for the following six projects: 

  1. Bloomery Road Tunnel, State Project No. T619-27-2.21 00, under WV 9. The structure consists of 49 separate precast concrete rings, which span 42 feet and rises 26.33 feet above the base of the tunnel. The tunnel is 294 feet long and the roadway width is 34 feet.


  2. Shenandoah River Bridge, State Project No. T619-9-13.53 00, over the Shenandoah River. The 1,654 foot bridge consists of five spans, spans one and two are continuous welded plate girder spans and spans three thru five are a delta frame. The roadway width is 40 feet in each direction.


  3. Korean War Veterans Bridge, State Project No. T652‑7‑0.03 00, over the Ohio River. The bridge consists of eight spans that equal 2,095 feet overall. The main spans crossing the river consist of a continuous three‑span cantilever through truss unit. The east approach to the truss consists of three simple span steel plate girder spans. The west approach to the truss consists of two simple span steel plate girder spans. The roadway width is 28 feet.


  4. Parkersburg-Belpre Bridge, State Project No. T654-618-0.10 00, over the Ohio River. The bridge consists of eleven spans with a total length of 2,530 feet. The main river crossing is a three-span steel cantilever through truss unit. The Ohio approach consists of two continuous welded plate girder spans. The WV approach consists of two, three-span continuous welded plate girders. The roadway width is 32 feet in each direction.


  5. Eugene A. Carter Memorial Bridge and Ramps, State Project No. T620-64-57.50 00, over the Kanawha River. The bridge consists of seventeen spans with a total length of 2,594 feet. The main river crossing is a simple span through truss. The east approach consists of six continuous deck girder spans. The west approach consists of four continuous deck girder spans and six continuous concrete box beam spans. The roadway width is 58 feet in each direction.


  6. Fort Henry Bridge, State Project No. T635-70-0.42 00, over the Ohio River. The bridge consists of ten spans with an overall length of 1,660 feet. Span one is a simple span steel deck girder. Span two is a simple span steel tied arch. Span three thru five are continuous span steel deck girders. Spans six thru ten are continuous span steel wide flange beams. The roadway width is 26.67 feet in each direction.


  7. Donald Legg Memorial Bridge, State Project No. T640-64-43.79 00, over the Kanawha River. The bridge consists of four spans, three cantilevered through truss spans and one multi-girder span with an overall length of 1,400 feet. The roadway is 30 feet in each direction.


  8. SFC Terrance N. Gentry Memorial Bridges (formerly Man Bridges), State Project No. T623-10-8.65 00, over the Guyandotte River. The structure consists of dual bridges with twelve continuous welded deck girder spans with an overall length of 2,215 feet Southbound and 2,210 feet Northbound. The roadway width is 32 feet in each direction.


  9. Vietnam Veterans Memorial Bridge, State Project No. T635-470-0.02 00, over the Ohio River. The project consists of a single span steel tied arch with an overall length of 780 feet. The roadway width is 41 feet in each direction.


Additional information may be obtained on each bridge by contacting William Murray, Maintenance Division, Bridge Contracts Section at (304) 558-9741 or by email at  

The above projects are currently scheduled for work to begin in 2020.  Single or multiple assignments may be made for this work. 

Several of these structures are located on routes in urban and extremely high traffic areas that will mandate traffic disruption.  Progressive and innovative methods of inspection access will be considered in the selection process. 

Firms interested in being considered for this project must submit a letter of interest and unpriced prospectus to Mr. Jacob Bumgarner, Director, Maintenance Division, West Virginia Division of Highways, Building Five, Room A-350, 1900 Kanawha Boulevard, East, Charleston, West Virginia 25305-0430 or via e-mail to prior to 4:00 p.m., June 5, 2019. 

2/25/2019Closed: Selected
Consultant Selected
Whitman, Requardt and Associates, LLP

State Project S306-52-1.01 00, James River Road Overpass, located in Cabell County, West Virginia.  This project shall consist of the preparation of contract plans and related documents for the superstructure replacement of the existing bridge which carries United States (US) 52 over Four Pole Creek, CSX Railroad, and James River Road.  The existing bridge is 411 feet long by 65 feet wide and is located .29 of a mile north of the intersection of US 52 and I-64.  Post Design Services, if required, may be by a separate Agreement.

2/11/2019Closed: Selected
Selected Consultant
Burgess & Niple, Inc.

State Project S328-20-11.35 00, Princeton O/H Bridge located in Mercer County, West Virginia.  This project shall consist of the preparation of contract plans and related documents for the replacement of the existing bridge which carries West Virginia (WV) 20 over County Route (CR) 104/5, Norfolk Southern Railroad, and Brush Creek.  The existing bridge is 543 feet long by 52 feet wide and is located .28 of a mile south of CR 44/10.  Post Design Services, if required, may be by a separate Agreement.

2/11/2019Closed: Selected
Selected Consultant
Palmer Engineering Company

State Project S324-16/48-0.03 00, West Howard Street Bridge located in McDowell County, West Virginia.  This project shall consist of the development of a Preliminary Investigation & Engineering (PIE) Study, preparation of contract plans and related documents for the replacement of the existing bridge which carries County Route (CR) 16/48 over the Tug Fork River and Tug Street.  The existing bridge is 210 feet long by 21 feet wide and is located .01 of a mile west of West Virginia (WV) Route 16.  Post Design Services, if required, may be by a separate Agreement.

12/10/2018Closed: Selected
Consultants Selected
Burgess & Niple, Inc.
HNTB Corporation

Statewide Emergency Assistance Services - Consulting services will be utilized to provide engineering services for roadway, bridge, and miscellaneous highway-related projects in emergency situations due to fire, vandalism, and flooding or any other emergency when time does not permit advertising the project(s).  The work generally consists of preliminary engineering studies, alternative delivery projects, traffic studies, and engineering services required for preparation of contract plans and related documents.  Successful Consultants must be capable of performing 51% of the work as the prime Consultant.

11/20/2018Closed: Selected
Selected Consultant
TRC Engineers, Inc.

State Project T690-CFX/CM-18. 00, Coalfields Expressway PIE Study, located in Raleigh County, West Virginia.  This project shall consist of services to expedite the planning, design, and construction of the remaining sections of the Corridor.  The Consultant shall investigate feasible funding sources, such as applying and obtaining available grants, explore realignment to chase available coal seams, and produce realistic financial plan for the entire Corridor.  Services for the PIE Study shall also include obtaining geotechnical information for design, all required environmental/NEPA documentation, all necessary right-of-way, facilitating future Department maintenance facilities, providing for realistic and efficient construction and design schedules, and acting on behalf of the Department in procuring Consultants to provide 30% Plans for reasonable sections of the entire Corridor.  The Consultant shall also provide services in construction management, inspection, QA/QC, and material inspection.  This project will be completed in Phases with Notice to Proceed being given for individual phases over the duration of the project.  Post Design Services, if required, may be by a separate Agreement.  These services shall be required from project conception to completion of construction.

10/9/2018Closed: Selected
Consultants Selected
A. Morton Thomas and Associates, Inc.
AECOM Technical Services, Inc.
AI Engineers, Inc.
Buchart Horn, Inc.
Cardno, Inc.
Carpenter Marty Transportation, Inc.
CDI-Infrastructure, LLC
CDM Smith Inc.
Civil & Environmental Consltants, Inc.
Dieffenbauch & Hritz, LLC
E. L. Robinson Engineering Co.
GAI Consultants Inc.
Greenman-Pedersen, Inc.
H.W. Lochner, Inc.
Herbert, Rowland & Grubic, Inc.
HNTB Corporation
J.B. Turman Engineering, PLLC
L. A. Gates Company
Martin Engineering, PLLC
Mead and Hunt, Inc.
Neff, Longest and Beam & Associates, LLC
P. Joseph Lehman, Inc.
Palmer Engineering Company
Potesta & Associates, Inc.
Randolph Engineering Co., Inc.
Rummel, Klepper & Kahl, LLP
Stahl Sheaffer Engineering, LLC
Stantec Consulting Services Inc.
Sucevic, Piccolomini & Kucher Engineering, Inc.
TERRADON Corporation
The Mannik and Smith Group, Inc.
The Markosky Engineering Group, Inc.
The Thrasher Group, Inc.
Thompson & Litton, Inc.
TRC Engineers, Inc.
White Brothers Consulting, LLC
Whitman, Requardt and Associates, LLP

ID/IQ District Engineering Assistance Services - Consulting services will be utilized to provide assistance to the District offices for engineering services for highway, bridge, and miscellaneous projects.  The work generally consists of preparation of contract plans and related documents, and any other related engineering services that may be required.

9/11/2018Closed: Selected
Consultant Selected
Michael Baker International, Inc.

State Project U212-220-0.00 00, US 220 Tier II Southern Section Preliminary Investigation & Engineering (PIE) Study, located in Grant County, West Virginia.  This project shall consist of the preparation of a Design Study, NEPA documentation, and future construction plans for a new roadway that will begin two (2) miles north of Sherr, West Virginia at the intersection of WV 93 (Connection Corridor H) and end at the intersection of US 50 near Claysville, West Virginia and is approximately ten (10) miles in length.  This PIE Study shall build upon the US 220 Corridor Study that was previously completed by the West Virginia Department of Transportation.  This project also includes the preparation of appropriate NEPA studies for Tier II, which is expected to be a Draft EIS, Final EIS, and Record of Decision.  The work shall comply with West Virginia State environmental regulations and federal regulations including, but not limited to, Federal Highway Administration Guidelines, Clean Water Act, National Historic Preservation Act, Section 4(f), and Endangered Species Act.  Post Design Services, if required, may be by a separate Agreement.

9/4/2018Closed: Selected
Consultant Selected
Greenman-Pedersen, Inc.

State Project U350-64-1.75 00, Broad Hollow O/P Bridges EB & WB, located in Wayne County, West Virginia.  This project shall consist of the preparation of contract plans and related documents for the superstructure replacement of the eastbound and westbound bridges carrying Interstate 64 over Wayne County Route (CR) 2.  The existing structures are:  EB – 171 feet long by 37 feet wide, and WB – 129 feet long by 37 feet wide and are located 0.29 of a mile east of United States (US) 52.  Post Design Services, if required, may be by a separate Agreement.

9/4/2018Closed: Selected
Consultant Selected
Herbert, Rowland & Grubic, Inc.

State Project X303-119-15.15 00, Rock Creek Interchange +1, located in Boone County, West Virginia.  This project shall consist of the preparation of contract plans and related documents for a diamond interchange at United States (US) Route 119 and the Rock Creek Development Access Road.  The location of the interchange begins 0.63 of a mile north of the intersection of Boone County Route (CR) 119/66 and US 119 and ends 0.87 of a mile north of the intersection of CR 119/66 and US 119 near Brown Branch.  The project includes an overhead bridge on US 119, as well as a new section of roadway and bridge over the Little Coal River to tie into the Rock Creek Development Access Road.  Post Design Services, if required, may be by a separate Agreement.

7/23/2018Closed: Selected
Selected Consultant
A. Morton Thomas & Associates, Inc.

State Project U219-340-13.77 00, US 340 Operational Improvements, located in Jefferson County, West Virginia, Loudoun County, Virginia and Washington County, Maryland.  The project begins at the intersection of Washington Street and Shore Line Drive in Harpers Ferry, West Virginia, runs through Purcellville, Virginia, and ends at the intersection of Keep Tryst Road and Valley Road in Knoxville, Maryland.  The project shall consist of the development of a Preliminary Investigation & Engineering (PIE) Study to identify sites to improve the operational and safety performance of US 340.  At a minimum, the PIE Study shall consist of the preparation of feasibility reports/studies and construction estimates for proposed improvements on the route along with any subsequent surveying, mapping, and geotechnical engineering work that is necessary to develop preliminary plans.  Also included will be an Engineering Design Study for lane configurations, intersection improvements, extension of the length of truck climbing lane, bicycle and pedestrian accommodations, pavement widening, pavement markings, signalization, signing, and maintenance of traffic.  In addition, any of the following services may be required as directed by the Department:  development of any traffic studies, right-of-way services, engineering services for contract plan development, Request for Qualifications and/or Request for Proposal documents, and plan review services.  The consultant shall also perform all related environmental surveys and documentation required to complete NEPA requirements.  The work shall comply with West Virginia State environmental regulations and federal regulations including but not limited to, Federal Highway Administration Guidelines, Clean Water Act, National Historic Preservation Act, Section 4(f) Endangered Species Act, Resource Conservation and Recovery Act.  Post Design Services, if required, may be by a separate Agreement.

7/16/2018Closed: Selected
Selected Consultant
HNTB Corporation
State Project U336-33-1.43 00, Allegheny Truck Escape Ramp, located in Pendleton County, West Virginia.  The project begins 1.43 miles east of the Randolph and Pendleton County Line for an approximate length of 0.24 mile.  The work shall consist of the development of contract plans and related documents for the construction of a truck escape ramp, which incorporates a truck net system.  The Consultant shall perform all related environmental studies and documentation required to complete the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) requirements.  The work shall comply with federal regulations including, but not limit to, Federal Highway Administration Guidelines, Clean Water Act, National Historic Preservation Act, Section 4(f), and Endangered Species Act.  Post Design Services, if required, may be by a separate Agreement.
7/16/2018Closed: Selected
Selected Consultant
TRC Engineers, Inc.

State Project S325-250-4.20 00, Holbert Road Rockfall Mitigation, located in Marion County, West Virginia.  The project begins at the intersection of United States Route (US) 250 and County Route (CR) 20 (Holbert Road) and ends at the intersection of US 250 and CR 55 (Mary Lou Retton Drive), for a distance of approximately 3,300 feet.  This project shall consist of the preparation of contract plans and related documents for various mitigation measures to reduce the slides in the area.  The work is anticipated to consist of shoulder widening, wall design, pile wall repairs, erosion protection, excavation and other various means of slope protection.  Post Design Services, if required, may be by a separate Agreement.

7/16/2018Closed: Selected
Selected Consultant
CDI-Infrastructure, LLC

State Project U331-79-154.50 00, Star City Interchange Improvements, located in Monongalia County, West Virginia.  The project shall consist of providing engineering consulting services to act as an extension of the Division’s staff, to perform Project Management Review related to activities for the improvements to the WV 7 - West Virginia University (Star City/Osage/WVU Football Stadium) Interchange Exit 155, the University Town Center Drive Interchange Exit 153, the US 19 - Westover/Morgantown (Granville) Interchange Exit 152, the widening of I-79 for both northbound and southbound lanes from Exit 152 to Exit 155 and various tasks to be assigned throughout the project area, including roadways and review.  The Consultant Management/Review Team will be responsible for overseeing, reviewing, and monitoring the development of contract plans and right-of-way plans along with providing any related documentation as required.  Post Design Services, if required, may be by a separate Agreement.

5/29/2018Closed: Selected
Consultant Selected
Burgess & Niple, Inc.

State Project S335-252-0.01 02, Aetnaville Bridge Demolition, located in Ohio County, West Virginia.  This project shall consist of the development of a Preliminary Investigation & Engineering (PIE) Study for the demolition of the Aetnaville Bridge which connected Wheeling Island (Wheeling, WV) to Bridgeport, Ohio, across the West Branch of the Ohio River in Ohio County, West Virginia.  At a minimum, the PIE Study shall consist of the preparation of feasibility reports/studies and construction estimates for various alternatives, along with subsequent surveying, mapping, and geotechnical engineering work that is necessary to develop a design study, contract plans and right-of-way acquisition plans.  In addition, the Consultant shall perform all related environmental surveys and documentation required to complete the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) requirements.  The work shall comply with West Virginia State environmental regulations and federal regulations including, but not limited to, Federal Highway Administration Guidelines, Clean Water Act, National Historic Preservation Act, Section 4(f), Endangered Species Act, and Resource Conservation and Recovery Act.  Coordination with the Ohio Department of Transportation and the Ohio environmental resource agencies will be necessary.

5/29/2018Closed: Selected
Selected Consultants
TERRADON Corporation
Carpenter Marty Transportation, Inc.
The Thrasher Group, Inc.

The following projects shall consist of the preparation of contract plans and related documents for the replacement of bridges at the locations described:


  1. State Project No. S324-52-30.75 00, Landgraff Bridge, located in McDowell County, West Virginia.The bridge carries US 52 over Elkhorn Creek in Landgraff.The existing bridge is 135 feet long by 31 feet wide and is located 0.36 of a mile west of CR 52/13.


  2. State Project No. S310-612-0.19 00, Mossy I/C Bridge, located in Fayette County, West Virginia.The bridge carries WV 612 over Paint Creek near Mossy.The existing bridge is 102 feet long by 30 feet wide and is located 0.01 of a mile west of CR 15.


  3. State Project No. S328-11-8.67 00, Montcalm Bridge, located in Mercer County, West Virginia.The bridge carries CR 11 over Bluestone River in Montcalm.The existing bridge is 202 feet long by 25 feet wide and is located 0.03 of a mile north of WV 71.


  4. State Project No. S310-41-5.03 00, Laurel Bridge, located in Fayette County, West Virginia.The bridge carries WV 41 over Laurel Creek at Laurel Creek, West Virginia.The existing bridge is 91 feet long by 24 feet wide and is located 0.52 of a mile south of CR 41/15.


  5. State Project No. S341-19-14.35 00, Piney Creek Bridge, located in Raleigh County, West Virginia. The bridge carries US 19 over Piney Creek.The existing bridge is 104 feet long by 28 feet wide and is located 0.01 of a mile north of CR 19/42.


  6. State Project No. S310-60-0.32 00, Smithers Creek Bridge, located in Fayette County, West Virginia.The bridge carries US 60 over Smithers Creek and Bridge Street (CR 21/15) in Smithers, West Virginia.The existing bridge is 147 feet long by 38 feet wide and is located 0.06 of a mile east of CR 2.


  7. State Project No. S345-33-2.16 00, Bradshaw Creek Bridge, located in Summers County, West Virginia.The bridge carries CR 33 over Bradshaw Creek near Indian Mills, West Virginia.The existing bridge is 200 feet long by 12 feet wide and is located 0.12 of a mile south of CR 21/2.

The following project shall consist of the preparation of contract plans and related documents for the rehabilitation of the bridge at the location described:


  1. State Project No. S313-311-0.35 00, 311 Bridge, located in Greenbrier County, West Virginia.The bridge carries WV 311 over I-64.The existing bridge is 328 feet long by 20 feet wide and is located 0.35 of a mile south of I-64.
5/25/2018Closed: Selected
2019 Bridge Inspection Projects

(LOI May 25, 2018)      

Adm. T.J. Lopez Bridge
State Project No. T620-61-0.12 00 

Bridge of Honor
State Project No. T627-P62-0.01 00 
Selected – Modjeski & Masters
First Alternate – Michael Baker, International
Second Alternate – Burgess & Niple                                               

Dunbar Toll Bridge
State Project No. T620-25/47-0.12 00
​Selected – Michael Baker, International
First Alternate – Stantec Consulting
Second Alternate – Modjeski & Masters

Dunbar-South Charleston Bridge
State Project No. T620-64-53.02 00
Selected – HDR, Inc.
First Alternate – Burgess & Niple
Second Alternate – AECOM

Guyandotte River OP Bridge
State Project No. T606-64-17.46 00
Selected – Infrastructure Engineers
First Alternate – HNTB
Second Alternate – HDR, Inc.

Morgan Run Bridge
State Project No. T631-43-2.07 00
Selected – RK&K
First Alternate – Carpenter-Marty
Second Alternate – TRC
Third Alternate – E.L. Robinson

Nick Joe Rahall II Bridge
State Project No. T606-52-0.02 00
Selected – HNTB
First Alternate – TRC
Second Alternate – GAI

Robert C. Byrd Bridge
State Project No. T606-527-0.02 00
Selected – Stantec Consulting
First Alternate – GAI
Second Alternate – AECOM 

Rubles Run Bridge
State Project No. T631-42-2.35 00
Selected – RK&K
First Alternate – Carpenter-Marty
Second Alternate – TRC
Third Alternate – E.L. Robinson 

William S. Ritchie Bridge
State Project No. T618-33-0.02 00
Selected – A.I. Engineers
First Alternate – Palmer Engineering
Second Alternate – CDI

Wheeling Tunnel
State Project No. T635-70-0.87 00


Notice is hereby given by the West Virginia Department of Transportation, Division of Highways, that consulting services will be utilized for six-year inspection projects, per the current National Bridge Inspection Standards and may include design plans for repairs, for the following projects:

1) Six-year inspection project for Admiral T. J. Lopez Bridge, State Project No. T620-61-0.12 00, over the Kanawha River.  The bridge consists of eight continuous plate girder spans, a simple plate girder span, three continuous thru truss spans, and two continuous plate girder spans respectively.  The roadway width is 56 feet. 

2) Six-year inspection project for Bridge of Honor Bridge, State Project No. T627-P62-0.021 00. Over the Ohio River.  The bridge consists of ten spans, three continuous cable stayed suspension spans and seven prestressed concrete spread box beam spans with an overall length of 1,852 feet.  The roadway width is 56 feet with a six-foot sidewalk. 

3) Six-year inspection project for Dunbar-South Charleston EB Bridge, State Project No. T620-64-53.02 00, over the Kanawha River.  The bridge consists of eight continuous concrete box girder spans with an overall length of 2,795 feet.  The roadway width is 64 feet. 

4) Six-year inspection project for Dunbar Toll Bridge, State Project No. T620-25/47-0.12 00, over the Kanawha River.  The bridge consists of three continuous wide flange beam spans, three cantilevered through truss spans, and three simple deck girder spans with an overall length of 1,385 feet.  The roadway is 28 feet with a 4’-8” sidewalk. 

5) Six-year inspection project for Guyandotte River Overpass Bridges, State Project No. T606 64 17.46 00, over the Guyandotte River.  The structure consists of dual bridges with fourteen spans each (five continuous steel beam spans, four continuous steel girder spans, four continuous steel beam spans and one simple steel beam span) with an overall length of 1,236 feet.  The roadway width is 31 feet in each direction.

6) Six-year inspection project for Morgan Run Bridges, State Project No. T631-43-2.07, over Morgan Run.  The dual bridges consist of six continuous plate girder spans with an overall length of 1,400 feet.  The roadway width is 32 feet on each bridge.

7) Six-year inspection project for Nick Joe Rahall II Bridge, State Project No. T606-52-0.02 00, over the Ohio River.  The bridge consists of four steel beam spans, three steel through truss spans, and four steel deck girder spans with an overall length of 2,249 feet.  The roadway is 28 feet.

8) Six-year inspection project for Robert C. Byrd Bridge, State Project No. T606-527-0.02 00, over the Ohio River.  The bridge consists of two continuous steel beam spans, a three span Warren thru truss, and a simple steel beam span respectively.  The roadway width is 32 feet.

9) Six-year inspection project for Rubles Run Bridges, State Project No. T631-43-2.35 00, over Rubles Run.  The dual bridges consist of six continuous plate girder spans with an overall length of 1,387 feet.  The roadway width is 32 feet on each bridge.

10) Six-year inspection project for Wheeling Tunnel, State Project No. T635-70-0.87 00, under Wheeling Hill.  The tunnel consists of twin tunnels 1,517 feet in length.  The roadway width is 24 feet in each tunnel.

11) Six-year inspection project for William S. Ritchie Bridge, State Project No. T618-33-0.02 00, over the Ohio River.  The bridge consists of ten spans, a three-span steel through truss and seven steel beam spans with an overall length of 2,716 feet.  The roadway width is 31 feet. 

4/30/2018Closed: Selected
Selected Consultant
GAI Consultants, Inc.

State Project TBD, JC Cruikshank Memorial Bridge, located in Clay County, West Virginia.  This project shall consist of the development of a Preliminary Investigation & Engineering (PIE) Study for the replacement of a bridge carrying Clay County Route 46 over the Elk River.  The existing bridge is 338 feet long by 18 feet wide and is located 0.01 miles south of WV 4 near Ivydale.  At a minimum, the PIE Study shall consist of the preparation of feasibility reports/studies and construction estimates for various alternatives, along with any subsequent surveying, mapping, and geotechnical engineering work that is necessary to develop a design study, contract plans and right-of-way acquisition plans.  In addition, this work is anticipated to consist of an Environmental Assessment/Finding of No Significant Impact (FONSI) environmental document.  The Consultant shall perform all related environmental surveys and documentation required to complete the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) requirements.  The work shall comply with West Virginia State environmental regulations and federal regulations including, but not limit to, Federal Highway Administration Guidelines, Clean Water Act, National Historic Preservation Act, Section 4(f), and Endangered Species Act and Resource Conservation and Recovery Act.

4/30/2018Closed: Selected
Selected Consultant
GAI Consultants Inc.

State Project TBD, JC Cruikshank Memorial Bridge, located in Clay County, West Virginia.  This project shall consist of the development of a Preliminary Investigation & Engineering (PIE) Study for the replacement of a bridge carrying Clay County Route 46 over the Elk River.  The existing bridge is 338 feet long by 18 feet wide and is located 0.01 miles south of WV 4 near Ivydale.  At a minimum, the PIE Study shall consist of the preparation of feasibility reports/studies and construction estimates for various alternatives, along with any subsequent surveying, mapping, and geotechnical engineering work that is necessary to develop a design study, contract plans and right-of-way acquisition plans.  In addition, this work is anticipated to consist of an Environmental Assessment/Finding of No Significant Impact (FONSI) environmental document.  The Consultant shall perform all related environmental surveys and documentation required to complete the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) requirements.  The work shall comply with West Virginia State environmental regulations and federal regulations including, but not limit to, Federal Highway Administration Guidelines, Clean Water Act, National Historic Preservation Act, Section 4(f), and Endangered Species Act and Resource Conservation and Recovery Act.

4/2/2018Closed: Selected
Selected Consultant
Burgess & Niple, Inc.

State Project U254-14-9.56 00, Pettyville to Downtown Parkersburg Operational Improvements, located in Wood County, West Virginia.  This project shall consist of the development of a Preliminary Investigation & Engineering (PIE) Study to identify sites to improve the operational and safety performance of WV Route 14 from Pettyville to Downtown Parkersburg.  At a minimum, the PIE Study shall consist of the preparation of feasibility reports/studies and construction estimates for proposed improvements on the route including a new bridge over the Little Kanawha River, along with any subsequent surveying, mapping, and geotechnical engineering work that is necessary to develop preliminary plans.  Also included will be an Engineering Design Study for additional lane configurations, intersection improvements (roundabout), bicycle and pedestrian accommodations, ADA curb ramps, bus transit accommodations, shoulder widening, pavement widening, sidewalk improvements, drainage, access review, roadway realignment, pavement markings, signalization, signing, and maintenance of traffic.  In addition, any of the following services may be required as directed by the Department:  NEPA services, development of any traffic studies, right-of-way services, engineering services for contract plan development, Request for Qualifications and/or Request for Proposal documents, and plan review services.

4/2/2018Closed: Selected
Selected Consultant
Whitman, Requardt and Associates, LLP

State Project U206-60-12.57 00, Merritts Creek to West Mall Road Widening, located in Cabell County, West Virginia.  This project begins at the WV 193 Intersection and ends at the Cabell CR 60/89 Intersection for a length of 1.86 miles and shall consist of the development of a Preliminary Investigation & Engineering (PIE) Study to add additional lanes to US Route 60.  At a minimum, the PIE Study shall consist of the preparation of feasibility reports/studies and construction estimates for proposed lane improvements on the route, along with any subsequent surveying, mapping, and geotechnical engineering work that is necessary to develop preliminary plans.  Also included will be an Engineering Design Study for the alignment and geometric layout, pavement widening, intersection improvements, signalization improvements, shoulder widening, drainage, pavement markings, signing, and maintenance of traffic.  In addition, any of the following services may be required as directed by the Department:  NEPA services, right-of-way services, engineering services for contract plan development, Request for Qualifications and/or Request for Proposal documents, and plan review services.

1/15/2018Closed: Selected
Selected Consultant
GAI Consultants Inc.

State Project To Be Determined, Oakwood Road Improvements, located in Kanawha County, West Virginia.  This project shall consist of the development of National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) documentation for the various sites within the project limits of MacCorkle Avenue South and the Davis Creek Interchange in Charleston, WV to improve operation performance of the US 119 Corridor.  Various improvements include, but are not limited to, an interchange near Lucado Road and Oakwood Road along with the construction of frontage roads and additional lanes.  The Consultant shall perform all related environmental surveys and documentation required to complete the NEPA requirements.  The work shall comply with West Virginia State environmental regulations and federal regulations including, but not limited to, Federal Highway Administration Guidelines, Clean Water Act, National Historic Preservation Act, Section 4(f), Endangered Species Act, and Resource Conservation and Recovery Act.

1/15/2018Closed: Selected
Selected Consultant
AECOM Technical Services, Inc.

State Project U306-64-31.65 00, Culloden Interchange, located in Cabell County, West Virginia.  This project shall consist of the development of National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) documentation for a new interchange and connector road from the interchange to US 60.  The Consultant shall perform all related environmental surveys and documentation to complete the NEPA requirements.  The work shall comply with West Virginia State environmental regulations and federal regulations including, but not limited to, Federal Highway Administration Guidelines, Clean Water Act, National Historic Preservation Act, Section 4(f), Endangered Species Act, and Resource Conservation and Recovery Act.  In addition, the Consultant shall provide information when needed in support efforts to the prime design Consultant in relation to the IJR.  The Consultant shall also perform a Noise Analysis Study which shall be in compliance with the highway traffic noise prediction requirements, noise analyses, noise abatement criteria as contained in revised Title 23, US Code of Federal Regulations Part 772 (23 CFR 772), and Procedures for Abatement of Highway Traffic Noise and Construction Noise effective July 13, 2011.

11/27/2017Closed: Selected
Selected Consultant
Michael Baker International, Inc.
State Project U325-79-131.72 00, South Fairmont to Pleasant Valley, located in Marion County, West Virginia.  This project shall consist of engineering consulting services for the widening of Interstate 79, both north and southbound travel lanes, from 0.38 mile south of US 250 (Exit 132) to 0.25 mile north of CR 26/2 (Exit 135).  This project shall consist of professional services to develop a Preliminary Investigation & Engineering (PIE) Study.  At a minimum, the PIE Study shall include an Engineering Design Study for the roadway widening and the replacement/rehabilitation of the various bridges listed below, along with subsequent surveying, mapping, and geotechnical engineering work that is necessary to develop preliminary plans.  In addition, any of the following services may be required as directed by the Department:  NEPA services, development of IMR, detailed traffic study, right-of-way services, engineering services for contract plan development, Request for Qualifications and/or Request for Proposal documents, plan review services, and Quality Assurance Management (QAM) services for construction/materials inspection.
11/27/2017Closed: Selected
Selected Consultant
TERRADON Corporation
State Project U220-60-33.30 00, Chelyan to Montgomery Operational Improvements, located in Kanawha County, West Virginia.  This project shall consist of the development of a Preliminary Investigation & Engineering (PIE) Study to identify sites to improve the operational performance of US Route 60 from Chelyan to Montgomery.  At a minimum, the PIE Study shall consist of the preparation of feasibility reports/studies and construction estimates for proposed improvement on the route, along with any subsequent surveying, mapping, and geotechnical engineering work that is necessary to develop preliminary plans.  Also included will be a Design Study for additional lane configurations, pavement widening and shoulder widening, slide repair, drainage, roadway realignment, pavement markings, signing and maintenance of traffic.  In addition, any of the following services may be required as directed by the Department:  NEPA services, development of any traffic studies, right-of-way services, engineering services for contract plan development, Request for Qualifications and/or Request for Proposal documents, plan review services, and Quality Assurance Management (QAM) services for construction/materials inspection.
11/27/2017Closed: Selected
Selected Consultant
Stantec Consulting Services Inc.

State Project To Be Determined, Goff Mountain Road to Doc Bailey Road, Cross Lanes, WV 622 Widening and Operational Improvements, located in Kanawha County, West Virginia.  This project shall consist of the development of a Preliminary Investigation & Engineering (PIE) Study for widening between Old Goff Mountain Road to the intersection of WV 622 and WV 62, along with operational improvements between Goff Mountain Road and Doc Bailey Road.  At a minimum, the PIE Study shall consist of the preparation of feasibility reports/studies and construction estimates for various improvements, on the roadway, along with any subsequent surveying, mapping, pavement, sidewalk enhancements, drainage, maintenance of traffic, signal modifications, intersection improvements, lane configurations, signing, ADA ramps, retaining walls, and geotechnical engineering work that is necessary to develop preliminary plans.  In addition, any of the following services may be required as directed by the Department:  NEPA services, development of any traffic studies, right-of-way services, engineering services for contract plan development, Request for Qualifications and/or Request for Proposal documents, plan review services, and Quality Assurance Management (QAM) services for construction/materials inspection.

11/27/2017Closed: Selected
Selected Consultant
HNTB Corporation
State Project U220-61-21.38 00, MacCorkle Avenue Improvements, located in Kanawha County, West Virginia.  This project shall consist of engineering consulting services for various improvements to MacCorkle Avenue WV 61 in both directions from the I-64/I-77 Overpass Bridge over WV 61 to north of the intersection at 31st Street and WV 61 in Kanawha City.  This project shall consist of professional services to develop a Preliminary Investigation & Engineering (PIE) Study.  At a minimum, the PIE Study shall include the preparation of feasibility reports and construction estimates for the proposed improvements along the route, along with any subsequent surveying and mapping.  A Design Study for full-depth pavement reconstruction, drainage improvements, sidewalks, intersection and parking improvements, ADA curb ramps, lighting, signing and signal upgrade, Maintenance of Traffic, and other operational improvements.  In addition, any of the following services may be required as directed by the Department:  NEPA services, geotechnical investigation, detailed traffic study, right-of-way services, engineering services for contract plan development, Request for Qualifications and/or Request for Proposal documents, plan review services, and Quality Assurance Management (QAM) services for construction/materials inspection.
11/20/2017Closed: Selected
Consultant Selected
HDR Engineering, Inc.

State Project S231-MOR/AC-0.00 00, I-79 Access to Morgantown, located in Monongalia County, West Virginia.  This project shall consist of the development of a Preliminary Investigation & Engineering (PIE) Study for a new interchange on I-79 and connector roads from the interchange to northern Morgantown.   At a minimum, the PIE Study shall consist of the preparation of feasibility reports/studies and construction estimates for various interchange alternatives, along with any subsequent surveying, mapping, and geotechnical engineering work that is necessary to develop preliminary plans.  In addition, any of the following services may be required as directed by the Department:  NEPA services, development of an IJR, traffic studies, right-of-way services, engineering services for contract plan development, Request for Qualifications and/or Request for Proposal documents, plan review services, and Quality Assurance Management (QAM) services for construction/materials inspection.

11/20/2017Closed: Selected
Selected Consultant
TRC Engineers, Inc.

State Project S255-85-4.09 02, Ralston Branch Br No 2, located in Wyoming County, West Virginia.  This project shall consist of the development of National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) documentation in support of a West Virginia Department of Transportation Design Study that will analyze multiple alternatives for the replacement of a 44-foot long bridge over Toney Fork.  The bridge is located along West Virginia Route 85 approximately 0.27 miles south of Wyoming County Route 85/1 near the community of Kopperston.  This work is anticipated to consist of an Environmental Assessment (EA).  The Consultant shall perform all related environmental surveys and documentation required to complete the NEPA requirements.  The work shall comply with West Virginia State environmental regulations and federal regulations including, but not limited to, Federal Highway Administration Guidelines, Clean Water Act, National Historic Preservation Act, Section 4(f), Endangered Species Act, and Resource Conservation and Recovery Act.

11/20/2017Closed: Selected
Selected Consultant
E. L. Robinson Engineering Co.

State Project S223-73-1.37 00, US Army SPC Harmon "Hoppy" Lee Hopson, Jr. Memorial Bridge, located in Logan County, West Virginia.  This project shall consist of a Renovation Study and the development of Contract Plans for the renovation of a bridge carrying West Virginia Route 73 over Logan County Route 5/5 and Lower Dempsey Branch.  The existing bridge is 477 feet long by 78.8 feet wide and is located 1.35 miles east of United States Route 119.

11/6/2017Closed: Selected
Selected Consultant
Stantec Consulting Services Inc.

State Project U331-19-13.24 00, Beechurst Ave @ 6th Street, Spot Improvements, located in Monongalia County, West Virginia.  This project shall consist of the development of a Preliminary Investigation & Engineering (PIE) Study for intersection improvements and roadway widening along United States Route 19 (Beechurst Avenue), between 6th and 8th Streets in the City of Morgantown, West Virginia.  At a minimum, the PIE Study shall consist of the preparation of feasibility reports and construction estimates for the proposed improvements along the route, along with any subsequent surveying, mapping, and geotechnical engineering work that is necessary to develop preliminary plans.  In addition, any of the following services may be required as directed by the Department:  NEPA services: traffic studies, right-of-way, engineering services for contract plan development, Request for Qualifications and/or Request for Proposal documents, plan review services, and Quality Assurance Management (QAM) services for construction/materials inspection.

11/6/2017Closed: Selected
Selected Consultant
E. L. Robinson Engineering Co.

State Project To Be Determined, WV 10 – Man to US 19, located in Logan, Wyoming, and Mercer Counties, West Virginia.  This project shall consist of the development of a Preliminary Investigation & Engineering (PIE) Study for operational improvements to approximately 69 miles of West Virginia Route 10 between the City of Man in Logan County and United States (US) Route 19 in Mercer County.  At a minimum, the PIE Study shall consist of the preparation of feasibility reports and construction estimates for the various improvement locations along the route, along with any subsequent surveying, mapping, and geotechnical/engineering work that is necessary to develop preliminary plans.  In addition, any of the following services may be required as directed by the Department:  NEPA services, engineering services for contract plan development, Traffic Analysis, Right-of-Way Services, Request for Qualifications and/or Request for Proposal documents, plan review services, and Quality Assurance Management (QAM) services for construction/materials inspection.

11/6/2017Closed: Selected
Selected Consultant
TERRADON Corporation

State Project To Be Determined, I-79/US 50 Interchange, located in Harrison County, West Virginia.  This project shall consist of the development of a Preliminary Investigation & Engineering (PIE) Study for a split diamond interchange at the junction of Interstate 79 and United States (US) Route 50 in Harrison County.  At a minimum, the PIE Study shall consist of the preparation of feasibility reports/studies and construction estimates for various interchange alternatives, along with any subsequent surveying, mapping, and geotechnical engineering work that is necessary to develop preliminary plans.  In addition, any of the following services may be required as directed by the Department:  NEPA services, development of an IMR, traffic studies, right-of-way services, engineering services for contract plan development, Request for Qualifications and/or Request for Proposal documents, plan review services, and Quality Assurance Management (QAM) services for construction/materials inspection.

11/6/2017Closed: Selected
Selected Consultant
TRC Engineers, Inc.
State Project S224-7-5.32 02, Twin Branch Truss No 2, located in McDowell County, West Virginia.  This project shall consist of the development of National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) documentation in support of a West Virginia Department of Transportation Design Study.  It is anticipated that the WVDOT Study will analyze multiple alternatives, which may include bridge replacement/renovation, tunnel rehabilitation/closure, and bridge abandonment/demolition with an upgrade to existing routes and/or structures.  The bridge is located along McDowell County Route (CR) 7 approximately 0.07 miles east of CR 7/9 and just east of a highway tunnel located on CR 7.  This work is anticipated to consist of an Environment Assessment (EA).  The Consultant shall perform all related environmental surveys and documentation required to complete the NEPA requirements.  The work shall comply with West Virginia State environmental regulations and federal regulations including, but not limited to, Federal Highway Administration Guidelines, Clean Water Act, National Historic Preservation Act, Section 4(f), Endangered Species Act, and Resource Conservation and Recovery Act.
10/16/2017Closed: Selected
Selected Consultant
Neff, Longest & Beam and Associates, LLC

State Project U350-52-5.80 00, WV 75 - Prichard, located in Wayne County, West Virginia.  This project shall consist of the development of a Preliminary Investigation & Engineering (PIE) Study for a new section of 4-lane roadway that shall become a segment of the greater Tolsia Highway.  This project is approximately 9 miles in length and shall extend the existing 4-lane section of United States (US) Route 52 from north of West Virginia (WV) Route 75 to the vicinity of Prichard.  At a minimum, the PIE Study shall consist of the incorporation/modification of existing metric roadway plans and any further surveying/engineering work necessary to develop preliminary plans to be utilized as the basis for a Design-Build contract.  Also included in the PIE Study is the development of Request for Qualification (RFQ) and Request for Proposal (RFP) documents.  In addition, NEPA services, plan review services, and Quality Assurance Management (QAM) services for the construction and material inspection may be required as directed by the Department.

9/5/2017Closed: Selected
Consultant Selected
A. Morton Thomas and Associates, Inc.

State Project U331-59-0.94 00, Van Voorhis Road, located in Monongalia County, West Virginia.  This project shall consist of the development of a Preliminary Investigation & Engineering (PIE) Study for roadway widening, drainage improvements, and sidewalks.  The project is approximately 0.43 miles in length and is located along Monongalia County Route (CR) 59 between its junctions with CR 67/1 and CR 60.  The PIE Study shall consist of an Engineering Design Study, Right-of-Way acquisition plans, and any other related work that may be required.  Also included in the PIE Study is the development of Request for Proposal (RFP) documents for a Design-Build contract.  In addition, plan review services and Quality Assurance Management (QAM) services for construction and material inspection may be required as directed by the Department.

9/5/2017Closed: Selected
Consultant Selected
Whitman, Requardt and Associates, LLP

State Project T613-60-41.35 00, Dry Creek Bridge, located in Greenbrier County, West Virginia.  This project shall consist of the development of National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) documentation for the replacement of a 66-foot bridge spanning Dry Creek.  The bridge is located along United States (US) Route 60 within the city limits of White Sulphur Springs, approximately 0.01 miles east of Greenbrier County Route (CR) 36.  This work is anticipated to consist of an Environment Assessment (EA).  The Consultant shall perform all related environmental surveys and documentation required to complete the NEPA requirements.  The work shall comply with West Virginia State environmental regulations and federal regulations including, but not limited to, Federal Highway Administration Guidelines, Clean Water Act, National Historic Preservation Act, Section 4(f), Endangered Species Act, and Resource Conservation and Recovery Act.

9/5/2017Closed: Selected
Consultant Selected
Herbert, Rowland & Grubic, Inc.

State Project U331-67/1-1.86 00, West Run Road, located in Monongalia County, West Virginia.  This project shall consist of the development of a Preliminary Investigation & Engineering (PIE) Study for roadway widening and intersection improvements.  The project is approximately 0.86 miles in length and is located along Monongalia County Route (CR) 67/1 between its junctions with CR 67 and United States (US) Route 119.  The PIE Study shall consist of an Engineering Design Study, Right-of-Way acquisition plans, and any other related work that may be required.  Also included in the PIE Study is the development of Request for Proposal (RFP) documents for a Design-Build contract.  In addition, plan review services and Quality Assurance Management (QAM) services for construction and material inspection may be required as directed by the Department.

9/5/2017Closed: Selected
Consultant Selected
CDI-Infrastructure, LLC

State Project S335-470-0.13 00, I-470 Br Appr, located in Ohio County, West Virginia.  This project shall consist of the preparation of a rehabilitation recommendation report and contract plans and any other related work that may be required for the renovation of the approach spans of a bridge carrying Interstate 470 over the Ohio River and various routes/streets in the City of Wheeling.  The approach spans of the existing bridge are 3652 feet total length by 83 feet wide and begin at a point located 0.11 miles east of the Ohio state line.

9/5/2017Closed: Selected
Consultant Selected
HDR Engineering, Inc.

State Project U335-2-2.13 00, WV 2 Wheeling, located in Ohio County, West Virginia.  This project shall consist of the development of National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) documentation for streetscape improvements on approximately 1.65 miles of state route/city streets within the City of Wheeling.  Specific locations of the streetscape improvement work are as follows:

Main Street (WV 2 SB):                           I-70 to 16th Street
Market Street (WV 2 NB)                        10th Street to 16th Street
10th Street:                                                 Main Street to Market Street
12th Street:                                                 Main Street to Market Street
14th Street                                                  Main Street to Market Street
16th Street:                                                 Main Street to Eoff Street
Chapline Street:                                          16th Street to 18th Street
Eoff Street:                                                 16th Street to 18th Street

This work is anticipated to consist of an Environment Assessment (EA).  The Consultant shall perform all related environmental surveys and documentation required to complete the NEPA requirements.  The work shall comply with West Virginia State environmental regulations and federal regulations including, but not limited to, Federal Highway Administration Guidelines, Clean Water Act, National Historic Preservation Act, Section 4(f), Endangered Species Act, and Resource Conservation and Recovery Act.

8/28/2017Closed: Selected
Selected Consultant
Stahl Sheaffer Engineering, LLC

State Project U331-857-0.67 00, Greenbag Road, located in Monongalia County, West Virginia.  This project shall consist of the development of a Preliminary Investigation & Engineering (PIE) Study for a roadway widening and intersection improvement project.  The project is approximately 1.08 miles in length and is located along Monongalia County Route (CR) 857 between its junction with CR 857/1 and a point 0.10 miles north of CR 857/6.  At a minimum, the PIE Study shall include an Engineering Design Study for the roadway widening and intersection improvement work along with Right-of-Way acquisition plans and any other related work as may be required.  Also included in the PIE Study is the development of Request for Proposal (RFP) documents for a Design-Build contract.  In addition, plan review services and Quality Assurance Management (QAM) services for construction and material inspection may be required as directed by the Department.

8/28/2017Closed: Selected
Consultant Selected
TRC Engineers, Inc.

State Project T602-51-9.34 00, Middleway Bridge, located in Berkeley and Jefferson Counties, West Virginia.  This project shall consist of the development of National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) documentation for the replacement of a 204-foot bridge spanning Opequon Creek.  This bridge is located along West Virginia Route 51/9.  This work is anticipated to consist of a Categorical Exclusion (CE).  The Consultant shall perform Phase I Archaeology and any subsequent archaeological investigation that may be necessary, along with any Section 4f, Endangered Species surveys and any additional related environmental surveys as required to complete the NEPA documentation requirements.  The historic evaluation is being completed by in-house staff and will be provided when completed.  The work shall comply with West Virginia State environmental regulations and federal regulations including, but not limited to, Federal Highway Administration Guidelines, Clean Water Act, National Historic Preservation Act, Section 4(f), Endangered Species Act, and Resource Conservation and Recovery Act.

8/7/2017Closed: Selected
Consultants Selected
AECOM Technical Services, Inc.
Alliance Consulting, Inc.
Allstar Ecology, LLC
ASC Group, Inc.
Aurora Research Associates, LLC
Burgess & Niple, Inc.
CDM Smith Inc.
Civil & Environmental Consultants, Inc.
EcoAnalysts, Inc.
ECS Mid-Atlantic, LLC
EnviroScience, Inc.
GAI Consultants Inc.
HDR Engineering, Inc.
Lawhon & Associates, Inc.
Mead and Hunt, Inc.
Michael Baker International, Inc.
Mountain State Biosurveys, Inc.
Rummel, Klepper & Kahl, LLP
SKELLY and LOY, Inc.
SWCA, Incorporated
TERRADON Corporation
The Thrasher Group, Inc.
TRC Engineers, Inc.
Whitman, Requardt and Associates, LLP

ID/IQ Environmental Assistance Services - Consulting services will be utilized for cultural resource services for compliance with Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act.  The work will generally consist of Section 106 documentation and related work including identification surveys, evaluations for National Register eligibility, and data recovery projects for historic and archaeological resources.  Consulting services will also be utilized to provide Natural Resource work for NEPA compliance relating to roadway and bridge projects in West Virginia.  The work will be performed statewide upon specific requests by the Division of Highways and may include, but not necessarily be limited to; stream and wetland studies, state and federal listed endangered species investigations, non-listed species surveys and biological surveys, and other related services.

8/7/2017Closed: Selected
Consultants Selected
A. Morton Thomas and Associates, Inc.
AECOM Technical Services, Inc.
Alpha Associates, Incorporated
Burgess & Niple, Inc.
CDI-Infrastructure, LLC
CDM Smith Inc.
Civil & Environmental Consultants, Inc.
E. L. Robinson Engineering Co.
GAI Consultants Inc.
HDR Engineering, Inc.
Herbert, Rowland & Grubic, Inc.
HNTB Corporation
J.B. Turman Engineering, PLLC
L. A. Gates Company
Martin Engineering, PLLC
Mead and Hunt, Inc.
Michael Baker International, Inc.
Neff, Longest & Beam and Associates, LLC
PKB Engineering Corporation
Potesta & Associates, Inc.
Randolph Engineering Co., Inc.
Rummel, Klepper & Kahl, LLP
Stafford Consultants, Inc.
Stahl Sheaffer Engineering, LLC
Stantec Consulting Services Inc.
TERRADON Corporation
The Thrasher Group, Inc.
TRC Engineers, Inc.
White Brothers Consulting, LLC
Whitman, Requardt and Associates, LLP

ID/IQ Engineering Assistance Services - Consulting services will be utilized to provide assistance to the Central and District offices for engineering services for highway, bridge, and miscellaneous projects.  The work generally consists of preparation of contract plans and related documents, and any other related engineering services that may be required.

8/7/2017Closed: Selected
Consultant Selected
E. L. Robinson Engineering Co.

State Project S335-70-11.95 00, I-70 Mining Project, located on I-70 in Ohio County, West Virginia.  This project shall consist of engineering consulting services for the preparation of preliminary inspection and documentation, stand by callout services (2” HMA, MOT, etc.), structure preparations, post subsidence inspections, emergency services, adjustment of guardrail and signs, and any other related work required.

7/10/2017Closed: Selected
Selected Consultants
HNTB Corporation
L. A. Gates Company
Mead and Hunt, Inc.
Whitman, Requardt and Associates, LLP

State Project U399-TIP-17. 00, TIP 2017, located statewide.  This project shall consist of Quality Assurance Management (QAM) services for approximately 55 bridge replacements/renovations/rehabilitations as part of the Transportation Improvement Program for 2017.  This program will be divided into groups of 10 to 15 bridge projects that will be assigned to 4 (four) individual consulting firms underneath the referenced State Project Number.  These QAM services shall consist of determining project specific scope of work and preparing Request for Proposal (RFP) documents, developing final project design criteria, developing right-of-way and utility criteria, developing environmental clearance criteria and/or obtaining environmental clearance, determining any special permit needs, evaluating the need for special details/provisions, providing assistance in addressing pre-bid inquiries from Design-Build teams, and providing plan review and other related work as required.  In addition, the QAM shall be responsible for locating any existing Right-of-Way plans/information along with existing bridge plans and/or inspection reports.

7/10/2017Closed: Selected
Selected Consultants
HDR Engineering, Inc.

State Project S319-340-15.78 00, US 340 Rock Slide Investigation, located in Jefferson County, West Virginia.  This project shall consist of the development of National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) documentation for the regrading/stabilization of an existing rock cut slope.  The project is located along United States Route (US) 340 approximately 0.25 mile west of the Virginia state line.  This work is anticipated to consist of an Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) with a Record of Decision (ROD).  The Consultant shall perform all related environmental surveys and documentation required to complete the NEPA requirements.  The work shall comply with West Virginia State environmental regulations and federal regulations including, but not limited to, Federal Highway Administration Guidelines, Clean Water Act, National Historic Preservation Act, Section 4(f), and Endangered Species Act.

6/26/2017Closed: Selected
Consultant Selected
Mead and Hunt, Inc.

State Project S206-64-14.49 00, 29th St I-64 Br EB & WB, located in Cabell County, West Virginia.  This project shall consist of engineering consulting services for the widening of Interstate 64, both east and west bound travel lanes, from the 29th Street (US 60) interchange to the East Mall Road (CR 60/89) interchange.  This project shall consist of professional services to develop a Preliminary Investigation & Engineering (PIE) Study.  At a minimum, the PIE Study shall include an Engineering Design Study for the roadway widening and the replacement/rehabilitation of the various bridges listed below.  A detailed traffic study will also be included.  Also included in the PIE Study are the quality assurance tasks, documentation services, and other related duties normally undertaken by the DOH such as the development of the RFQ and RFP for a future construction project(s).  In addition, Quality Assurance Management (QAM) services for construction and material inspection may be required as directed by the Department.

The following bridges will be impacted due to roadway widening:

  • 29th Street I-64 Bridge EB & WB
  • Guyandotte River Overpass EB & WB (Including QAM Services)
  • Merrick Creek Overpass EB & WB
  • CR 26 Overpass EB & WB
  • White Chapel Bridge EB & WB
  • Ona Mall Bridge EB & WB
6/12/2017Closed: Selected
Consultants Selected
CTL Engineering of West Virginia, Inc.
Jackson Dynamics, Inc.
Martin Engineering, PLLC
Potesta & Associates, Inc.
SKELLY and LOY, Inc.
Stantec Consulting Services Inc.
TERRADON Corporation
The Thrasher Group, Inc.
Triad Engineering, Inc.

Statewide Asbestos Inspection Services - Consulting services will be utilized for asbestos inspection and sampling.  The work may consist of inspection, sampling and reports; preparation of contract plans and related documents for asbestos removal; project air monitoring; and related services as requested.

5/30/2017Closed: Selected
Consultant Selected
Wallace & Pancher, Inc.

State Project U335-2-2.13 00, WV 2 Wheeling Streetscape, located in Ohio County, West Virginia.  This project shall consist of the development of Contract Plans and related documents for streetscape improvements on approximately 1.65 miles of state routes/city streets within the City of Wheeling.  Specific locations of the streetscape improvement work are as follows:

Main Street (WV 2 SB):                    I-70 to 16th Street
Market Street (WV 2 NB):                10th Street to 16th Street
10th Street:                                         Main Street to Market Street
12th Street:                                         Main Street to Market Street
14th Street                                          Main Street to Market Street
16th Street                                          Main Street to Eoff Street
Chapline Street:                                 16th Street to 18th Street
Eoff Street:                                        16th Street to 18th Street

The streetscape improvement work shall include but not be limited to sidewalk reconstruction (including curb ramps/ADA compliance), resurfacing plans, pavement markings, adjustment and/or replacement of street appurtenances and landscaping, adjustment and/or replacement of street lighting, and adjustment of utilities/manholes.  Traffic signal adjustments, pedestrian accommodation features and traffic signal equipment renovation for the intersections defined within the Wheeling Central Business District (CBD) closed loop system will be prepared under a separate traffic signal renovation project which may ultimately be incorporated into this Streetscape project, but at a minimum will require significant project coordination.

5/30/2017Closed: Selected
Consultant Selected
TRC Engineers, Inc.

State Project U229-220-9.50 00, US 220 Tier II Design Study, located in Mineral County, West Virginia.  This project shall consist of the preparation of a Design Study for a new roadway that will be located to the west of the current United States Route (US) 220 alignment.  This Design Study shall build upon the US 220 Corridor Study that was previously completed by the West Virginia Department of Transportation.  This project also includes the preparation of the appropriate NEPA studies for a Tier II Draft EIS, Final EIS and Record of Decision.  The work shall comply with West Virginia State environmental regulations and federal regulations including, but not limited to, Federal Highway Administration Guidelines, Clean Water Act, National Historic Preservation Act, Section 4(f), and Endangered Species Act.  The project begins in the vicinity of the existing West Virginia Route (WV) 93 and US Route 50 intersection near the community of Claysville, West Virginia and extends northeastward for approximately 11 miles to the existing intersection of US 220 and Placid Lane in the state of Maryland.

5/26/2017Closed: Selected

2018 Bridge Inspection Projects

1) Arch A. Moore, Jr. Bridge
 State Project: T626-2-0.02
 Marshall County

 Selected - HNTB
 First Alternate - AECOM
 Second Alternate - Stantec Consulting
2) Corporal Thomas Bennett Memorial Bridge
 State Project: T631-79-149.41
 Monongalia County

 Selected - AECOM
 First Alternate - HNTB
 Second Alternate - TRC
3) Court/Leon Sullivan/Brooke Street Bridges
 State Project: T620-77-100.00
 Kanawha County

Selected -  Whitman Requardt & Associates
First Alternate - Michael Baker, International
Second Alternate - PKB 
4) Jennings Randolph Bridge
 State Project: T615-30-0.02
 Hancock County

 Selected - Modjeski & Masters
 First Alternate - HNTB
 Second Alternate - AECOM

5) Market Street Bridge
 State Project: T605-2-0.01
 Brooke County

Selected - Burgess & Niple
First Alternate - HDR
Second Alternate - Modjeski & Masters

6) Silver Memorial Bridge
 State Project: T627-35-17.97
 Mason County

 Selected - Stantec Consulting
 First Alternate - GAI
 Second Alternate - TRC

7) Veterans Memorial Bridge
 State Project: T605-22-0.03
 Brooke County

Selected - Michael Baker, International
First Alternate - Stantec Consulting
Second Alternate - Modjeski & Masters

8) Wheeling Suspension Bridge
 State Project: T635-251-0.07
 Ohio County

 Selected - HDR
 First Alternate - Burgess & Niple
 Second Alternate - Michael Baker, International

9) USAF Airman First Class Wilbur Lee Clayton Memorial Bridge
 State Project: T616-48-123.64
 Hardy County

Selected - Randolph Engineering
First Alternate - RK&K Engineering
Second Alternate - HDR

10) Williamstown-Marietta Bridge
State Project: T654-31-19.04
Wood County

Selected - GAI
First Alternate - Burgess & Niple
Second Alternate - Palmer Engineering


Notice is hereby given by the West Virginia Department of Transportation, Division of Highways, that consulting services will be utilized for the six-year inspection projects, per the current National Bridge Inspection Standards and may include design plans for repairs, for the following projects:

  1)    Arch A. Moore, Jr. Bridge
         State Project No. T626-2-0.02 00

  2)    Court/Leon Sullivan Way & Brooke Street Bridges
         State Project No. T620-77-100.00 00

  3)    CPL Thomas Bennett Memorial Bridge
         State Project No. T631-79-149.41 00

  4)    Jennings Randolph Bridge
         State Project No. T615-30-0.02 00

  5)    Market Street Bridge
         State Project No. T605-2-0.01 00

  6)    Silver Memorial Bridge
         State Project No. T627-35-17.97 00

  7)    Veterans Memorial Bridge
         State Project No. T605-22-0.03 00

  8)    Wheeling Suspension Bridge
         State Project No. T635-251-0.07 00

  9)    Wilbur Lee Clayton Memorial Bridge
         State Project No. T616-48-123.64 00

10)     Williamstown Marietta (WV 31) Bridge
           State Project No. T654-31-19.04 00       

5/1/2017Closed: Selected
Selected Consultant
Whitman, Requardt and Associates, LLP

State Project S342-219-44.27 00, Pearcy Run Bridge (Northbound), located in Randolph County, West Virginia.  This project shall consist of the preparation of contract plans and related documents for abutment repair on the northbound bridge carrying United States Route (US) 219 over Pearcy Run and Randolph County Route (CR) 1.  The existing bridge is 941 feet long by 36 feet wide and is located 1.91 miles north of the US 219/US 33 split.

4/10/2017Closed: Selected
Consultants Selected
A. Morton Thomas and Associates, Inc.
AECOM Technical Services, Inc.
Alpha Associates, Incorporated
Burgess & Niple, Inc.
GAI Consultants Inc.
HDR Engineering, Inc.
L. A. Gates Company
Martin Engineering, PLLC
Michael Baker International, Inc.
Mott MacDonald, LLC
PKB Engineering Corporation
Rummel, Klepper & Kahl, LLP
Stantec Consulting Services Inc.
TERRADON Corporation
TRC Engineers, Inc.
Whitman, Requardt and Associates, LLP

Statewide Railroad Engineering Services - Consulting services will be utilized to provide engineering services for railroad, railroad bridge, and miscellaneous railroad projects.  The work generally consists of structural inspections, preparation of contract plans and related documents.

3/13/2017Closed: Selected
Consultant Selected
Mott MacDonald, LLC

State Project S228-460-1.40 00, US 460 Sinkhole Study, located in Mercer County, West Virginia.  This project shall consist of a Design Study.  The goal of the study shall be to develop a concept to safely convey surface runoff and flow from springs into existing but undetermined subterranean caverns.  The study shall be thorough enough to allow contract plans to be developed without further site investigation.  It is anticipated that subsurface exploration will be necessary.  Preference will be given to firms whose Letter of Interest includes details of previous karst related projects that professionals within the firm have completed.  The general location of the study area is along United States (US) Route 460 within the City of Bluefield approximately 1.40 miles from the Virginia state line, with the sinkhole of initial focus being situated just northwest of US 460 between Fincastle Lane and Leandrea Drive near the end of Kyle Court.

2/27/2017Closed: Selected
Selected Consultant
TRC Engineers, Inc.

State Project S314-50-31.02 00, Capon Bridge, located in Hampshire County, West Virginia.  This project shall consist of a Phase III Data Recovery Archaeological Investigation associated with the replacement of the Capon Bridge, which carries United States Route (US) 50 over the Cacapon River and is located 0.04 mile east of Hampshire County Route (CR) 14 within the Town of Capon Bridge.  Activities required, but not necessarily limited to, the data recovery plan, include background research, field excavations (including machine and hand excavations), geomorphological investigations, laboratory processing and analysis of recovered materials (including lithic, ceramic, faunal and floral materials and possibly human remains), final report preparation and publication (hard copy and electronic), public outreach mitigation, State, Federal and Tribal Coordination, and related NEPA services.

1/23/2017Closed: Selected
Consultants Selected
A E Associates, Ltd.
A. Morton Thomas and Associates, Inc.
AECOM Technical Services, Inc.
Alpha Associates, Incorporated
Buchart-Horn, Inc.
Burgess & Niple, Inc.
CDM Smith Inc.
Civil & Environmental Consultants, Inc.
E. L. Robinson Engineering Co.
GAI Consultants Inc.
HDR Engineering, Inc.
Herbert, Rowland & Grubic, Inc.
HNTB Corporation
J.B. Turman Engineering, PLLC
L. A. Gates Company
Martin Engineering, PLLC
Mead & Hunt, Inc.
Michael Baker International, Inc.
Neff, Longest & Beam and Associates, LLC
PKB Engineering Corporation
Potesta & Associates, Inc.
Rummel, Klepper & Kahl, LLP
Stafford Consultants, Inc.
Stantec Consulting Services Inc.
TERRADON Corporation
TRC Engineers, Inc.
White Brothers Consulting, LLC
Whitman, Requardt & Associates, LLP

Notice is hereby given by the West Virginia Department of Transportation, Division of Highways, that engineering consulting services will be utilized for the performance of various tasks to be performed under the following Statewide (On Call) Agreement:

Statewide Engineering Services - Consulting services will be utilized to provide engineering services for highway, bridge, and miscellaneous projects.  The work generally consists of preparation of contract plans and related documents.

1/23/2017Closed: Selected

Consultants Selected

Statewide Cultural Resource Svcs.
AECOM Technical Services, Inc.
Allstar Ecology, LLC
ASC Group, Inc.
Aurora Research Associates, LLC
CDM Smith Inc.
Civil & Environmental Consultants, Inc.
GAI Consultants Inc.
HDR Engineering, Inc.
Johnson, Mirmiran & Thompson, Inc.
Louis Berger U.S., Inc.
Michael Baker International, Inc.
Rummel, Klepper & Kahl, LLP
SKELLY and LOY, Inc.
SWCA, Incorporated
TERRADON Corporation
Tetra Tech, Inc.
TRC Engineers, Inc.

Statewide Natural Resource Svcs.
A. Morton Thomas & Associates, Inc.
Alliance Consulting, Inc.
Allstar Ecology, LLC
ASC Group, Inc.
Burgess & Niple, Inc.
Civil & Environmental Consultants, Inc.
EnviroScience, Inc.
GAI Consultants, Inc.
HDR Engineering, Inc.
Michael Baker International, Inc.
Rummel, Klepper & Kahl, LLP
SKELLY and LOY, Inc.
SWCA, Incorporated
TERRADON Corporation
TRC Engineers, Inc.

Notice is hereby given by the West Virginia Department of Transportation, Division of Highways, that consultant services will be utilized for the performance of various tasks to be performed under the following Statewide (On Call) Agreements:

Statewide Cultural Resource Services - Consulting services will be utilized for cultural resource services for compliance with Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act.  The work will generally consist of Section 106 documentation and related work including identification surveys, evaluations for National Register eligibility, and data recovery projects for historic and archaeological resources.

Statewide Natural Resource Services - Consulting services will be utilized to provide Natural Resource work for NEPA compliance relating to roadway and bridge projects in West Virginia.  The work will be performed statewide upon specific requests by the Division of Highways and may include, but not necessarily be limited to; stream and wetland studies, state and federal listed endangered species investigations, non-listed species surveys and biological surveys, and other related services.

11/7/2016Closed: Selected
Selected Consultants

Beaver - So. Eisenhower Drive
L. A. Gates Company

Brick Street Bridge
White Brothers Consulting, LLC

State Project X341-ZWA/Y-6.22 02, Beaver – S Eisenhower Dr, located in Raleigh County, West Virginia.  This project shall consist of the preparation of Contract Plans and related documents for a new 1.86-mile roadway connecting United States Route 19 at Beaver with Interstate 64 at the South Eisenhower Drive Interchange.  Engineering work will be performed in two phases.  Phase I shall consist of the development of preliminary engineering plans and right-of-way acquisitions plans, with Phase II consisting of the preparation of final contract plans and related documents.

State Project S328-104-1.93 00, Brick Street Bridge, located in Mercer County, West Virginia.  This project shall consist of the preparation of contract plans and related documents for the replacement of a bridge carrying West Virginia Route 104 over Brush Creek in the City of Princeton.  The existing bridge is 106 feet long by 24 feet wide and is located 0.01 mile south of the West Virginia 104/South 2nd Street intersection.


District Seven Headquarters Facility, State Project No. G021-HDQ-1. 00.  Project is located along US 19, approximately 2.0 miles south of the intersection of Skincreek Rd and US 19 on Highland Drive.  Project to include architectural, structural, mechanical, electrical and plumbing design services for the construction of a Multi-Purpose building and Lab building.  Civil / site development design services may also be required for connecting the buildings to previously constructed utilities and site features.

The above project is are currently scheduled for construction to begin in State Fiscal Year 2019.  Single or multiple assignments may be made for this work.


Statewide Pavement Data Collection - This project shall consist of the collection and delivery of pavement condition data in accordance with the Federal Highways Administration (FHWA) Moving Ahead for Progress in the 21st Century Act (MAP-21), Fixing America’s Surface Transportation Act (FAST Act) and subsequent legislation and WVDOT-DOH requirements. The work will be performed statewide on all Interstates, US, West Virginia, and selected county routes in addition to other non-continuous road sections that include the Highway Performance Monitoring System.  The data collection may include, but not necessarily be limited to: roughness, rutting, faulting, pavement cracking, shoulder type and width, global referencing data, digital roadway images and highway centerline geometrics.  The data collected will be used to analyze the system needs and develop construction programs.  Existing asset information may also be collected to supplement or update the data previously collected such as guardrail, signs, sign assemblies, signals, barriers, pavement markings, rumble strips, shoulders, curb ramps, lighting, etc.

The above project is are currently scheduled for work to begin in 2018 through 2022. 

7/25/2016Closed: Selected
Selected Consultant
Rummel, Klepper & Kahl, LLP

State Project S314-28-22.27 00, John Blue Bridge, located in Hampshire County, West Virginia.  This project shall consist of a Phase III Data Recovery Archaeological Investigation associated with the replacement of the John Blue Bridge, which carries WV Route 28 over the South Branch Potomac River and is located 0.3 mile south of Hampshire County Route 28/5.  Activities required, but not necessarily limited to the data recovery plan, include background research, field excavations (including machine and hand excavations), geomorphological investigations, laboratory processing and analysis of recovered materials (including lithic, ceramic, faunal and floral materials and possibly human remains), final report preparation and publication (hard copy and electronic), public outreach mitigation, State, Federal and Tribal Coordination, and related NEPA services.

7/5/2016Closed: Selected
Selected Consultant
SKELLY and LOY, Inc.

State Project U215-2-6.20 00, New Cumberland – WV 2, located in Hancock County, West Virginia.  This project shall consist of the development of National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) documentation for the upgrade and/or relocation of West Virginia Route 2 through the City of New Cumberland.  This work is anticipated to consist of an Environmental Assessment/Finding of No Significant Impact environmental document.  The Consultant shall perform all related environmental surveys and documentation required to complete the NEPA requirements.  The work shall comply with West Virginia State environmental regulations and federal regulations including, but not limited to, Federal Highway Administration Guidelines, Clean Water Act, National Historic Preservation Act, Section 4(f), and Endangered Species Act.  An historic resource study and an archaeological predictive model have already been completed for this project.

5/31/2016Closed: Selected
Selected Consultant
GAI Consultants, Inc.

State Project S321-N16/70-0.02 00, Fourth Street Arch Bridge, located in Lewis County, West Virginia.  This project shall consist of the development of National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) documentation for the replacement of Fourth Street Arch Bridge, which carries Lewis County Route 16/70N over West Fork River.  The subject bridge is located 0.02 mile west of United States Route 19 in the City of Weston.  This work is anticipated to consist of an Environmental Assessment/Finding of No Significant Impact environmental document.  The Consultant shall perform all related environmental surveys and documentation required to complete the NEPA requirements, with the exception of natural resource related issues (which will be handled by others).  The work shall comply with West Virginia State environmental regulations and federal regulations including, but not limited to, Federal Highway Administration Guidelines, Clean Water Act, National Historic Preservation Act, and Section 4(f).

5/20/2016Closed: Selected
East Huntington Bridge
State Project T606-106-0.67 00

HDR, Inc.

Phill G. McDonald Bridge
State Project T641-64-129.52 00

HNTB Corporation

Bigley Avenue Bridges 1 - 7
State Project T620-64-58.72 00

Michael Baker International

Bigley Avenue Bridges 8 - 9
State Project T620-77-100.97 00

GAI Consultants

5th Street Bridge
State Project T654-14-13.23 00

Burgess & Niple, Inc.

35th Street Bridge and Ramps A & B
State Project T620-60-0.11 00

Stantec Consulting Services, Inc.

36th Street Bridge and Ramps C & D
State Project T620-60-0.14 00

Stantec Consulting Services, Inc.

Notice is hereby given by the West Virginia Department of Transportation, Division of Highways, that consulting services will be utilized for six inspection projects per the current National Bridge Inspection Standards and may include design plans for repairs.

3/28/2016Closed: Selected
Selected Consultants

I-79 Exit 99 SB Off Ramp
Burgess & Niple, Inc.

Upper Gassaway Bridge
GAI Consultants, Inc.

State Project U321-79-99.00 00, I-79 Exit 99 SB Off Ramp, located in Lewis County, West Virginia.  This project shall consist of a Design Study and Contract Plans for the modification of the I-79 Exit 99 interchange in order to eliminate a traffic weaving area.  The Consultant shall additionally generate a traffic study and Interchange Modification Report as part of this assignment.

State Project S304-4-17.86 00, Upper Gassaway Bridge, located in Braxton County, West Virginia.  This project shall consist of a Design Study and Contract Plans for the replacement of a bridge carrying West Virginia Route 4 over Elk River.  The existing bridge is 340 feet long by 24 feet wide and is located 0.04 mile west of Braxton County Route 7.

3/7/2016Closed: Withdrawn

NOTICE TO CONSULTANTS:  The WVDOT has elected to cease consultant procurement activities on these projects; therefore, no short-list will be developed.

State Project S303-3-33.48 00, Whiteoak Bridge, located in Boone County, West Virginia.  This project shall consist of the development of Contract Plans for the replacement of a bridge carrying West Virginia Route 3 over White Oak Creek.  The existing bridge is 90 feet long by 26 feet wide and is located 0.02 mile east of Boone County Route 14.

State Project U306-64-9.22 00, Miller Road O/P, located in Cabell County, West Virginia.  This project shall consist of the development of Contract Plans for the replacement of twin bridges carrying the eastbound and westbound lanes of Interstate 64 over Cabell County Route 52/6 (Upper Miller Road) and Hisey Fork of Fourpole Creek.  The existing bridges are each 261.5 feet long by 29.3 feet wide and are located 0.30 mile west of Cabell County Route 37.

2/16/2016Closed: Withdrawn

NOTICE TO CONSULTANTS:  The WVDOT has elected to cease consultant procurement activities on these projects; therefore, no short-list will be developed.

State Project U305-32/3-1.64 00, Long Run Bridge, located in Brooke County, West Virginia.  This project shall consist of the development of Contract Plans for the replacement of a bridge carrying Brooke County Route 32/3 over Buffalo Creek.  The existing bridge is 105 feet long by 13.4 feet wide and is located 0.04 mile south of West Virginia Route 67.

12/21/2015Closed: Selected
Consultants Selected
BAE Systems
GRW Engineers, Inc.
MA Engineering Consultants, Inc.
Mapping Resource Group, Inc.
Quantum Spatial, Inc.
Smith Land Surveying, Inc.
The Thrasher Group, Inc.
Tuck Mapping Solutions, Inc.

Notice is hereby given by the West Virginia Department of Transportation, Division of Highways, that consulting services will be utilized for the performance of various tasks to be performed under the following Statewide (On Call) Agreement:

Statewide Aerial Photography/Mapping Services - Consulting services will be utilized for the performance of aerial photography (oblique, vertical ortho, mapping), mobile, remote and unmanned sensing, target and project control installation and triangulation, as well as varying scaled maps and three-dimensional models.  It will also consist of digital compilation of maps through stereo photogrammetric methods, and the delivery of mapping data files in both Auto Cad and Microstation formats on CDs.  Work shall be at various locations throughout the State for highway, bridge or miscellaneous projects.

12/21/2015Closed: Selected
Short-Listed Consultants
GAI Consultants, Inc.
Rummel, Klepper & Kahl, LLP
SKELLY and LOY, Inc.

Selected Consultant
SKELLY and LOY, Inc.

Notice is hereby given by the West Virginia Department of Transportation, Division of Highways, that engineering consulting services will be utilized for the following project:

State Project X341-ZWA/Y-6.22 00, Beaver to South Eisenhower Drive, located in Raleigh County, West Virginia.  The project area will encompass a new roadway alignment beginning at the existing United States Route 19/West Virginia Route 307 intersection in Beaver and ending at Interstate 64, Exit 124 (South Eisenhower Drive).  Work shall consist of the development of National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) documentation, which is anticipated to require an Environmental Assessment/Finding of No Significant Impact environmental document.  The consultant will perform all related environmental surveys and documentation required to complete the NEPA requirements.  The work shall comply with the appropriate federal regulations including, but not limited to, Federal Highways Administration Guidelines including Section 4(f) of the USDOT Act, Section 404 of the Clean Water Act, and Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act.

12/21/2015Closed: Selected
Short-Listed Consultants
A. Morton Thomas & Associates, Inc.
Civil & Environmental Consultants, Inc.
The Thrasher Group, Inc.

Selected Consultant
Civil & Environmental Consultants, Inc.

Notice is hereby given by the West Virginia Department of Transportation, Division of Highways, that engineering consulting services will be utilized for the following project:

State Project S304-4-17.86 00, Upper Gassaway Bridge, located in Braxton County, West Virginia.  This project shall consist of the development of National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) documentation for the replacement of the Upper Gassaway Bridge, which carries West Virginia Route 4 over Elk River.  The subject bridge is located 0.06 mile north of Braxton County Route 12/3 in the City of Gassaway.  This work is anticipated to consist of an Environmental Assessment/Finding of No significant Impact environmental document.  The consultant shall perform all related environmental surveys and documentation required to complete the NEPA requirements.  The work shall comply with the West Virginia State environmental regulations and federal regulations including, but not limited to, Federal Highways Administration Guidelines, Clean Water Act, National Historic Preservation Act, Section 4(f), and Endangered Species Act.

12/21/2015Closed: Selected
Consultants Short-Listed
Allegheny Surveys, Inc.
Cardno, Inc.
Civil & Environmental Consultants
E. L. Robinson Engineering Co.
E.S.P. Associates, Inc.
Mead & Hunt, Inc.
Potesta & Associates, Inc.
Smith Land Surveying, Inc.
The Thrasher Group, Inc.

Consultants Selected
Allegheny Surveys, Inc.
Cardno, Inc.
Civil & Environmental Consultants
E. L. Robinson Engineering Co.
E.S.P. Associates, Inc.
The Thrasher Group, Inc.


Notice is hereby given by the West Virginia Department of Transportation, Division of Highways, that consulting services will be utilized for the performance of various tasks to be performed under the following Statewide (On Call) Agreement:

Statewide Surveying Services - Consulting services will be utilized for providing all types of surveying including, but not limited to, conventional, GPS, Remote Sensing, Hydraulic and Hydrology as well as Subsurface Utility (SUE) at various locations throughout the State for highway, bridge or miscellaneous projects.

12/7/2015Closed: Selected
Consultants Selected
CDM Smith, Inc.
HDR Engineering, Inc.
Michael Baker International, Inc.
Rummel, Klepper & Kahl, LLP
SKELLY and LOY, Inc.

Notice is hereby given by the West Virginia Department of Transportation, Division of Highways, that consulting services will be utilized for the performance of various tasks to be performed under the following Statewide (On Call) Agreement:


Statewide Environmental Noise Analysis Services – Consulting services will be utilized for compliance with highway traffic noise prediction requirements, noise analyses, noise abatement criteria as contained in revised Title 23 U S Code of Federal Regulations Part 772 ( 23 CFR 772 ), Procedures for Abatement of Highway Traffic Noise and Construction Noise effective July 13, 2011. Successful firms must be capable of performing 51% of the work as the prime consultant.

12/7/2015Closed: Selected
Consultants Short-Listed
A. Morton Thomas & Associates, Inc.
AECOM Technical Services, Inc.
Burgess & Niple, Inc.
CDM Smith, Inc.
HDR Engineering, Inc.
Mountaineer Engineering & Transportation Solutions
Rummel, Klepper & Kahl, LLP

Consultants Selected
AECOM Technical Services, Inc.
Burgess & Niple, Inc.
CDM Smith, Inc.
HDR Engineering, Inc.
Rummel, Klepper & Kahl, LLP

Notice is hereby given by the West Virginia Department of Transportation, Division of Highways, that engineering consulting services will be utilized for the performance of various tasks to be performed under the following Statewide (On Call) Agreement:

Statewide Traffic Engineering Services - Consulting services will be utilized for traffic engineering services for highway and miscellaneous projects to be performed under a statewide master agreement.  The work will generally consist of the preparation of, but not necessarily be limited to, contract plans (signing, traffic signal and roadway lighting), traffic impact studies, traffic engineering studies, Intelligent Transportation System (ITS) projects (planning studies, systems engineering and contract plans), incident management planning, highway safety improvement projects (studies, data analysis, and contract plans) as well as other related services.

11/23/2015Closed: Selected
Consultant Selected
The Thrasher Group, Inc.

Consultants Short-Listed
HDR Engineering, Inc.
Mead & Hunt, Inc.
The Thrasher Group, Inc.


Notice is hereby given by the West Virginia Department of Transportation, Division of Highways, that engineering consulting services will be utilized for the following project:

State Project U326-250-10.72 00, Cameron Road Widening, located in Marshall County, West Virginia.  This project shall consist of the development of Contract Plans for widening, resurfacing, and miscellaneous improvements along a 1.61-mile section of United States Route 250 through the City of Cameron.  The project will begin 0.03 mile south of Marshall County Route 250/33 and extend northward to a point located 0.78 mile north of Marshall County Route 25.

11/16/2015Closed: Withdrawn




Notice is hereby given by the West Virginia Department of Transportation, Division of Highways, that consulting services will be utilized for the performance of various tasks under the following Statewide (On Call) Agreement:

Statewide Right-Of-Way Services - Consulting services will be utilized for various right-of-way functions as performed by the Acquisition Plans Unit of Engineering Division including, but not necessarily limited to review of right-of-way plans, condemnation packages, and invoices; preparation of plats, property descriptions, and various exhibits; and related work as required.  Specifically not included are appraisals or acquisition of property.

10/9/2015Closed: Selected
Hatch Mott McDonald

Notice is hereby given by the West Virginia Department of Transportation, Division of Highways, that consulting services will be utilized for the development of the Transportation Asset Management Plan (TAMP) that is required as part of the MAP-21 legislation. The TAMP must follow guidelines provided by the Federal Highway Administration that are awaiting final approval.

10/5/2015Closed: Selected
Consultants Selected
Alpha Associates, Incorporated
Burgess & Niple, Inc.
Chapman Technical Group, Ltd.
E. T. Boggess, Architect, Inc.
McKinley & Associates, Inc.
MSES Consultants, Inc.
Omni Associates, Architects, Inc.
Stantec Consulting Services, Inc.
The Thrasher Group, Inc.
Williamson Shriver Architects, Inc.
ZMM, Inc.

Statewide Architectural Services - Consulting services will be utilized for providing architectural services to generally consist of planning, studying, designing, renovating, conducting plan/specification reviews, preparing equipment specifications and related services for Department of Transportation facilities, including the site, buildings, and structures.

10/5/2015Closed: Short-Listed
Short-Listed Consultants

Kanawha Twomile Bridge

Burgess & Niple, Inc.
L. A. Gates Company
Michael Baker International, Inc.

Waites Run Bridge
Neff, Longest & Beam and Associates, LLC
Rummel, Klepper & Kahl, LLP
The Thrasher Group, Inc.

Selected Consultant

Kanawha Twomile Bridge
Michael Baker International, Inc.

Waites Run Bridge
Rummel, Klepper & Kahl, LLP

State Project S320-21-1.36 00, Kanawha Twomile Bridge, located in Kanawha County, West Virginia.  This project shall consist of the development of a Design Study and Contract Plans for the replacement of a bridge carrying Kanawha County Route 21 over Twomile Creek.  The existing bridge is 167.5 feet long by 44 feet wide and is located 1.36 miles north of United States Route 60 Westbound, and is located within the city limits of Charleston.

State Project S316-55-39.66 00, Waites Run Bridge, located in Hardy County, West Virginia.  This project shall consist of the development of Contract Plans for the replacement of a bridge carrying West Virginia Route 55 over Waites Run.  The existing bridge is 157.6 feet long by 26 feet wide and is located 0.15 miles east of Hardy County Route 259/11.

8/24/2015Closed: Selected
Selected Consultants

Earl M. Vickers Bridge +4
HDR Engineering, Inc.

Mill Creek Bridge
TERRADON Corporation

Notice is hereby given by the West Virginia Department of Transportation, Division of Highways, that engineering consulting services will be utilized for the following projects:

State Project S310-6-0.12 00, Earl M. Vickers Memorial Bridge Rehab +4, located in Fayette County, West Virginia.  This project shall consist of a Renovation Study and development of Contract Plans for the renovation of structures carrying West Virginia Route 6 over the Kanawha River, CSX Railroad tracks, United States Route 60, West Virginia Route 61, and 4th and 5th Avenues.  The project shall include the main river span, approach spans, and ramp bridges.  The existing main river span is 1,665 feet long by 28 feet wide and connects United States Route 60 with West Virginia Route 61 in the City of Montgomery.

State Project S318-77-137.74 00, Mill Creek Bridge, located in Jackson County, West Virginia.  This project shall consist of a Renovation Study and the development of Contract Plans for the renovation of the northbound and southbound bridges carrying Interstate 77 over Mill Creek and Jackson County Route 5/9.  The existing bridges are 261 feet long by 41 feet wide and are located 0.15 miles south of the United States Route 33 interchange.

7/27/2015Closed: Selected
Selected Consultants

Hyers Run Truss Bridge
Herbert, Rowland & Grubic, Inc.

US 340 - VA Line to Charles Town
Michael Baker International, Inc.

Notice is hereby given by the West Virginia Department of Transportation, Division of Highways, that engineering consulting services will be utilized for the following projects:

State Project S304-35/2-3.09 00, Hyers Run Truss Bridge, located in Braxton County, West Virginia.  This project shall consist of the development of Contract Plans for the replacement of a bridge carrying Braxton County Route 35/2 over Little Kanawha River.  The existing bridge is 180.8 feet long by 13 feet wide and is located 0.12 miles south of West Virginia Route 5.


State Project U319-340-0.00 00, US 340 – VA Line to Charles Town, located in Jefferson County, West Virginia.  This project shall consist of the development of Contract Plans for the upgrade of a section of United States Route 340 to four lanes on a new alignment.  This project is approximately 5 miles in length and will extend from the Virginia state line to the existing Charles Town Bypass section of United States Route 340 near the City of Charles Town.

6/15/2015Closed: Selected
Selected Consultants
Martin Engineering, PLLC
Pinnacle Environmental Consultants, Inc.
Potesta & Associates, Inc.
SKELLY and LOY, Inc.
Stantec Consulting Services, Inc.
Triad Engineering, Inc.

Notice is hereby given by the West Virginia Department of Transportation, Division of Highways, that consulting services will be utilized for the performance of various tasks to be performed under the following Statewide (On Call) Agreement:

Statewide Asbestos Inspection Services - Consulting services will be utilized for asbestos inspection and sampling.  The work may consist of inspection, sampling and reports; preparation of contract plans and related documents for asbestos removal; project air monitoring; and related services as requested.

6/1/2015Closed: Selected
Selected Consultants

Fink Creek Bridge
AECOM Technical Services, Inc.

Ona Mall Bridge
HNTB Corporation

Stuart Justice Bridge
Randolph Engineering Co., Inc.

State Project S311-47-11.33 00, Fink Creek W-Beam Bridge, located in Gilmer County, West Virginia.  This project shall consist of Contract Plans for the renovation of a bridge carrying West Virginia Route 47 over Fink Creek.  The existing bridge is 173.3 feet long by 24.0 feet wide and is located 0.04 miles west of County Route 10.

State Project S306-64-19.71 00, Ona Mall Bridge, located in Cabell County, West Virginia.  This project shall consist of a Renovation Study and Contract Plans for the superstructure replacement of the eastbound and westbound I-64 bridges over Cabell County Route 60/89.  The renovated bridges shall be designed to accommodate a future 6-lane typical section on I-64.  The existing bridges are each 141.5 feet long by 38.2 feet wide.

State Project S330-65/73-0.01 00, Stuart Justice Bridge, located in Mingo County, West Virginia.  This project shall consist of Contract Plans for the replacement of a bridge carrying Mingo County Route 65/73 over Pigeon Creek.  The existing bridge is 112.2 feet long by 9.9 feet wide and is located 0.01 miles east of West Virginia Route 65.

5/26/2015Closed: Selected
Selected Consultants

Cairo Bridge
Burgess & Niple, Inc.

Save A Lot Bridge
Randolph Engineering Co., Inc.

Shavers Fork Bridge
PKB Engineering Corporation

Notice is hereby given by the West Virginia Department of Transportation, Division of Highways, that engineering consulting services will be utilized for the following projects:

State Project S343-31-9.82 00, Cairo Bridge, located in Ritchie County, West Virginia.  This project shall consist of a Design Study and Contract Plans for the renovation or replacement of a bridge carrying West Virginia Route 31 over the North Fork of Hughes River.  The existing bridge is 184.3feet long by 18.4 feet wide and is located 0.10 miles north of Ritchie County Route 31/4.

State Project S342-33-18.44 00, Shavers Fork Bridge, located in Randolph County, West Virginia.  This project shall consist of Contract Plans for the deck replacement and miscellaneous repairs of a bridge carrying United States Route 33 over Shavers Fork and a railroad line.  The existing bridge is 519 feet long by 88 feet wide and is located 0.10 miles west of Randolph County Route 33/8.

State Project S324-52/83-0.01 00, Save A Lot Bridge, located in McDowell County, West Virginia.  This project shall consist of Contract Plans for the replacement of a bridge carrying McDowell County Route 52/83 over Elkhorn Creek.  The existing bridge is 75 feet long by 29.5 feet wide and is located 0.01 miles north of United States Route 52 Alternate.

5/22/2015Closed: Selected

Blennerhassett Island Bridge
State Project No. T654-D-0.01 00

HNTB Corporation

Williamstown-Marietta Bridge
State Project No. T654-77-186.79 00

Burgess & Niple, Inc.​

Notice is hereby given by the West Virginia Department of Transportation, Division of Highways, that consulting services will be utilized for six year inspection projects per the current National Bridge Inspection Standards and may include design plans for repairs, for the following projects:

Blennerhassett Island Bridge, Wood County, carrying US 50 over the Ohio River, Blennerhassett Island, Ohio Route 618, and CSX Railroad.The bridge consists of thirteen spans with an overall length of 4008’9”.There is one tied arch span at 878’6”, eleven continuous steel girder spans at 171’0”, 179’0”, 139’9”, 320’9”, 401’0”, 393’0”, 393’0”, 393’0”, 301’0”, 210’0”, and 195’0”, and one concrete span at 18’1”.The bridge has two 48’0” roadways separated by a 2’0” median barrier.


Williamstown-Marietta Interstate Bridge, Wood County, carrying Interstate 77 over the Ohio River, Wood County Route 1 and CSX Railroad.The bridge consists of eleven spans with an overall length of 2611’0”.There is one steel truss span at 651’0”, nine continuous steel girder spans at 199’0”, 205’0”, 205’0”, 231’0”, 205’0”. 205’0”, 202’0”, 193’6”, and 191’0”, and one simple span steel girder at 117’0”.The bridge has two 29’0” roadways separated by 4’0” of concrete barriers.

4/27/2015Closed: Selected
Consultants Selected

Shady Spring to Beaver Eng. Svcs.
L. A. Gates Company

University Ave. I/S Improvements
HNTB Corporation

State Project X341-ZWA/Y-1.00 02, Shady Spring to Beaver, located in Raleigh County, West Virginia.  This project is situated along a 4.36-mile section of United States Route 19 (US 19), with the project area beginning at the US 19/West Virginia Route 3 intersection in Shady Spring and ending at the US 19/West Virginia Route 307 intersection in Beaver.  Work shall consist of the development of Preliminary Plans (approximately 30% development) and Right-of-Way Acquisition Plans for the widening of United States Route 19.

State Project U331-55-1.10 00, University Avenue I/S Improvements, located in Monongalia County, West Virginia.  This project shall consist of Contract Plans for the improvement of an existing intersection located at the junction of University Avenue (Monongalia County Route 55), Collins Ferry Road (Monongalia County Route 57), and Baldwin Street in the City of Morgantown.  Consultant should be familiar with the design of signalized intersections and/or roundabouts.

4/13/2015Closed: Selected
Consultants Selected

Henrietta Bridge
TRC Engineers, Inc.

Marsh Fork Bridge
E. L. Robinson Engineering Co.

Short Creek Bridge
Stantec Consulting Services, Inc.

State Project S307-5-16.62 00, Henrietta Bridge, located in Calhoun County, West Virginia.  This project shall consist of a Design Study and Contract Plans for the replacement of a bridge carrying West Virginia Route 5 over Laurel Creek.  The existing bridge is 148.4 feet long by 23.8 feet wide and is located 0.03 of a mile west of County Route 35/33.

State Project S341-3-0.77 00, Marsh Fork Bridge, located in Raleigh County, West Virginia.  This project shall consist of a Design Study and Contract Plans for the superstructure replacement of a bridge carrying West Virginia Route 3 over Marsh Fork.  The existing bridge is 377.5 feet long by 28 feet wide and is located 0.3 of a mile north of County Route 3/1.

State Project S335-2-11.58 00, Short Creek Bridge, located in Ohio County, West Virginia.  This project shall consist of the development of Contract Plans for the superstructure replacement of a bridge carrying West Virginia Route 2 over Short Creek.  The existing bridge is 260.6 feet long by 51.8 feet wide and is located 0.1 of a mile south of County Route 2/2.

4/13/2015Closed: Selected
Selected Consultants

A. Morton Thomas & Associates, Inc.
AECOM Technical Services, Inc.
Burgess & Niple, Inc.
CDM Smith, Inc.
E. L. Robinson Engineering Co.
GAI Consultants, Inc.
Hatch Mott MacDonald, LLC
HDR Engineering, Inc.
L. A. Gates Company
Michael Baker, Jr. Inc.
Stantec Consulting Services, Inc.
Stone Consulting, Inc.
White Brothers Consulting, LLC

Statewide Railroad Engineering Services - Consulting services will be utilized to provide engineering services for railroad, railroad bridge, and miscellaneous railroad projects.  The work generally consists of preparation of contract plans and related documents.

3/23/2015Closed: Selected
Consultants Short-Listed

Cairo Bridge
Project cancelled and readvertised

Gerald R. Freeman Bridge
Mead & Hunt, Inc.

US 119 Crossover for ATVs
J. B. Turman Engineering, PLLC

State Project S343-31-9.82 00, Cairo Bridge, located in Ritchie County, West Virginia.  This project shall consist of a Design Study and Contract Plans for the renovation or replacement of a bridge carrying West Virginia Route 31/4 over the North Fork of Hughes River.  The existing bridge is 184.3feet long by 18.4 feet wide and is located at the intersection of County Route 31/4 and West Virginia Route 31.

State Project S304-15-12.21 00, Gerald R. Freeman Bridge, located in Braxton County, West Virginia.  This project shall consist of a Design Study and Contract Plans for the replacement of a bridge carrying West Virginia Route 15 over Left Fork of Holly River.  The existing bridge is 323.5 feet long by 23.9 feet wide and is located 1.21 miles east of Braxton County Route 15/8.

State Project X323-ATV/BR-0.00 00, US 119 Crossover for All-Terrain Vehicles (ATVs), located in Logan County, West Virginia.  This project shall consist of the development of a Design Study and Contract Plans for a grade separated crossing of United States Route 119, also referred to as Corridor G, for ATVs.  Based on preliminary alignments, this proposed trail system would require ATVs to cross Corridor G in the vicinity of Logan County Route (CR) 701/25.  The crossing would consist of either a tunnel/structure underneath Corridor G or a bridge/structure over Corridor G.

3/23/2015Closed: Selected
Consultant Selected
Michael Baker, Jr., Inc.

State Project S320-52-3.63 00, Blue Creek Twin Arch Bridge, located in Kanawha County, West Virginia.  This project shall consist of the development of National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) documentation for the replacement of the Blue Creek Twin Arch Bridge, which carries Kanawha County Route 62 over Blue Creek.  This work is anticipated to consist of an Environmental Assessment/Finding of No Significant Impact environmental document.  The Consultant shall perform all related environmental surveys and documentation required to complete the NEPA requirements.  The work shall comply with West Virginia State environmental regulations and federal regulations including, but not limited to, Federal Highway Administration Guidelines, Clean Water Act, National Historic Preservation Act, Section 4(f), and Endangered Species Act.

3/9/2015Closed: Selected
Selected Consultants

Notre Dame Arch Bridge
The Thrasher Group, Inc.

Oakwood US 119 O/P Bridge
Martin Engineering, PLLC

Sewage Plant Bridge
L. A. Gates Company

State Project S317-20-13.97 00, Notre Dame Arch Bridge, located in Harrison County, West Virginia.  This project shall consist of a Design Study and Contract Plans for the replacement of a bridge carrying West Virginia Route 20 over Elk Creek.  The existing bridge is 100 feet long by 26.3 feet wide and is located 0.27 miles north of West Virginia Route 20 Connector in the City of Clarksburg.

State Project S320-119-0.35 00, Oakwood US 119 O/P Bridge, located in Kanawha County, West Virginia.  This project shall consist of the development of Contract Plans for the deck replacement and abutment modification of a bridge carrying United States Route 119 over United States Route 119 Spur North and South.  The existing bridge is 422.3 feet long by 26.5 feet wide and is located 0.63 miles north of Kanawha County Route 214/2 in the city of Charleston, West Virginia.

State Project S310-25-2.43 00, Sewage Plant Bridge, located in Fayette County, West Virginia.  This project shall consist of the development of Contract Plans for the replace of a bridge carrying Fayette County Route 25 over Dunloup Creek.  The existing bridge is 49.6 feet long by 15.6 feet wide and is located 2.43 miles east of United States Route 19.

2/16/2015Closed: Selected
Selected Consultants

Beartown & Raysal Bridges
Stafford Consultants, Inc.

Proctor Bridge
A. Morton Thomas and Associates, Inc.

Notice is hereby given by the West Virginia Department of Transportation, Division of Highways, that engineering consulting services will be utilized for the following projects:

Beartown Bridge (State Project S324-80-3.38 00) and Raysal Arch Bridge (State Project S324-83-9.42 00), each located in McDowell County, West Virginia.  Beartown Bridge shall consist of a Design Study and Contract Plans for the replacement of a bridge carrying West Virginia Route 80 over Beartown Branch.  The existing bridge is 34 feet long by 27 feet wide and is located 0.02 miles south of McDowell County Route 5/5.  Raysal Arch Bridge shall consist of a Design Study and Contract Plans for the replacement of a bridge carrying West Virginia Route 83 over Little Slate Creek.  The existing bridge is 70 feet long by 24 feet wide and is located 0.06 miles east of McDowell County Route 83/13.

State Project S352-2-11.30 00, Proctor Bridge, located in Wetzel County, West Virginia.  This project shall consist of the development of Contract Plans for the superstructure replacement of a bridge carrying West Virginia Route 2 over Proctor Creek.  The existing bridge is 235 feet long by 56 feet wide and is located 0.06 miles south of Wetzel County Route 89.

2/9/2015Closed: Selected
Consultants Selected
A. Morton Thomas                            Michael Baker Jr., Inc.
AECOM Technical Services            MODJESKI AND MASTERS, INC.
Buchart Horn, Inc.                            ms consultants, inc.
Burgess & Niple, Inc.                        Neff, Longest & Beam
CDM Smith, Inc.                                PKB Engineering
E. L. Robinson Engineering Co.        Randolph Engineering
HDR Enginering, Inc.                        Rummel, Klepper & Kahl
Herbert, Rowland & Grubic            Stafford Consultants, Inc.
HNTB Corporation                            Stantec Consulting Services, Inc.
J.B. Turman Engineering                    TERRADON Corporation
L. A. Gates Company                        The Thrasher Group, Inc.
Martin Engineering, PLLC                TRC Engineers, Inc.
Mead & Hunt, Inc.                            White Brothers Consulting, LLC

Notice is hereby given by the West Virginia Department of Transportation, Division of Highways, that engineering consulting services will be utilized for the performance of various tasks to be performed under the following Statewide (On Call) Agreement:

 Statewide Engineering Services - Consulting services will be utilized to provide engineering services for highway, bridge, and miscellaneous projects.  The work generally consists of preparation of contract plans and related documents.

2/9/2015Closed: Selected
Selected Consultants

Capon Bridge

Scrabble Creek Bridge
Mead & Hunt, Inc.

Notice is hereby given by the West Virginia Department of Transportation, Division of Highways, that engineering consulting services will be utilized for the following projects:

State Project S314-50-31.02 00, Capon Bridge, located in Hampshire County, West Virginia.  This project shall consist of the development of a Design Study and Contract Plans for the replacement of a bridge carrying United States Route 50 over Cacapon River.  The existing bridge is 185 feet long by 29 feet wide and is located 0.04 miles east of Hampshire County Route 14.

State Project S310-19/31-0.19 00, Scrabble Creek Road Bridge, located in Fayette County, West Virginia.  This project shall consist of the development of Contract Plans for the replacement of a bridge carrying Fayette County Route 19/31 over Scrabble Creek.  The existing bridge is 27 feet long by 18 feet wide and is located 0.19 miles north of West Virginia Route 16 in Gauley Bridge.

2/9/2015Closed: Selected
Consultants Selected

Statewide Cultural Resource Svcs.
Apogee Environmental & Archaeological, Inc.
ASC Group, Inc.
Aurora Research Associates, LLC
CDM Smith, Inc.
GAI Consultants, Inc.
Mead & Hunt, Inc.
Michael Baker, Jr., Inc.
Rummel, Klepper & Kahl, LLP
SKELLY and LOY, Inc.
SWCA, Inc.
The Louis Berger Group, Inc.
The Ottery Group, Inc.
TRC Engineers, Inc.

Statewide Natural Resource Svcs.
Alliance Consulting, Inc.
Allstar Ecology, Inc.
Burgess & Niple, Inc.
Ecological Specialists, Inc.
GAI Consultants, Inc.
HDR Engineering, Inc.
Michael Baker, Jr., Inc.
Mountain State Biosurveys, LLC
Rummel, Klepper & Kahl, LLP
SKELLY and LOY, Inc.
TRC Engineers, Inc.

Notice is hereby given by the West Virginia Department of Transportation, Division of Highways, that consultant services will be utilized for the performance of various tasks to be performed under the following Statewide (On Call) Agreements:

Statewide Cultural Resource Services - Consulting services will be utilized for cultural resource services for compliance with Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act.  The work will generally consist of Section 106 documentation and related work including identification surveys, evaluations for National Register eligibility, and data recovery projects for historic and archaeological resources.

Statewide Natural Resource Services - Consulting services will be utilized to provide Natural Resource work for NEPA compliance relating to roadway and bridge projects in West Virginia.  The work will be performed statewide upon specific requests by the Division of Highways and may include, but not necessarily be limited to; stream and wetland studies, state and federal listed endangered species investigations, non-listed species surveys and biological surveys, and other related services.

11/17/2014Closed: Selected
Short-Listed Consultants

5th Street O/P
CDM Smith, Inc.

Bonds Creek Bridge EB & WB
A. Morton Thomas and Associates, Inc.

East Dailey Bridge
Rummel, Klepper & Kahl, LLP

State Project S306-152-1.28 00, 5th Street Overpass, located in Cabell County, West Virginia.  This project shall consist of the development of Contract Plans for the superstructure replacement of a bridge carrying West Virginia Route 152 over Interstate 64.  The existing bridge is 350.7 feet long by 56.0 feet wide and is located 0.20 miles north of Cabell County Route 52/2.

State Project S343-50-10.02 00, Bonds Creek Bridge EB & WB, located in Ritchie County, West Virginia.  This project shall consist of the development of Contract Plans for the deck replacement of the eastbound and westbound bridges carrying United States Route 50 over Bonds Creek.  The existing bridges are each 362 feet long by 40 feet wide and are located 0.82 miles west of Ritchie County Route 8.

State Project S342-21-1.50 00, East Dailey Bridge, located in Randolph County, West Virginia.  This project shall consist of the development of Contract Plans for the replacement of a bridge carrying Randolph County Route 21 over Tygart Valley River.  The existing bridge is 203.5 feet long by 16.0 feet wide and is located 0.58 miles south of United States Route 219.

11/3/2014Closed: Selected
Selected Consultant
SKELLY and LOY, Inc.


Notice is hereby given by the West Virginia Department of Transportation, Division of Highways, that engineering consulting services will be utilized for the following project:

State Project X341-ZWA/Y-1.00 00, Shady Springs to Beaver, located in Raleigh County, West Virginia.  This project is situated along 4.36 miles of the said section of United States Route 19 (US 19), with the project area beginning at the US 19/West Virginia Route 3 intersection in Shady Springs and ending at the US 19/West Virginia Route 307 intersection in Beaver.  Work shall consist of the development of National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) documentation which is anticipated to require an Environmental Assessment/Finding of No Significant Impact environmental document.  The consultant will perform all related environmental surveys and documentation required to complete the NEPA requirements.  The work shall comply with West Virginia state environmental regulations and federal regulations including, but not limited to, Federal Highway Administration Guidelines, Clean Water Act, National Historic Preservation Act, and Section 4(f).

10/20/2014Closed: Selected
Selected Consultant
CDM Smith, Inc.

State Project S351-20-20.16 00, Kenney Hamrick, Sr. Memorial Bridge, located in Webster County, West Virginia.  This project shall consist of a Design Study and Contract Plans for the superstructure replacement of a bridge carrying West Virginia Route 20 over Elk River.  The existing bridge is 105.2 feet long by 20.5 feet wide and is located 0.05 miles south of West Virginia Route 15 in Webster Springs.

9/22/2014Closed: Selected
Selected Consultant
TERRADON Corporation

Notice is hereby given by the West Virginia Department of Transportation, Division of Highways, that engineering consulting services will be utilized for the following project:

State Project S327-31-1.14 00, Waterloo Bridge, located in Mason County, West Virginia.  This project shall consist of a Design Study and Contract Plans for the replacement of a bridge carrying Mason County Route 31 over Thirteenmile Creek.  The existing bridge is 160 feet in length and is located 1.10 miles east of West Virginia Route 62.

8/25/2014Closed: Selected
Breeden Through Girder Bridge (Selected Consultant)
L. A. Gates Company

Laurel Creek Girder Bridge (Selected Consultant)
E. L. Robinson Engineering Co.

RR Tunnel Overpass (Selected Consultant)
Stantec Consulting Services, Inc.

Notice is hereby given by the West Virginia Department of Transportation, Division of Highways, that engineering consulting services will be utilized for the following projects:

State Project S330-119-20.68 00, RR Tunnel O/P, located in Mingo County, West Virginia.  This project shall consist of the development of Contract Plans for the renovation of a bridge carrying United States Route 119 over a currently inactive CSX Railroad line.  The existing bridge is 552 feet in length and is located 0.12 miles west of Mingo County Route 65/30.

State Project  S330-3/5-16.21 00, Breeden Through Girder Bridge, located in Mingo County, West Virginia.  This project shall consist of the development of a Design Study and Contract Plans for the replacement of an existing bridge carrying Mingo County Route 3/5 over the West Fork of Twelvepole Creek  The existing bridge is 100 feet in length and is located 1.03 miles south of Mingo County Route 3/11.

State Project S330-3/5-2.69 00, Laurel Creek Girder, located in Mingo County, West Virginia.  This project shall consist of the development of Contract Plans for the replacement of a bridge carrying Mingo County Route 3/5 over Laurel Creek.  The existing bridge is 104 feet in length and is located 0.27 miles south of Mingo County Route 3.

6/30/2014Closed: Selected
Selected Consultant
E. L. Robinson Engineering Co.

Notice is hereby given by the West Virginia Department of Transportation, Division of Highways, that engineering consulting services will be utilized for the following project:

State Project S306-64-6.48 00, US 52 O/P Bridge, located along I-64 within the City of Huntington in Cabell County, West Virginia.  This project shall consist of Contract Plans for superstructure replacement of the I-64 Eastbound and Westbound bridges over US 52.  The existing bridges are each 146 feet in length and are located approximately 1.73 miles west of WV 152.

6/30/2014Closed: Selected
Consultant Selected

Notice is hereby given by the West Virginia Department of Transportation, Division of Highways, that engineering consulting services will be utilized for the following project:

State Project S338-250-13.16 00, Mabel Burner Bridge, located in Pocahontas County, West Virginia.  This project shall consist of Contract Plans for the replacement of a bridge carrying US 250 and WV 92 over West Fork of Greenbrier River.  The existing bridge is 269 feet in length and is located approximately 0.07 mile south of Pocahontas CR 250/11.

5/16/2014Closed: Selected


1) New River Gorge 

Burgess & Niple
2) Patrick Street 

PKB Engineering

3) Lt. Col. Carroll B. Lilly                            








Notice is hereby given by the West Virginia Department of Transportation, Division of Highways, that consulting services will be utilized for six year inspection projects per the current National Bridge Inspection Standards and may include design plans for repairs, for the following three projects:

1)    New River Gorge Bridge
2)    Patrick Street Bridge
3)    Lt. Col. Carroll B. Lilly Memorial Bridge
3/31/2014Closed: Selected
Selected Consultant
PKB Engineering Corporation

State Project S302-OAK/BR-1. 00, Oak Street Bridge, located within the City of Martinsburg in Berkeley County, West Virginia.  This project shall consist of a Design Study and Contract Plans for the replacement of a bridge carrying Oak Street over Tuscarora Creek.  The existing bridge is 77.5 feet in length and is located approximately 0.27 miles east of United States Route 11.

3/3/2014Closed: Selected
Selected Consultant
L. A. Gates Company

**Please note the deadline for this submittal has been extended until 4:00 pm today (3/4/14) due to State Government offices being closed on 3/3/14. If you have any concerns that your submittal may not be delivered today you may submit an electronic .pdf file to

State Project S301-9-5.79 00, Meadowville Arch +1, located in Barbour County, West Virginia.  This project shall consist of the development of Design Studies and Contract Plans for the replacement of two bridges as follows:


Meadowville Concrete Arch Bridge carrying Barbour County Route 9 over Glade Creek.  The existing bridge is 24 feet in length and is located 0.05 miles west of West Virginia Route 92.


Teter Creek Slab Bridge carrying Barbour County Route 9 over Teter Creek.  The existing bridge is 27 feet in length and is located 0.02 miles west of Barbour County Route 9/1.

1/6/2014Closed: Selected
Selected Consultants (Aerial Photo/Mapping)
GRW Engineers, Inc.
Quantum Spatial, Inc.
The Thrasher Group, Inc.
Tuck Mapping Solutions, Inc.
Woolpert, Inc.

Selected Consultants (Surveying)
Cardno TBE
E. L. Robinson Engineering Co.
GRW Engineers, Inc.
Stantec Consulting Services, Inc.
The Thrasher Group, Inc.

Statewide Aerial Photography/Mapping Services - Consulting services will be utilized for the performance of aerial photography (oblique, vertical ortho, mapping), mobile, remote and unmanned sensing, target and project control installation and triangulation, as well as varying scaled maps and three-dimensional models.  It will also consist of digital compilation of maps through stereo photogrammetric methods, and the delivery of mapping data files in both Auto Cad and Microstation formats on CDs.  Work shall be at various locations throughout the State for highway, bridge or miscellaneous projects.


Statewide Surveying Services - Consulting services will be utilized for providing all types of surveying including, but not limited to, conventional, GPS, Remote Sensing, Hydraulic and Hydrology as well as Subsurface Utility (SUE) at various locations throughout the State for highway, bridge or miscellaneous projects.

12/30/2013Closed: Selected
Selected Consultant
Michael Baker Jr., Inc.
State Project S310-41-6.68 00, Laurel Creek Bridge, located in Fayette County, West Virginia.  This project shall consist of Contract Plans for the replacement of a bridge carrying West Virginia Route 41 over Laurel Creek.  The existing bridge is 122 feet in length and is located 0.50 of a mile south of Fayette County Route 22/5.
12/23/2013Closed: Selected
Consultants Selected

Bowlby & Associates, Inc.
CDM Smith, Inc.
Michael Baker Jr., Inc.
ms consultants, inc.
Rummel, Klepper & Kahl, LLP
SKELLY and LOY, Inc.

Notice is hereby given by the West Virginia Department of Transportation, Division of Highways, that consulting services will be utilized for the following Statewide (On Call) Agreement:


Statewide Environmental Noise Analysis Services – Consulting services will be utilized for compliance with highway traffic noise prediction requirements, noise analyses, noise abatement criteria as contained in revised Title 23 U S Code of Federal Regulations Part 772 ( 23 CFR 772 ), Procedures for Abatement of Highway Traffic Noise and Construction Noise effective July 13, 2011. Successful firms must be capable of performing 51% of the work as the prime consultant.

12/16/2013Closed: Selected
Consultants Selected
CDM Smith, Inc.
HDR Engineering, Inc.
Michael Baker Jr., Inc.
Mountaineer Engineering & Transportation Solutions, Inc.
ms consultants, inc.
Open Roads Consulting, Inc.

Notice is hereby given by the West Virginia Department of Transportation, Division of Highways, that engineering consulting services will be utilized for the performance of various tasks to be performed under the following Statewide (On Call) Agreement:


Statewide Traffic Engineering Services - Consulting services will be utilized for traffic engineering services for highway and miscellaneous projects to be performed under a statewide master agreement.  The work will generally consist of the preparation of, but not necessarily be limited to, contract plans (signing, traffic signal and roadway lighting), traffic impact studies, traffic engineering studies, Intelligent Transportation System (ITS) projects (planning studies, systems engineering and contract plans), incident management planning, highway safety improvement projects (studies, data analysis, and contract plans) as well as other related services.

11/25/2013Closed: Selected
Consultants Selected

Rude Bridge
Stantec Consulting Services, Inc.

Salem Overpass Bridge
Herbert, Rowland & Grubic, Inc.

** Please be advised that this ad is being extended.  LOI due date is now 12/10/13 **

State Project S326-5-3.98 00, Rude Bridge, located in Marshall County, West Virginia.  This project shall consist of Contract Plans for the replacement of a bridge carrying Marshall County Route 5 over Big Wheeling Creek.  The existing bridge is 215.3 feet in length and is located 2.25 miles north of Marshall County Route 16.


State Project S317-50-3.38 00, Salem O/P Br, located in Harrison County, West Virginia.  This project shall consist of Contract Plans for the replacement of twin bridges carrying United States Route 50 over the West Virginia Route 23 Westbound Wye.  The existing bridges are 5-span structures that are 254.4 feet in length, and are located 0.43 of a mile west of Harrison County Route 50/3.

11/25/2013Closed: Selected
Selected Consultant
HDR Engineering, Inc.

** Please be advised that this ad is being extended. LOI due date is now 12/2/13 **

State Project U311-33-17.30 00, State College Street/Mineral Road Intersection Improvement, located in Gilmer County, West Virginia.  This project shall consist of a Design Study and Contract Plans for an intersection improvement project located at the junctions of Gilmer County Routes 119/10 (College Street) and 119/8 (Mineral Road) with United States Route 33 in the City of Glenville, West Virginia.

11/18/2013Closed: Selected
Selected Consultants
L. A. Gates Company
E. L. Robinson Engineering Co.
HDR Engineering, Inc.

Statewide Right-Of-Way Services - Consulting services will be utilized for various right-of-way functions as performed by the Acquisition Plans Unit of Engineering Division including, but not necessarily limited to review of right of way plans, condemnation packages, and invoices; preparation of plats, property descriptions, and various exhibits; and related work as required.  Specifically not included are appraisals or acquisition of property.

10/25/2013Closed: Selected

Bloomery Road Tunnel
    Hatch Mott McDonald
Shenandoah River Bridge
    HDR Engineering
Korean War Veterans Bridge

Parkersburg-Belpre Bridge
    Burgess & Niple
Eugene A. Carter Memorial Bridge & Ramps
    Michael Baker Jr., Inc.
Fort Henry Bridge
Notice is hereby given by the West Virginia Department of Transportation, Division of Highways, that consulting services will be utilized for six year inspection projects per the current National Bridge Inspection Standards and may include design plans for repairs, for the following six projects:

1)    Bloomery Road Tunnel
2)    Shenandoah River Bridge
3)    Korean War Veterans Bridge
4)    Parkersburg-Belpre Bridge
5)    Eugene A. Carter Memorial Bridge and Ramps
6)    Fort Henry Bridge
10/7/2013Closed: Selected
Selected Consultant
Michael Baker Jr, Inc.

State Project S330-3/5-9.33 00, Dingess Tunnel, located in Mingo County, West Virginia.  This project shall consist of a Design Study (including tunnel renovation and tunnel avoidance alternatives) and Contract Plans for a 3,331 foot long former railroad tunnel that carries Mingo County Route 3/5 through a mountain just south of the town of Dingess, West Virginia.

8/26/2013Closed: Selected

Alpha Associates, Incorporated
Burgess & Niple, Inc.
Chapman Technical Group
E. T. Boggess, Architect, Inc.
Stantec Consulting Services, Inc.
Thrasher Engineering, Inc.
ZMM Architects and Engineers

Notice is hereby given by the West Virginia Department of Transportation, Division of Highways, (Department) that architectural consulting services will be utilized for the performance of various tasks under the following Statewide (On Call) Agreement:


Statewide Architectural Services - Consulting services will be utilized for providing architectural services to generally consist of planning, studying, designing, renovating, conducting plan/specification reviews, preparing equipment specifications and related services for Department of Transportation facilities, including site, buildings, and structures.

6/24/2013Closed: Selected
HDR Engineering, Inc.

Notice is hereby given by the West Virginia Department of Transportation, Division of Highways, that engineering consulting services will be utilized for the following projects:


State Project U331-7-35.35 00, WV 7 / CR 857 located in Monongalia County, West Virginia.  This project shall consist of contract plans for the improvement of an existing intersection located at WV Route 7 and County Route 857 (Greenbag Road) in the Sabraton area of Morgantown, West Virginia. Consultant should be familiar with the design of roundabouts and signalized intersections.

6/3/2013Closed: Selected

Astar Abatement, Inc.
CTL Engineering of WV, Inc.
Jackson Dynamics
Martin Engineering, PLLC
Potesta & Associates, Inc.
Stantec Consulting Services, Inc.
Triad Engineering, Inc.

Notice is hereby given by the West Virginia Department of Transportation, Division of Highways, that engineering consulting services will be utilized for the performance of various tasks to be performed under the following Statewide (On Call) Agreement:


Statewide Asbestos Inspection Services - Consulting services will be utilized for asbestos inspection and sampling.  The work may consist of inspection, sampling and reports; preparation of contract plans and related documents for asbestos removal; project air monitoring; and related services as requested.

5/28/2013Closed: Selected

5th Street Ritter Park Bridge
Michael Baker Jr., Inc.

Mouth of Seneca Bridge
Martin Engineering, PLLC

Notice is hereby given by the West Virginia Department of Transportation, Division of Highways, that engineering consulting services will be utilized for the following projects:


State Project S306-527-2.00 00, 5th Street Ritter Park Bridge, located in Cabell County, West Virginia.  This project shall consist of the development of a Design Study, Contract Plans, and associated NEPA (environmental) documents for the replacement of an existing bridge carrying WV 527 over Fourpole Creek in the City of Huntington.  The existing bridge is 80 feet in length and is located 0.54 mile south of CR 101/1.  The project will require traffic signalization and intersection design expertise.


State Project  S336-28-24.07 00, Mouth of Seneca Bridge, located in Pendleton County, West Virginia.  This project shall consist of the development of a Design Study and Contract Plans for the replacement of an existing bridge carrying WV 28 over Seneca Creek.  The existing bridge is 213 feet in length and is located 0.08 mile north of US 33.

4/15/2013Closed: Selected

John Blue Bridge
Mead & Hunt, Inc.

Wells Bridge
AECOM Technical Services, Inc.

Notice is hereby given by the West Virginia Department of Transportation, Division of Highways, that engineering consulting services will be utilized for the following projects:


State Project S314-28-22.27 00, John Blue Bridge, located in Hampshire County, West Virginia.  This project shall consist of the development of a Design Study and Contract Plans for the replacement of an existing bridge carrying WV Route 28 over the South Branch Potomac River.  The existing bridge is 419 feet in length and is located 0.3 of a mile south of Hampshire County Route 28/5.


State Project S348-18-4.45 00, Wells Bridge, located in Tyler County, West Virginia.  This project shall consist of the development of a Design Study, Contract Plans, and associated NEPA (environmental) documents for the replacement of an existing bridge carrying WV Route 18 over Middle Island Creek.  The existing bridge is 171 feet in length and is located 0.04 of a mile south of Tyler County Route 18/10.

3/29/2013Closed: Selected

AECOM Technical Services, Inc.
Alpha Associates, Incorporated
Burgess & Niple, Inc.
CDM Smith, Inc.
E.L. Robinson Engineering Co.
FOX Engineering, PLLC
HDR Engineering, Inc.
HNTB Corporation
L. A. Gates Company
Mead & Hunt, Inc.
Michael Baker Jr., Inc.
Modjeski & Masters, Inc.
TERRADON Corporation
Thrasher Engineering, Inc.
URS Corporation
White Brothers Consulting, LLC

Notice is hereby given by the West Virginia Department of Transportation, Division of Highways, that engineering consulting services will be utilized for the performance of various tasks to be performed under the following Statewide (On Call) Agreement:


Statewide Engineering Services - Consulting services will be utilized to provide engineering services for highway, bridge, and miscellaneous projects.  The work generally consists of preparation of contract plans and related documents.

3/8/2013Closed: Selected

McDonalds/Upper Plaza
AECOM Technical Services, Inc.

US 119 Bridges
Thrasher Engineering, Inc.

PLEASE NOTE:  Additional project information has been posted at the end of this ad.

Notice is hereby given by the West Virginia Department of Transportation, Division of Highways, that engineering consulting services will be utilized for the following projects:


State Project S326-2-19.50 00, McDonalds/Upper Plaza, located in Marshall County, West Virginia.  This project will include Design Study, Contract Plans, Traffic Analysis, and Environmental (NEPA). This project consists of widening WV Route 2 in Moundsville to five lanes, realignment of the WV 2/US 250 intersection, traffic signalization, and the replacement/widening of two bridges.


US 119 Bridges, located in Roane County, West Virginia.  This project consists of the development of Contract Plans for the replacement of three bridges (Daves Auto Arch, Lowe Arch, and Whiting Electric Arch) located along a 1.35 mile stretch of US Route 19 South of Spencer.  Each of these structures is between 40 and 65 feet in length.

1/25/2013Closed: Selected
** PLEASE NOTE:  Bassed on the variety of services required to be qualified it was determined that interviews would not be conducted for these statewide services.


Cultural Resource Services
Aurora Research Associates, LLC
GAI Consultants, Inc.
Michael Baker Jr., Inc.
SKELLY and LOY, Inc.
SWCA, Incorporated
The Louis Berger Group, Inc.
TRC Engineers, Inc.

Natural Resource Services
Ecological Specialists, Inc.
EnviroScience, Inc.
GAI Consultants, Inc.
HDR Engineering, Inc.
Michael Baker Jr., Inc.
Mountain State Biosurveys, LLC
SKELLY and LOY, Inc.




Notice is hereby given by the West Virginia Department of Transportation, Division of Highways, that consultant services will be utilized for the performance of various tasks to be performed under the following Statewide (On Call) Agreements:


Statewide Cultural Resource Services - Consulting services will be utilized for cultural resource services for compliance with Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act.  The work will generally consist of Section 106 documentation and related work including identification surveys, evaluations for National Register eligibility, and data recovery projects for historic and archaeological resources.


Statewide Natural Resource Services - Consulting services will be utilized to provide Natural Resource work for NEPA compliance relating to roadway and bridge projects in West Virginia.  The work will be performed statewide upon specific requests by the Division of Highways and may include, but not necessarily be limited to; stream and wetland studies, state and federal listed endangered species investigations, non-listed species surveys and biological surveys, and other related services.

1/4/2013Closed: Selected
Consultant Selected
Fugro Roadware
Notice is hereby given by the West Virginia Department of Transportation, Division of Highways, that consulting services will be utilized for the acquisition, processing and display of roadway data suitable for use in the Division’s Pavement Management System, Maintenance Management System, Geographic Information System and Highway Performance Monitoring System.
1/4/2013Closed: Selected

2nd Lt. Theodore R. Woo Memorial Bridge
Donald Legg Memorial Bridge
    Michael Baker
Guyandotte River Overpass Bridges
    Burgess & Niple
Vietnam Veterans Memorial Bridge  
SFC Terrance N. Gentry Memorial Bridges 
Notice is hereby given by the West Virginia Department of Transportation, Division of Highways, that consulting services will be utilized for Five National Bridge Inspection Standards Six Year Bridge Inspection Projects and may include design plans for repairs.
12/21/2012Closed: Selected
TRC Engineers, Inc.

Jefferson Road, located in Kanawha County, West Virginia. This project will include Design Study, Contract Plans, Traffic Analysis and the required environmental documents. This project will involve the widening/realignment of Jefferson Road from US 119 (Corridor G) to US 60 (MacCorkle Avenue).

11/30/2012Closed: Selected

Basnettville Bridge
Thrasher Engineering, Inc.


Sidney Beam Span Bridge
URS Corporation

State Project S350-152-23.71 00, Sidney Beam Span Bridge located in Wayne County, West Virginia.  This project shall consist of replacing the existing bridge that carries WV Route 152 over West Fork of Twelvepole Creek and is located approximately 0.01 of a mile south of Wayne County Route (CR) 52/53.  It is recommended that a 130-foot single-span bridge be placed at the existing bridge location.  It is also recommended that staged construction be used as the method of replacement.  The most recent count shows the 2012 Average Daily Traffic (ADT) to be 1,400 Vehicles per Day (VPD).

State Project S325-218-10.86 00, Basnettville Bridge located in Marion County, West Virginia.  This project shall consist of replacing the existing bridge.  The replacement bridge will be approximately 100 feet in length and is located on a tangent section of roadway; traffic will be maintained on a parallel detour structure.  This project will require a temporary railroad crossing associated with the detour and a new permanent railroad crossing on WV 218 (Norfolk Southern).

10/5/2012Closed: Selected

Rummel, Klepper & Kahl, LLP

Notice is hereby given by the West Virginia Department of Transportation, Division of Highways, that engineering consulting services will be utilized for the following project:


State Project X302-51-5.18 00, Inwood Bypass in Berkeley County, West Virginia.  This project shall include Design Study, Contract Plans, Traffic Analysis, and the environmental documents required for this project.

8/24/2012Closed: Selected

Back Channel and Fort Henry Bridges
HNTB Corporation

Five Bridges East of Wheeling Tunnel
HDR Engineering, Inc.

Elm Grove and Middle Creek Bridges
Mead & Hunt, Inc.

Notice is hereby given by the West Virginia Department of Transportation, Division of Highways, that engineering consulting services will be utilized for the following projects:


State Project S335-70-1.26 00, renovation of five bridges on I-70 east of the Wheeling Tunnel located in Ohio County, West Virginia.  This project will include the following structures:

First Bridge East of Tunnel Bridge, Bridge Number 35-70-1.23, Eastbound and Westbound

                        Ramp J Bridge, Bridge Number 35-70-1.32

                        Ramp E Bridge, Bridge Number 35-70-1.44

                        Ramp K Bridge, Bridge Number 35-70-1.51

Fulton Interchange Bridge, Bridge Number 35-70-1.53, Eastbound and Westbound

Mt. DeChantal Road Bridge, Bridge Number 35-70-2.17, Eastbound and Westbound


State Project S335-70-5.24 00, renovation of two bridges located on I-70 in Ohio County, West Virginia.  This project will include the following structures:

Elm Grove Interchange Bridge, Bridge Number 35-70-5.23, Eastbound and Westbound.

Middle Creek Bridge, Bridge Number 35-70-6.74, Eastbound and Westbound.


State Project S335-70-0.40 00, renovation of two bridges on I-70 located in Ohio County, West Virginia.  This project will include the following structures:

                        Back Channel Bridge, Bridge Number 35-70-0.01

                        Fort Henry Bridge, Bridge Number 35-70-0.40

8/17/2012Closed: Selected

Dingess Street Bridge
CDM Smith, Inc.

Anmoore + 3
Greenhorne & O'Mara, Inc.

Notice is hereby given by the West Virginia Department of Transportation, Division of Highways, that engineering consulting services will be utilized for the following projects:


State Project S323-10-21.79 00, Dingess Street Bridge located in Logan County, West Virginia.  This project shall consist of preparation of all contract plans and documents required for replacement of the existing bridge which carries WV 10 over the Guyandotte River. This project will also consist of the preparation of a design study, which will include a traffic study of the local streets and roads in the area.

State Project S317-23/9-8.40 00, Anmoore +3 located in Harrison County, West Virginia.  This project includes four bridges and shall consist of preparation of all contract plans and documents required for replacement of the existing bridge.

8/10/2012Closed: Selected

Pansy Bridge
Modjeski & Masters, Inc.

Pleasantdale Bridge
L. A. Gates Company

State Project S312-220-4.38 00, Pansy Bridge located in Grant County, West Virginia.  This project shall consist of replacing the existing bridge that carries CR 220 over North Mill Creek.  This project will consist of bridge design and bridge plan development only.

State Project S314-50-20.03 00, Pleasantdale Bridge located in Hampshire County, West Virginia.  This project shall consist of replacing the existing superstructure and analyzing the existing substructure for possible renovation.  This project shall consist of bridge design and bridge plan development only.

6/4/2012Closed: Selected
E. L. Robinson Engineering Co.

Burgess & Niple, Inc.
E. L. Robinson Engineering Co.
L. A. Gates Company
Mead & Hunt, Inc.
Thrasher Engineering, Inc.

Notice is hereby given by the West Virginia Department of Transportation, Division of Highways, that engineering consulting services will be utilized for the following project:


State Project U303-85/20-0.01 00, Buffalo Creek Connector in Boone and Logan Counties, West Virginia.  This project shall consist of preparation of a Design Study Report and the appropriate Environmental (NEPA) Documents, leading to the design and preparation of construction plans for the existing Bolt-Buffalo Creek Road, Logan County Route (CR) 16/90 and Boone CR 85/20.  The site is located in the northern part of Boone County near the town of Rocklick and connects WV 85 with Buffalo Creek Road (CR 16) in Logan County.  The route is approximately 3.5 miles long and provides access between WV 85 near Bolt Mountain and CR 16 along Buffalo Creek.

5/14/2012Closed: Selected

NEPA Services
SKELLY and LOY, Inc.

QA/QC Services
Michael Baker, Jr., Inc.

Notice is hereby given by the West Virginia Department of Transportation, Division of Highways, that engineering consulting services will be utilized for the following project:


State Project X142-H-38.99 07, Corridor H – Kerens in Randolph County to the Virginia State Line in Hardy County, West Virginia.  Work shall consist of development of National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) documentation, Corps of Engineers permit activities, cultural and natural resource work, mitigation monitoring, construction monitoring, and related activities.  The consultant will perform all related environmental surveys and documentation required to complete NEPA documentation.  Surveys and documentation will comply with West Virginia state environmental regulations and federal regulations including, but not limited to, Clean Water Act, National Historic Preservation Act, Endangered Species Act, and Section 4(f).


State Project X142-H-38.99 07, Corridor H – Kerens in Randolph County to the Virginia State Line in Hardy County, West Virginia.  Work shall consist of assisting the Environmental Section with quality control and assurance by providing independent reviews for the related NEPA documentation, permitting activities, cultural and natural resource work, mitigation monitoring, construction monitoring, and other related activities to assure that the Department’s agreed upon commitments have been addressed.

4/13/2012Closed: Selected

Rubles Run Bridge 
Project No. T631-43-2.34 00

Morgan Run Bridge 
Project No. T631-43-2.06 00

Robert C. Byrd Bridge 
Project No. T606-527-0.01 00
Palmer Engineering

Bridge of Honor Bridge
Project No. T627-62SPUR-0.01 00
Burgess & Niple, Inc.

I-64 East Bound Kanawha River Bridge 
Project No. T620-64-49.73 00 
Michael Baker 

Dunbar Toll Bridge
Project No. T620-25/47-0.10 00

Admiral T. J. Lopez Bridge
Project No. T620-61-0.11 00

Nick Joe Rahall II Bridge
Project No. T606-52-0.01 00
Modjeski & Masters

Notice is hereby given by the West Virginia Department of Transportation, Division of Highways, that consulting services will be utilized for a six year inspection project per the National Bridge Inspection Standards for eight bridges.
3/12/2012Closed: Selected
Rummel, Klepper & Kahl, LLP

Notice is hereby given by the West Virginia Department of Transportation, Division of Highways, that engineering consulting services will be utilized for the following project:


State Project S347-NYS/C-1.00 00, Nat’l Youth Science bridge located in Tucker County, West Virginia.  The National Center for Youth Science Education (NCYSE), also known as the “Youth Science Camp”, is being relocated from its historic leased property in rural Pocahontas County to a location adjacent to the Blackwater River in Tucker County.  The camp is located approximately 1 mile south of the Canaan Valley Institute Facility and 2 miles upstream along the Blackwater River from the Town of Davis.  The new structure will be a 120-foot single-span bridge approximately 635 feet upstream of the confluence of Yellow Creek.

1/31/2012Closed: Selected

District Three Headquarters, State Project No. G054-HDQ-1. 00:
    Burgess & Niple

District Seven Headquarters, State Project No. G021-HDQ-1. 00:   
    Thrasher Engineering


Notice is hereby given by the West Virginia Department of Transportation, Division of Highways, that consulting services will be utilized for the Campus Master Plans potentially including, but not limited to, complete construction permit application filing, existing building demolition, site grading, utilities, access roads, erosion and sediment control plans, parking lots and campus lighting and security of the following proposed District Headquarter projects:

1.   District Three Headquarters, State Project No. G054-HDQ-1. 00.  Project is located at the former Fraternal Order of Eagles, Aerie #2307, 0.2 miles north of the intersection of WV 95 and Lubeck Ave., Parkersburg, WV.  Project to include Campus Master Plan. 


2.   District Seven Headquarters, State Project No. G021-HDQ-1. 00.  Project is located along US 19, approximately 2.0 miles south of the intersection of Skincreek Rd and US 19 on Highland Drive.  Project to include Campus Master Plan.


11/28/2011Closed: Selected
HDR Engineering, Inc.

CDI Smith, Inc.
E. L. Robinson Engineering Co.
HDR Engineering, Inc.
HNTB Corporation
TRC Engineers, Inc.

Notice is hereby given by the West Virginia Department of Transportation, Division of Highways, that engineering consulting services will be utilized for the following project:


State Project S320-77-100.01 00, Leon Sullivan Way Bridge located in Kanawha County, West Virginia.  The existing structure carries the Leon Sullivan Way/Capitol Street exit ramp traffic from southbound I-77 near milepost marker 100.  The structure spans over Piedmont, Road, Norfolk and Southern Railroad, Smith Street, and Leon Sullivan Way.  Nearly 600 feet of the existing continuous steel box beam structure shall be widened along with approximately 230 feet of the abutment departure pavement, which has retaining walls on both sides.

11/28/2011Closed: Selected
Consultant Selected
L. A. Gates Company

Consultants Short-Listed
FOX Engineering, PLLC
L. A. Gates Company
Thrasher Engineering, Inc.

Notice is hereby given by the West Virginia Department of Transportation, Division of Highways, that engineering consulting services will be utilized for the following project:


State Project S323-12/4-0.05 00, Henlawson Thru Truss Bridge located in Logan County, West Virginia.  The existing bridge carries Logan County Route 12/4 over the Guyandotte River.  The existing thru truss is nearly 400 feet long and is located near the intersection of WV 10 and the town of Henlawson, and shall be replaced near its current location.

8/5/2011Closed: Selected
Consultants Short-Listed
AECOM Technical Services
Michael Baker Jr., Inc.
Stantec Consulting Services, Inc.

Consultant Selected
Michael Baker Jr., Inc.

Notice is hereby given by the West Virginia Department of Transportation, Division of Highways, that engineering consulting services will be utilized for the following project:


State Project U331-119-16.00 00, Mileground + 1 located in Morgantown, Berkeley County, West Virginia.  This project shall consist of Subsurface Utility Engineering (SUE) services required for improving WV 705 near Morgantown for approximately two miles from Monongalia County Route 67 (Stewartstown Road) to the intersection of US 119 and Monongalia County Route 857 at Easton.  SUE services that may be required for this project include:  utility mapping, utility coordination, utility relocation design and coordination, utility condition assessment, communication of utility data to concerned parties, utility relocation cost estimates, implementation of utility accommodation policies, and utility design.

7/22/2011Closed: Selected
Mead & Hunt, Inc.

Notice is hereby given by the West Virginia Department of Transportation, Division of Highways, that engineering consulting services will be utilized for the following projects:


State Project S305-105-0.03 00, Colliers Way Bridge located in Brooke County, West Virginia.  The existing bridge which is located within a diamond interchange and carries WV 105 over US 22 shall be replaced at its current location.

6/3/2011Closed: Selected

Consultant Selected

Wheeling Tunnel 

Arch A. Moore, Jr. Bridge 
Burgess & Niple, Inc.

William S. Ritchie, Jr. Bridge 

Court/Leon Sullivan Way Bridge
Mead & Hunt

Brooks Street Ramps 
Mead & Hunt

CPL Thomas Bennett Memorial Bridge

Silver Memorial Bridge

Fifth Street Bridge

Williamstown-Marietta Bridge
Burgess & Niple, Inc.

Jennings Randolph Bridge
Modjeski & Masters

Veterans Memorial Bridge

Clifford Hollow Bridge

Notice is hereby given by the West Virginia Department of Transportation, Division of Highways, that consulting services will be utilized for a six year inspection project per the National Bridge Inspection Standards for twelve (12) projects.
5/20/2011Closed: To Be Rebid
KCI Technologies, Inc.
Michael Baker Jr., Inc.
SKELLY and LOY, Inc.
Stantec Consulting Services, Inc.

Notice is hereby given by the West Virginia Department of Transportation, Division of Highways, that engineering consulting services will be utilized for the following project:


State Project X142-H-38.99 07, Corridor H – from Kerens in Randolph County to the Virginia State Line in Hardy County, West Virginia. Work shall consist of development of National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) documentation, Corps of Engineers permit activities, cultural and natural resource work, mitigation monitoring, construction monitoring, and related activities.  The consultant will perform all related environmental surveys and documentation required to complete NEPA documentation.  Surveys and documentation will comply with West Virginia state environmental regulations and federal regulations including, but not limited to, Clean Water Act, National Historic Preservation Act, Endangered Species Act, and Section 4(f).
5/6/2011Closed: Selected
Michael Baker Jr., Inc.
SKELLY and LOY, Inc.
Notice is hereby given by the West Virginia Department of Transportation, Division of Highways, that consulting services will be utilized for compliance with highway traffic noise prediction requirements, noise analyses, noise abatement criteria as contained in revised Title 23 U S Code of Federal Regulations Part 772 ( 23 CFR 772 ), Procedures for Abatement of Highway Traffic Noise and Construction Noise.  Successful firms must be capable of performing 51% of the work as the prime consultant.  This work shall be performed under a Statewide (On Call) Agreement.
5/6/2011Closed: Selected

WV 2 - Proctor to Kent
Wilbur Smith Associates

Dunbar Toll Bridge
HNTB Corporation

Burlington Mill Creek Bridge
Wilbur Smith Associates

Martin Luther King, Jr. Bridge
E. L. Robinson Engineering Co.

Madison Railroad Overpass Bridge
HNTB Corporation

Old Hi Carpenter Bridge
Burgess & Niple, Inc.

Notice is hereby given by the West Virginia Department of Transportation, Division of Highways, that engineering consulting services will be utilized for the various bridge project throughout the state.

12/17/2010Closed: Selected
Air Photographics, Inc.
CDI-Infrastructure, LLC
GRW Engineers, Inc.
Photo Science
Notice is hereby given that consulting services will be utilized for the performance of obtaining aerial photography only.  The photography shall be suitable for developing photogrammetric mapping as may be required at various mapping scales for the design of roadway and bridge projects in West Virginia.  Successful firms must be capable of performing 51% of the work as the prime consultant.  The work will be performed statewide upon specific requests by the Division of Highways and may include, but not necessarily be limited to, aerial photography, placing aerial targets, photogrammetric control surveys, photographic reproduction/enlargement services, and other related services, to be performed under a Statewide (On Call) Agreement.
12/17/2010Closed: Selected
Aero-Metric, Incorporated
Greenman-Pedersen, Inc.
GRW Engineers, Inc.
Photo Science
Notice is hereby given by the West Virginia Department of Transportation, Division of Highways, that consulting services will be utilized to produce contour mapping from aerial photography performed by others.  The work will consist of digital compilation of maps through stereo photogrammetric methods, and the delivery of mapping data files in both Auto Cad and Microstation formats on CDs. Work shall be for various locations throughout the State for highway, bridge or miscellaneous projects.  Aerial photography is not a part of this work.  Successful firms must be capable of performing 51% of the work as the prime consultant.  This work shall be performed under a Statewide (On-Call) Agreement.
12/17/2010Closed: Selected
Astar Abatement, Inc.
CDI-Infrastructure, LLC
Greenhorne & O'Mara, Inc.
Jackson Dynamics
Potesta & Associates, Inc.
Reclaim Company, Inc.
Triad Engineering, Inc.
Notice is hereby given by the West Virginia Department of Transportation, Division of Highways, that consulting services will be utilized for asbestos inspection and sampling.  The work may consist of inspection, sampling and reports; preparation of contract plans and related documents for asbestos removal; project air monitoring; and related services as requested.  Successful firms must be capable of performing 51% of the work as the prime consultant.  This work shall be performed under a Statewide (On Call) Agreement.
12/3/2010Closed: Selected
Market Street Bridge: A E Com, Burgess & Niple, HDR, Modjeski & Masters

Wheeling Suspension Bridge: A E Com, Burgess & Niple, HDR, Modjeski & Masters

Bigley Interchange Bridges: A E Com, Burgess & Niple, Modjeski & Masters

Winfield Toll Bridge: A E Com, Burgess & Niple, Modjeski & Masters, URS Corporation

35th Street Bridge: Fox Engineering, Randolph Engineering, TRC Engineers

36th Street Bridge: Fox Engineering, Randolph Engineering, TRC Engineers

Market Street Bridge: Burgess & Niple

Wheeling Suspension Bridge: HDR

Bigley Interchange Bridges: Modjeski & Masters

Winfield Toll Bridge: URS Corporation

35th Street Bridge: TRC Engineers

36th Street Bridge: TRC Engineers
Notice is hereby given by the West Virginia Department of Transportation, Division of Highways, that consulting services will be utilized for six inspection projects per the current National Bridge Inspection Standards and may include design plans for repairs.
9/3/2010Closed: Selected
Consultants Short-Listed
HDR Engineering, Inc.
Michael Baker Jr., Inc.
Potesta & Associates, Inc.
SKELLY and LOY, Inc.
Wilbur Smith Associates

Consultant Selected
Michael Baker Jr., Inc.

Notice is hereby given by the West Virginia Department of Transportation, Division of Highways, that engineering consulting services will be utilized for the following project:


State Project U354-14-8.69 Sec 00, Mineral Wells to Pettyville located in Wood County, West Virginia. Work shall consist of development of National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) documentation which is anticipated to require an Environmental Assessment/Finding of No Significant Impact environmental document.  The consultant will perform all related environmental surveys and documentation required to complete NEPA documentation.  Surveys and documentation will comply with West Virginia state environmental regulations and federal regulations including, but not limited to, Clean Water Act, National Historic Preservation Act, Endangered Species Act, and Section 4(f). 

9/3/2010Closed: Selected
Aerial Photography and Mapping readvertised and due on 12/17/10.

Statewide Surveying (CONSULTANTS SELECTED)
E. L. Robinson Engineering Co.
Greenhorne & O'Mara, Inc.
TERRADON Corporation
Thrasher Engineering, Inc.

Notice is hereby given by the West Virginia Department of Transportation, Division of Highways, that consultant services will be utilized for the performance of various tasks to be performed under the following Statewide (On Call) Agreements:

9/3/2010Closed: Selected
Asbestos Inspection Services readvertised and due 12/17/10

Architectural Services (CONSULTANTS SELECTED)
Alpha Associates, Incorporated
Burgess & Niple, Inc.
Thrasher Engineering, Inc.

Cultural Resource Services   (CONSULTANTS SELECTED)
ASC Group, Inc.
KCI Technologies, Inc.
Michael Baker Jr., Inc.
SKELLY and LOY, Inc.
TRC Engineers, Inc.

Natural Resource Services  (CONSULTANTS SELECTED)
Ecological Specialists, Inc.
EnviroScience, Inc.
Michael Baker Jr., Inc.
Mountain State Biosurveys, LLC
SKELLY and LOY, Inc.
Stantec Consulting Services, Inc.
TRC Engineers, Inc.

Engineering Services  (CONSULTANTS SELECTED)
Burgess & Niple, Inc.
E. L. Robinson Engineering Co.
FOX Engineering, PLLC
HDR Engineering, Inc.
L. A. Gates Company
Mead & Hunt, Inc.
Michael Baker Jr., Inc.
Modjeski & Masters, Inc.
ms consultants, inc.
Palmer Engineering Company
Randolph Engineering Co., Inc.
TRC Engineers, Inc.
Wilbur Smith Associates

Notice is hereby given by the West Virginia Department of Transportation, Division of Highways, that consultant services will be utilized for the performance of various tasks to be performed under the following Statewide (On Call) Agreements:

7/30/2010Closed: Selected
Burgess & Niple, Inc.

State Project S302-BUR/KE-1 Sec 00, East Burke Street Bridges crossing over Tuscarora Creek and located in Berkeley County, West Virginia.  This project shall consist of the study, design, and preparation of contract plans and related documents for the renovation of the East Burke Street Bridge. The bridge is a stone arch approximately 20.6’ x 28’.

5/7/2010Closed: Selected
Consultants Selected
I-79 Signing Renovation - HDR Engineering, Inc.
Clarksburg Expressway Signing Renovation - Wilbur Smith Associates
US 33 Signing Renovation - TRC Engineers, Inc.
Notice is hereby given by the West Virginia Department of Transportation, Division of Highways, that consulting services will be utilized for traffic engineering services.  The work will generally consist of the renovation and upgrade of signing for the following projects.
2/19/2010Closed: Selected
Closed:  Selected
Michael Baker, Jr., Inc.

Notice is hereby given by the West Virginia Department of Transportation, Division of Highways, that engineering consulting services will be utilized for the following project:


State Project S306-64-10.91 Sec 00, 16th Street Entrance/Exit Ramp Bridges crossing over Fourpole Creek and located in Cabell County, West Virginia.  This project shall consist of the study, design, and preparation of contract plans and related documents for the replacement of the 16th Street-I64 WB Entrance Ramp Bridge approximately 149 feet in length and the 16th Street-I64 EB Exit Ramp Bridge approximately 159 feet in length.  Also, includes all work necessary on 16th Street (WV 10) to modify the existing intersections.  NTP/AGMT expected by 5/28/10; Final Plans expected by 4/28/11.

1/29/2010Closed: Selected
East Huntington Bridge: Michael Baker
Phill G McDonald Bridge: Modjeski and Masters
Back Channel Bridge: Greenhorne & O'Mara
I470 Approach Bridge: TRC Engineers

Notice is hereby given by the West Virginia Department of Transportation, Division of Highways, that consulting services will be utilized for four inspection projects per the current National Bridge Inspection Standards and may include design plans for repairs.

10/16/2009Closed: Selected

Tuppers Creek
E. L. Robinson Engineering Co.

Hartland Bridge 
RPM Engineers, Inc.

Hartman Run Bridge
Wilbur Smith Associates

Camp Creek Bridge 
Michael Baker Jr., Inc.

Pleasantview Bridge

Palmer Engineering

County Line Bridge

Thrasher Engineering, Inc.

Swago Creek Bridge


Jefferson Ave. Ext. Bridge
Neff, Longest & Beam and Associates, LLC

Twilight Bridge

Notice is hereby given by the West Virginia Department of Transportation, Division of Highways, that consultant services will be utilized for the study, design, and preparation of contract plans and related documents, unless otherwise noted, for nine (9) projects.
8/21/2009Closed: Selected
TERRADON Corporation
Notice is hereby given that consulting services will be utilized by the West Virginia Department of Transportation, Division of Highways, for State Project S354-77-164.69 00, City Beer Bridge on I-77, Wood County, West Virginia.  This project shall consist of the study, design, and preparation of contract plans and related documents for the replacement of dual bridges of approximately 250 feet in length.
Notice is hereby given that the West Virginia Department of Transportation, Division of Highways (DOH) is soliciting qualifications for the purpose of making available a list of pre-qualified consulting firms to all contractors interested in participating in the WVDOT Design-Build Program for projects estimated to cost between $3 million and $20 million.  This list of prequalified firms will be made available on the WVDOH website.


Notice is hereby given that consulting services will be utilized by the West Virginia Department of Transportation, Division of Highways, for Quality Control project inspection, documentation services, and related duties as required on the Littlesburg to Mercer Co Airport project (District 10). The anticipated duration of the agreement is approximately 40 months. It is anticipated that the following appropriately accredited and qualified inspectors will be required: 4 – TRET TECHNICIAN (Level 3) 4 – TRETAS TECHNICIAN (Level 2) Firms interested in being considered for this work must submit a “Letter of Qualification” (LOQ) and unpriced prospectus to Mr. Shawn Smith, Director, Contract Administration Division, West Virginia Department of Transportation, Division of Highways, Building Five, Room 840, 1900 Kanawha Boulevard, East, Charleston, West Virginia 25305 prior to 4:00 P.M. on February 14, 2025. Responses received after this time will not be considered.
1/31/2025Closed: Short-Listed
E.L. Robinson Engineering Co.
Infrastructure Consulting and Engineering, LLC
Notice is hereby given that consulting services will be utilized by the West Virginia Department of Transportation, Division of Highways, for Quality Control and Quality Assurance project inspection, documentation services, project management, and related duties as required on the Sen. JF Deem Memorial Bridge project (District 3). The anticipated duration of the agreement is approximately 24 months. Firms interested in being considered for this work must submit a “Letter of Qualification” (LOQ) and unpriced prospectus to Mr. Shawn Smith, Director, Contract Administration Division, West Virginia Department of Transportation, Division of Highways, Building Five, Room 840, 1900 Kanawha Boulevard, East, Charleston, West Virginia 25305 prior to 4:00 P.M. on January 31, 2025. Responses received after this time will not be considered.
1/24/2025Closed: Selected
WRA (selected)
GAI (1st Alternate)
The Mannik & Smith Group (2nd Alternate)
Notice is hereby given that consulting services will be utilized by the West Virginia Department of Transportation, Division of Highways, for Quality Control and Quality Assurance project inspection, documentation services, project management, and related duties as required on the Parkersburg CBD TL Renovation +29 project (District 3). The anticipated duration of the agreement is approximately 48 months. Firms interested in being considered for this work must submit a “Letter of Qualification” (LOQ) and unpriced prospectus to Mr. Shawn Smith, Director, Contract Administration Division, West Virginia Department of Transportation, Division of Highways, Building Five, Room 840, 1900 Kanawha Boulevard, East, Charleston, West Virginia 25305 prior to 4:00 P.M. on January 24, 2025. Responses received after this time will not be considered.
11/13/2024Closed: Short-Listed
Michael Baker Int.
Notice is hereby given that consulting services will be utilized by the West Virginia Department of Transportation, Division of Highways, for Quality Control and Quality Assurance project inspection, documentation services, project management, and related duties as required on the Hardy Co 23/12 – Waites Run Rd (Corridor H) project (Hardy County, WV). The anticipated duration of the agreement is approximately 36 months.Firms interested in being considered for this work must submit a “Letter of Qualification” (LOQ) and unpriced prospectus to Mr. Shawn Smith, Director, Contract Administration Division, West Virginia Department of Transportation, Division of Highways, Building Five, Room 840, 1900 Kanawha Boulevard, East, Charleston, West Virginia 25305 prior to 4:00 P.M. on November 13, 2024. Responses received after this time will not be considered.
11/6/2024Closed: Selected
AMT (Selected)
CTL (1st Alternate)
S&ME (2nd Alternate)
Notice is hereby given that consulting services will be utilized by the West Virginia Department of Transportation, Division of Highways, for Quality Control and Quality Assurance project inspection, documentation services, project management, and related duties as required on the New Cumberland – WV 2 Improvements project (Hancock County, WV). The anticipated duration of the agreement is approximately 24 months. Firms interested in being considered for this work must submit a “Letter of Qualification” (LOQ) and unpriced prospectus to Mr. Shawn Smith, Director, Contract Administration Division, West Virginia Department of Transportation, Division of Highways, Building Five, Room 840, 1900 Kanawha Boulevard, East, Charleston, West Virginia 25305 prior to 4:00 P.M. on November 6, 2024. Responses received after this time will not be considered.
10/22/2024Closed: Selected
E.L. Robinson Engineering
EXP U.S. Services Inc.
Quinn Consulting Services, Inc.
Volkert, Inc.
Notice is hereby given that consulting services will be utilized by the West Virginia Department of Transportation, Division of Highways, for Statewide Construction Inspection & Quality Assurance Management Services. The work may include but not be limited to project management, project inspection, quality assurance, documentation services, and related duties as required on various construction projects throughout the State. The anticipated duration of the agreement is twelve months coincident with the calendar year 2025 with the potential for additional (mutually agreeable) twelve-month extensions. It is anticipated that appropriately accredited and qualified inspectors, Levels I-V, for the area of assignment will be required.
8/23/2024Closed: Selected
GPI (Selected)
TRC (1st Alternate)
CTL (2nd Alternate)
GAI (3rd Alternate)
Notice is hereby given that consulting services will be utilized by the West Virginia Department of Transportation, Division of Highways, for Quality Control and Quality Assurance project inspection, documentation services, project management, and related duties as required on the Rand Drainage project (Kanawha County). The anticipated duration of the agreement is approximately 32 months. It is anticipated that the following appropriately accredited and qualified inspectors will be required: 1 – PROJECT SUPERVISOR TRETSR (Level 4) 1 – TRET TECHNICIAN (Level 3) 1 – TRETAS TECHNICIAN (Level 2) 1 – TRETTR TECHNICIAN (Level 1) 1 – CPM SCHEDULE REVIEWER One or two of the above technicians (Level 1,2,3) need to be certified to test materials. Firms interested in being considered for this work must submit a “Letter of Qualification” (LOQ) and unpriced prospectus to Mr. Shawn Smith, Director, Contract Administration Division, West Virginia Department of Transportation, Division of Highways, Building Five, Room 840, 1900 Kanawha Boulevard, East, Charleston, West Virginia 25305 prior to 4:00 P.M. on August 23, 2024. Responses received after this time will not be considered.
8/21/2024Closed: Selected
CEC (Selected)
CTL (1st Alternate)
AMT (2nd Alternate)
S&ME (3rd Alternate)
Notice For Consulting Services MORGANTOWN INDUSTRIAL PARK ACCESS RD Notice is hereby given that consulting services will be utilized by the West Virginia Department of Transportation, Division of Highways, for Quality Control and Quality Assurance project inspection, documentation services, project management, and related duties as required on the Morgantown Industrial Park Access Rd project (Monongalia County). The anticipated duration of the agreement is approximately 24 months. It is anticipated that the following appropriately accredited and qualified inspectors will be required: 1 – PROJECT ENGINEER/SUPERVISOR (PE/Level 5) 1 – TRETSR TECHNICIAN (Level 4) 1 – TRET TECHNICIAN (Level 3) 2 – TRETAS TECHNICIANS (Level 2) 1 – CPM SCHEDULE REVIEWER 1 – MATERIALS QA TECHNICIAN (Level 2) as-needed The general guidelines for performance of the project inspection are as follows: 1. The consulting engineering services required may consist of project inspection, documentation services, and other related duties as assigned. 2. The consultant will supply experienced construction and materials inspection personnel. All inspectors must be certified through WVTRET Board. 3. The personnel shall have a working knowledge of WVDOT-DOH standards, specifications, WVDOH Traffic Control manual, Materials Certification, materials testing procedures, as well as being certified by the DOH for sampling and testing aggregate, Portland cement concrete, bituminous concrete, compaction testing and possess nuclear certifications in the State of West Virginia. The knowledge and certifications required of a given individual will depend on the specific item(s) being inspected and /or sampled/tested. 4. It is the intent that majority of the required materials testing be conducted by personnel capable of performing the complete field inspection of the affected items. 5. In addition, the inspectors shall be knowledgeable of good construction and surveying practices and procedures; able to interpret contracts, special provisions, plans and specifications, proposals, able to perform project layout and assist in project finalization; able to exercise good judgment; able to use engineering, testing and office equipment; be accurate and neat in recording data and preparing records and able to maintain a harmonious relationship with the Department, other governmental agencies, contractors, and the public. 6. The consultant will supply all necessary transportation, laptop, and communication devices for its personnel. 7. The Department will supply field offices, storage buildings, and office equipment per normal construction contract specification items or reasonable access to the same as it deems necessary. 8. The Consultant personnel shall be proficient in using AASHTOWare Project (AWP). 9. All testing equipment and incidental tools and supplies are to be furnished by the Consultant unless the Department elects to supply same on a given project. 10. The method of payment for the consultant services provided will be SPECIFIC RATE OF PAY or LUMP SUM. Firms interested in being considered for this work must submit a “Letter of Qualification” (LOQ) and unpriced prospectus to Mr. Shawn Smith, Director, Contract Administration Division, West Virginia Department of Transportation, Division of Highways, Building Five, Room 840, 1900 Kanawha Boulevard, East, Charleston, West Virginia 25305 prior to 4:00 P.M. on August 21, 2024. Responses received after this time will not be considered.
8/14/2024Closed: Selected
Stantec (Selected)
CDM Smith (1st Alternate)
CTL (2nd Alternate)
Notice is hereby given that consulting services will be utilized by the West Virginia Department of Transportation, Division of Highways, for Quality Control and Quality Assurance project inspection, documentation services, project management, and related duties as required on the I-470 BRIDGE APPROACH project (Ohio County, WV & Belmont County, OH). The anticipated duration of the agreement is approximately 24 months. It is anticipated that the following appropriately accredited and qualified inspectors will be required: 1 – PROJECT ENGINEER/SUPERVISOR 2 – TRET TECHNICIANS (Level 3) 1 – TRETAS TECHNICIAN (Level 2) 1 – AMPP CERTIFIED COATINGS INSPECTOR 1 – CPM SCHEDULE REVIEWER (One of the Level 2 or Level 3 technicians need to be certified to test materials if requested) Firms interested in being considered for this work must submit a “Letter of Qualification” (LOQ) and unpriced prospectus to Mr. Shawn Smith, Director, Contract Administration Division, West Virginia Department of Transportation, Division of Highways, Building Five, Room 840, 1900 Kanawha Boulevard, East, Charleston, West Virginia 25305 prior to 4:00 P.M. on August 14, 2024. Responses received after this time will not be considered.
7/19/2024Closed: Selected
Mead & Hunt, Inc.(Selected)
Greenman Pedersen, Inc. (1st Alternate)
Infrastructure Consulting & Engineering, PLLC (2nd Alternate)
Notice is hereby given that consulting services will be utilized by the West Virginia Department of Transportation, Division of Highways, for Quality Control and Quality Assurance project inspection, documentation services, project management, and related duties as required on the Jill Micah Hess Memorial Bridge project (Boone County). The anticipated duration of the agreement is approximately 20 months. It is anticipated that the following appropriately accredited and qualified inspectors will be required: 1 – TRET SR (Level 4 – Project Supervisor) 1 – TRET (Level 3) 1 – TRETAS (Level 2) 1 – TRETTR (Level 1) 1 - Certified Coatings Inspector (as needed) (One of the above technicians Level 1, 2 or 3 need to be certified to test materials) Firms interested in being considered for this work must submit a “Letter of Qualification” (LOQ) and unpriced prospectus to Mr. Shawn Smith, Director, Contract Administration Division, West Virginia Department of Transportation, Division of Highways, Building Five, Room 840, 1900 Kanawha Boulevard, East, Charleston, West Virginia 25305 prior to 4:00 P.M. on July 19, 2024. Responses received after this time will not be considered.
7/3/2024Closed: Selected
The Mannik & Smith Group, Inc. (Selected)
Whitman, Requardt & Associates, LLP (1st Alternate)
Summit Design and Engineering Services, PLLC (2nd Alternate)
Notice is hereby given that consulting services will be utilized by the West Virginia Department of Transportation, Division of Highways, for Quality Control and Quality Assurance project inspection, documentation services, project management, and related duties as required on the Gen John Craddock Bridge EB & WB project (Doddridge County). The anticipated duration of the agreement is approximately 32 months. It is anticipated that the following appropriately accredited and qualified inspectors will be required: 1 – TRET SR (Level 4 – Project Supervisor) 1 – TRET (Level 3) 1 – TRETAS (Level 2) 1 – CPM Schedule Reviewer 1 – Material Testing QA Technician (as needed)
2/23/2024Closed: Selected
AMT (Selected)
TRC (1st Alternate)
Summit (2nd Alternate)
Notice is hereby given that consulting services will be utilized by the West Virginia Department of Transportation, Division of Highways, for Quality Control and Quality Assurance project inspection, documentation services, project management, and related duties as required on the US 50 I/C N&S project (Wood County). The anticipated duration of the agreement is approximately 38 months.
1/17/2024Closed: Selected
S&ME (selected)
CTL - 1st Alternate
GAI - 2nd Alternate
Notice is hereby given that consulting services will be utilized by the West Virginia Department of Transportation, Division of Highways, for Quality Control and Quality Assurance project inspection, documentation services, project management, and related duties as required on the West Run Road project (Monongalia County). The anticipated duration of the agreement is approximately 30 months.
10/12/2023Closed: Selected
Infrastructure Consulting & Engineering, PLLC (Selected)
HNTB Corporation (1st Alternate)
The Mannik & Smith Group, Inc. (2nd Alternate)
Notice is hereby given that consulting services will be utilized by the West Virginia Department of Transportation, Division of Highways, for Quality Control and Quality Assurance project inspection, documentation services, project management, and related duties as required on the Bristol Bridge EB & WB project (Harrison County). The anticipated duration of the agreement is approximately 42 months.
7/7/2023Closed: Selected
GPI (Selected)
Mannik & Smith Group (1st Alternate)
E.L. Robinson (2nd Alternate)
Notice is hereby given that consulting services will be utilized by the West Virginia Department of Transportation, Division of Highways, for Quality Control and Quality Assurance project inspection, documentation services, project management, and related duties as required on the Gimlet Hollow OP and James River Rd OP projects (Cabell County). The anticipated duration of the agreement is approximately 48 months. It is anticipated that the following appropriately accredited and qualified inspectors will be required: 1 – TRET SR (Level 4) 2 – TRET (Level 3) 1 – CPM Schedule Reviewer
6/23/2023Closed: Selected
WRA (Selected)
TRC (1st Alternate)
HNTB (2nd Alternate
Notice is hereby given that consulting services will be utilized by the West Virginia Department of Transportation, Division of Highways, for Quality Control and Quality Assurance project inspection, documentation services, project management, and related duties as required on the Princeton Overhead Bridge project (Mercer County). The anticipated duration of the agreement is approximately 24 months.
3/24/2023Closed: Selected
CTL (Selected)
AMT (1st Alternate)
Summit (2nd Alternate)
Notice is hereby given that consulting services will be utilized by the West Virginia Department of Transportation, Division of Highways, for Quality Control and Quality Assurance project inspection, documentation services, project management, and related duties as required on the Northern Connector +1 project (Morgan County). The anticipated duration of the agreement is approximately 36 months. It is anticipated that the following appropriately accredited and qualified inspectors will be required: 2 – TRET SR (Level 4) 2 – TRET (Level 3) 2 – TRETAS (Level 2) 1 – TRETTR (Level 1) 1 – CPM Schedule Reviewer 1 – Survey Crew/Services (as needed)
3/1/2023Closed: Selected
CDM Smith (Selected)
GAI (1st Alternate)
S&ME (2nd Alternate)
Notice is hereby given that consulting services will be utilized by the West Virginia Department of Transportation, Division of Highways, for Quality Control and Quality Assurance project inspection, documentation services, project management, and related duties as required on the I-79 Bridge Replacement project (Marion & Monongalia County). The anticipated duration of the agreement is approximately 55 months. It is anticipated that the following appropriately accredited and qualified inspectors will be required: 1 – TRET SR (Level 4 – Lead Inspector) 6 – TRET (Level 3) 3 – TRETAS (Level 2) 1 – CPM Schedule Reviewer 1 – Survey Crew/Services
12/7/2022Closed: Selected
WRA (Selected)
GPI (1st Alternate)
HNTB (2nd Alternate)
Notice is hereby given that consulting services will be utilized by the West Virginia Department of Transportation, Division of Highways, for Quality Control and Quality Assurance project inspection, documentation services, project management, and related duties as required on the WV 622 – Cross Lanes project (Kanawha County). The anticipated duration of the agreement is approximately 30 months. It is anticipated that the following appropriately accredited and qualified inspectors will be required: 1 - Level 4 2 - Level 3 2 - Level 2 1 - Level 1 1 - CPM Schedule Reviewer
11/18/2022Closed: Selected
Stantec (Selected)
Thrasher (1st Alternate)
CTL (2nd Alternate)
CEC (3rd Alternate)
Notice is hereby given that consulting services will be utilized by the West Virginia Department of Transportation, Division of Highways, for Quality Control and Quality Assurance project inspection, documentation services, project management, and related duties as required on the I-79 Bridge Rehab project (Harrison, Marion, & Monongalia County). The anticipated duration of the agreement is approximately 55 months. It is anticipated that the following appropriately accredited and qualified inspectors will be required: 1 – TRET SR (Level 4) 9 – TRET (Level 3) 5 – TRETAS (Level 2) 1 – CPM Schedule Reviewer 1 – Survey Crew/Services
9/4/2022Closed: Selected
2. AMT
3. CDM Smith
4. CEC
5. CTL
6. GAI
7. GPI
9. ICE
10. MBE
11. Mead & Hunt
12. Michael Baker
13. Mannik Smith
14. RK&K
15. S&ME
16. Specialized
17. Stantec
18. Summit
19. Terracon
20. Terradon
21. Thrasher
22. TRC
23. WRA
Notice is hereby given that consulting services will be utilized by the West Virginia Department of Transportation, Division of Highways, for Statewide Construction Inspection & Quality Assurance Management Services. The work may include but not be limited to project management, project inspection, quality assurance, documentation services, and related duties as required on various construction projects throughout the State. The anticipated duration of the agreement is twenty-four months coincident with the calendar years 2023 & 2024 with the potential for additional (mutually agreeable) twelve-month extensions. It is anticipated that appropriately accredited and qualified inspectors, Levels I-V, for the area of assignment will be required.
9/4/2022Closed: Selected
AMT (Selected)
GPI (Selected)
HNTB (Selected)
KTA (Selected)
Stantec (Selected)
Summit (1st Alternate)
Modjeski & Masters (2nd Alternate)
Notice is hereby given that consulting services will be utilized by the West Virginia Department of Transportation, Division of Highways, for protective coatings inspection for various projects throughout the state. The work may include field paint inspections, corrosion surveys, identification of candidate structures for maintenance painting, and related duties as required on multiple construction projects throughout the state. The anticipated duration of the agreement is twenty-four months coincident with the calendar years 2023 & 2024 with the potential for additional (mutually agreeable) twelve-month extensions. It is anticipated that multiple consultants will be selected. It is anticipated that appropriately accredited and qualified inspectors for the area of assignment will be required.
8/5/2022Closed: Selected
Thrasher (Selected)
CTL (1st alternate)
CDM Smith (2nd alternate)
Notice is hereby given that consulting services will be utilized by the West Virginia Department of Transportation, Division of Highways, for Quality Control and Quality Assurance project inspection, documentation services, project management, and related duties as required on the Beckley Z-Way Shady Springs to Beaver & Beaver to South Eisenhower Raleigh County. The anticipated duration of the agreement is approximately 42 months.
3/4/2022Closed: Selected
JB Turman (Selected) GPI (1st alternate) CDM Smith (2nd alternate)
Notice is hereby given that consulting services will be utilized by the West Virginia Department of Transportation, Division of Highways, for Quality Control and Quality Assurance project inspection, documentation services, project management, and related duties as required on the Culloden Interchange Cabell/Putnam County. The anticipated duration of the agreement is approximately 30 months. It is anticipated that the following appropriately accredited and qualified inspectors will be required: 1 - Level 4 1 - Level 3 1 - Level 2 1 - Level 1
1/7/2022Closed: Selected
HNTB (selected) TRC (1st alternate) Thrasher (2nd alternate)
Notice is hereby given that consulting services will be utilized by the West Virginia Department of Transportation, Division of Highways, for Quality Control and Quality Assurance project inspection, documentation services, project management, and related duties as required on the Coalfields Expressway Welch – WV 16 McDowell County. The anticipated duration of the agreement is approximately 36 months. It is anticipated that the following appropriately accredited and qualified inspectors will be required: 1 - Level 5 or PE - Project Supervisor 2 – Level 4 4 - Level 3 4 - Level 2 4 - Level 1
12/3/2021Closed: Selected
Mannik Smith (selected) CTL (1st alternate) Summit (2nd alternate)
Notice is hereby given that consulting services will be utilized by the West Virginia Department of Transportation, Division of Highways, for Quality Control and Quality Assurance project inspection, documentation services, project management, and related duties as required on the Superior Bridge in District 10 McDowell County. The anticipated duration of the agreement is approximately 24 months. It is anticipated that the following appropriately accredited and qualified inspectors will be required: 1 - Level 4 1 - Level 3 1 - Level 2 1 - Level 1
11/30/2021Closed: Selected
Michael Baker (selected) Thrasher (1st alternate) S&ME (2nd alternate)
Notice is hereby given that consulting services will be utilized by the West Virginia Department of Transportation, Division of Highways, for Quality Control and Quality Assurance project inspection, documentation services, project management, and related duties as required on the Mountain View to Gilbert in District 2 Mingo County. The anticipated duration of the agreement is approximately 30 months. It is anticipated that the following appropriately accredited and qualified inspectors will be required: 1 - Level 5 or PE - Project Supervisor 3 - Level 3 2 - Level 2 2 - Level 1
11/12/2021Closed: Selected
Mead and Hunt (selected) WRA (1st alternate) CDM Smith (2nd alternate)
Notice is hereby given that consulting services will be utilized by the West Virginia Department of Transportation, Division of Highways, for Quality Control and Quality Assurance project inspection, documentation services, project management, and related duties as required on the 33rd Street to 40th Street and the 40th Street to 58th Street projects in Kanawha County. The anticipated duration of the agreement is approximately 40 months. It is anticipated that the following appropriately accredited and qualified inspectors will be required: 1 - Level 5 2 - Level 3 2 - Level 2 1 - Level 1
10/29/2021Closed: Short-Listed
AMT (selected) GPI (1st alternate) S&ME (2nd alternate)
Notice is hereby given that consulting services will be utilized by the West Virginia Department of Transportation, Division of Highways, for Quality Control and Quality Assurance project inspection, documentation services, project management, and related duties as required on the WV 2 PARKERSBURG TO ST. MARYS IN DISTRICT 3. The anticipated duration of the agreement is approximately 30 months. It is anticipated that the following appropriately accredited and qualified inspectors will be required: - 1 Level IV inspector - 1 Level III inspector - 1 Level II inspector - 1 Level I inspector
10/15/2021Closed: Selected
E.L. Robinson (Selected) Thrasher (1st Alternate) JB Turman (2nd Alternate)
Notice is hereby given that consulting services will be utilized by the West Virginia Department of Transportation, Division of Highways, for Quality Control and Quality Assurance project inspection, documentation services, project management, and related duties as required on the Rock Creek I/C and Access Road Projects in District 1. The anticipated duration of the agreement is approximately 36 months. It is anticipated that the following appropriately accredited and qualified inspectors will be required: 2 - level 3 1 - level 2 1 - level 1
10/15/2021Closed: Selected
GPI (Selected) AMT (1st alternate) Summit (2nd alternate)
Notice is hereby given that consulting services will be utilized by the West Virginia Department of Transportation, Division of Highways, for Quality Control and Quality Assurance project inspection, documentation services, project management, and related duties as required on the Carter/Brooks ST IC Project in District 1. The anticipated duration of the agreement is approximately 24 months. It is anticipated that the following appropriately accredited and qualified inspectors will be required: 1 - level 5 or PE for Project Supervision 2 - level 3 (1 must have NACE or SSPC coatings certification) 2 - level 2 (1 must have NACE or SSPC coatings certification) 1 - level 1
10/1/2021Closed: Selected
E.L. Robinson (selected) Thrasher (1st alternate) Terradon (2nd alternate)
Notice is hereby given that consulting services will be utilized by the West Virginia Department of Transportation, Division of Highways, for Quality Control and Quality Assurance project inspection, documentation services, project management, and related duties as required on the RHL Boulevard project in District 1. The anticipated duration of the agreement is approximately 30 months. It is anticipated that the following appropriately accredited and qualified inspectors will be required: - 1 Level III inspector - 1 Level II inspector - 1 Level I inspector
5/14/2021Closed: Selected
CEC (Selected) GPI (1st alternate) Thrasher (2nd alternate)
Notice is hereby given that consulting services will be utilized by the West Virginia Department of Transportation, Division of Highways, for Quality Control and Quality Assurance project inspection, documentation services, project management, and related duties as required on the South Fairmont – Pleasant Valley project in District 4. The anticipated duration of the agreement is approximately 48 months. It is anticipated that the following appropriately accredited and qualified inspectors will be required:

- 1 Lead  inspector/inspection coordinator (TRETSR)
- 1 Office Technician for finalization/materials certification (TRET)
- 1 inspector (TRETAS and/or TRET)
- 3 Structure inspectors (TRETAS and/or TRET)
- 1 Quality assurance inspector  (TRET)
- 1 materials lab technician/lab testing  (TRETAS or TRET)
- 1 project CPM schedule reviewer (as needed)
- 1 survey crew/services for DOH needs (as needed)
10/29/2020Closed: Selected
EL Robinson (selected)

Stantec (1st alternate)

Thrasher (2nd alternate)


Notice is hereby given that consulting services will be utilized by the West Virginia Department of Transportation, Division of Highways, for Quality Control and Quality Assurance project inspection, documentation services, project management, and related duties as required on the WV 2 Project or Kent project in Wetzel County, District 6. The anticipated duration of the agreement is approximately 72 months. It is anticipated that the following appropriately accredited and qualified inspectors will be required:

1-TRETSR or HWENGR – Project Supr.
10/16/2020Closed: Selected

GPI (selected)

AMT (selected)

HNTB (selected)

Stantec (1st Alternate)

S&ME (2nd Alternate)

KTA (3rd alternate)

Notice is hereby given that consulting services will be utilized by the West Virginia Department of Transportation, Division of Highways, for protective coatings inspection for various projects throughout the state. The work may include field paint inspections, corrosion surveys, identification of candidate structures for maintenance painting, and related duties as required on multiple construction projects throughout the state. The anticipated duration of the agreement is twelve months coincident with the calendar year 2021 with the potential for a (mutually agreeable) twelve-month extension. It is anticipated that multiple consultants will be selected. It is anticipated that appropriately accredited and qualified inspectors for the area of assignment will be required.

10/16/2020Closed: Selected
Mead and Hunt (selected)
GPI (selected)
E.L. Robinson (selected)
Stantec (1st alternate)
Thrasher (2nd alternate)
Michael Baker (3rd alternate)

Notice is hereby given that consulting services will be utilized by the West Virginia Department of Transportation, Division of Highways, for Quality Assurance Management (QAM) services and related duties as required on various projects throughout the State. The anticipated duration of the agreement is twelve months coincident with the calendar year 2021 with the potential for a (mutually agreeable) twelve-month extension. It is possible for multiple Consultants to be selected throughout the State. It is anticipated that appropriately accredited and qualified inspectors, Levels I-V, for the area of assignment will be required.


Notice is hereby given that consulting services will be utilized by the West Virginia Department of Transportation, Division of Highways, for Statewide Construction Inspection Services.  The work may include but not be limited to project management, project inspection, quality assurance, documentation services, and related duties as required on various construction projects throughout the State. The anticipated duration of the agreement is twelve months coincident with the calendar year 2021 with the potential for a (mutually agreeable) twelve-month extension. It is anticipated that appropriately accredited and qualified inspectors, Levels I-V, for the area of assignment will be required.

8/20/2020Closed: Selected

Thrasher (Selected)

RKK (1st alternate)

CTL (2nd alternate)

Notice is hereby given that consulting services will be utilized by the West Virginia Department of Transportation, Division of Highways, for Quality Control and Quality Assurance project inspection, documentation services, project management, and related duties as required on the VA Line – Charles Town Rd project in District 5. The anticipated duration of the agreement is approximately 40 months. It is anticipated that the following appropriately accredited and qualified inspectors will be required:

1-TRETSR or HWENGRAS – Project Supr.
5/14/2020Closed: Selected
Martin Engineering (Selected)
Michael Baker (1st alternate)
S&ME (2nd alternate)
Notice is hereby given that consulting services will be utilized by the West Virginia Department of Transportation, Division of Highways, for Quality Control project inspection, documentation services, and related duties as required on the I-64 29TH STREET TO MERRITT CREEK project. The anticipated duration of the agreement is 40 months. It is anticipated that the following appropriately accredited and qualified inspectors will be required:

4/23/2020Closed: Selected
Notice is hereby given that consulting services will be utilized by the West Virginia Department of Transportation, Division of Highways, for Quality Control and Quality Assurance project inspection, documentation services, project management, and related duties as required on the Scott Miller Hill Bypass project in Roane County, District 3. The anticipated duration of the agreement is approximately 30 months. It is anticipated that the following appropriately accredited and qualified inspectors will be required:

4/2/2020Closed: Selected
AMT (Selected)
Stantec (1st Alternate)
RKK (2nd Alternate)
Notice is hereby given that consulting services will be utilized by the West Virginia Department of Transportation, Division of Highways, for project management, project inspection, quality assurance, documentation services, and related duties as required on the BERKLEY SPRINGS BYPASS US 522
 in Morgan County. The anticipated duration of the agreement is approximately 30 months beginning in July 2020. 
4/2/2020Closed: Selected
HNTB (selected)
GPI (1st Alternate)
S&ME (2nd Alternate)
Notice is hereby given that consulting services will be utilized by the West Virginia Department of Transportation, Division of Highways, for project management, project inspection, quality assurance, documentation services, and related duties as required on the MILLER ROAD O/P in Cabell County. The anticipated duration of the agreement is approximately 30 months beginning in June 2020. It is anticipated that the following appropriately accredited and qualified inspectors will be required:

2 – Level III
1 – Level I
3/5/2020Closed: Selected


1. GPI
2. Michael Baker (1st alternate)
3. Thrasher (2nd alternate)
Notice is hereby given that consulting services will be utilized by the West Virginia Department of Transportation, Division of Highways, for project inspection, documentation services, and related duties as required on the I-79 EXIT 99 OFF RAMP INSPECTION SERVICES project in Lewis County. The anticipated duration of the agreement is approximately 18 months. It is anticipated that the following appropriately accredited and qualified inspectors will be required:

2/28/2020Closed: Selected


1. WRA (selected)
2. GPI (1st alternate)
3. Thrasher (2nd alternate)
4. EL Robinson (3rd alternate)


Notice is hereby given that consulting services will be utilized by the West Virginia Department of Transportation, Division of Highways, for Quality Control project inspection, documentation services, and related duties as required on the I-64 MERRITTS CR – BARBOURSVILLE project in Cabell County. The anticipated duration of the agreement is approximately 36 months. It is anticipated that the following appropriately accredited and qualified inspectors will be required:

2/28/2020Closed: Selected


1. Mead and Hunt
2. EL Robinson (1st alternate)
3. HNTB (2nd alternate)
Notice is hereby given that consulting services will be utilized by the West Virginia Department of Transportation, Division of Highways, for Quality Control project inspection, documentation services, and related duties as required on the US 34/I-64 I/C – NITRO project. The anticipated duration of the agreement is 42 months. It is anticipated that the following appropriately accredited and qualified inspectors will be required:

2/27/2020Closed: Withdrawn
Notice is hereby given that consulting services will be utilized by the West Virginia Department of Transportation, Division of Highways, for project management, project inspection, quality assurance, documentation services, and related duties as required on the Jefferson Road O/P project in Kanawha County. The anticipated duration of the agreement is approximately 24 months beginning in March 2021. It is anticipated that the following appropriately accredited and qualified inspectors will be required:

2/21/2020Closed: Selected


AMT (1st alternate)
Thrasher (2nd alternate)
Notice is hereby given that consulting services will be utilized by the West Virginia Department of Transportation, Division of Highways, for Quality Control and Quality Assurance project inspection, documentation services, project management, and related duties as required on the Kent to Franklin project in District 6. The anticipated duration of the agreement is approximately 36 months. It is anticipated that the following appropriately accredited and qualified inspectors will be required:

Notice is hereby given that consulting services will be utilized by the West Virginia Department of Transportation, Division of Highways, for project management, project inspection, quality assurance, documentation services, CPM schedule reviews, project finalization, and related duties as required on various construction projects for all 10 Districts of the State. The anticipated duration of the agreement is twelve months beginning July 1, 2020 with the potential for a (mutually agreeable) twelve-month extension. It is possible for multiple Consultants to be selected for each District throughout the State. It is anticipated that appropriately accredited and qualified inspectors, Levels I-IV, for the area of assignment will be required.
Notice is hereby given that consulting services will be utilized by the West Virginia Department of Transportation, Division of Highways, for various materials testing, inspection, quality assurance, documentation services, and related duties as required on various projects for all 10 Districts of the State. The anticipated duration of the agreement is twelve months beginning July 1, 2020 with the potential for a (mutually agreeable) twelve-month extension. It is possible for multiple Consultants to be selected for each District throughout the State. It is anticipated that appropriately accredited and qualified inspectors, Levels I-IV, for the area of assignment will be required.
6/14/2019Closed: Selected
CDM Smith (Selected)
HNTB (1st alternate)
GPI (2nd alternate)

Notice is hereby given that consulting services will be utilized by the West Virginia Department of Transportation, Division of Highways, for project management, project inspection, documentation services, and related duties as required on the I 70 bridges project in Ohio County. The anticipated duration of the agreement is 36 months. It is anticipated that the following appropriately accredited and qualified inspectors will be required:


4/4/2019Closed: Selected
1. HNTB (selected)
2. TRC (1st alternate)
3. WRA (2nd alternate)
4. RK&K (3rd alternate)

Notice is hereby given that consulting services will be utilized by the West Virginia Department of Transportation, Division of Highways, for project management, project inspection, quality assurance, documentation services, and related duties as required on the Airport Road – John Nash Blvd project in Mercer County. The anticipated duration of the agreement is 24 months beginning in October 2019. It is anticipated that the following appropriately accredited and qualified inspectors will be required:


2/22/2019Closed: Selected
1. Mead and Hunt (Selected)
2. Terradon (1st Alternate)
3. GPI (2nd Alternate)

Notice is hereby given that consulting services will be utilized by the West Virginia Department of Transportation, Division of Highways, for project management, project inspection, quality assurance, documentation services, and related duties as required on US Route 35 paving project and interchange construction project in Putnam and Mason counties. The anticipated duration of the agreement is 18 months. It is anticipated that the following appropriately accredited and qualified inspectors will be required:


11/30/2018Closed: Selected
1. Martin Engineering
2. J.B. Turman
4. E.L. Robinson
5. Terradon
6. AMT
7. Thrasher
8. RK&K
9. Alpha
10. S & ME
11. WRA
12. Michael Baker
13. HNTB
14. Stantec
15. TRC
16. GPI
17. Mead & Hunt
Notice is hereby given that consulting services will be utilized by the West Virginia Department of Transportation, Division of Highways, for Quality Assurance Management (QAM) services and related duties as required on various projects throughout the State. The anticipated duration of the agreement is twelve months coincident with the calendar year 2019 with the potential for a (mutually agreeable) twelve-month extension. It is possible for multiple Consultants to be selected for each District throughout the State. It is anticipated that appropriately accredited and qualified inspectors, Levels I-V, for the area of assignment will be required.
11/30/2018Closed: Selected
1. J.B. Turman
2. AMT
3. S & ME
4. Stantec
5. Summit
6. GPI
Notice is hereby given that consulting services will be utilized by the West Virginia Department of Transportation, Division of Highways, for protective coatings inspection for various projects throughout the state. The work may include field paint inspections, corrosion surveys, identification of candidate structures for maintenance painting, and related duties as required on multiple construction projects throughout the state. The anticipated duration of the agreement is twelve months coincident with the calendar year 2019 with the potential for a (mutually agreeable) twelve-month extension. It is anticipated that multiple consultants will be selected. It is anticipated that appropriately accredited and qualified inspectors for the area of assignment will be required.
11/30/2018Closed: Selected
1. Martin Engineering
2. J.B. Turman
3. Potesta
5. Triad
6. E.L. Robinson
7. Terradon
8. AMT
9. Thrasher
10. CTL
11. RK&K
12. Alpha
13. WRA
14. Michael Baker
15. Gannett Fleming
16. Mead & Hunt
17. HNTB
18. Stantec
19. CDM Smith
20. TRC
21. GPI
Notice is hereby given that consulting services will be utilized by the West Virginia Department of Transportation, Division of Highways, for Statewide Construction Inspection Services.  The work may include but not be limited to project management, project inspection, quality assurance, documentation services, and related duties as required on various construction projects throughout the State. The anticipated duration of the agreement is twelve months coincident with the calendar year 2019 with the potential for a (mutually agreeable) twelve-month extension. It is possible for multiple Consultants to be selected for each District throughout the State. It is anticipated that appropriately accredited and qualified inspectors, Levels I-V, for the area of assignment will be required.
10/31/2018Closed: Selected
1. GPI (selected)
2. WRA (1st alternate)
3. Michael Baker (2nd alternate)
Notice is hereby given that consulting services will be utilized by the West Virginia Department of Transportation, Division of Highways, to review the current award manual, research other states project award processes, review FHWA requirements regarding project award, review West Virginia Code for any changes/updates, make recommendations based on reviews, and update the WVDOH award manual. Preference will be given to consultants with documented technical experience applicable to this type of work.  The anticipated duration of the agreement is 12 months. 
7/19/2018Closed: Selected
1. TRC (selected)
2. WRA (1st alternate)
3. Terradon (2nd alternate)

Notice is hereby given that consulting services will be utilized by the West Virginia Department of Transportation, Division of Highways, for project management, project inspection, quality assurance, documentation services, and related duties as required on construction projects along Route 10 in Wyoming and Mercer counties. The anticipated duration of the agreement is 30 months. It is anticipated that appropriately accredited and qualified inspectors will be required:

1 (one) Level IV or Project Engineer to manage the projects
8 (eight) Level III technicians
2 (two) Level II technicians or EIT’s
2(two) Level I technicians or EIT’s

4/20/2018Closed: Selected
Martin (selected)
Triad (selected)
CTL Engineering (selected)
EL Robinson (selected)
WRA (selected)
Thrasher (selected)
Terradon (selected)
Specialized Engineering (selected)
Mead and Hunt (selected)
GPI (selected)
CDM Smith (selected)
TRC (selected)
Notice is hereby given that consulting services will be utilized by the West Virginia Department of Transportation, Division of Highways, for various materials testing, inspection, quality assurance, documentation services, and related duties as required on various projects for all 10 Districts of the State. The anticipated duration of the agreement is twelve months coincident with the calendar year 2018 with the potential for a (mutually agreeable) twelve-month extension. It is possible for multiple Consultants to be selected for each District throughout the State. It is anticipated that appropriately accredited and qualified inspectors, Levels I-IV, for the area of assignment will be required.
4/20/2018Closed: Selected
AMT (Selected)
CDM Smith (Selected)
Terradon (Selected)
TRC (Selected)
WRA (Selected)
Notice is hereby given that consulting services will be utilized by the West Virginia Department of Transportation, Division of Highways, for project management, project inspection, quality assurance, documentation services, and related duties as required on various signing, lighting, traffic signals, and ITS devices (CCTV cameras, dynamic message signs, etc.) projects throughout the State. Preference will be given to consultants with documented technical experience in the fields.  The anticipated duration of the agreement is twelve months coincident with the calendar year 2018 with the potential for a (mutually agreeable) twelve-month extension. It is possible for multiple Consultants to be selected for each District throughout the State. It is anticipated that appropriately accredited and qualified inspectors, Levels I-IV, for the area of assignment will be required.
4/13/2018Closed: Selected
EL Robinson (selected)
Martin (selected)
RK &K (selected)
Triad (selected)
AECOM (selected)
HNTB (selected)
WRA (selected)
CTL Engineering (selected)
Thrasher (selected)
Terradon (selected)
Gannett Fleming (selected)
AMT (selected)
Mead and Hunt (selected)
Michael Baker (selected)
GPI (selected)
Stantec (selected)
CDM Smith (selected)
TRC (selected)
Specialized Engineering (selected)
Potesta (selected)
Notice is hereby given that consulting services will be utilized by the West Virginia Department of Transportation, Division of Highways, for project management, project inspection, quality assurance, documentation services, and related duties as required on various slide repair construction projects for all 10 Districts of the State. The anticipated duration of the agreement is twelve months coincident with the calendar year 2018 with the potential for a (mutually agreeable) twelve-month extension. It is possible for multiple Consultants to be selected for each District throughout the State. It is anticipated that appropriately accredited and qualified inspectors, Levels I-IV, for the area of assignment will be required.
4/6/2018Closed: Selected
EL Robinson (selected)
Martin (selected)
RK &K (selected)
Triad (selected)
AECOM (selected)
HNTB (selected)
WRA (selected)
Thrasher (selected)
Terradon (selected)
Gannett Fleming (selected)
AMT (selected)
Mead and Hunt (selected)
Michael Baker (selected)
GPI (selected)
Stantec (selected)
CDM Smith (selected)
TRC (selected)
Notice is hereby given that consulting services will be utilized by the West Virginia Department of Transportation, Division of Highways, for project management, project inspection, quality assurance, documentation services, and related duties as required on various small structure construction projects for all 10 Districts of the State. The anticipated duration of the agreement is twelve months coincident with the calendar year 2018 with the potential for a (mutually agreeable) twelve-month extension. It is possible for multiple Consultants to be selected for each District throughout the State. It is anticipated that appropriately accredited and qualified inspectors, Levels I-IV, for the area of assignment will be required
3/30/2018Closed: Selected
EL Robinson (selected)
Martin (selected)
RK &K (selected)
Triad (selected)
AECOM (selected)
HNTB (selected)
WRA (selected)
Thrasher (selected)
Terradon (selected)
Gannett Fleming (selected)
AMT (selected)
Mead and Hunt (selected)
Michael Baker (selected)
GPI (selected)
Stantec (selected)
CDM Smith (selected)
TRC (selected)
Specialized Engineering (selected)

Notice is hereby given that consulting services will be utilized by the West Virginia Department of Transportation, Division of Highways, for project management, project inspection, quality assurance, documentation services, and related duties as required on various resurfacing construction projects for all 10 Districts of the State. The anticipated duration of the agreement is twelve months coincident with the calendar year 2018 with the potential for a (mutually agreeable) twelve-month extension. It is possible for multiple Consultants to be selected for each District throughout the State. It is anticipated that appropriately accredited and qualified inspectors, Levels I-IV, for the area of assignment will be required.

1/12/2018Closed: Selected
The Thrasher Group (Selected)
Terradon (1st alternate)
Martin Engineering (2nd alternate)
Notice is hereby given that consulting services will be utilized by the West Virginia Department of Transportation, Division of Highways, for project management, project inspection, quality assurance, documentation services, and related duties as required for the full depth rehabilitation of 1-64 between Milton and the US 35 Interchange at Crooked Creek. The entire project length is approximately 13.60 miles. The anticipated duration is approximately nine months with an anticipated start date March 15, 2018. It is anticipated that five (5) appropriately accredited and qualified inspectors (three Level Ill, two Level Il) for the area of assignment will be required.
3/31/2017Closed: Selected
A. Morton Thomas and Associates (selected)
CDM Smith (selected)
E.L. Robinson Engineering (selected)
Greenman-Pedersen (selected)
Martin Engineering (selected)
Mead & Hunt (selected)
Michael Baker International (selected)
Rummel, Klepper, & Kahl (selected)
Stantec (selected)
Terradon (selected)
Thrasher (selected)
Triad (selected)
J.B. Turman Engineering (selected)
TRC (selected)

Notice is hereby given that consulting services will be utilized by the West Virginia Department of Transportation, Division of Highways, for project management, project inspection, quality assurance, documentation services, and related duties as required on various construction projects throughout the State. The anticipated duration of the agreement is twelve months coincident with the calendar year 2017 with the potential for a (mutually agreeable) twelve-month extension. Multiple consultants will be selected. It is anticipated that appropriately accredited and qualified inspectors, Levels I-IV, for the area of assignment will be required.

11/30/2016Closed: Withdrawn
Notice is hereby given that consulting services will be utilized by the West Virginia Department of Transportation, Division of Highways, for project management, project inspection, quality assurance, documentation services, and related duties as required on various Transportation Enhancement projects throughout the State.  The anticipated duration of the agreement is twelve months coincident with the calendar year 2017 with the potential for a (mutually agreeable) twelve month extension.  Multiple consultants will be selected.  It is anticipated that appropriately accredited and qualified inspectors, Levels I-IV, for the area of assignment will be required.
11/30/2016Closed: Selected
E.L. Robinson Engineering (selected)
HNTB (selected)
Mead & Hunt (selected)
Michael Baker International (selected)
TRC (selected)
Greenman- Pedersen (1st alternate)
Thrasher (2nd alternate)
Notice is hereby given that consulting services will be utilized by the West Virginia Department of Transportation, Division of Highways, for Quality Assurance Management (QAM) services and related duties as required on various Design-Build projects throughout the State.  The anticipated duration of the agreement is twelve months coincident with the calendar year 2017 with the potential for a (mutually agreeable) twelve month extension.  Multiple consultants will be selected. The QAM will be responsible for all quality assurance duties normally performed by the WVDOH in regards to materials certification, construction inspection, design reviews and other duties as required.  The QAM will certify all materials and inspection on the project and provide record keeping to document certifications.  QAM shall provide an independent certified lab for testing of materials.  QAM will act on DOH’s behalf in the review of all plan submissions. All work will be performed in accordance with WVDOH Standard Specifications (2010), as amended by the Supplemental Specifications (2016), WVDOH Construction Manual (2002), and current Materials Procedures.  It is anticipated that appropriately accredited and qualified technicians, Levels I-V, for the area of assignment may be required.  Plan reviews and general oversight of these services will be performed by a Professional Engineer(s) licensed in the state of West Virginia. 
11/30/2016Closed: Selected
KTA-Tator (selected)
Greenman-Pedersen (selected)
Stantec (selected)
HRV (1st alternate)
A. Morton Thomas and Associates (2nd alternate)

Notice is hereby given that consulting services will be utilized by the West Virginia Department of Transportation, Division of Highways, for protective coatings inspection for various projects throughout the state. The work may include field paint inspections, corrosion surveys, identification of candidate structures for maintenance painting, and related duties as required on multiple construction projects in various counties. The anticipated duration of the agreement is twelve months coincident with the calendar year 2017 with the potential for a (mutually agreeable) twelve month extension. It is anticipated that multiple consultants will be selected. It is anticipated that appropriately accredited and qualified inspectors for the area of assignment will be required.

10/17/2016Closed: Selected
TRC (Selected)
E.L. Robinson Engineering (1st Alternate)
Mead & Hunt (2nd Alternate)

Notice is hereby given that consulting services will be utilized by the West Virginia Department of Transportation, Division of Highways, for Quality Assurance Management (QAM) services and related duties as required for the design and construction of the I-64 Widening and Improvements Project in Putnam County, West Virginia.  I-64 is to be widened from four lanes to six lanes from east of the US 35 Interchange at Crooked Creek to east of the Nitro Interchange near 40th Street.  The entire project length is approximately 3.79 miles and includes three twin structures carrying I-64 over other roadways (Putnam County Route 29, Putnam County Route 33/5 and WV Route 25), two existing roadways crossing over I-64 (Putnam County Route 44 and Putnam County Route 25/8), separate flyover ramps for the Saint Albans Interchange and the Kanawha River crossing between Saint Albans and Nitro.  This project is being developed as Design-Build procurement. 

8/16/2016Closed: Short-Listed

Short-Listed Consultants

BBL Carlton
LR Builds
Paramount Builders
Wiseman Construction

The West Virginia Department of Transportation, Division of Highways (DOH) seeks to design and construct a new Mason County Maintenance Headquarters facility at the intersection of WV 62 (Ohio River Road) and Mason Co. 12 (Fairgrounds Road) in Mason County, West Virginia utilizing a Design-Build Procurement method.  The purpose of the Request For Qualifications (RFQ) was to solicit letters of interest and qualifications from firms interested in providing the services described in the RFQ.  It is scheduled for letting in August 2016.  Further project details are located at http://WWW.BIDX.COM.  Any questions concerning this notification should be submitted via BIDX.
4/8/2016Closed: Selected
Stantec (selected)
Mead & Hunt (1st alternate)
Thrasher (2nd alternate)
Notice is hereby given that consulting services will be utilized by the West Virginia Department of Transportation, Division of Highways, for Quality Assurance Management (QAM) services and related duties as required for contract document development of the I-70 Interstate in Ohio County, West Virginia.  This project is being developed via an Alternate Project Delivery format.
3/29/2016Closed: Short-Listed
American Bridge
The West Virginia Department of Transportation, Division of Highways (DOH) seeks to design and construct a bridge across the Ohio River from near Wellsburg in Brooke County, West Virginia to Brilliant in Jefferson County, Ohio on new location using a Public-Private Partnership method.  The purpose of the Request For Qualifications (RFQ) was to solicit letters of interest and qualifications from firms interested in providing the services described in the RFQ.  It is scheduled for letting in July 2016.  Further project details are located at http://WWW.BIDX.COM.  Any questions concerning this notification should be submitted via BIDX.
1/15/2016Closed: Withdrawn

Notice is hereby given that consulting services will be utilized by the West Virginia Department of Transportation, Division of Highways, for Quality Assurance Management (QAM) services and related duties as required for contract document development of the I-70 Interstate in Ohio County, West Virginia to acquire a concession to operate and maintain 14.45 miles of I-70 Interstate.  The West Virginia Department of Highways is interested in entering an initial 5 year concession agreement with optional renewal every 5 years. This project is being developed as Public-Private Partnership. 

6/30/2015Closed: Selected
Stantec (selected)
E.L. Robinson (1st alternate)
Terradon (2nd alternate)
Notice is hereby given that consulting services will be utilized by the West Virginia Department of Transportation, Division of Highways, for Quality Assurance Management (QAM) services and related duties as required for the design and construction of the Wellsburg Bridge in Brooke County, West Virginia.  This project is being developed as Design-Build procurement. 
6/12/2015Closed: Withdrawn

·         Greenman-Pedersen, Inc. – All Design/Proposal Development Oversight and Construction/Materials Oversight for Three Buildings Listed Below.

   Wetzel County

   Mason County

   Webster County

·         Terradon  - Only Construction/Materials Oversight for Three Buildings Listed  Below.

   Wayne County

   Lincoln County

   Ravenswood Substation

·         Thrasher- Only Construction/Materials Oversight for Three Buildings Listed Below.

   Logan County

   Harmon Substation

   Grant County

Notice is hereby given that consulting services will be utilized by the West Virginia Department of Transportation, Division of Highways (WVDOH), for Quality Assurance Management (QAM) services and related duties as required for the design and construction of nine (9) headquarter facilities for county and substation organizations located throughout West Virginia.  This project is being developed as a Public-Private-Partnership (P3) procurement for the following locations: 

  1. Grant County Headquarters Facility, Grant County, West Virginia
  2. Harman Substation Headquarters Facility, Randolph County, West Virginia
  3. Lincoln County Headquarters Facility, Lincoln County, West Virginia
  4. Logan County Headquarters Facility, Logan County, West Virginia
  5. Mason County Headquarters Facility, Mason County, West Virginia
  6. Ravenswood Substation Headquarters Facility, Jackson County, West Virginia
  7. Wayne County Headquarters Facility, Wayne County, West Virginia
  8. Webster County Headquarters Facility, Webster County, West Virginia
  9. Wetzel County Headquarters Facility, Wetzel County, West Virginia
5/1/2015Closed: Selected
Michael Baker Jr. Inc. (selected)
Stantec (1st alternate)
HNTB (2nd alternate)
Please be advised that changes were made on March 31, 2015 at 4:00 pm

Notice is hereby given that consulting services will be utilized by the West Virginia Department of Transportation, Division of Highways, for Quality Assurance Management (QAM) services, assist in preparation of documents, and related duties as required for the construction of Corridor H on new alignment between Kerens and Parsons in Randolph and Tucker Counties, West Virginia. This project is being developed utilizing an Alternate Project Delivery method of  procurement. 
3/24/2015Closed: Short-Listed

The following submitters have met the minimum requirements and are deemed eligible to bid on the designated US35 PPP project(s).

 Project AB

 Project AB

 Project A
 Project B
 Project AB

 Project A
 Project B

 Project A
 Project B
 Project AB

 Project A
 Project B
 Project AB

The West Virginia Department of Transportation, Division of Highways (DOH) seeks to construct  US 35 from WV 869 in Putnam County to CR 40 in Mason County on new location using a Public-Private Partnership/Design-Build procurement method.  The purpose of this Request for Qualifications (RFQ) is to solicit letters of interest and qualifications from firms interested in providing the services described in this RFQ.  It is scheduled for letting in May 2015.  Further project details are located at http://WWW.BIDX.COM.  
Any questions concerning this RFQ should be directed to Jim Colby at (304)558-9667 or
12/9/2014Closed: Short-Listed
Greer Mining
Kanawha Stone
Triton Construction
Vecellio & Grogan
The West Virginia Department of Transportation, Division of Highways (DOH) seeks to construct a portion of the Coalfields Expressway between the Mullens Connector and CR 12/1 in Wyoming County using a Public-Private Partnership/ Design-Build procurement method. The purpose of this Request for Qualifications (RFQ) is to solicit letters of interest and qualifications from firms interested in providing the services described in this RFQ. It is scheduled for letting in December 2014. Further project details are located at http://WWW.BIDX.COM. Any questions concerning this RFQ should be directed to Jim Colby at (304)558-9667 or
12/5/2014Closed: Selected
Greenman-Pederson (Selected)
Stantec (1st Alternate)
E.L. Robinson (2nd Alternate)

Notice is hereby given that consulting services will be utilized by the West Virginia Department of Transportation, Division of Highways, for Quality Assurance Management (QAM) services and related duties as required for the upgrade of US 35 from WV 869 to Mason CR 40 in Putnam and Mason Counties, West Virginia.  This project is being developed as a Public-Private-Partnership utilizing Design-Build procurement. 

12/5/2014Closed: Selected
Greenman-Pedersen, Inc.
Michael Baker
CDM Smith
Martin Engineering

Notice is hereby given that consulting services will be utilized by the West Virginia Department of Transportation, Division of Highways, for Quality Assurance Management (QAM) services and related duties as required on various Design-Build projects throughout the State.  The anticipated duration of the agreement is twelve months coincident with the calendar year 2015 with the potential for a (mutually agreeable) twelve month extension.  Multiple consultants will be selected. 

11/14/2014Closed: Selected
Greenman-Pederson (1st Alternate)
Stantec (2nd Alternate)
Notice is hereby given that consulting services will be utilized by the West Virginia Department of Transportation, Division of Highways, for Quality Assurance Management (QAM) services and related duties as required for the Coalfields Expressway from the Mullens Connector to East CR 12/1 in Wyoming County.  This project is being developed as a Public-Private-Partnership utilizing Design-Build procurement. 
10/17/2014Closed: Selected
Michael Baker Jr., Inc.
E.L. Robinson
Notice is hereby given that consulting services will be utilized by the West Virginia Department of Transportation, Division of Highways, for project management, project inspection, quality assurance, documentation services, and related duties as required on various construction projects throughout the State.  The anticipated duration of the agreement is twelve months coincident with the calendar year 2015 with the potential for a (mutually agreeable) twelve month extension.  Multiple consultants will be selected.  It is anticipated that appropriately accredited and qualified inspectors, Levels I-IV, for the area of assignment will be required.
10/17/2014Closed: Selected




Notice is hereby given that consulting services will be utilized by the West Virginia Department of Transportation, Division of Highways, for protective coatings inspection for various projects throughout the state.  The work may include field paint inspections, corrosion surveys, identification of candidate structures for maintenance painting, and related duties as required on multiple construction projects in various counties.  The anticipated duration of the agreement is twelve months coincident with the calendar year 2015 with the potential for a (mutually agreeable) twelve month extension.  It is anticipated that multiple consultants will be selected.  It is anticipated that appropriately accredited and qualified inspectors for the area of assignment will be required.

5/23/2014Closed: Short-Listed
Beaver Excavating
Kanawha Stone
Mountaineer Contracting
Orders Construction
Trumbull Corporation
Triton Construction
The West Virginia Department of Transportation, Division of Highways (DOH) seeks to construct a new interchange on I-79 between Exits 152 and 155 in Monongalia County using the Design-Build procurement method. The purpose of this Request for Qualifications (RFQ) is to solicit letters of interest and qualifications from firms interested in providing the services described in this RFQ. It is scheduled for letting in August 2014. Further project details are located at http://WWW.BIDX.COM. Any questions concerning this RFQ should be directed to Jim Colby at (304)558-9667 or
7/19/2013Closed: Short-Listed
1. A.L.L. Construction
2. Bizzack
3. Kanawha Stone
4 Vecellio & Grogan
The West Virginia Department of Transportation, Division of Highways (DOH) seeks to grade and drain a 1.59 mile section of the Coalfields Expressway from East of Wyoming CR 12/1 to West Helen in Raleigh County using the Design-Build procurement method. The purpose of this Request for Qualifications (RFQ) is to solicit letters of interest and qualifications from firms interested in providing the services described in this RFQ. It is scheduled for letting on October 8, 2013. Further project details are located at http://WWW.BIDX.COM. Any questions concerning this RFQ should be directed to Jim Colby at (304)558-9667 or
3/8/2013Closed: Selected
AMT Consulting Engineers - selected
Stantec Consulting Services Inc. - alternate






Notice is hereby given that consulting services will be utilized by the West Virginia Department of Transportation, Division of Highways for Coatings Inspection Services to provide project inspection, quality assurance, documentation services, and related duties as required for the cleaning and painting of the Dunbar-South Charleston I-64 WB Bridge in Kanawha County.  The anticipated duration of the agreement is approximately 18 months, beginning in April 2013 and ending in October 2014.

Any technical questions concerning the requirements for this project should be directed to Mr. James M. Colby, Contract Administration Division, at (304) 558-9667 or E-mail at .

10/12/2012Closed: Selected

2013 Statewide Coatings Inspection

Greenhorne & O’Mara

Russell Corrosion Consultants





Notice is hereby given that consulting services will be utilized by the West Virginia Department of Transportation, Division of Highways, for protective coatings inspection for various projects throughout the state.  The work may include field paint inspections, corrosion surveys, identification of candidate structures for maintenance painting, and related duties as required on multiple construction projects in various counties.  The anticipated duration of the agreement is twelve months coincident with the calendar year 2013 with the potential for a (mutually agreeable) twelve month extension.  It is anticipated that multiple consultants will be selected.  It is anticipated that appropriately accredited and qualified inspectors for the area of assignment will be required.

Any technical questions concerning the requirements for this project should be directed to Mr. James M. Colby, Contract Administration Division, at (304) 558-9667 or E-mail at .


10/12/2012Closed: Selected

2013 Statewide Construction Inspection

E.L. Robinson
Greenhorne & O’Mara
Michael Baker Jr.






Notice is hereby given that consulting services will be utilized by the West Virginia Department of Transportation, Division of Highways, for project management, project inspection, quality assurance, documentation services, and related duties as required on various construction projects throughout the State.  The anticipated duration of the agreement is twelve months coincident with the calendar year 2013 with the potential for a (mutually agreeable) twelve month extension.  Multiple consultants will be selected.  It is anticipated that appropriately accredited and qualified inspectors, Levels I-IV, for the area of assignment will be required.

Any technical questions concerning the requirements for this project should be directed to Mr. James M. Colby, Contract Administration Division, at (304) 558-9667 or E-mail at

7/3/2012Closed: Short-Listed






The following have been selected to submit a RFP:

1)       J.F. Allen

2)      Kokosing

3)      Mountaineer Contractors

4)      Orders Construction

5)      Trumbull

      WV Paving

*Notice : This RFQ Submission Date has been changed to July 6, 2012 at 4:00 PM.  Please see RFQ for details.

West Virginia Department of Transportation, Division of Highways



I-64Widening: Hal Greer Blvd to 29th Street

Six-lane Upgrade

Cabell County, West Virginia

The purpose of this Request for Qualifications (RFQ) is to solicit letters of interest and qualifications from firms interested in providing roadway and bridge design services and construction services necessary for the construction of a six-lane upgrade of Interstate 64 between Mile Posts 10.91 and 14.53 in Cabell County.  The West Virginia Department of Transportation, Division of Highways, hereinafter referred to as “DOH”, will be utilizing the Design-Build method of contracting for this project.


Any technical questions concerning the requirements for this Request for Qualifications should be directed to Mr. James M. Colby, Contract Administration Division at 304-558-9667 or e-mail to:


3/6/2012Closed: Withdrawn

***Notice:  This RFQ has been Pulled until further notice.

West Virginia Department of Transportation, Division of Highways





Prichard Intermodal Facility and Access Road

Wayne County, West Virginia



The purpose of this Request for Qualifications (RFQ) is to solicit letters of interest and qualifications from firms interested in providing roadway, bridge and intermodal facility design services and construction services necessary for the construction of an Intermodal Port Facility located just west of US 52 and 13 miles south of I-64.  The future bridge, access roads and intermodal facility in the unincorporated community of Prichard in Wayne County is bordered by the Big Sandy River to the west and Norfolk Southern Railway Company (NSRC) to the east. The proposed access road and single span bridge  are to cross the railroad and connect to CR 252/14 (Old US 52).  The West Virginia Department of Transportation, Division of Highways, hereinafter referred to as “DOH”, will be utilizing the Design-Build method of contracting for this project.  The Division of Highways will serve as “contracting agency” for the West Virginia Public Port Authority, “WVPPA”. 

Any technical questions concerning the requirements for this Request for Qualifications should be directed to Mr. James M. Colby, Contract Administration Division at 304-558-9667 or e-mail
8/5/2011Closed: Selected
1. Greenhorne & O'Mara - selected
2. Greenman-Pedersen - alternate
Notice is hereby given that consulting services will be utilized by the West Virginia Department of Transportation, Division of Highways for Coatings Inspection Services to provide project inspection, quality assurance, documentation services, and related duties as required for the cleaning and painting of the Arch A. Moore, Jr. Bridge on WV 2 in Marshall County.  The anticipated duration of the agreement is approximately 13 months, beginning in September 2011 and ending in October 2012.

Any technical questions concerning the requirements for this project should be directed to Mr. James M. Colby, Contract Administration Division, at (304) 558-9667 or E-mail at .

6/14/2011Closed: Short-Listed

1. A.L.L. Construction/Triton
2. Archer Western
3. Kokosing
4. Corman Construction
5. New Enterprise Stone & Lime 
6. Orders Construction

The West Virginia Department of Transportation, Division of Highways (DOH) seeks to widen I-81 between CR 11/7 and the Marlowe Interchange in Berkeley County using the Design-Build procurement method.  The purpose of this Request for Qualifications (RFQ) is to solicit letters of interest and qualifications from firms interested in providing the services described in this RFQ.  This project is approximately 5.25 miles long and is located in DOH District Five.  It is scheduled for letting on June 14, 2011.  Further project details are located at http://WWW.BIDX.COM.   Any questions concerning this RFQ should be directed to Jim Colby at (304)558-9667 or
4/19/2011Closed: Short-Listed

Technical Proposals deemed Responsive:

1. Beaver Excavating
2. BILCO Construction
3. Kokosing
4. Orders Construction
5. Vecellio & Grogan 
6. Velotta

The West Virginia Department of Transportation, Division of Highways (DOH) seeks to replace the McQuain Brothers  Bridges and approaches carrying I-79 over US 119 in Kanawha County using the Design-Build procurement method.  The purpose of this Request for Proposals (RFP) is to solicit Technical and Cost Proposals from prequalified design-build teams interested in providing the services described in this RFP.  These bridges are approximately 400 feet in length and is located in DOH District One.  It is scheduled for letting on April 19, 2011.  Further project details are located at http://WWW.BIDX.COM.    CADD files can be viewed at ftp site .  Any questions concerning this RFP should be directed to Jim Colby at (304)558-9667 or
12/7/2010Closed: Short-Listed
Technical Proposals deemed Responsive:

1. Beaver Excavating Company
2. Bilco Construction Company
3. Brayman Construction Company
4. JF Allen/Ohio-West Virginia Excavating
5. KoKosing/E.L. Robinson Engineering
6. Orders Construction Company
7. Paul's Concrete/TOH Bridge, Inc.
8. The Velotta Company

The West Virginia Department of Transportation, Division of Highways (DOH) seeks to replace the Annamoriah Bridge and approaches on WV 5 over the Little Kanawha River in Calhoun County using the Design-Build procurement method.  The purpose of this Request for Proposals (RFP) is to solicit Technical and Cost Proposals from prequalified design-build teams interested in providing the services described in this RFP.  This Project is approximately 500 feet in length and is located in DOH District Three.  It is scheduled for letting on December 7, 2010.  Further project details are located at http://WWW.BIDX.COM.    CADD files can be viewed at ftp site (  Any questions concerning this RFP should be directed to Jim Colby at (304)558-9667 or

10/8/2010Closed: Selected
1.  Greenhorne & O'Mara (selected)
2.  AECOM USA, Inc. (selected)
3.  Greenman - Pedersen, Inc. (selected)
4.  KTA - Tator, Inc. (alternate)

Notice is hereby given that consulting services will be utilized by the West Virginia Department of Transportation, Division of Highways, for protective coatings inspection for various projects throughout the state.  The work may include field paint inspections, corrosion surveys, identification of candidate structures for maintenance painting, and related duties as required on multiple construction projects in various counties.  The anticipated duration of the agreement is twelve months coincident with the calendar year 2011 with the potential for a (mutually agreeable) twelve month extension.  It is anticipated that multiple consultants will be selected.  It is anticipated that appropriately accredited and qualified inspectors for the area of assignment will be required.

Any technical questions concerning the requirements for this project should be directed to Mr. James M. Colby, Contract Administration Division, at (304) 558-9667 or E-mail at .

10/8/2010Closed: Selected
1.  Greenhorne & O'Mara (selected)
2.  TRC (selected)
3.  E. L. Robinson (selected)
4.  Fox Engineering (alternate)

Notice is hereby given that consulting services will be utilized by the West Virginia Department of Transportation, Division of Highways, for project management, project inspection, quality assurance, documentation services, and related duties as required on various construction projects throughout the State.  The anticipated duration of the agreement is twelve months coincident with the calendar year 2011 with the potential for a (mutually agreeable) twelve month extension.  Multiple consultants will be selected.  It is anticipated that appropriately accredited and qualified inspectors, Levels I-IV, for the area of assignment will be required.

Any technical questions concerning the requirements for this project should be directed to Mr. James M. Colby, Contract Administration Division, at (304) 558-9667 or E-mail at .


6/18/2010Closed: Selected

Bid Results - Letting of October 26, 2010 

CALL 001


HPP-0035(182)  (U340-35-19.00)

Kokosing Kiewit, LLC Joint Venture

Trumbull Corporation


Archer Western Contractors


Skanska USA Civil Southeast, Inc.


The West Virginia Department of Transportation, Division of Highways (DOH) seeks to construct a four-lane section of US 35 between WV 859 in Putnam County and CR 40 in Mason County  using the Design-Build procurement method.  The purpose of this Request for Qualifications (RFQ) is to solicit letters of interest and qualifications from firms interested in providing the services described in this RFQ.  This Project is approximately 14.6 miles in length and is located in DOH District One.  Further project details are located at ftp site (  Any questions concerning this RFQ should be directed to Jim Colby at (304)558-9667 or .


7/17/2024Closed: Selected
Advanced Asphalt Technologies LLC
Michael Baker International
Specialized Engineering
Notice is hereby given by the West Virginia Department of Transportation, Division of Highways, that consulting services will be utilized for Asphalt Materials Testing Services for calendar year 2025-2026 who have expertise and capability in the following: Provide Highways with Asphalt Materials Testing Services on samples collected from various projects. The required testing laboratories shall be accredited by AASHTO re:source and shall participate in their Accreditation Proficiency Sample Program. Firms interested in being considered must submit the following documents addressed to Mr. Michael Mance, P. E., Interim Director, Materials Control, Soils and Testing Division, 190 Dry Branch Drive, Charleston, West Virginia 25306 prior to 4:00 p.m., July 17, 2024.
7/17/2024Closed: Selected
Greenman-Pedersen, Inc.
Elzly Technology Corporation
Notice is hereby given by the West Virginia Department of Transportation, Division of Highways, that consulting services will be utilized for Cathodic Protection Services for calendar year 2025-2026 who have expertise and capability in the following: Provide Highways with all labor, materials, equipment, permits and professional and sub-professional services necessary for cathodic protection systems monitoring, maintenance and repair on structures, at locations to be designated by Highways. Firms interested in being considered must submit the following documents addressed to Mr. Michael Mance, P. E., Interim Director, Materials Control, Soils and Testing Division, 190 Dry Branch Drive, Charleston, West Virginia 25306 prior to 4:00 p.m., July 17, 2024.
7/17/2024Closed: Selected
Ascent Consulting & Engineering
E.L. Robinson Engineering
Greenman-Pedersen, Inc.
Infrasense, Inc.
Potesta & Associates, Inc.
Resource International, Inc.
Terracon Consultants, Inc.
Terradon Corporation, Inc.
NOTICE FOR CONSULTING SERVICES Notice is hereby given by the West Virginia Department of Transportation, Division of Highways, that consulting services will be utilized for Engineering Services Related to MCS&T Division for calendar year 2025-2026 who have expertise and capability in the following: Provide Highways with engineering services for testing for the Materials Control, Soils and Testing Division. Primary services include, but not limited to, bridge deck surveys, smoothness evaluations, seismic testing, ground penetrating radar, etc., at locations to be designated by the Division of Highways. Firms interested in being considered must submit the following documents addressed to Mr. Michael Mance, P. E., Interim Director, Materials Control, Soils and Testing Division, 190 Dry Branch Drive, Charleston, West Virginia 25306 prior to 4:00 p.m., July 17, 2024.
7/17/2024Closed: Selected
EnviroProbe Integrated Solutions, Inc.
Greenbrier Environmental Group, Inc.
Kemron Environmental Services
Potesta & Associates, Inc.
Triad Engineering, Inc.
NOTICE FOR CONSULTING SERVICES Notice is hereby given by the West Virginia Department of Transportation, Division of Highways, that consulting services will be utilized for Environmental Assessment and Remediation Services for calendar year 2025-2026 who have expertise and capability in the following: Provide Highways with evaluation of suspected contaminated environmental areas to determine limits of contamination, recommend remediation action, and provide remediation services at locations to be designated by the Division of Highways. This evaluation may be accomplished by drilling, sampling, testing, and other approved methods. Firms interested in being considered must submit the following documents addressed to Mr. Michael Mance, P. E., Interim Director, Materials Control, Soils and Testing Division, 190 Dry Branch Drive, Charleston, West Virginia 25306 prior to 4:00 p.m., July 17, 2024.
7/17/2024Closed: Selected
Pace Analytical Services, LLC
NOTICE FOR CONSULTING SERVICES Notice is hereby given by the West Virginia Department of Transportation, Division of Highways, that consulting services will be utilized for Environmental Laboratory Testing Services for calendar year 2025-2026 who have expertise and capability in the following: Provide Highways with testing services from a WVDEP certified environmental laboratory on samples submitted to or collected by laboratory using environmental testing industry accepted protocols, practices, and standards. Firms interested in being considered must submit the following documents addressed to Mr. Michael Mance, P. E., Interim Director, Materials Control, Soils and Testing Division, 190 Dry Branch Drive, Charleston, West Virginia 25306 prior to 4:00 p.m., July 17, 2024.
7/17/2024Closed: Selected
ARA Applied Research Associates
Michael Baker International
QES Engineering and Inspection
Resource International, Inc.
Terradon Corporation, Inc.
NOTICE FOR CONSULTING SERVICES Notice is hereby given by the West Virginia Department of Transportation, Division of Highways, that consulting services will be utilized for Pavement Testing Services for calendar year 2025-2026 who have expertise and capability in the following: Provide Highways with Pavement Testing Services such as Friction Testing, High Speed Inertial Profiler (HSIP), Ground Penetrating Radar (GPR), Falling Weight Deflectometer (FWD) and Lightweight Deflectometer (LWD) as per AASHTO specifications, at locations to be designated by the Division of Highways. Firms interested in being considered must submit the following documents addressed to Mr. Michael Mance, P. E., Interim Director, Materials Control, Soils and Testing Division, 190 Dry Branch Drive, Charleston, West Virginia 25306 prior to 4:00 p.m., July 17, 2024.
7/17/2024Closed: Selected
Bureau Veritas North America, Inc.
HRV Conformance Verification Associates, Inc.
Pennoni Associates Inc.
TRC Engineers, Inc.
NOTICE FOR CONSULTING SERVICES Notice is hereby given by the West Virginia Department of Transportation, Division of Highways, that consulting services will be utilized for Sampling and Inspection Services for calendar year 2025-2026 who have expertise and capability in the following: Provide Highways with sampling and inspecting materials for highway and bridge construction; inspecting fabricated products; inspecting timber & lumber: and performing or witnessing non destructive testing of weldments at structural steel fabrication shops, at locations to be designated by the Division of Highways. Firms interested in being considered must submit the following documents addressed to Mr. Michael Mance, P. E., Interim Director, Materials Control, Soils and Testing Division, 190 Dry Branch Drive, Charleston, West Virginia 25306 prior to 4:00 p.m., July 17, 2024.
7/17/2024Closed: Selected
Ascent Consulting & Engineering
EnviroProbe Integrated Solutions, Inc.
Greenbrier Environmental Group, Inc.
Kemron Environmental Services
Superior Testing Services, Inc.
NOTICE FOR CONSULTING SERVICES Notice is hereby given by the West Virginia Department of Transportation, Division of Highways, that consulting services will be utilized for Underground and Aboveground Storage Tank Testing Services for calendar year 2025-2026 who have expertise and capability in the following: Provide Highways with testing services and materials necessary to perform testing on underground and above ground storage tanks in accordance with Environmental Protection Procedures 40 CFR, Parts 280, 282.50-282.105 and 302.4 at locations to be designated by the Division of Highways. Additionally testers are to be certified by the Department of Environmental Protection (33 CSR 30), STI SP001 and or API 653. Firms interested in being considered must submit the following documents addressed to Mr. Michael Mance, P. E., Interim Director, Materials Control, Soils and Testing Division, 190 Dry Branch Drive, Charleston, West Virginia 25306 prior to 4:00 p.m., July 17, 2024.
7/17/2024Closed: Selected
Ascent Consulting & Engineering
E.L. Robinson Engineering
Greenman-Pedersen, Inc.
Mead & Hunt
Michael Baker International
Specialized Engineering
Terradon Corporation, Inc.
Whitman, Requardt & Associates, LLP
NOTICE FOR CONSULTING SERVICES Notice is hereby given by the West Virginia Department of Transportation, Division of Highways, that consulting services will be utilized for CEI WVDOH Materials Facility Testing and Sampling Services for calendar year 2025-2026 who have expertise and capability in the following: Provide Materials Laboratory Testing and Sampling Services at MCS&T and District Labs for: Concrete Testing Lab: PCC Inspector Certification or ACI Field testing Technician Grade 1 with the WV PCC Inspector Supplemental Exam, ACI Concrete Strength Testing Technician, ACI Cement Physical Tester. MCS&T Asphalt Binders Lab - Proficiency in testing asphalt binders using the Dynamic Shear Rheometer (including Multiple Stress Creep Recovery), Bending Beam Rheometer, Rolling Thin Film Oven, Pressure Aging Vessel, and Spindle Viscometer. MCS&T Asphalt Emulsions Lab - Proficiency in testing asphalt emulsions including tests for residue by distillation, residue by evaporation, storage stability, solubility, particle charge, viscosity, penetration, sieve test, ductility, and elastic recovery. MCS&T Asphalt Mixtures Lab - Proficiency in performing design and QC testing according to West Virginia Division of Highways Standard Specifications and Materials Procedures using the Marshall Mix Design method, Superpave Mix Design method, and Balanced Mix Design. In addition, experience conducting tests required by Section 410 of the Standard Specifications and Materials Procedures including sampling compacted specimens from the roadway, sampling loose mixtures from the roadway, cutting roadway cores to test size, measuring roadway cores, determining Bulk Specific Gravity by the Vacuum Method, and use of the interface bond shear device for bond strength testing. Certification as a WVDOH Asphalt Plant Technician. District Asphalt Mixtures Lab - Proficiency in performing design and QC testing according to West Virginia Division of Highways Standard Specifications and Materials Procedures using the Marshall Mix Design method, Superpave Mix Design method, and Balanced Mix Design. In addition, experience conducting tests required by Section 410 of the Standard Specifications and Materials Procedures including sampling compacted specimens from the roadway, sampling loose mixtures from the roadway, cutting roadway cores to test size, measuring roadway cores, determining Bulk Specific Gravity by the Vacuum Method, and use of the interface bond shear device for bond strength testing. Certification as a WVDOH Asphalt Plant Technician. MCS&T Aggregate Lab - Aggregate Technician certified from WV DOH or ACI Aggregate Testing Technician Level 2 Certification. Therefore, it is necessary that the technician must be proficient at performing the following testing. AASHTO T 76, AASHTO R58, AASHTO T11, AASHTO T19, AASHTO T21, AASHTO T27, AASHTO T84, AASHTO T85, AASHTO T 88, AASHTO T 89, AASHTO T 90, AASHTO T96, AASHTO T 99, AASHTO T100, AASHTO T104, AASHTO T112, AASHTO T113, AASHTO T133, AASHTO T176, AASHTO T255, AASHTO T304, AASHTO D4791. The technician must be proficient at performing the following Material Procedures. MP 402.02.20, MP 700.00.06, MP 702.01.20, MP 703.00.21, MP 703.00.29, MP 703.00.22, MP 703.00.25, MP 703.00.27, MP 703.00.29, and MP 703.01.20. District Materials Labs - Aggregate Technician certified from WV DOH or ACI Aggregate Testing Technician Level 1 Certification. It is necessary that the technician must be proficient at performing the following testing. AASHTO T76, AASHTO R58, AASHTO T19, AASHTO T27, AASHTO T84, AASHTO T85, AASHTO T89, AASHTO T90. The technician must be proficient at performing the following Material Procedures. MP 300.00.51, MP 700.00.06, and MP 703.00.21. Metals Testing Lab - Proficiency in preparing and testing metallic products used in highway construction per the following test methods: ASTM F3125-F606, ASTM A370, ASTM E290, ASTM F436-E18, ASTM F3125-E18, AASHTO M336. Machines used to machine and test specimens includes: Universal testing machine, end mill, band saw, metal lathe, hardness machine. Welding Lab: - Proficiency in testing welders per American Welding Society’s Bridge Welding Code (AWS D1.5). Processes include SMAW (stick) and GMAW (mig) welding. Special Testing Lab - Proficiency in testing various elastomeric products used in highway construction per the following test methods: ASTM D412, ASTM D395-B, ASTM D2240, ASTM D573, ASTM D1149. Chemical Lab - Proficiency in performing chemical analysis on a variety of materials used in highway construction per AASHTO M307, ASTM A775, ASTM C114, ASTM C150, ASTM C311, ASTM C595, ASTM C618, ASTM C989, ASTM C1240, ASTM C1271, ASTM E415, ASTM G62, and MP 611.00.00. The Samples range from cements, pozzolanic additives (fly ash, slag cement, silica fume, natural pozzolans, etc.), chloride cores, and metals (bolts, nuts, washers, etc.). Scientific Equipment used to test specimens includes: X-Ray Fluorescence Spectrometer, Fusion/Fluxer Machine, Thermogravimetric Analyzer, Oven, Hot Plate, Furnace, Scale (0.0001g accuracy), Atomic Absorption Spectrometer, and standard chemical laboratory equipment for performing both dry and wet chemistry. Paint Lab - Proficiency in testing a variety of coating products used in highway construction per MP 711.00.20. The coating samples range from zinc inorganic and organic primers, a variety of intermediate coats, a variety of topcoats, concrete coatings, etc. The equipment used to test coating samples includes Salt Fog Machine, Drying Oven, Abrasive Blast Cabinet, Paint Spray Booth, Scale, Viscometer, Accelerated Weathering Tester, Spectro-Guide Spectrophotometer (Color & Gloss) and standard paint laboratory equipment. Firms interested in being considered must submit the following documents addressed to Mr. Michael Mance, P. E., Interim Director, Materials Control, Soils and Testing Division, 190 Dry Branch Drive, Charleston, West Virginia 25306 prior to 4:00 p.m., July 17, 2024.
11/12/2021Closed: Selected
Ascent Consulting & Engineering LLC, Specialized Engineering, Resource International Inc., S&ME Inc., TERRADON Corporation Inc., The Thrasher Group, Bluegrass Testing, Triad Engineering
Asphalt Materials Testing Services. Provide Highways with Asphalt Materials Testing Services on samples collected from various projects. The required testing laboratories shall be accredited by a FHWA body namely AASHTO re:source and Participation in the Accrediting Proficiency Sample Program.​​
11/12/2021Closed: Selected
Elzly Technology Coporation, GPI
Cathodic Protection Services. Provide Highways with all labor, materials, equipment, permits and professional and sub-professional services necessary for cathodic protection systems monitoring, maintenance and repair on structures, at locations to be designated by Highways​​
11/12/2021Closed: Selected
Greenbrier Environmental Group Inc., Triad Engineering Inc., Potesta & Associates Inc., The Thrasher Group, Kemron Environmental Services
Environmental Assessment and Remediation ​​​​​​Services. Provide Highways with evaluation of suspected contaminated environmental areas to determine limits of contamination, recommend remediation action and provide remediation services at locations to be designated by Highways.
11/12/2021Closed: Selected
ALS Group USA, Pace Analytical
Environmental Laboratory Testing Services. Provide Highways with testing services from a WVDEP certified environmental laboratory testing on samples submitted to or collected by laboratory using environmental testing industry accepted protocols, practices and standards.​​
11/12/2021Closed: Selected
Ascent Consulting & Engineering LLC, Specialized Engineering, Potesta & Associates Inc., Quality Engineering Solutions Inc., Resource International Inc., S&ME Inc., Terracon Consultants Inc., TERRADON Corporation Inc., The Thrasher Group, S&S Engineers, GPI, Infrasence Inc.
Engineering Services. ​​​​​Provide Highways with engineering services for testing for the Materials Control, Soils and Testing Division. Primary services to include, but not limited to, bridge deck surveys, smoothness evaluations, seismic testing, ground penetrating radar, etc., at locations to be designated by Highways.​​
11/12/2021Closed: Withdrawn
Geotechnical Drilling Services.
11/12/2021Closed: Selected
Ascent Consulting & Engineering LLC, Resource International Inc., Quality Engineering Solutions, Inc., S&ME Inc., TERRADON Corporation Inc., The Thrasher Group, Wood Environmental & Infrastructure Solutions Inc.
Pavement Testing Services. ​​​​​Provide Highways with Pavement Testing Services such as Friction Testing, High Speed Inertial Profiler (HSIP), Ground Penetrating Radar (GPR), Falling Weight Deflectometer (FWD) and Lightweight Deflectometer (LWD) as per AASHTO specifications, at locations to be designated by Highways.​​
11/12/2021Closed: Selected
Bureau Veritas North America Inc., HRV Conformance Vertification Associates Inc., KTA-Tator Inc., Pennoni Associates Inc., TRC Engineers Inc.
Sampling and Inspection Services. ​​​​​Provide Highways with sampling and inspecting materials for highway and bridge construction; inspecting fabricated projects; inspecting timber & lumber: and performing or witnessing non-destructive testing of weldments at structural steel fabrication shops, at locations to be designated by Highways. ​​
11/12/2021Closed: Selected
Ascent Consulting & Engineering LLC, S&ME Inc., Superior Testing Services Inc.
Underground and Aboveground Storage Tank Testing Services. Provide Highways with testing services and materials necessary to perform testing on underground and aboveground storage tanks in accordance with Environmental Protection Procedures 40 CFR, Parts 280, 282.50-282.105 and 302.4 at locations to be designated by Highways. Additionally testers are to be certified by the Department of Environmental Protection (33 CSR 30), STI SP001 and or API 653.​​
7/8/2011Closed: To Be Rebid
Provide Highways with engineering services for testing for the Materials Control, Soils and Testing Division.  Primary services to include, but not limited to, bridge deck surveys, smoothness evaluations, seismic testing, ground penetrating radar, etc., at locations to be designated by Highways.
7/8/2011Closed: To Be Rebid

Provide Highways with evaluation of suspect contaminated environmental areas to determine limits of contamination, recommend remediation action and in some instances provide remediation services at locations to be designated by Highways.  This evaluation may be accomplished by drilling, sampling, testing and other approved methods.

7/8/2011Closed: To Be Rebid
Provide Highways with testing services from a WVDEP certified environmental testing laboratory on samples submitted to or collected by laboratory using environmental testing industry accepted protocols, practices and standards.
7/8/2011Closed: To Be Rebid
Provide Highways with sampling and inspecting materials for highway and bridge construction; inspecting fabricated projects; and performing or witnessing non destructive testing of weldments at structural steel fabrication shops, at locations to be designated by Highways.
7/8/2011Closed: To Be Rebid
Provide Highways with inspection services and equipment necessary to complete underwater inspections, in accordance with the Occupational Safety and Health Administration Diving Standards, on steel, concrete and timber abutments, piers and piling of bridges at locations to be designated by Highways.
7/8/2011Closed: To Be Rebid
Provide Highways with testing services and materials necessary to perform tank tightness testing on underground storage tanks in accordance with Environmental Protection Procedures 40 CFR, Parts 280, 282.50-282.105 and 302.4 at locations to be designated by Highways. Additionally testers are to be certified by the Department of Environmental Protection (33 CSR 30).
7/8/2011Closed: To Be Rebid
Provide Highways with grading and testing services necessary for the inspection of lumber and timber at locations to be designated by Highways.  The inspection is to be performed to insure specification compliance with treating requirements of American Wood Preservers Association Book of Standards and other appropriate lumber and timber requirements.
6/26/2009Closed: Short-Listed
(1) Corrpro Companies, Incorporated
(2) Wiss, Janney, Elstner Associates, Incorporated
Notice is hereby given by the West Virginia Department of Transportation, Division of Highways, that consulting services will be utilized for calendar year 2010 who have expertise and capability in the following:
Provide Highways with all labor, materials, equipment, permits and professional and subprofessional services necessary for cathodic protection systems monitoring, maintenance and repair on structures, at locations to be designated by Highways.
6/26/2009Closed: Short-Listed
(1) David Brotheron
Notice is hereby given by the West Virginia Department of Transportation, Division of Highways, that consulting services will be utilized for calendar year 2010 who have expertise and capability in the following:
Provide Highways with grading and testing services necessary for the inspection of lumber and timber at locations to be designated by Highways. The inspection is to be performed to insure specification compliance with treating requirements of American Wood Preservers Association Book of Standards and other appropriate lumber and timber requirements.
6/26/2009Closed: Selected
(1) REI Consultants, Incorporated  
(2) Reliance Laboratories, Incorporated 
(3) Bio-Chem Testing, Incorporated
(4) Greenscape Analytical Laboratories, Incorporated 
Notice is hereby given by the West Virginia Department of Transportation, Division of Highways, that consulting services will be utilized for calendar year 2010 who have expertise and capability in the following:
Provide Highways with testing services from a WVDEP certified environmental testing laboratory on samples submitted to or collected by laboratory using environmental testing industry accepted protocols, practices and standards.
6/26/2009Closed: Short-Listed
(1) H.C. Nutting A Terracon Company
(2) Pennoni Associates, Incorporated
(3) TRC Engineers, Incorporated
(4) Stantec Consulting Services, Incorporated
(5) KTA-Tator, Incorporated
(6) Non-Destuctive Testing Services, Incorporated
(7) Bureau Veritas North America, Incorporated
Notice is hereby given by the West Virginia Department of Transportation, Division of Highways, that consulting services will be utilized for calendar year 2010 who have expertise and capability in the following:

Provide Highways with sampling and inspecting materials for highway and bridge construction; inspecting fabricated projects; and performing or witnessing non-destructive testing of weldments at structural steel fabrication shops, at locations to be designated by Highways.
6/26/2009Closed: Selected
(1)    H.C. Nutting A Terracon Company
(2)    Triad Engineering, Incorporated
(3)    CTL Engineering of West Virginia, Incorporated
(4)    Novel Geo-Environmental, PLLC
(5) Terradon Corporation
Notice is hereby given by the West Virginia Department of Transportation, Division of Highways, that consulting services will be utilized for calendar year 2010 who have expertise and capability in the following:
Provide Highways with core boring and auger boring drilling services of areas designated by the West Virginia Division of Highways, Materials Control, Soil and Testing Division. In addition to this primary capability, the firms may be required to stake boring locations, map landslides, test soil samples and perform related analysis in order to prepare geotechnical reports when required.
6/26/2009Closed: Selected
(1) Stantec Consulting Services, Incorporated   
(2) CTL Group  
(3) CTL Engineering of West Virginia, Incorporated 
(4) H.C. Nutting A Terracon Company
(5) Terradon Corporation
(6) Resource International, Incorporated
(7) QORE, Incorporated
Notice is hereby given by the West Virginia Department of Transportation, Division of Highways, that consulting services will be utilized for calendar year 2010 who have expertise and capability in the following:

Provide Highways with engineering services for testing for the Materials Control, Soils and Testing Division. Primary services to include, but not limited to, bridge deck surveys, smoothness evaluations, seismic testing, ground penetrating radar, materials laboratory testing and field testing, etc., at locations to be designated by Highways.
6/26/2009Closed: Short-Listed
(1) Superior Testing Services, Incorporated
(2) Environmental Resources Management, Incorporated
Notice is hereby given by the West Virginia Department of Transportation, Division of Highways, that consulting services will be utilized for calendar year 2010 who have expertise and capability in the following:
Provide Highways with testing services and materials necessary to perform tank tightness testing on Underground Storage Tanks (UST) in accordance with Federal Register September 23, 1998, 40 CFR, Parts 280 and 281, Environmental Protection Procedures and provide cathodic protection evaluation of the UST and piping systems, at locations to be designated by Highways.
6/26/2009Closed: Short-Listed
(1) Environmental Resources Management, Incorporated
(2) Triad Engineering, Incorporated
(3) Enviroprobe Integrated Solutions, incorporated
(4) Potesta & Associates, Incorporated
(5) Thrasher Environmental, Incorporated
(6) RPM Engineers, Incorporated
(7) Acacia Environmental Group, LLC
Notice is hereby given by the West Virginia Department of Transportation, Division of Highways, that consulting services will be utilized for calendar year 2010 who have expertise and capability in the following:

Provide Highways with evaluation of suspect contaminated environmental areas to determine limits of contamination, recommend remediation action and in some instances provide remediation services at locations to be designated by Highways. This evaluation may be accomplished by drilling, sampling, testing and other approved methods.
6/26/2009Closed: Selected
(1) Collins Engineers, Incorporated 
(2) H.C. Nutting A Terracon Company 
(3) Stantec Consulting Services, Incorporated 
Notice is hereby given by the West Virginia Department of Transportation, Division of Highways, that consulting services will be utilized for calendar year 2010 who have expertise and capability in the following:
Provide Highways with inspection services and equipment necessary to complete underwater inspections, in accordance with the Occupational Safety and Health Administration Diving Standards, on steel, concrete and timber abutments, piers and piling of bridges at locations to be designated by Highways.

Performance Management


Notice is hereby given that the West Virginia Department of Transportation, Division of Highways (DOH) is soliciting qualifications for the purpose of making available a list of pre-qualified Consultants to be utilized to provide traffic counts services for the entire state.  The work generally consists of collecting volume, classification, weight, and speed data.  Successful Consultants must be capable of performing 51% of the work as the prime Consultant.  This list of prequalified Consultants will be made available on the WVDOH website and will be open for submission of qualifications through November 30, 2021.


Michael Baker International,
Burgess and Niple Inc.,
Carpenter Marty Transportation,
Mannik Smith Group,
Neff, Longest and Beam,
The Markosky Engineering Group Inc.,
Mott MacDonald,
E.L. Robinson Engineering
Cambridge Systematics
ICF Incorporated, LLC
Terradon Corporation
A. Morton Thomas and Associates, Inc.
CDM Smith, Inc.
HDR Engineering Inc
HNTB Corporation
Notice is hereby given that the West Virginia Department of Transportation, Division of Highways (DOH) is soliciting qualifications for the purpose of making available a list of pre-qualified Consultants to be utilized to provide Planning services for various programs and miscellaneous projects. The work generally consists of preparation of planning and financial studies, analyses, and reports; Planning Environmental Linkage (PEL) studies; environmental services; traffic modeling services; development of planning procedures, policies, and manuals; and program management. This list of prequalified Consultants will be made available on the WVDOH website.
5/31/2024Closed: Selected
Markosky Engineering Group
Michael Baker
Mott MacDonald
Notice is hereby given by the West Virginia Department of Transportation (WVDOT), Division of Highways (DOH), that planning consulting services will be utilized for the following project: Federal Grant Opportunities, West Virginia. This work shall consist of supporting State Agencies expressing interest in federal grant opportunities, on an as-needed (on-call) basis related to the Infrastructure Investment and Job Acts (IIJA). Method of payment will be lump sum per assignment or cost-plus fixed fee. Multiple firms will be selected for this work.
3/1/2024Closed: Selected
Burgess & Niple
E.L. Robinson
J.B. Turman
Mead & Hunt
Michael Baker
Potesta & Associates
Randolph Engineering
Notice is hereby given by the West Virginia Division of Highways (WVDOH), Planning Division, that the consulting services will be utilized for non-traditional transportation projects including federal aid funded projects for the Transportation Alternatives and Recreational Trails programs as well as similarly state funded projects. These services may include surveying, preliminary engineering, relevant environmental documents and analyses, final design, construction engineering/management, and/or inspection services. The project types may include on- and off-road pedestrian and bicycle facilities, infrastructure projects for improving non-driver access to public transportation and enhanced mobility, community improvement activities, and environmental mitigation as well as motorized and non-motorized recreational trails projects. Projects will be located throughout the State. This work shall be performed under a Statewide (On-Call) Agreement.
5/19/2023Closed: Selected
Notice is hereby given by the West Virginia Department of Transportation, Planning Division, that consulting services will be utilized for Management of Federal Grant Opportunities for multiple State Agencies. The assignment will include the development and implementation of a multi-year strategy to pursue competitive federal grants available under the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act (IIJA) and the Inflation Reduction Act (IRA). Tasks will include the identification of a list of grant-qualified projects from various State of West Virginia agencies; the development of a communication and education plan for state agencies and local agencies who are potential grant applicants; the development of internal and external facing dashboards and websites.
4/28/2023Closed: Selected
Matt McDonald
Notice is hereby given by the West Virginia Department of Transportation, Planning Division, that consulting services will be utilized for Program Management of the Department’s Research Program. The assignment will include the annual solicitation of research needs from WVDOT personnel, management of the research project selection process, management of existing and new research projects, tracking of pooled fund research projects, development of a Research Program Manual, presentations at internal and external conferences, and other miscellaneous services for the research program.
2/19/2021Closed: Selected
Notice is hereby given by the West Virginia Division of Highways (WVDOH), Planning Division, that consulting services will be utilized to provide planning services for various programs and miscellaneous projects.  The work will generally consist of preparation of planning and financial studies, analyses, and reports; Planning Environmental Linkage (PEL) studies; environmental services; development of planning procedures, policies, and manuals; and program management.    Projects will be located throughout the State.  This work shall be performed under a Statewide (On-Call) Agreement.

Method of payment will be lump sum per assignment or specific rate of pay.

Multiple firms may be selected for this work
8/12/2019Closed: Selected
Alpha Associates
Burgess & Niple, Inc
Chapman Technical Group
HDR Engineering, Inc.
Martin Engineering
Mead and Hunt
Michael Baker International
Potesta & Associates
E. L. Robinson Engineering
Terradon Corporation
Thompson and Litton
The Thrasher Group
J. B. Turman Engineering, PLLC
Notice is hereby given by the West Virginia Division of Highways, Planning Division, that consulting services will be utilized for non-traditional transportation projects including federal aid funded projects for the Transportation Alternatives and Recreational Trails programs as well as similarly state funded projects.  These services may include surveying, preliminary engineering, relevant environmental documents and analyses, final design, construction engineering/management, and/or inspection services.  The project types may include on- and off-road pedestrian and bicycle facilities, infrastructure projects for improving non-driver access to public transportation and enhanced mobility, community improvement activities, and environmental mitigation as well as motorized and nonmotorized recreational trails projects.  Projects will be located throughout the State.  This work shall be performed under a Statewide (On-Call) Agreement.
7/8/2019Closed: Selected
Cambridge Systematics
Notice is hereby given by the West Virginia Division of Highways (WVDOH), Planning Division, that consulting services will be utilized to provide services for the preparation of the West Virginia Department of Transportation (WVDOT) Multi-modal Statewide Transportation Plan (Plan).  The Plan will be developed in accordance with the Fixing America’s Surface Transportation (FAST) Act and meets the requirements outlined in 23 U.S. Code § 135 - Statewide transportation planning and 23 CFR 450.214 - Statewide transportation plan.
4/2/2019Closed: Selected
1. Michael Baker
    The Traffic Group

2. A. Morton Thomas

3. Burgess & Niple
    Michael Baker
    The Traffic Group

Notice is hereby given by the West Virginia Department of Transportation, Planning Division, that consulting services will be utilized for the Statewide Traffic Counting Program.  These services include Statewide traffic data collection for:

  1. Coverage counts program where the traffic data will be collected for 1/3 of the state each year for three consecutive years. The traffic data include volume and classification counts.
  2. Statewide interstate and ramps which include volume and classification counts. The interstate counts will be collected twice every year, in Spring and in Fall while the ramps counts will be collected once every year.
  3. Special counts which include turning movement counts, volume and classification counts. The special counts are to be collected year around as requested.
10/19/2018Closed: Selected
Moffatt and Nichol
Cambridge Systematics
Notice is hereby given by the West Virginia Division of Highways (WVDOH), Planning Division, that consulting services will be utilized to provide Geographic Information Services (GIS) for various programs and miscellaneous projects.  The work will generally consist of strategic planning, enterprise implementation, data management including creation, collection,  conversion, and reporting, and training.  This work shall be performed under a Statewide (On-Call) Agreement.
10/19/2018Closed: Selected
Michael Baker
Burgess & Niple
Cambridge Systematics
Carpenter Marty
GAI Consultants
Moffat & Nichol
Potesta & Associates
Notice is hereby given by the West Virginia Division of Highways (WVDOH), Planning Division, that consulting services will be utilized to provide planning services for various programs and miscellaneous projects.  The work will generally consist of: preparation of planning and financial studies, analyses, and reports; Planning Environmental Linkage (PEL) studies, environmental services including air quality modeling; development of planning procedures, policies and manuals; and program management.    Projects will be located throughout the State.  This work shall be performed under a Statewide (On-Call) Agreement.
10/2/2017Closed: Selected
Notice is hereby given by the West Virginia Department of Transportation, Division of Highways, Planning Division, that consulting services will be utilized to re-platform, enhance and expand our existing web-based computer application for Local Public Agency programs.  These programs include Congestion Mitigation and Air Quality, Off-system Bridge Program, Transportation Alternatives and the Recreational Trails Program. 
9/11/2017Closed: Selected
Burgess & Niple, Inc
Chapman Technical Group
HDR Engineering, Inc
Martin Engineering
Mead and Hunt
Michael Baker International
Potesta & Associates
Randolph Engineering
E.L. Robinson Engineering
Terradon Corporation
The Thrasher Group
J.B. Turman Engineering, PLLC
Stafford Consultants
Notice is hereby given by the West Virginia Division of Highways, Planning Division, that consulting services will be utilized for non-traditional transportation projects including federal aid funded projects for the Transportation Alternatives and Recreational Trails programs as well as similarly state funded projects.  These services may include preliminary engineering design, relevant environmental documents and analyses, final design engineering, construction engineering/management, and/or inspection services.  The project types may include on- and off-road pedestrian and bicycle facilities, infrastructure projects for improving non-driver access to public transportation and enhanced mobility, community improvement activities, and environmental mitigation as well as motorized and nonmotorized recreational trails projects.  Projects will be located throughout the State.  This work shall be performed under a Statewide (On-Call) Agreement.

Prequalification Categories

Notice is hereby given that the West Virginia Department of Transportation, Division of Highways (DOH) is soliciting qualifications for the purpose of making available a list of pre-qualified Consultants to be utilized to provide geotechnical engineering support and subsurface exploration services to support engineering projects and plan development. The work shall generally consist of geotechnical reports, foundation and retaining wall design, quality assurance and quality control review of Consultant submittals, core borings, core boring log review and interpretation, subsurface investigation, preparation of training materials, development of research documents to support WVDOH policy creation and other geotechnical and foundation subject matter expertise. This list of prequalified Consultants will be made available on the WVDOH website. PLEASE BE ADVISED THAT THIS IS FOR GEOTECHNICAL AND SUBSURFACE INVESTIGATION SERVICES ONLY
Approved Consultants

Chapman Technical Services.
Notice for Architectural and Engineering Consultant Services (Request for Qualifications) ***** THIS IS A REVISED NOTICE TO CHANGE TO AN OPEN 5 YEAR CONTRACT. IF YOU PREVIOUSLY APPLIED AND WERE APPROVED THERE IS NO NEED TO RESUBMIT ***** Notice is hereby given that the West Virginia Department of Transportation, Division of Highways (DOH), Building and Grounds Section is soliciting qualifications for the purpose of making available a list of pre-qualified Consultants to be utilized to provide architectural and engineering services for vertical construction projects (primarily buildings). The work generally consists of building structural, envelope, or system inspections; building renovation; new building design; including preparation of contract plans and related documents. Successful Consultants must be capable of performing 51% of the work as the prime Consultant. This list of prequalified Consultants will be made available on the WVDOH website.
Approved Consultants

Michael Baker International, Inc.
Quinn Consulting
Randolph Engineering
Notice of Bridge Repair Design and/or Bridge/Tunnel Inspection Services Notice is hereby given by the West Virginia Department of Transportation, Division of Highways, that the Operations Division is soliciting qualifications for the purpose of making available a list of pre-qualified Consultants to be utilized for design of bridge repair contract plans and/or inspection services of various in-service bridges. Consultants interested in being considered for the repair plans shall have the expertise and the capability to provide bridge repair design plans for all types of structures. The work will generally consist of the preparation of contract plans that could include (but not limited to) various types of repairs such as clean & paint, deck overlays, expansion joint replacement and repair, concrete repairs, steel repairs, MOT plans, estimate of quantities, etc., Consultants interested in being considered for Bridge/Tunnel Inspection shall have the expertise and the capability to provide bridge and/or tunnel inspections. This work could also include load rating analysis of structures. Load Ratings could be a stand-alone agreement or part of the inspection. Firms should indicate whether or not they are interested in Repair Design, Inspections or both. The structures to be repaired are located throughout the state, over a variety of water conditions, roadways, railroads, etc., and will be designated by the Operations Division. Repair projects will require a quick turn-around time with expected delivery within 3 months of Notice to Proceed. Bridge Repair Design services shall be provided in accordance with any applicable West Virginia Department of Transportation, Division of Highways; Specifications, Manuals, Design and Structure directives. All publications and specifications referenced shall be current edition. In-Service Bridge and/or Tunnel Inspection services provided shall be in accordance with the Federal Highway Administration Bridge Inspection Manual (BIRM), AASHTO Manual for Bridge Evaluation, West Virginia Department of Transportation Bridge Inspector’s Reference Manual (WVBIRM) and the National Bridge Inspection Standards (NBIS). All publications and specifications referenced shall be current edition. Project Assignments are currently scheduled for work to begin in 2025. Single or multiple assignments may be made for this work. Multiple consultants may be selected for this work. Consultants interested in being considered for these projects must submit a hard copy “Letter of Qualification” and one unpriced prospectus to by mail to Mr. William R. Murray, P. E., Assistant Director, Operations Division, West Virginia Division of Highways, to Building Five, Room A 350, 1900 Kanawha Boulevard, East, Charleston, West Virginia 25305-0430, AND by email to beginning October 1st, 2024 through September 30th, 2028. As a minimum, the prospectus shall include the following evaluation information factors: 1. Professional qualifications necessary for consideration and satisfactory performance of the required work and as a minimum shall have a professional engineer licensed by the State of West Virginia. That person shall be located within the office where the work is to be performed and shall demonstrate sufficient experience performed for the State of West Virginia, Department of Highways related to bridge design and repair to be provided. This individual shall be the person-in-charge overseeing the work and must be readily accessible to the Department, preferably located in-state. 2. Consideration shall be given to specialized experience and technical competence. Specialized experience shall focus on the qualifications of the staff working on the project with emphasis placed on individual specialized expertise required for the project. As a minimum, the firm shall provide a Résumé of those individuals who will be committed to the needs of the project. Strong considerations will be based on the professional and non-professional staff specialized experience and technical competence stationed within the office where the work is to be performed. 3. Capacity consideration shall be made on the firm’s ability to accomplish the work within the Department’s required schedule time frame; personnel dedicated to performing such work. Overall capabilities to perform the work, including available workforce to assign to the project, workforce personnel qualifications, and present workload. 4. The firm’s Project Manager shall be located within the office where the work is to be performed and shall demonstrate sufficient experience performed for the State of West Virginia, Department of Highways This individual shall be the person-in-charge overseeing the work and must be readily accessible to the Department, preferably located in-state. 5. Past performance on contracts with Government agencies and private industry in terms of cost control, quality of work, and compliance with performance schedules. 6. Location shall be based on the geographic location of the Firm’s office relative to the project site along with experience and knowledge of the area where the project site is located with the significant importance being given to accessibility of the office location relative to the Department. In addition to the above evaluation factors, the prospectus shall include, as a minimum, the following items: 1. A completed copy of the Division’s Consultant Confidential Qualification Questionnaire (CCQQ) dated January 1, 2024, or later. 2. It must specifically indicate the staff levels by classification located in-state vs. out-of state. It must also identify the person in-charge overseeing the work that holds a valid professional license issued by the West Virginia Board of Professional Engineers. 3. Location of office or office(s) in which the work, or part of the work, will be performed. 4. Identification of subconsultants by name as to the type of work anticipated to be subcontracted or performed, if proposed as part of the design team. Addition or deletion of a subconsultant must have written approval from the Division. 5. Indication of whether a cost accounting system has been maintained and is in effect such that it is capable of segregating and identifying accumulating costs for each job that is performed under cost type projects. 6. Completed copies of the Division’s “Consultant Short List Selection Criteria Technical Evaluation” form limited to a single page of data. One loose leaf copy of form is to accompany the bound unpriced prospectus. Cross referencing on this form to other parts of the prospectus is not acceptable. 7. A copy of a valid “Certificate of Authorization” to offer Engineering, Surveying, or other related services within the state, issued by the appropriate West Virginia Board. A single “Letter of Qualification” and one unpriced prospectus are required and must contain all the above information required to be considered. Failure to provide the required information and/or insufficient information will cause disqualification and the prospectus will be returned. All evaluation factors as noted herein before will be given equal consideration in the selection process unless a project specific weighting of the evaluation factors is shown in the Notice for Consulting Services. Prior to entering any contract negotiations, the selected firm and any subconsultants shall submit a current audited overhead rate computation performed by a State or Federal government agency or independent CPA firm. The submitted overhead audit shall contain a detailed exhibit of the computations with all applicable eliminations and references. The audit shall be done in accordance with Government Auditing Standards issued by the Comptroller General of the United States and all eliminations required by the Federal Acquisition Regulations will be made. The submitted certified audited overhead (Indirect Cost Rate) report shall include the certification, certifying that the allowability of costs used to establish the final indirect cost rate are in accordance with the FAR cost principles, or a verification indicating this certification was previously submitted and accepted by the cognizant agency. This requirement will be waived for the selected firm or any subconsultant when its portion of the fee for the project is less than Two Hundred Fifty Thousand Dollars ($250,000.00). In such instances, a company computed overhead rate may be utilized. It is the policy of the West Virginia Department of Transportation, Division of Highways, that Disadvantaged, and Women-owned Business Enterprises shall have the maximum opportunity to participate in the performance of contracts financed in whole or in part with Federal funds.
9/30/2027Closed: Withdrawn
Approved Consultants
CDM Smith Inc.
Greenman-Pedersen, Inc.
HDR Engineering, Inc.
The Mannik & Smith Group, Inc.
White Brothers Consulting, LLC
***** THIS NOTICE IS BEING WITHDRAWN AND REPLACED BY A REVISED NOTICE. IF YOU PREVIOUSLY APPLIED AND WERE APPROVED THERE IS NO NEED TO RESUBMIT ***** Notice is hereby given that the West Virginia Department of Transportation, Division of Highways (DOH) is soliciting qualifications for the purpose of making available a list of pre-qualified Consultants to be utilized for management support roles. The work consists of preparing documents and estimates for consultant procurement, quality assurance review of consultant prepared plans, project management tasks, and providing direction and guidance on WVDOH design policy and standard industry practice. The WVDOH staff will retain authority of certain tasks identified in the Management Support Roles Policy, but other tasks will be the responsibility of the selected consultant. In addition to standard documents for review for qualification, prospective firms will submit the resume and qualifications of ONLY their staff members who will perform these tasks. The use of any staff not identified to the Division will not be allowed. The firm will supply completed Confidentiality Agreements and Conflict of Interest forms, available from Engineering Division’s Consultant Services Section. It is anticipated that the selected firm’s staff will be stationed at a DOH facility and shall follow all the personnel guidelines mandated by WVDOH Human Resources policies. This list of prequalified Consultants will be made available on the WVDOH website.
Approved Consultants
A. Morton Thomas and Associates, Inc.
Alliance Consulting, Inc. (Environmental only)
BioSurvey Group (Environmental only)
Carpenter Marty Transportation, Inc.
CDM Smith Inc.
EnviroScience, Inc. (Environmental only)
GAI Consultants Inc.
Greenman-Pedersen, Inc.
HDR Engineering, Inc.
HNTB Corporation
Mackin Engineering Company
Mead and Hunt, Inc.
Michael Baker International, Inc.
Mott MacDonald, LLC
Rummel, Klepper & Kahl, LLP
The Mannik & Smith Group, Inc.
The Markosky Engineering Group, Inc.
White Brothers Consulting, LLC
Whitman, Requardt and Associates, LLP
Notice is hereby given that the West Virginia Department of Transportation, Division of Highways (DOH) is soliciting qualifications for the purpose of making available a list of pre-qualified Consultants to be utilized for management support roles. The work consists of preparing documents and estimates for consultant procurement, quality assurance review of consultant prepared plans, project management tasks, and providing direction and guidance on WVDOH design policy and standard industry practice. The WVDOH staff will retain authority of certain tasks identified in the Management Support Roles Policy, but other tasks will be the responsibility of the selected consultant. In addition to standard documents for review for qualification, prospective firms will submit the resume and qualifications of ONLY their staff members who will perform these tasks; however, firms may add resumes throughout the duration of the prequalification period in order to meet expectations of the DOH. The use of any staff not identified to the Division will not be allowed. The firm will supply completed Confidentiality Agreements and Conflict of Interest forms, available from Engineering Division’s Consultant Services Section. If the work assignment requires the selected firm’s staff be stationed at a DOH facility, they shall follow all the personnel guidelines mandated by WVDOH Human Resources policies. Selection generally will be for projects, a specific program, region or work unit and the selected firm will not manage projects otherwise assigned to their firm. This list of prequalified Consultants will be made available on the WVDOH website. Please note that if a firm has submitted their LOQ in answer to the previous Management Support Role Request for Qualifications (RFQ), and has been deemed qualified, there is no need to resubmit in answer to this RFQ.
Approved Consultants
2LMN, Inc.
A. Morton Thomas and Associates, Inc.
AECOM Technical Services, Inc.
AI Engineers, Inc.
American Engineers, Inc. (Geotech Only)
American Geotechnical & Environmental Services, Inc. (Geotech & DB Only)
American Structurepoint, Inc.
Buchart Horn, Inc.
Burgess & Niple, Inc.
Carpenter Marty Transportation, Inc.
CDM Smith Inc.
Century Engineering, Inc.
Civil & Environmental Consultants, Inc.
CTL Engineering of West Virginia, Inc.
Dieffenbauch & Hritz, LLC
E. L. Robinson Engineering Co.
exp U.S. Services, Inc.
GAI Consultants Inc.
Gibson-Thomas Engineering Co., Inc.
Greenman-Pedersen, Inc.
GRW Engineers, Inc. (Can't do bridge work at this time)
Haworth-Meyer-Boleyn Professional Engineers, LLC
HDR Engineering, Inc.
Herbert, Rowland & Grubic, Inc.
HNTB Corporation
H.W. Lochner, Inc.
J.B. Turman Engineering, PLLC
Kimley Horn and Associates, Inc.
L. A. Gates Company
Larson Design Group, Inc.
Mackin Engineers & Consultants
Mead and Hunt, Inc.
Michael Baker International, Inc.
Mott MacDonald, LLC
ms consultants, inc.
Navarro & Wright Consulting Engineers, Inc.
Neff, Longest & Beam and Associates, LLC
Novel Geo-Environmental, Inc. (Geotech Only)
Palmer Engineering Company
Pennoni Associates, Inc.
Potesta & Associates, Inc. (Can't do bridge work at this time)
Randolph Engineering Co., Inc.
RETTEW Associates, Inc.
Rummel, Klepper & Kahl, LLP
S&ME, Inc. (Geotech Only)
Stahl Sheaffer Engineering, LLC
Stantec Consulting Services Inc.
Sucevic, Piccollomini & Kuchar Engineering, Inc.
Terracon Consultants, Inc. (Geotech Only)
TERRADON Corporation
The EADS Group, Inc.
The Mannik and Smith Group, Inc.
The Markosky Engineering Group, Inc.
The Thrasher Group, Inc.
Thompson & Litton, Inc.
TranSystems Corporation
TRC Engineers, Inc.
Triad Engineering, Inc. (Geotech Only)
Tunstall Engineering Group (DB Only)
Volkert, Inc.
Wallace & Pancher, Inc.
White Brothers Consulting, LLC
Whitman, Requardt & Associates, LLP
Whitney, Bailey, Cox & Magnani, LLC (merging w/TranSystems)
Notice is hereby given that the West Virginia Department of Transportation, Division of Highways (DOH) is soliciting qualifications for the purpose of making available a list of pre-qualified Consultants to be utilized to provide engineering Design Bid Build and Design Build services for roadway, bridge, and miscellaneous highway-related projects. The work generally consists of preliminary engineering studies, Alternative Delivery Projects, traffic studies, and engineering services required for preparation of contract plans and related documents. This list of prequalified Consultants will be made available on the WVDOH website.
Approved Consultants
2LMN, Inc.
A. Morton Thomas and Associates, Inc.
AECOM Technical Services, Inc.
Burgess & Niple, Inc.
Carpenter Marty Transportation, Inc.
CDM Smith Inc.
Century Engineering, Inc.
Civil & Environmental Consultants, Inc.
E.L. Robinson Engineering Co.
exp U.S. Services Inc.
French Engineering, LLP
GAI Consultants Inc.
Greenman-Pedersen, Inc.
H. W. Lochner, Inc.
HDR Engineering, Inc.
HNTB Corporation
Infrastructure Consulting & Engineering, PLLC
Mackin Engineers & Consultants
Mead and Hunt, Inc.
Michael Baker International, Inc.
Mott MacDonald, LLC
ms consultants, inc.
Neff, Longest & Beam and Associates, LLC
Palmer Engineering Company
Pennoni Associates Inc.
RETTEW Associates, Inc.
Rummel, Klepper & Kahl, LLP
Safety Analytica LLC
Stahl Sheaffer Engineering, LLC
Stantec Consulting Services Inc.
The Mannik & Smith Group, Inc.
The Markosky Engineering Group, Inc.
The Thrasher Group, Inc.
The Traffic Group, Inc.
Volkert, Inc.
Whitman, Requardt & Associates, LLP
Notice is hereby given that the West Virginia Department of Transportation, Division of Highways (DOH) is soliciting qualifications for the purpose of making available a list of pre-qualified Consultants to be utilized to provide traffic engineering services for highway and miscellaneous projects. The work will generally consist of the preparation of, but not necessarily be limited to, contract plans (signing, traffic signal, pavement markings and roadway lighting), traffic impact studies, traffic engineering studies, Intelligent Transportation System (ITS) projects (planning studies, systems engineering and contract plans), TMC support and incident management planning, highway safety improvement projects (studies, crash data analysis, Highway Safety Manual analysis and contract plans), project or program management and review services, asset and data management assistance to support traffic data programs as well as other related services. This list of prequalified Consultants will be made available on the WVDOH website.
Approved Consultants
A. D. Marble
AECOM Technical Services, Inc.
ASC, Inc.
Aurora Research Associates, LLC
Cultural Resource Analysts, Inc.
GAI Consultants Inc.
HDR Engineering, Inc.
Heberling Associates, Inc.
Johnson, Mirmiran & Thompson, Inc.
Mead and Hunt, Inc.
Michael Baker International, Inc.
Navarro & Wright Consulting Engineers, Inc.
Potesta & Associates, Inc.
Rummel, Klepper & Kahl, LLP
S&ME, Inc.
SKELLY and LOY, Inc.
The Mannik & Smith Group, Inc.
The Markosky Engineering Group, Inc.
TRC Engineers, Inc.
Notice is hereby given that the West Virginia Department of Transportation, Division of Highways (DOH) is soliciting qualifications for the purpose of making available a list of pre-qualified Consultants to be utilized to provide cultural resource services for compliance with Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act. The work will generally consist of Section 106 documentation and related work including identification surveys, evaluations for National Register eligibility, and data recovery projects for historic and archaeological resources. This list of prequalified Consultants will be made available on the WVDOH website.
Approved Consultants A. D. Marble & Co., Inc.
A. Morton Thomas and Associates, Inc.
AECOM Technical Services, Inc.
Alliance Consulting, Inc.
Allstar Ecology LLC
ASC Group, Inc.
Biosurvey Group, LLC
Century Engineering, Inc.
Copperhead Environmental Consulting, Inc.
Decota Consulting Company, Inc.
Dieffenbauch & Hritz, LLC
Edge Engineering and Science
Environmental Solutions & Innovations, Inc.
EnviroScience, Inc.
GAI Consultants Inc.
Greenman-Pedersen, Inc.
HDR Engineering, Inc.
Johnson, Mirmiran & Thompson, Inc.
Michael Baker International, Inc.
Mountain State Biosurveys, LLC
Potesta & Associates, Inc.
RETTEW Associates, Inc.
S&ME, Inc.
SKELLY and LOY, Inc.
Stantec Consulting Services Inc.
The Markosky Engineering Group, Inc.
The Thrasher Group, Inc.
TranSystems Corporation
TRC Engineers, Inc.
Whitman, Requardt and Associates, LLP
Notice is hereby given that the West Virginia Department of Transportation, Division of Highways (DOH) is soliciting qualifications for the purpose of making available a list of pre-qualified Consultants to be utilized to provide natural resource services for compliance with the Endangered Species Act, USACE guidelines and related requirements pertaining to roadway and bridge projects in West Virginia. The work will be performed statewide upon specific requests by the Division of Highways and may include, but not necessarily be limited to; stream and wetland studies, state and federal listed endangered species investigations, non-listed species surveys and biological surveys, and other related services. This list of prequalified Consultants will be made available on the WVDOH website.
Approved Consultants
A. D. Marble
A. Morton Thomas and Associates, Inc.
AECOM Technical Services, Inc.
ASC Group, Inc.
Atlas Technical Consultants LLC
Burgess & Niple, Inc.
CDM Smith Inc.
Century Engineering, Inc.
Decota Consulting Company, Inc.
Dieffenbauch & Hritz, LLC
E. L. Robinson Engineering Co.
EnviroScience, Inc.
GAI Consultants Inc.
Greenman-Pedersen, Inc.
H. W. Lochner, Inc.
HDR Engineering, Inc.
HNTB Corporation
Johnson, Mirmiran & Thompson, Inc.
Mead and Hunt, Inc.
Michael Baker International, Inc.
Mott MacDonald, LLC
MS Consultants, Inc.
Navarro & Wright Consulting Engineers, Inc.
Neff, Longest & Beam and Associates, LLC
New River Engineers, Inc.
Potesta & Associates, Inc.
RETTEW Associates, Inc.
Rummel, Klepper & Kahl, LLP
S&ME, Inc.
SKELLY and LOY, Inc.
Stantec Consulting Services Inc.
TERRADON Corporation
The Mannik and Smith Group, Inc.
The Markosky Engineering Group, Inc.
The Thrasher Group, Inc.
TranSystems Corporation
TRC Engineers, Inc.
Triad Engineering, Inc.
Volkert, Inc.
Whitman, Requardt and Associates, LLP
Notice is hereby given that the West Virginia Department of Transportation, Division of Highways (DOH) is soliciting qualifications for the purpose of making available a list of pre-qualified Consultants to be utilized to provide NEPA services for compliance with the National Environmental Policy Act. This list of prequalified Consultants will be made available on the WVDOH website.
Approved Consultants
Burgess & Niple, Inc.
GAI Consultants Inc.
HDR Engineering, Inc.
Michael Baker International, Inc.
ms consultants, inc.
Navarro & Wright Consulting Engineers, Inc.
Neff, Longest & Beam and Associates, LLC
Rummel, Klepper & Kahl, LLP
S&ME, Inc.
SKELLY and LOY, Inc.
Whitman, Requardt & Associates, LLP
Notice is hereby given that the West Virginia Department of Transportation, Division of Highways (DOH) is soliciting qualifications for the purpose of making available a list of pre-qualified Consultants to be utilized to provide noise analysis services for compliance with highway traffic noise prediction requirements, noise analyses, noise abatement criteria as contained in revised Title 23 U S Code of Federal Regulations Part 772 ( 23 CFR 772 ), Procedures for Abatement of Highway Traffic Noise and Construction Noise effective July 13, 2011. This list of prequalified Consultants will be made available on the WVDOH website.
Approved Consultants
Alliance Consulting, Inc.
CT Consultants, Inc.
Dieffenbauch & Hritz, LLC
E.L. Robinson Engineering Co.
ESP Associates WV, Inc.
Greenman-Pedersen, Inc.
GRW Engineers, Inc.
Quantum Spatial, Inc.
Stahl Sheaffer Engineering, LLC
T3 Global Strategies, Inc.
The Thrasher Group, Inc.
Tuck Mapping Solutions, Inc.
Notice is hereby given by the West Virginia Department of Transportation, Division of Highways (DOH) is soliciting qualifications for the purpose of making available a list of pre-qualified Consultants to be utilized to provide aerial photography/mapping services for the performance of aerial photography (oblique, vertical ortho, mapping), mobile, remote and unmanned sensing, target and project control installation and triangulation, as well as varying scaled maps and three-dimensional models. It will also consist of digital compilation of maps through stereo photogrammetric methods, and the delivery of mapping data files in both Auto CAD and Microstation formats on CDs. Work shall be at various locations throughout the State for highway, bridge or miscellaneous projects. This list of prequalified Consultants will be made available on the WVDOH website.
Approved Consultants
A. Morton Thomas and Associates, Inc.
Ascent Consulting and Engineering, LLC
Centec Engineering, PLLC
Century Engineering, Inc.
Civil & Environmental Consultants, Inc.
Dieffenbauch & Hritz, LLC
E. L. Robinson Engineering Co.
ESP Associates, Inc.
Greenman-Pedersen, Inc.
GRW Engineers, Inc.
Mackin Engineers & Consultants
Mead and Hunt, Inc.
Monaloh Basin Engineers, Inc.
New River Engineers, Inc.
Potesta & Associates, Inc.
RETTEW Associates, Inc.
Rummel, Klepper & Kahl, LLP
Stahl Sheaffer Engineering, LLC
Sucevic, Piccolomini and Kuchar Engineering, Inc.
Surveying and Mapping, LLC
TERRADON Corporation
The EADS Group, Inc.
The Thrasher Group, Inc.
Turman Morton, Inc.
White Brothers Consulting, LLC
Notice is hereby given by the West Virginia Department of Transportation, Division of Highways (DOH) is soliciting qualifications for the purpose of making available a list of pre-qualified Consultants to be utilized for providing all types of surveying including, but not limited to, conventional, GPS, Remote Sensing, Hydraulic and Hydrology, as well as Subsurface Utility (SUE) at various locations throughout the State for highway, bridge or miscellaneous projects. This list of prequalified Consultants will be made available on the WVDOH website.
Approved Consultants
A. D. Marble
Atlas Technical Consultants, Inc.
Civil and Environmental Consultants, Inc.
Greenbrier Environmental Group, Inc.
Potesta & Associates, Inc.
S&ME, Inc.
SKELLY and LOY, Inc.
Stantec Consulting Services Inc.
TERRADON Corporation
The Markosky Engineering Group, Inc.
The Thrasher Group, Inc.
Triad Engineering, Inc.
Notice is hereby given that the West Virginia Department of Transportation, Division of Highways (DOH) is soliciting qualifications for the purpose of making available a list of pre-qualified Consultants to be utilized for asbestos inspection and sampling. The work may consist of inspection, sampling and reports. This list of prequalified Consultants will be made available on the WVDOH website.
Approved Consultants A. Morton Thomas and Associates, Inc.
Burgess & Niple, Inc.
Carpenter Marty Transportation, Inc.
E. L. Robinson Engineering Co.
GAI Consultants Inc.
Greenman-Pedersen, Inc.
HNTB Corporation
J. B. Turman Engineering, PLLC
L. A. Gates Company
Michael Baker International, Inc.
Mott MacDonald, LLC
Potesta & Associates, Inc.
Rummel, Klepper & Kahl, LLP
Stantec Consulting Services Inc.
TERRADON Corporation
The Mannik and Smith Group, Inc.
TranSystems Corporation
Whitman, Requardt and Associates, LLP
Notice is hereby given that the West Virginia Department of Transportation, Division of Highways (DOH) is soliciting qualifications for the purpose of making available a list of pre-qualified Consultants to be utilized to provide engineering services for railroad, railroad bridge, and miscellaneous railroad projects. The work generally consists of structural inspections, preparation of contract plans and related documents. This list of prequalified Consultants will be made available on the WVDOH website.
9/22/2023Closed: Selected
Selected Consultants

Burgess & Niple
Carpenter Marty
Modjeski & Masters
***DEADLINE HAS BEEN EXTENDED TO SEPTEMBER 22, 2023.**** Notice of Consulting Services Notice is hereby given by the West Virginia Department of Transportation, Division of Highways, that In-Service Bridge and/or Tunnel inspection services will be utilized for the performance of various tasks to be performed under the following Statewide (On Call) Agreement: Firms interested in being considered shall have the expertise and the capability to provide bridge and/or tunnel inspections. This agreement will also include load rating analysis of structures. Load Ratings could be a stand-alone agreement or part of the inspection. Firms should indicate whether or not they are capable of both. The structures to be inspected are located throughout the state, over a variety of water conditions, roadways, railroads, etc., and will be designated by the District or Operations Division. In-Service Bridge and/or Tunnel Inspection services provided shall be in accordance with the Federal Highway Administration Bridge Inspection Manual (BIRM), AASHTO Manual for Bridge Evaluation, West Virginia Department of Transportation Bridge Inspector’s Reference Manual (WVBIRM) and the National Bridge Inspection Standards (NBIS). All publications and specifications referenced shall be current edition Potential project assignments will be scheduled for work September 2023 through August 2024, with the possibility of a one year extension.. Single or multiple assignments may be made for this work. Multiple firms may be selected for this work. Firms interested in being considered for these projects must submit a “Letter of Qualification” and one unpriced prospectus to Mr. William R. Murray, P. E., Bridge Preservation Section Manager, Operations Division, Division of Highways, by email to prior to 4:00 p.m. on September 22, 2023. As a minimum, the prospectus shall include the following evaluation information factors: 1. Professional qualifications necessary for consideration and satisfactory performance of the required work and as a minimum shall have a professional engineer licensed by the State of West Virginia. That person shall be located within the office where the work is to be performed and shall demonstrate sufficient experience performed for the State of West Virginia, Department of Highways related to In-Service Bridge and Tunnel Inspection to be provided. This individual shall be the person-in-charge overseeing the work and must be readily accessible to the Department, preferably located in-state. 2. Consideration shall be given to specialized experience and technical competence. Specialized experience shall focus on the qualifications of the staff working on the project with emphasis placed on individual specialized expertise required for the project. As a minimum, the firm shall provide a Résumé of those individuals who will be committed to the needs of the project. Strong considerations will be based on the professional and non-professional staff specialized experience and technical competence stationed within the office where the work is to be performed. 3. Capacity consideration shall be made on the firm’s ability to accomplish the work within the Department’s required schedule time frame; personnel dedicated to performing such work. Overall capabilities to perform the work, including available workforce to assign to the project, workforce personnel qualifications, and present workload. It must specifically indicate the staff levels by classification located in-state vs. out-of-state. It must also identify the person in-charge overseeing the work that holds a valid professional license issued by the West Virginia Board of Professional Engineers. 4. The Consultant shall submit for approval a resume of qualifications of the individual(s) in charge of the inspection and inspection team leaders, all applicable NHI certificates for team leader status should be included. The personnel must meet the requirements of the current National Bridge Inspection Standards and/or National Tunnel Inspection and must meet the approval of the Operations Division. 5. The Consultants’ Project Manager shall be located within the office where the work is to be performed and shall demonstrate sufficient experience performed for the State of West Virginia, Department of Highways related to In-Service Bridge and/or Tunnel Inspections to be provided. This individual shall be the person-in-charge overseeing the work and must be readily accessible to the Department, preferably located in-state. 6. Past performance on contracts with Government agencies and private industry in terms of cost control, quality of work, and compliance with performance schedules. 7. Location shall be based on the geographic location of the Consultant’s office relative to the project site along with past experience and knowledge of the area where the project site is located with the significant importance being given to accessibility of the office location relative to the Department. In addition to the above evaluation factors, the prospectus shall include, as a minimum, the following items: 1. A completed copy of the Division’s Consultant Confidential Qualification Questionnaire (CCQQ) dated January 1, 2023 or later, if not already on file. This form may be found on the follow website: It must specifically indicate the staff levels by classification located in-state vs. out-of-state. It must also identify the person in-charge overseeing the work that holds a valid professional license issued by the West Virginia Board of Professional Engineers. 2. Location of office or office(s) in which the work, or part of the work, will be performed. 3. Identification of subconsultants by name as to the type of work anticipated to be subcontracted or performed, if proposed as part of the design team. Addition or deletion of a subconsultant must have written approval from the Division. 4. Indication of whether a cost accounting system has been maintained and is in effect such that it is capable of segregating and identifying accumulating costs for each job that is performed under cost type projects.
1/9/2023Closed: Selected
Approved Consultants
Carpenter Marty
Civil & Environmental Consultants, Inc.
EL Robinson
LA Gates
Modjeski & Masters
Michael Baker
Mott McDonald
White Brothers
Notice of Statewide (On-Call) Bridge Repair Design Services Notice is hereby given by the West Virginia Department of Transportation, Division of Highways, of a Statewide (On-Call) Agreement for design of bridge repair plans of various in-service bridges. Engineering firms interested in being considered shall have the expertise and the capability to provide bridge repair design plans for of all types of structures. The structures to be repaired are located throughout the state, over a variety of water conditions, roadways, railroads, etc., and will be designated by the Operations Division. Projects will require a quick turn-around time with expected delivery within 3 months of Notice to Proceed. Bridge Inspection services shall not be a part of these projects. Bridge Repair Design services shall be provided in accordance with any applicable West Virginia Department of Transportation, Division of Highways; Specifications, Manuals, Design and Structure directives. All publications and specifications referenced shall be current edition. Project Assignments are currently scheduled for work to begin in 2023. Single or multiple assignments may be made for this work. Multiple engineering firms may be selected for this work. Engineering Firms interested in being considered for these projects must submit a “Letter of Qualification” and one unpriced prospectus to Mr. William R. Murray, P. E., Bridge Preservation Section Manager, Operations Division, Division of Highways, by email to prior to 4:00 p.m. on January 9, 2023 As a minimum, the prospectus shall include the following evaluation information factors: 1. Professional qualifications necessary for consideration and satisfactory performance of the required work and as a minimum shall have a professional engineer licensed by the State of West Virginia. That person shall be located within the office where the work is to be performed and shall demonstrate sufficient experience performed for the State of West Virginia, Department of Highways related to bridge design and repair to be provided. This individual shall be the person-in-charge overseeing the work and must be readily accessible to the Department, preferably located in-state. 2. Consideration shall be given to specialized experience and technical competence. Specialized experience shall focus on the qualifications of the staff working on the project with emphasis placed on individual specialized expertise required for the project. As a minimum, the firm shall provide a Résumé of those individuals who will be committed to the needs of the project. Strong considerations will be based on the professional and non-professional staff specialized experience and technical competence stationed within the office where the work is to be performed. 3. Capacity consideration shall be made on the firm’s ability to accomplish the work within the Department’s required schedule time frame; personnel dedicated to performing such work. Overall capabilities to perform the work, including available workforce to assign to the project, workforce personnel qualifications, and present workload. 4. The firm’s Project Manager shall be located within the office where the work is to be performed and shall demonstrate sufficient experience performed for the State of West Virginia, Department of Highways This individual shall be the person-in-charge overseeing the work and must be readily accessible to the Department, preferably located in-state. 5. Past performance on contracts with Government agencies and private industry in terms of cost control, quality of work, and compliance with performance schedules. 6. Location shall be based on the geographic location of the Firm’s office relative to the project site along with experience and knowledge of the area where the project site is located with the significant importance being given to accessibility of the office location relative to the Department. In addition to the above evaluation factors, the prospectus shall include, as a minimum, the following items: 1. A completed copy of the Division’s Consultant Confidential Qualification Questionnaire (CCQQ) dated January 1, 2022, or later, if not already on file. This form may be found on the follow website: It must specifically indicate the staff levels by classification located in-state vs. out-of-state. It must also identify the person in-charge overseeing the work that holds a valid professional license issued by the West Virginia Board of Professional Engineers. 2. Location of office or office(s) in which the work, or part of the work, will be performed. 3. Identification of subconsultants by name as to the type of work anticipated to be subcontracted or performed, if proposed as part of the design team. Addition or deletion of a subconsultant must have written approval from the Division. 4. Indication of whether a cost accounting system has been maintained and is in effect such that it is capable of segregating and identifying accumulating costs for each job that is performed under cost type projects. 5. Completed copies of the Division’s “Consultant Short List Selection Criteria Technical Evaluation” form limited to a single page of data. One loose leaf copy of form is to accompany the bound unpriced prospectus. Cross referencing on this form to other parts of the prospectus is not acceptable. This form can be found at the following website: 6. A copy of a valid “Certificate of Authorization” to offer Engineering, Surveying, or other related services within the state, issued by the appropriate West Virginia Board. A single “Letter of Qualification” and one unpriced prospectus are required and must contain all the above information required to be considered. Failure to provide the required information and/or insufficient information will cause disqualification and the prospectus will be returned. All evaluation factors as noted herein before will be given equal consideration in the selection process unless a project specific weighting of the evaluation factors is shown in the Notice for Consulting Services. Prior to entering any contract negotiations, the selected firm and any subconsultants shall submit a current audited overhead rate computation performed by a State or Federal government agency or independent CPA firm. The submitted overhead audit shall contain a detailed exhibit of the computations with all applicable eliminations and references. The audit shall be done in accordance with Government Auditing Standards issued by the Comptroller General of the United States and all eliminations required by the Federal Acquisition Regulations will be made. The submitted certified audited overhead (Indirect Cost Rate) report shall include the certification, certifying that the allowability of costs used to establish the final indirect cost rate are in accordance with the FAR cost principles, or a verification indicating this certification was previously submitted and accepted by the cognizant agency. This requirement will be waived for the selected firm or any subconsultant when its portion of the fee for the project is less than Two Hundred Fifty Thousand Dollars ($250,000.00). In such instances, a company computed overhead rate may be utilized. It is the policy of the West Virginia Department of Transportation, Division of Highways, that Disadvantaged, and Women-owned Business Enterprises shall have the maximum opportunity to participate in the performance of contracts financed in whole or in part with Federal funds.
6/17/2022Closed: Selected
SELECTED CONSULTANTSConsultants:..................................................................... 35th & 36th Street Bridges: Selected – HNTB, First Alternate – AMT, Second Alternate – Markosky ................................................................ Fifth Street Bridge: Selected – GAI, First Alternate – Burgess & Niple, Second Alternate – Carpenter Marty ..................................................................... Phil G MCDonald Bridge: Selected –Modjeski & Masters, First Alternate – TRC Engineering, Inc., Second Alternate – Michael Baker ................................. East Huntington Bridge: Selected – Michael Baker, First Alternate – Burgess & Niple, Second Alternate – Stantec




Notice is hereby given by the West Virginia Department of Transportation, Division of Highways, that consulting services will be utilized for six-year inspection projects per the current National Bridge Inspection Standards and may include design plans for repairs, for the following projects:


1)                      Six Year Inspection Project for East Huntington Cable-Stay Bridge, Cabell County, carrying WV106 over various city streets, state routes and the Ohio River.  The bridge has eighteen piers, one abutment and one tower.  The eighteen-span structure has two two-span continuous girders spans, one three-span continuous girder span, one six-span continuous girder span, three cast in-place concrete box segments and main cable-stay span with an overall length of 3155’-6”. The bridge carries two lanes of traffic with overall width of 33 feet.


2)                      Six Year Inspection Project for Phill G. McDonald, Raleigh County, carrying I-64 over Glade Creek.  The bridge has four piers and two abutments.  The five-span structure has two simple span welded plate girders and a 1904’-0” deck span truss with an overall length of 2109’-0”. The bridge carries two 36’-0” roadways separated by a two-foot-wide concrete median.


3)                      Six Year Inspection Project for Fifth Street Bridge, State Project, Wood County, carrying WV14 over CSX railroad tracks, city streets and the Little Kanawha River.  The 905-foot-long bridge consists of a north and south approach span and a main river crossing span (Span Ten). The north approach (Spans One through Nine) has a total of nine spans made up of a five-span continuous section, a single simple span section, and a three-span continuous section. The south approach (Spans Eleven through Fourteen) is made up of a four-span continuous section.  The main river crossing span is a Warren Truss with Verticals.  The curb-to-curb roadway width is 40 feet.


4)                      Six Year Inspection Project for 35th Street Bridge and Ramps A and B, Kanawha County, carrying County Route 60/63 over the Kanawha River, city streets, a state highway, and one set of railroad tracks. 


The bridge and ramps have 16 girder spans, 15 piers, and three abutments with an overall length 2167' 2".  The girder spans are 67' 6", 90' 0", 120' 0", 120' 0", 93' 3", 249' 0", 415' 0", 225' 0", 72' 0", 90' 0", 90' 0", 72' 0", 101' 11", 117' 0", 125' 9", and 111' 7".  The roadway width varies from 23' to 30'.


5)                      Six Year Inspection Project for 36th Street (Bob Basil Memorial) Bridge and Ramps C and D, Kanawha County, carrying County Route 60/62 over the Kanawha River, city streets, a state route, and one set of railroad tracks.  The bridge and ramps have 13 girder spans, 11 piers, and two abutments with an overall length of 1822' 8".  The girder spans are 83' 0", 106' 0", 106' 0", 83' 0", 100' 0", 210' 0", 420' 0", 210' 0", 111' 3", 82' 6", 111' 8", 101' 2", and 94' 1".  The roadway width varies from about 25' to about 50'.



Additional information may be obtained on each bridge by contacting William Murray, Operations Division, Bridge Preservation Section Manager at (304) 414-8958 or by email at


            The above project is currently scheduled for work to begin in 2023.  Single or multiple assignments may be made for this work.


            Several of these structures are located on routes in an urban and extremely high traffic areas that will mandate traffic disruption.  Progressive and innovative methods of inspection access will be considered in the selection process.


Firms interested in being considered for this project must submit a letter of interest and unpriced prospectus to Mr. Jacob Bumgarner, Director, Operations Division, West Virginia Division of Highways, Building Five, Room A-350, 1900 Kanawha Boulevard, East, Charleston, West Virginia 25305-0430 or via e-mail to prior to 4:00 p.m., June 17, 2022.


As a minimum, the prospectus will include the following items for evaluation:


1)              A completed copy of the Division’s Consultant Confidential Qualification Questionnaire (CCQQ) dated January 1, 2020, or later, if not already on file.  This form may be found on the follow website:

It must specifically indicate the staff levels by classification located in-state vs. out-of-state.  It must also identify the person in-charge overseeing the work that holds a valid professional license issued by the West Virginia Board of Professional Engineers


2)              Overall capabilities to perform the work, including workforce available to assign to the project, personnel qualifications, and present workload.


3)                 Location of office in which the work will be performed.


4)                 Type of work anticipated to be sub-contracted or performed by a sub-consultant.


5)                 Indication of whether a cost accounting system has been maintained and is in effect such that it is capable of segregating and identifying accumulating costs for each job that is performed under cost type projects.


6)              A Completed copy of the Division’s “Consultant Short List Selection Criteria Technical Evaluation” form limited to a single page of data.  One loose leaf copy of form is to accompany the bound unpriced prospectus.  Cross referencing on this form to other parts of the prospectus is not acceptable.


7)                 Indication of the project(s) for which the firm is submitting information for consideration.  If the submission is for all projects, a statement to that effect shall be made and a detailed listing shall not be required.


8)                 A copy of a valid “Certificate of Authorization” to offer Engineering, Surveying, or other related services within the state, issued by the appropriate West Virginia Board


            A single “Letter of Qualification” and one unpriced prospectus are required and must contain all the above information required to be considered.  Failure to provide the required information and/or insufficient information will cause disqualification and the prospectus will be returned. All evaluation factors as noted herein before will be given equal consideration in the selection process unless a project specific weighting of the evaluation factors is shown in the Notice for Consulting Services.  

Prior to entering any contract negotiations, the selected firm and any subconsultants shall submit a current audited overhead rate computation performed by a State or Federal government agency or independent CPA firm.  The submitted overhead audit shall contain a detailed exhibit of the computations with all applicable eliminations and references.  The audit shall be done in accordance with Government Auditing Standards issued by the Comptroller General of the United States and all eliminations required by the Federal Acquisition Regulations will be made.  The submitted certified audited overhead (Indirect Cost Rate) report shall include the certification, certifying that the allowability of costs used to establish the final indirect cost rate are in accordance with the FAR cost principles, or a verification indicating this certification was previously submitted and accepted by the cognizant agency.  This requirement will be waived for the selected firm or any subconsultant when its portion of the fee for the project is less than Two Hundred Fifty Thousand Dollars ($250,000.00).  In such instances, a company computed overhead rate may be utilized.


It is the policy of the West Virginia Department of Transportation, Division of Highways, that Disadvantaged, and Women-owned Business Enterprises shall have the maximum opportunity to participate in the performance of contracts financed in whole or in part with Federal funds.


5/9/2022Closed: Short-Listed



Notice is hereby given by the West Virginia Department of Transportation, Division of Highways, that consulting services will be utilized for Underwater Bridge Inspection Services for calendar year 2022.  Firms interested in being considered shall have the expertise and the capability to provide underwater bridge inspection of structural elements.  The structures to be inspected are located throughout the state, over a variety of water conditions, and will be designated by the Division. 

Underwater Bridge Inspection services provided shall be in accordance with Occupational Safety and Health Administration Diving Standards, West Virginia Bridge Inspection Manual, Federal Highway Administration Underwater Bridge Inspection Manual, AASHTO Manual for Bridge Evaluation, West Virginia Department of Transportation Bridge Inspector’s Reference Manual (BIRM) and the National Bridge Inspection Standards.  All publications and specifications referenced shall be current edition

Project Assignments are currently scheduled for work to begin in 2022.  Single or multiple assignments may be made for this work.

Firms interested in being considered shall submit the following documentation prior to 4:00 p.m., Monday, May 2, 2022

1.      Letter of Interest

2.      Un-Priced Prospectus

All documentation submitted shall be forwarded by e-mail (address below) prior to the deadline submission.  No document submission will be accepted beyond the deadline date given.

At a minimum, the Prospectus shall include the following:

1.      A completed West Virginia Division of Highways, Consultant Confidential Qualification Questionnaire (CCQQ), current publication, dated January 1, 2022 or later.  This form may be found on the follow website:

2.      Overall capabilities to perform the work, including available workforce to assign to the project, workforce personnel qualifications, and present workload.

3.      The Consultant shall submit for approval a resume of qualifications of the individual(s) in charge of the inspection and inspection team leaders, all applicable NHI certificates for team leader status should be included. The personnel must meet the requirements of the current National Bridge Inspection Standards and must meet the approval of the Maintenance Division.

4.      The location of office in which control of the work will be performed.

5.      The Firm’s cost accounting system being maintained.  This system shall be capable of segregating and identifying accumulating costs for each job that is performed under cost‑type contracts.

6.      The type of work anticipated to be subcontracted or performed by a sub-consultant, with a listing of the proposed sub-consultants.

7.      A completed West Virginia Division of Highways Consultant’s Short List Selection Criteria Technical Evaluation Form. Cross‑referencing on this form to other parts of the prospectus is not acceptable.  This form can be found at the following website:

Prior to entering contract negotiations, the selected firm and any sub-consultants shall submit a current audited overhead rate computation performed by a State or Federal government agency or independent CPA firm.  The submitted overhead audit shall contain a detailed exhibit of the computations with all applicable eliminations and references.  The audit shall be done in accordance with Government Auditing Standards issued by the Comptroller General of the United States and all eliminations required by the Federal Acquisition Regulations will be made.  This requirement will be waived for the selected firm or any sub-consultant when its portion of the fee for the project is less than One Hundred Thousand Dollars ($100,000.00).  In such instances, a company computed overhead rate may be utilized.

It is the policy of the West Virginia Department of Transportation, Division of Highways, that Disadvantaged Business Enterprises (DBE) shall have the maximum opportunity to participate in the performance of contracts financed in whole or in part with Federal funds.

The selection of firms will be based on experience, expertise in type of work to be performed including demonstrated ability, capacity of firm to perform contract, time required to accomplish work, past performance both technically and administratively, and quality management and workmanship.

Additional information for each bridge may be obtained through contacting William Murray, P.E., Maintenance Division, Bridge Contracts Section at (304)419-8958 or via e-mail at

5/9/2022Closed: Short-Listed
2. AMT
3. Burgess and Niple
4. Carpenter Marty
5. GAI
6. GPI
7. HDR
9. Mackin
10. Markosky
11. Michael Baker
12. Modjeski and Masters
13. Mott McDonald
14. Palmer
15. Stantec
16. TRC
17. WRA

Notice of Consulting Services


Notice is hereby given by the West Virginia Department of Transportation, Division of Highways, that In-Service Bridge and/or Tunnel inspection services will be utilized for the performance of various tasks to be performed under the following Statewide (On Call) Agreement:

Firms interested in being considered shall have the expertise and the capability to provide bridge and/or tunnel inspection of structural elements.  The structures to be inspected are located throughout the state, over a variety of water conditions, roadways, railroads, etc., and will be designated by the District or Operations Division. 

In-Service Bridge and/or Tunnel Inspection services provided shall be in accordance with the Federal Highway Administration Bridge Inspection Manual (BIRM), AASHTO Manual for Bridge Evaluation, West Virginia Department of Transportation Bridge Inspector’s Reference Manual (WVBIRM) and the National Bridge Inspection Standards (NBIS).  All publications and specifications referenced shall be current edition

Project Assignments are currently scheduled for work to begin in 2022.  Single or multiple assignments may be made for this work.

Multiple firms may be selected for this work.

Firms interested in being considered for these projects must submit a “Letter of Qualification” and one unpriced prospectus to Mr. William R. Murray, P. E., Bridge Preservation Section Manager, Operations Division, Division of Highways, by email to prior to 4:00 p.m. on May 9, 2022.

As a minimum, the prospectus shall include the following evaluation information factors:

1.      Professional qualifications necessary for consideration and satisfactory performance of the required work and as a minimum shall have a professional engineer licensed by the State of West Virginia.  That person shall be located within the office where the work is to be performed and shall demonstrate sufficient experience performed for the State of West Virginia, Department of Highways related to In-Service Bridge and Tunnel Inspection to be provided.  This individual shall be the person-in-charge overseeing the work and must be readily accessible to the Department, preferably located in-state.


2.      Consideration shall be given to specialized experience and technical competence. Specialized experience shall focus on the qualifications of the staff working on the project with emphasis placed on individual specialized expertise required for the project.  As a minimum, the firm shall provide a Résumé of those individuals who will be committed to the needs of the project.  Strong considerations will be based on the professional and non-professional staff specialized experience and technical competence stationed within the office where the work is to be performed.


3.      Capacity consideration shall be made on the firm’s ability to accomplish the work within the Department’s required schedule time frame; personnel dedicated to performing such work. Overall capabilities to perform the work, including available workforce to assign to the project, workforce personnel qualifications, and present workload.

It must specifically indicate the staff levels by classification located in-state vs. out-of-state.  It must also identify the person in-charge overseeing the work that holds a valid professional license issued by the West Virginia Board of Professional Engineers.


4.      The Consultant shall submit for approval a resume of qualifications of the individual(s) in charge of the inspection and inspection team leaders, all applicable NHI certificates for team leader status should be included. The personnel must meet the requirements of the current National Bridge Inspection Standards and/or National Tunnel Inspection and must meet the approval of the Operations Division.

5.      The Consultants’ Project Manager shall be located within the office where the work is to be performed and shall demonstrate sufficient experience performed for the State of West Virginia, Department of Highways related to In-Service Bridge and/or Tunnel Inspections to be provided.  This individual shall be the person-in-charge overseeing the work and must be readily accessible to the Department, preferably located in-state.


6.      Past performance on contracts with Government agencies and private industry in terms of cost control, quality of work, and compliance with performance schedules.


7.      Location shall be based on the geographic location of the Consultant’s office relative to the project site along with past experience and knowledge of the area where the project site is located with the significant importance being given to accessibility of the office location relative to the Department.

 In addition to the above evaluation factors, the prospectus shall include, as a minimum, the following items:

1.      A completed copy of the Division’s Consultant Confidential Qualification Questionnaire (CCQQ) dated January 1, 2021 or later, if not already on file. This form may be found on the follow website:  


It must specifically indicate the staff levels by classification located in-state vs. out-of-state.  It must also identify the person in-charge overseeing the work that holds a valid professional license issued by the West Virginia Board of Professional Engineers.


2.      Location of office or office(s) in which the work, or part of the work, will be performed.


3.      Identification of subconsultants by name as to the type of work anticipated to be subcontracted or performed, if proposed as part of the design team. Addition or deletion of a subconsultant must have written approval from the Division.


4.      Indication of whether a cost accounting system has been maintained and is in effect such that it is capable of segregating and identifying accumulating costs for each job that is performed under cost type projects.


5.      Completed copies of the Division’s “Consultant Short List Selection Criteria Technical Evaluation” form limited to a single page of data. One loose leaf copy of form is to accompany the bound unpriced prospectus.  Cross referencing on this form to other parts of the prospectus is not acceptable. This form can be found at the following website:


6.      A copy of a valid “Certificate of Authorization” to offer Engineering, Surveying, or other related services within the state, issued by the appropriate West Virginia Board.

A single “Letter of Qualification” and one unpriced prospectus are required and must contain all the above information required to be considered.  Failure to provide the required information and/or insufficient information will cause disqualification and the prospectus will be returned. All evaluation factors as noted herein before will be given equal consideration in the selection process unless a project specific weighting of the evaluation factors is shown in the Notice for Consulting Services.  

Prior to entering any contract negotiations, the selected firm and any subconsultants shall submit a current audited overhead rate computation performed by a State or Federal government agency or independent CPA firm.  The submitted overhead audit shall contain a detailed exhibit of the computations with all applicable eliminations and references.  The audit shall be done in accordance with Government Auditing Standards issued by the Comptroller General of the United States and all eliminations required by the Federal Acquisition Regulations will be made.  The submitted certified audited overhead (Indirect Cost Rate) report shall include the certification, certifying that the allowability of costs used to establish the final indirect cost rate are in accordance with the FAR cost principles, or a verification indicating this certification was previously submitted and accepted by the cognizant agency.  This requirement will be waived for the selected firm or any subconsultant when its portion of the fee for the project is less than Two Hundred Fifty Thousand Dollars ($250,000.00).  In such instances, a company computed overhead rate may be utilized.

It is the policy of the West Virginia Department of Transportation, Division of Highways, that Disadvantaged, and Women-owned Business Enterprises shall have the maximum opportunity to participate in the performance of contracts financed in whole or in part with Federal funds.

Approved Consultants
A. Morton Thomas and Associates, Inc.
Burgess & Niple, Inc.
Carpenter Marty Transportation, Inc.
CDI-Infrastructure, LLC
E. L. Robinson Engineering Co. L. A. Gates Company
Michael Baker International, Inc.
Mott MacDonald, LLC Potesta Engineers & Environmental Consultants
Rummel, Klepper & Kahl, LLP
TERRADON Corporation The Mannik & Smith Group, Inc.
Whitman, Requardt and Associates, LLP

Notice is hereby given that the West Virginia Department of Transportation, Division of Highways (DOH) is soliciting qualifications for the purpose of making available a list of pre-qualified Consultants to be utilized to provide engineering services for railroad, railroad bridge, and miscellaneous railroad projects.  The work generally consists of structural inspections, preparation of contract plans and related documents.  Successful Consultants must be capable of performing 51% of the work as the prime Consultant.  This list of prequalified Consultants will be made available on the WVDOH website and will be open for submission of qualifications through November 30, 2021.

8/31/2021Closed: Selected
Approved Consultants
ATC Group Services LLC
Civil & Environmental Consultants, Inc.
Greenbrier Environmental Group, Inc.
Lawhon & Associates, Inc.
Potesta & Associates, Inc.
S&ME, Inc.
SKELLY and LOY, Inc.
Stantec Consulting Services Inc.
The Thrasher Group, Inc.
Triad Engineering, Inc.

Notice is hereby given that the West Virginia Department of Transportation, Division of Highways (DOH) is soliciting qualifications for the purpose of making available a list of pre-qualified Consultants to be utilized for asbestos inspection and sampling.  The work may consist of inspection, sampling and reports.  Successful Consultants must be capable of performing a minimum of 51% of the work as the prime Consultant.  This list of prequalified Consultants will be made available on the WVDOH website.  The tenure of this list will be one (1) year, beginning November 1, 2020 through October 31, 2021.

8/31/2021Closed: Selected
Approved Consultants
Bowman Consulting Group, Ltd.
Century Engineering, Inc.
Dieffenbauch & Hritz, LLC
E. L. Robinson Engineering Co.
ESP Associates, Inc.
Greenman-Pedersen, Inc.
GRW Engineers, Inc.
Monaloh Basin Engineers, Inc.
Palmer Engineering Company
Potesa & Associates, Inc.
RETTEW Associates, Inc.
Rummel, Klepper & Kahl, LLP
Sucevic, Piccolomini & Kuchar Engineering, Inc.
The Thrasher Group, Inc.
Woolpert, Inc.

Notice is hereby given by the West Virginia Department of Transportation, Division of Highways (DOH) is soliciting qualifications for the purpose of making available a list of pre-qualified Consultants to be utilized for providing all types of surveying including, but not limited to, conventional, GPS, Remote Sensing, Hydraulic and Hydrology, as well as Subsurface Utility (SUE) at various locations throughout the State for highway, bridge or miscellaneous projects.  Successful Consultants must be capable of performing 51% of the work as the prime Consultant.  This list of prequalified Consultants will be made available on the WVDOH website.  The tenure of this list will be one (1) year, beginning November 1, 2020 through October 31, 2021.

8/31/2021Closed: Selected
Approved Consultants
Dieffenbauch & Hritz
E. L. Robinson Engineering Co.
E.S.P. Associates, Inc.
Greenman-Pedersen, Inc.
GRW Engineers, Inc.
Quantum Spatial, Inc.
T3 Global Strategies, Inc.
The Thrasher Group, Inc.
Woolpert, Inc.

Notice is hereby given by the West Virginia Department of Transportation, Division of Highways (DOH) is soliciting qualifications for the purpose of making available a list of pre-qualified Consultants to be utilized to provide aerial photography/mapping services for the performance of aerial photography (oblique, vertical ortho, mapping), mobile, remote and unmanned sensing, target and project control installation and triangulation, as well as varying scaled maps and three-dimensional models.  It will also consist of digital compilation of maps through stereo photogrammetric methods, and the delivery of mapping data files in both Auto CAD and Microstation formats on CDs.  Work shall be at various locations throughout the State for highway, bridge or miscellaneous projects. Successful Consultants must be capable of performing 51% of the work as the prime Consultant.  This list of prequalified Consultants will be made available on the WVDOH website.  The tenure of this list will be one (1) year, beginning November 1, 2020 through October 31, 2021.

7/31/2021Closed: Selected
Approved Consultants
A. Morton Thomas and Associates, Inc.
Alliance Consulting, Inc.
CDI-Infrastructure, LLC
Century Engineering, Inc.
Dieffenbauch & Hritz
E. L. Robinson Engineering Co.
EnviroScience, Inc.
Environmental Solutions & Innovations, Inc.
HDR Engineering, Inc.
Michael Baker International, Inc.
Potesta & Associates, Inc.
RETTEW Associates, Inc.
Rummel, Klepper & Kahl, LLP
S&ME, Inc.
SKELLY and LOY, Inc.
Stantec Consulting Services Inc.
The Markosky Engineering Group, Inc.
TRC Engineers, Inc.
Whitman, Requardt and Associates, LLP

Notice is hereby given that the West Virginia Department of Transportation, Division of Highways (DOH) is soliciting qualifications for the purpose of making available a list of pre-qualified Consultants to be utilized to provide natural resource services for compliance with the Endangered Species Act, USACE guidelines and related requirements pertaining to roadway and bridge projects in West Virginia.  The work will be performed statewide upon specific requests by the Division of Highways and may include, but not necessarily be limited to; stream and wetland studies, state and federal listed endangered species investigations, non-listed species surveys and biological surveys, and other related services.  Successful Consultants must be capable of performing 51% of the work as the prime Consultant.  This list of prequalified Consultants will be made available on the WVDOH website and will be open for submission of qualifications through July 31, 2021.

7/31/2021Closed: Selected
Approved Consultants
Burgess & Niple, Inc.
GAI Consultants Inc.
HDR Engineering, Inc.
Michael Baker International, Inc.
Neff, Longest & Beam and Associates, LLC
Rummel, Klepper & Kahl, LLP
S&ME, Inc.
SKELLY and LOY, Inc.
Whitman, Requardt and Associates, LLP

Notice is hereby given that the West Virginia Department of Transportation, Division of Highways (DOH) is soliciting qualifications for the purpose of making available a list of pre-qualified Consultants to be utilized to provide noise analysis services for compliance with highway traffic noise prediction requirements, noise analyses, noise abatement criteria as contained in revised Title 23 U S Code of Federal Regulations Part 772 ( 23 CFR 772 ), Procedures for Abatement of Highway Traffic Noise and Construction Noise effective July 13, 2011. Successful Consultants must be capable of performing 51% of the work as the prime Consultant.  This list of prequalified Consultants will be made available on the WVDOH website and will be open for submission of qualifications through July 31, 2021.

7/31/2021Closed: Selected
Approved Consultants
Aurora Research Associates, LLC
Civil & Environmental Consultants, Inc.
GAI Consultants Inc.
HDR Engineering, Inc.
Lawhon & Associates, Inc.
McKinley & Associates, Inc.
Michael Baker International, Inc.
Potesta & Associates, Inc.
Rummel, Klepper & Kahl, LLP
S&ME, Inc.
SKELLY and LOY, Inc.
Stantec Consulting Services Inc.
The Mannik and Smith Group, Inc.
The Markosky Engineering Group, Inc.
TRC Engineers, Inc.
Notice is hereby given that the West Virginia Department of Transportation, Division of Highways (DOH) is soliciting qualifications for the purpose of making available a list of pre-qualified Consultants to be utilized to provide cultural resource services for compliance with Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act.  The work will generally consist of Section 106 documentation and related work including identification surveys, evaluations for National Register eligibility, and data recovery projects for historic and archaeological resources.  Successful Consultants must be capable of performing 51% of the work as the prime Consultant.  This list of prequalified Consultants will be made available on the WVDOH website and will be open for submission of qualifications through July 31, 2021.
7/31/2021Closed: Selected
Approved Consultants
A. Morton Thomas and Associates, Inc.
AECOM Technical Services, Inc.
Buchart Horn, Inc.
Burgess & Niple, Inc.
Carpenter Marty Transportation, Inc.
CDI-Infrastructure, LLC
CDM Smith Inc.
Century Engineering, Inc.
Civil & Environmental Consultants, Inc.
Dieffenbauch & Hritz
DLZ National, Inc.
E. L. Robinson Engineering Co.
GAI Consultants Inc.
Greenman-Pedersen, Inc.
GRW Engineers, Inc.
H. W. Lochner, Inc.
Herbert, Rowland & Grubic, Inc.
HDR Engineering, Inc.
HNTB Corporation
J. B. Turman Engineering, PLLC
L. A. Gates Company
McKinley & Associates, Inc.
Mead and Hunt, Inc.
Michael Baker International, Inc.
Mott MacDonald, LLC
Neff, Longest & Beam and Associates, LLC
Palmer Engineering Company
Penonni Associates Inc.
Potesta & Associates, Inc.
Randolph Engineering Co. Inc.
RETTEW Associates, Inc.
Rummel, Klepper & Kahl, LLP
S&ME, Inc.
Stantec Consulting Services Inc.
Sucevic, Piccolomini & Kuchar Engineering, Inc.
The EADS Group, Inc.
The Mannik and Smith Group, Inc.
The Markosky Engineering Group, Inc.
The Thrasher Group, Inc.
Thompson & Litton, Inc.
TRC Engineers, Inc.
White Brothers Consulting, LLC
Whitman, Requardt and Associates, LLP
Whitney, Bailey, Cox & Magnani, LLC
Woolpert, Inc.

Notice is hereby given that the West Virginia Department of Transportation, Division of Highways (DOH) is soliciting qualifications for the purpose of making available a list of pre-qualified Consultants to be utilized to provide engineering services for roadway, bridge, and miscellaneous highway-related projects.  The work generally consists of preliminary engineering studies, Alternative Delivery Projects, traffic studies, and engineering services required for preparation of contract plans and related documents.  Successful Consultants must be capable of performing 51% of the work as the prime Consultant.  This list of prequalified Consultants will be made available on the WVDOH website and will be open for submission of qualifications through July 31, 2021.

7/31/2021Closed: Selected
Approved Consultants
A. Morton Thomas and Associates, Inc.
Burgess & Niple, Inc.
Carpenter Marty Transportation, Inc.
CDI-Infrastructure, LLC
CDM Smith Inc.
Century Engineering, Inc.
Civil & Environmental Consultants, Inc.
E. L. Robinson Engineering Co.
GAI Consultants Inc.
H. W. Lochner, Inc.
HDR Engineering, Inc.
HNTB Corporation
Michael Baker International, Inc.
Mott MacDonald, LLC
Neff, Longest & Beam and Associates, LLC
Palmer Engineering Co.
Penonni Associates Inc.
RETTEW Associates, Inc.
Rummel, Klepper & Kahl, LLP
Stantec Consulting Services Inc.
The Mannik & Smith Group, Inc.
The Markosky Engineering Group, Inc.
The Thrasher Group, Inc.
TRC Engineers, Inc.
Whitman, Requardt and Associates, Inc.

Notice is hereby given that the West Virginia Department of Transportation, Division of Highways (DOH) is soliciting qualifications for the purpose of making available a list of pre-qualified Consultants to be utilized to provide traffic engineering services for highway and miscellaneous projects.  The work will generally consist of the preparation of, but not necessarily be limited to, contract plans (signing, traffic signal, pavement markings and roadway lighting), traffic impact studies, traffic engineering studies, Intelligent Transportation System (ITS) projects (planning studies, systems engineering and contract plans), TMC support and incident management planning, highway safety improvement projects (studies, crash data analysis, Highway Safety Manual analysis and contract plans), project or program management and review services, asset and data management assistance to support traffic data programs as well as other related services.  Successful Consultants must be capable of performing 51% of the work as the prime Consultant.  This list of prequalified Consultants will be made available on the WVDOH website and will be open for submission of qualifications through July 31, 2021.

7/31/2021Closed: Selected
Approved Consultants
A. Morton Thomas and Associates, Inc.
Aurora Research Associates, LLC
Burgess & Niple, Inc.
CDI-Infrastructure, LLC
CDM Smith Inc.
Century Engineering, Inc.
Civil & Environmental Consultants, Inc.
Dieffenbauch & Hritz, LLC
E. L. Robinson Engineering Co.
EnviroScience, Inc.
GAI Consultants Inc.
H.W. Lochner, Inc.
HDR Engineering, Inc.
Lawhon & Associates, Inc.
Michael Baker International, Inc.
Mott MacDonald, LLC
Neff, Longest & Beam and Associates, LLC
Palmer Engineering Company
Potesta & Associates, Inc.
RETTEW Associates, Inc.
Rummel, Klepper & Kahl, LLP
S&ME, Inc.
SKELLY and LOY, Inc.
Stantec Consulting Services Inc.
The Mannik and Smith Group, Inc.
The Markosky Engineering Group, Inc.
The Thrasher Group, Inc.
TRC Engineers, Inc.
Triad Engineering, Inc.
Whitman, Requardt and Associates, LLP

Notice is hereby given that the West Virginia Department of Transportation, Division of Highways (DOH) is soliciting qualifications for the purpose of making available a list of pre-qualified Consultants to be utilized to provide NEPA services for compliance with the National Environmental Policy Act. Successful Consultants must be capable of performing 51% of the work as the prime Consultant.  This list of prequalified Consultants will be made available on the WVDOH website and will be open for submission of qualifications through July 31, 2021.

6/25/2021Closed: Selected

Notice of Consulting Services


Notice is hereby given by the West Virginia Department of Transportation, Division of Highways, that In-Service Bridge and/or Tunnel inspection services will be utilized for the performance of various tasks to be performed under the following Statewide (On Call) Agreement:


Firms interested in being considered shall have the expertise and the capability to provide bridge and/or tunnel inspection of structural elements.  The structures to be inspected are located throughout the state, over a variety of water conditions, roadways, railroads, etc., and will be designated by the District or Operations Division. 

In-Service Bridge and/or Tunnel Inspection services provided shall be in accordance with the Federal Highway Administration Bridge Inspection Manual (BIRM), AASHTO Manual for Bridge Evaluation, West Virginia Department of Transportation Bridge Inspector’s Reference Manual (WVBIRM) and the National Bridge Inspection Standards (NBIS).  All publications and specifications referenced shall be current edition

Project Assignments are currently scheduled for work to begin in 2021.  Single or multiple assignments may be made for this work.

Multiple firms may be selected for this work.

Firms interested in being considered for these projects must submit a “Letter of Qualification” and one unpriced prospectus to Mr. William R. Murray, P. E., Bridge Preservation Section Manager, Operations Division, Division of Highways, by email to prior to 4:00 p.m. on June 25, 2021.


 As a minimum, the prospectus shall include the following evaluation information factors:


  1. Professional qualifications necessary for consideration and satisfactory performance of the required work and as a minimum shall have a professional engineer licensed by the State of West Virginia.  That person shall be located within the office where the work is to be performed and shall demonstrate sufficient experience performed for the State of West Virginia, Department of Highways related to In-Service Bridge and Tunnel Inspection to be provided.  This individual shall be the person-in-charge overseeing the work and must be readily accessible to the Department, preferably located in-state.


  2. Consideration shall be given to specialized experience and technical competence. Specialized experience shall focus on the qualifications of the staff working on the project with emphasis placed on individual specialized expertise required for the project.  As a minimum, the firm shall provide a Résumé of those individuals who will be committed to the needs of the project.  Strong considerations will be based on the professional and non-professional staff specialized experience and technical competence stationed within the office where the work is to be performed.


  3. Capacity consideration shall be made on the firm’s ability to accomplish the work within the Department’s required schedule time frame; personnel dedicated to performing such work. Overall capabilities to perform the work, including available workforce to assign to the project, workforce personnel qualifications, and present workload. It must specifically indicate the staff levels by classification located in-state vs. out-of-state.  It must also identify the person in-charge overseeing the work that holds a valid professional license issued by the West Virginia Board of Professional Engineers.


  4. The Consultant shall submit for approval a resume of qualifications of the individual(s) in charge of the inspection and inspection team leaders, all applicable NHI certificates for team leader status should be included. The personnel must meet the requirements of the current National Bridge Inspection Standards and/or National Tunnel Inspection and must meet the approval of the Operations Division.
  5. The Consultants’ Project Manager shall be located within the office where the work is to be performed and shall demonstrate sufficient experience performed for the State of West Virginia, Department of Highways related to In-Service Bridge and/or Tunnel Inspections to be provided.This individual shall be the person-in-charge overseeing the work and must be readily accessible to the Department, preferably located in-state.


  6. Past performance on contracts with Government agencies and private industry in terms of cost control, quality of work, and compliance with performance schedules.


  7. Location shall be based on the geographic location of the Consultant’s office relative to the project site along with past experience and knowledge of the area where the project site is located with the significant importance being given to accessibility of the office location relative to the Department.

 In addition to the above evaluation factors, the prospectus shall include, as a minimum, the following items:

  1. A completed copy of the Division’s Consultant Confidential Qualification Questionnaire (CCQQ) dated January 1, 2021 or later, if not already on file. This form may be found on the follow website:


    It must specifically indicate the staff levels by classification located in-state vs. out-of-state.  It must also identify the person in-charge overseeing the work that holds a valid professional license issued by the West Virginia Board of Professional Engineers.


  2. Location of office or office(s) in which the work, or part of the work, will be performed.


  3. Identification of subconsultants by name as to the type of work anticipated to be subcontracted or performed, if proposed as part of the design team. Addition or deletion of a subconsultant must have written approval from the Division.


  4. Indication of whether a cost accounting system has been maintained and is in effect such that it is capable of segregating and identifying accumulating costs for each job that is performed under cost type projects.


  5. Completed copies of the Division’s “Consultant Short List Selection Criteria Technical Evaluation” form limited to a single page of data.  One loose leaf copy of form is to accompany the bound unpriced prospectus.  Cross referencing on this form to other parts of the prospectus is not acceptable. This form can be found at the following website:


  6. A copy of a valid “Certificate of Authorization” to offer Engineering, Surveying, or other related services within the state, issued by the appropriate West Virginia Board.


A single “Letter of Qualification” and one unpriced prospectus are required and must contain all the above information required to be considered.  Failure to provide the required information and/or insufficient information will cause disqualification and the prospectus will be returned. All evaluation factors as noted herein before will be given equal consideration in the selection process, unless a project specific weighting of the evaluation factors is shown in the Notice for Consulting Services.  

Prior to entering any contract negotiations, the selected firm and any subconsultants shall submit a current audited overhead rate computation performed by a State or Federal government agency or independent CPA firm.  The submitted overhead audit shall contain a detailed exhibit of the computations with all applicable eliminations and references.  The audit shall be done in accordance with Government Auditing Standards issued by the Comptroller General of the United States and all eliminations required by the Federal Acquisition Regulations will be made.  The submitted certified audited overhead (Indirect Cost Rate) report shall include the certification, certifying that the allowability of costs used to establish the final indirect cost rate are in accordance with the FAR cost principles, or a verification indicating this certification was previously submitted and accepted by the cognizant agency.  This requirement will be waived for the selected firm or any subconsultant when its portion of the fee for the project is less than Two Hundred Fifty Thousand Dollars ($250,000.00).  In such instances, a company computed overhead rate may be utilized.


It is the policy of the West Virginia Department of Transportation, Division of Highways, that Disadvantaged and Women-owned Business Enterprises shall have the maximum opportunity to participate in the performance of contracts financed in whole or in part with Federal funds.

11/30/2020Closed: Selected
Approved Consultants
Burgess & Niple, Inc.
Carpenter Marty Transportation, Inc.
CDI-Infrastructure, LLC (dba L.R. Kimball)
E. L. Robinson Engineering Co.
J. B. Turman Engineering, PLLC
L. A. Gates Company
Michael Baker International, Inc.
Mott MacDonald, LLC
Potesta & Associates, Inc.
Rummel, Klepper & Kahl, LLP
The Mannik and Smith Group, Inc.
Whitman, Requardt and Associates, LLP

Notice is hereby given that the West Virginia Department of Transportation, Division of Highways (DOH) is soliciting qualifications for the purpose of making available a list of pre-qualified Consultants to be utilized to provide engineering services for railroad, railroad bridge, and miscellaneous railroad projects.  The work generally consists of structural inspections, preparation of contract plans and related documents.  Successful Consultants must be capable of performing 51% of the work as the prime Consultant.  This list of prequalified Consultants will be made available on the WVDOH website and will be open for submission of qualifications through November 30, 2020.

8/31/2020Closed: Selected
Approved Consultants
Dieffenbauch & Hritz, LLC
E. L. Robinson Engineering Co.
E.S.P. Associates, Inc.
GPI Geospatial, Inc.
GRW Engineers, Inc.
Stahl Sheaffer Engineering, LLC
T3 Global Strategies, Inc.
The Thrasher Group, Inc.
Woolpert, Inc.

Notice is hereby given by the West Virginia Department of Transportation, Division of Highways (DOH) is soliciting qualifications for the purpose of making available a list of pre-qualified Consultants to be utilized to provide aerial photography/mapping services for the performance of aerial photography (oblique, vertical ortho, mapping), mobile, remote and unmanned sensing, target and project control installation and triangulation, as well as varying scaled maps and three-dimensional models.  It will also consist of digital compilation of maps through stereo photogrammetric methods, and the delivery of mapping data files in both Auto CAD and Microstation formats on CDs.  Work shall be at various locations throughout the State for highway, bridge or miscellaneous projects. Successful Consultants must be capable of performing 51% of the work as the prime Consultant.  This list of prequalified Consultants will be made available on the WVDOH website.  The tenure of this list will be one (1) year, beginning November 1, 2019 through October 31, 2020.

8/31/2020Closed: Selected
Approved Consultants
ATC Group Services, LLC
Civil & Environmental Consultants, Inc.
Lawhon & Associates, Inc.
Potesta & Associates, Inc.
S&ME, Inc.
SKELLY and LOY, Inc.
Stantec Consulting Services Inc.
TERRADON Corporation
The Markosky Engineering Group, Inc.
The Thrasher Group, Inc.
Triad Engineering, Inc.

Notice is hereby given that the West Virginia Department of Transportation, Division of Highways (DOH) is soliciting qualifications for the purpose of making available a list of pre-qualified Consultants to be utilized for asbestos inspection and sampling.  The work may consist of inspection, sampling and reports.  Successful Consultants must be capable of performing a minimum of 51% of the work as the prime Consultant.  This list of prequalified Consultants will be made available on the WVDOH website.  The tenure of this list will be one (1) year, beginning November 1, 2019 through October 31, 2020.

8/31/2020Closed: Selected
Approved Consultants
A. Morton Thomas and Associates, Inc.
Civil & Environmental Consultants, Inc.
Dieffenbauch & Hritz, LLC
E.L. Robinson Engineering Co.
E.S.P. Associates, Inc.
GRW Engineers, Inc.
Potesta & Associates, Inc.
RETTEW Associates, Inc.
Rummel, Klepper & Kahl, LLP
SPK Engineering, Inc.
Stahl Sheaffer Engineering, LLC
TERRADON Corporation
The Thrasher Group, Inc.
Triad Engineering, Inc.
Woolpert, Inc.
Notice is hereby given by the West Virginia Department of Transportation, Division of Highways (DOH) is soliciting qualifications for the purpose of making available a list of pre-qualified Consultants to be utilized for providing all types of surveying including, but not limited to, conventional, GPS, Remote Sensing, Hydraulic and Hydrology, as well as Subsurface Utility (SUE) at various locations throughout the State for highway, bridge or miscellaneous projects.  Successful Consultants must be capable of performing 51% of the work as the prime Consultant.  This list of prequalified Consultants will be made available on the WVDOH website.  The tenure of this list will be one (1) year, beginning November 1, 2019 through October 31, 2020.
7/31/2020Closed: Selected
Approved Consultants
A. Morton Thomas and Associates, Inc.
A.D. Marble & Co., Inc.
AECOM Technical Services, Inc. 
Allstar Ecology LLC
ASC Group, Inc.
CDI-Infrastructure, LLC d/b/a L.R. Kimball
Century Engineering, Inc.
Civil & Environmental Consultants, Inc.
Copperhead Environmental Consulting, Inc.
Dieffenbauch & Hritz, LLC
E. L. Robinson Engineering Co.
Environmental Solutions & Innovations, Inc.
EnviroScience, Inc.
GAI Consultants Inc.
HDR Engineering, Inc.
Lawhon & Associates, Inc.
Michael Baker International, Inc.
Potesta & Associates, Inc.
RETTEW Associates, Inc.
Rummel, Klepper & Kahl, LLP
S&ME, Inc.
SKELLY and LOY, Inc.
Stantec Consulting Services Inc.
TERRADON Corporation
The Markosky Engineering Group, Inc.
The Thrasher Group, Inc.
TRC Engineers, Inc.
Whitman, Requardt and Associates, LLP

Notice is hereby given that the West Virginia Department of Transportation, Division of Highways (DOH) is soliciting qualifications for the purpose of making available a list of pre-qualified Consultants to be utilized to provide natural resource services for compliance with the Endangered Species Act, USACE guidelines and related requirements pertaining to roadway and bridge projects in West Virginia.  The work will be performed statewide upon specific requests by the Division of Highways and may include, but not necessarily be limited to; stream and wetland studies, state and federal listed endangered species investigations, non-listed species surveys and biological surveys, and other related services.  Successful Consultants must be capable of performing 51% of the work as the prime Consultant.  This list of prequalified Consultants will be made available on the WVDOH website and will be open for submission of qualifications through July 31, 2020.

7/31/2020Closed: Selected
Approved Consultants
A. Morton Thomas and Associates, Inc.
A.D. Marble & Co., Inc.
AECOM Technical Services, Inc.
ASC Group, Inc.
Aurora Research Associates, LLC
Burgess & Niple, Inc.
CDI-Infrastructure, LLC
Century Engineering, Inc.
Civil & Environmental Consultants, Inc.
E. L. Robinson Engineering Co.
GAI Consultants Inc.
H. W. Lochner, Inc.
HDR Engineering, Inc.
HNTB Corporation
Lawhon & Associates, Inc.
Michael Baker International, Inc.
Mott MacDonald, LLC
Neff, Longest & Beam and Associates, LLC
Palmer Engineering Company
Potesta & Associates, Inc.
RETTEW Associates, Inc.
Rummel, Klepper & Kahl, LLP
S&ME, Inc.
SKELLY and LOY, Inc.
Stantec Consulting Services Inc.
TERRADON Corporation
The Mannik and Smith Group, Inc.
The Markosky Engineering Group, Inc.
The Thrasher Group, Inc.
TRC Engineers, Inc.
Whitman, Requardt and Associates, LLP

Notice is hereby given that the West Virginia Department of Transportation, Division of Highways (DOH) is soliciting qualifications for the purpose of making available a list of pre-qualified Consultants to be utilized to provide NEPA services for compliance with the National Environmental Policy Act. Successful Consultants must be capable of performing 51% of the work as the prime Consultant.  This list of prequalified Consultants will be made available on the WVDOH website and will be open for submission of qualifications through July 31, 2020.

7/31/2020Closed: Selected
Approved Consultants
A. Morton Thomas and Associates, Inc.
AECOM Technical Services, Inc.
Buchart-Horn, Inc.
Burgess & Niple, Inc.
Carpenter Marty Transportation, Inc.
CDI-Infrastructure, LLC (dba L.R. Kimball)
CDM Smith Inc.
Century Engineering, Inc.
Civil & Environmental Consultants, Inc.
DLZ National, Inc.
E. L. Robinson Engineering Co.
GAI Consultants Inc.
Greenman-Pedersen, Inc.
GRW Engineers, Inc.
H. W. Lochner, Inc.
HDR Engineering, Inc.
Herbert, Rowland, & Grubic, Inc.
HNTB Corporation
J.B. Turman Engineering, PLLC
L. A. Gates Company
Larson Design Group, Inc.
Mead and Hunt, Inc.
Michael Baker International, Inc.
Mott MacDonald, LLC
Neff, Longest & Beam and Associates, LLC
Palmer Engineering Company
Pennoni Associates, Inc.
Potesta & Associates, Inc.
Randolph Engineering
RETTEW Associates, Inc.
Rummel, Klepper & Kahl, LLP
S&ME, Inc.
Stahl Sheaffer Engineering, LLC
Stantec Consulting Services Inc.
Sucevic, Piccolomini & Kuchar Engineering, Inc.
TERRRADON Corporation
The EADS Group, Inc.
The Mannik & Smith Group, Inc.
The Markosky Engineering Group, Inc.
The Thrasher Group, Inc.
Thompson & Litton, Inc.
TRC Engineers, Inc.
White Brothers Consulting, LLC
Whitman, Requardt and Associates, LLP
Woolpert, Inc.

Notice is hereby given that the West Virginia Department of Transportation, Division of Highways (DOH) is soliciting qualifications for the purpose of making available a list of pre-qualified Consultants to be utilized to provide engineering services for roadway, bridge, and miscellaneous highway-related projects.  The work generally consists of preliminary engineering studies, Alternative Delivery Projects, traffic studies, and engineering services required for preparation of contract plans and related documents.  Successful Consultants must be capable of performing 51% of the work as the prime Consultant.  This list of prequalified Consultants will be made available on the WVDOH website and will be open for submission of qualifications through July 31, 2020.

7/31/2020Closed: Selected
Approved Consultants
A. Morton Thomas and Associates, Inc.
AECOM Technical Services, Inc.
Burgss & Niple, Inc.
Carpenter Marty Transportation, Inc.
CDI-Infrastructure, LLC
CDM Smith Inc.
E. L. Robinson Engineering Co.
GAI Consultants Inc.
HDR Engineering, Inc.
HNTB Corporation
Mead and Hunt, Inc.
Michael Baker International, Inc.
Mott MacDonald, LLC
Palmer Engineering Company
Pennoni Associates Inc.
RETTEW Associates, Inc.
Rummel, Klepper & Kahl, LLP
Stahl Sheaffer Engineering, LLC
Stantec Consulting Services Inc.
The Mannik and Smith Group, Inc.
TRC Engineers, Inc.
Whitman, Requardt and Associates, LLP
Notice is hereby given that the West Virginia Department of Transportation, Division of Highways (DOH) is soliciting qualifications for the purpose of making available a list of pre-qualified Consultants to be utilized to provide traffic engineering services for highway and miscellaneous projects.  The work will generally consist of the preparation of, but not necessarily be limited to, contract plans (signing, traffic signal, pavement markings and roadway lighting), traffic impact studies, traffic engineering studies, Intelligent Transportation System (ITS) projects (planning studies, systems engineering and contract plans), incident management planning, highway safety improvement projects (studies, crash data analysis, Highway Safety Manual analysis and contract plans), project or program management and review services, asset and data management assistance to support traffic data programs as well as other related services.  Successful Consultants must be capable of performing 51% of the work as the prime Consultant.  This list of prequalified Consultants will be made available on the WVDOH website and will be open for submission of qualifications through July 31, 2020.
7/31/2020Closed: Selected
Approved Consultants
Burgess & Niple, Inc.
GAI Consultants Inc.
H.W. Lochner, Inc.
HDR Engineering, Inc.
Lawhon & Associates, Inc.
Michael Baker International, Inc.
Neff, Longest & Beam and Associates, L.L.C.
Rummel, Klepper & Kahl, LLP
S&ME, Inc.
SKELLY and LOY, Inc.
Whitman, Requardt and Associates, LLP

Notice is hereby given that the West Virginia Department of Transportation, Division of Highways (DOH) is soliciting qualifications for the purpose of making available a list of pre-qualified Consultants to be utilized to provide noise analysis services for compliance with highway traffic noise prediction requirements, noise analyses, noise abatement criteria as contained in revised Title 23 U S Code of Federal Regulations Part 772 ( 23 CFR 772 ), Procedures for Abatement of Highway Traffic Noise and Construction Noise effective July 13, 2011. Successful Consultants must be capable of performing 51% of the work as the prime Consultant.  This list of prequalified Consultants will be made available on the WVDOH website and will be open for submission of qualifications through July 31, 2020.

7/31/2020Closed: Selected
Approved Consultants
A.D. Marble & Co., Inc.
AECOM Technical Services, Inc.
Allstar Ecology, LLC
ASC Group, Inc.
Aurora Research Associates, LLC
Civil & Environmental Consultants, Inc.
GAI Consultants Inc.
Lawhon & Associates, Inc.
Michael Baker International, Inc.
Potesta & Associates, Inc.
RETTEW Associates, Inc.
Rummel, Klepper & Kahl, LLP
S&ME, Inc.
SKELLY and LOY, Inc.
Stantec Consulting Services Inc.
TERRADON Corporation
Tetra Tech, Inc.
The Mannik and Smith Group, Inc.
The Markosky Engineering Group, Inc.
TRC Engineers, Inc.

Notice is hereby given that the West Virginia Department of Transportation, Division of Highways (DOH) is soliciting qualifications for the purpose of making available a list of pre-qualified Consultants to be utilized to provide cultural resource services for compliance with Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act.  The work will generally consist of Section 106 documentation and related work including identification surveys, evaluations for National Register eligibility, and data recovery projects for historic and archaeological resources.  Successful Consultants must be capable of performing 51% of the work as the prime Consultant.  This list of prequalified Consultants will be made available on the WVDOH website and will be open for submission of qualifications through July 31, 2020.  

5/31/2020Closed: Short-Listed
Burgess and Niples, Inc.
Carpenter Marty Transportation
E.L. Robinson Engineering
GAI Consultants
Markosky Engineering Group, Inc.
Mead and Hunt
Michael Baker International
Modjeski and Masters, Inc.
Mott MacDonald
Palmer Engineering
Randolph Engineering
RK and K
Stahl Sheaffer Engineering, LLC
The Mannik and Smith Group, LLC
Whitman, Requardt and Associates, LLP

Notice is hereby given by the West Virginia Department of Transportation, Division of Highways, that In-Service Bridge and/or Tunnel inspection services will be utilized for the performance of various tasks to be performed under the following Statewide (On Call) Agreement:
Firms interested in being considered shall have the expertise and the capability to provide bridge and/or tunnel inspection of structural elements.  The structures to be inspected are located throughout the state, over a variety of water conditions, roadways, railroads, etc., and will be designated by the District or Operations Division. 
In-Service Bridge and/or Tunnel Inspection services provided shall be in accordance with the Federal Highway Administration Bridge Inspection Manual (BIRM), AASHTO Manual for Bridge Evaluation, West Virginia Department of Transportation Bridge Inspector’s Reference Manual (WVBIRM) and the National Bridge Inspection Standards (NBIS).  All publications and specifications referenced shall be current edition
Project Assignments are currently scheduled for work to begin in 2020.  Single or multiple assignments may be made for this work.
Multiple firms may be selected for this work.
Firms interested in being considered for these projects must submit a “Letter of Qualification” and one unpriced prospectus to Mr. William R. Murray, P. E., Bridge Preservation Section Manager, Operations Division, Division of Highways, by email to prior to 4:00 p.m. on May 31, 2020.

 As a minimum, the prospectus shall include the following evaluation information factors:
1. Professional qualifications necessary for consideration and satisfactory performance of the required work and as a minimum shall have a professional engineer licensed by the State of West Virginia.  That person shall be located within the office where the work is to be performed and shall demonstrate sufficient experience performed for the State of West Virginia, Department of Highways related to In-Service Bridge and Tunnel Inspection to be provided.  This individual shall be the person-in-charge overseeing the work and must be readily accessible to the Department, preferably located in-state.

2. Consideration shall be given to specialized experience and technical competence. Specialized experience shall focus on the qualifications of the staff working on the project with emphasis placed on individual specialized expertise required for the project.  As a minimum, the firm shall provide a Résumé of those individuals who will be committed to the needs of the project.  Strong considerations will be based on the professional and non-professional staff specialized experience and technical competence stationed within the office where the work is to be performed.

3. Capacity consideration shall be made on the firm’s ability to accomplish the work within the Department’s required schedule time frame; personnel dedicated to performing such work. Overall capabilities to perform the work, including available workforce to assign to the project, workforce personnel qualifications, and present workload. It must specifically indicate the staff levels by classification located in-state vs. out-of-state.  It must also identify the person in-charge overseeing the work that holds a valid professional license issued by the West Virginia Board of Professional Engineers.

4. The Consultant shall submit for approval a resume of qualifications of the individual(s) in charge of the inspection and inspection team leaders, all applicable NHI certificates for team leader status should be included. The personnel must meet the requirements of the current National Bridge Inspection Standards and/or National Tunnel Inspection and must meet the approval of the Operations Division.
5. The Consultants’ Project Manager shall be located within the office where the work is to be performed and shall demonstrate sufficient experience performed for the State of West Virginia, Department of Highways related to In-Service Bridge and/or Tunnel Inspections to be provided.  This individual shall be the person-in-charge overseeing the work and must be readily accessible to the Department, preferably located in-state.

6. Past performance on contracts with Government agencies and private industry in terms of cost control, quality of work, and compliance with performance schedules.

7. Location shall be based on the geographic location of the Consultant’s office relative to the project site along with past experience and knowledge of the area where the project site is located with the significant importance being given to accessibility of the office location relative to the Department.
 In addition to the above evaluation factors, the prospectus shall include, as a minimum, the following items:
1. A completed copy of the Division’s Consultant Confidential Qualification Questionnaire (CCQQ) dated January 1, 2020 or later, if not already on file. This form may be found on the follow website: 

It must specifically indicate the staff levels by classification located in-state vs. out-of-state.  It must also identify the person in-charge overseeing the work that holds a valid professional license issued by the West Virginia Board of Professional Engineers.

2. Location of office or office(s) in which the work, or part of the work, will be performed.

3. Identification of subconsultants by name as to the type of work anticipated to be subcontracted or performed, if proposed as part of the design team. Addition or deletion of a subconsultant must have written approval from the Division.

4. Indication of whether a cost accounting system has been maintained and is in effect such that it is capable of segregating and identifying accumulating costs for each job that is performed under cost type projects.

5. Completed copies of the Division’s “Consultant Short List Selection Criteria Technical Evaluation” form limited to a single page of data.  One loose leaf copy of form is to accompany the bound unpriced prospectus.  Cross referencing on this form to other parts of the prospectus is not acceptable. This form can be found at the following website:

6. A copy of a valid “Certificate of Authorization” to offer Engineering, Surveying, or other related services within the state, issued by the appropriate West Virginia Board.
A single “Letter of Qualification” and one unpriced prospectus are required and must contain all the above information required to be considered.  Failure to provide the required information and/or insufficient information will cause disqualification and the prospectus will be returned. All evaluation factors as noted herein before will be given equal consideration in the selection process, unless a project specific weighting of the evaluation factors is shown in the Notice for Consulting Services. 
Prior to entering any contract negotiations, the selected firm and any subconsultants shall submit a current audited overhead rate computation performed by a State or Federal government agency or independent CPA firm.  The submitted overhead audit shall contain a detailed exhibit of the computations with all applicable eliminations and references.  The audit shall be done in accordance with Government Auditing Standards issued by the Comptroller General of the United States and all eliminations required by the Federal Acquisition Regulations will be made.  The submitted certified audited overhead (Indirect Cost Rate) report shall include the certification, certifying that the allowability of costs used to establish the final indirect cost rate are in accordance with the FAR cost principles, or a verification indicating this certification was previously submitted and accepted by the cognizant agency.  This requirement will be waived for the selected firm or any subconsultant when its portion of the fee for the project is less than Two Hundred Fifty Thousand Dollars ($250,000.00).  In such instances, a company computed overhead rate may be utilized.
It is the policy of the West Virginia Department of Transportation, Division of Highways, that Disadvantaged and Women-owned Business Enterprises shall have the maximum opportunity to participate in the performance of contracts financed in whole or in part with Federal funds.

11/30/2019Closed: Selected
Approved Consultants
A. Morton Thomas and Associates, Inc.
Burgess & Niple, Inc.
Carpenter Marty Transportation, Inc.
CDM Smith Inc.
GAI Consultants Inc.
Greenman-Pedersen, Inc.
J.B. Turman Engineering, PLLC
Michael Baker International, Inc.
Mott MacDonald, LLC
Rummel, Klepper & Kahl, LLP
TERRADON Corporation
The Mannik and Smith Group, Inc.
Whitman, Requardt and Associates, LLP
Notice is hereby given that the West Virginia Department of Transportation, Division of Highways (DOH) is soliciting qualifications for the purpose of making available a list of pre-qualified Consultants to be utilized to provide engineering services for railroad, railroad bridge, and miscellaneous railroad projects.  The work generally consists of structural inspections, preparation of contract plans and related documents.  Successful Consultants must be capable of performing 51% of the work as the prime Consultant.  This list of prequalified Consultants will be made available on the WVDOH website and will be open for submission of qualifications through November 30, 2019.
9/30/2019Closed: Selected
Approved Consultants
BAE Systems
E. L. Robinson Engineering Co.
E.S.P. Associates, Inc.
GPI Geospatial, Inc.
GRW Engineers, Inc.
MA Engineering Consultants, Inc.
Quantum Spatial, Inc.
Stahl Sheaffer Engineering, LLC
Surveying and Mapping, LLC
T3 Global Strategies, Inc.
The Thrasher Group, Inc.
Tuck Mapping Solutions, Inc.
Woolpert, Inc.
Notice is hereby given by the West Virginia Department of Transportation, Division of Highways (DOH) is soliciting qualifications for the purpose of making available a list of pre-qualified Consultants to be utilized to provide aerial photography/mapping services for the performance of aerial photography (oblique, vertical ortho, mapping), mobile, remote and unmanned sensing, target and project control installation and triangulation, as well as varying scaled maps and three-dimensional models.  It will also consist of digital compilation of maps through stereo photogrammetric methods, and the delivery of mapping data files in both Auto Cad and Microstation formats on CDs.  Work shall be at various locations throughout the State for highway, bridge or miscellaneous projects. Successful Consultants must be capable of performing 51% of the work as the prime Consultant.  This list of prequalified Consultants will be made available on the WVDOH website and will be open for submission of qualifications through September 30, 2019.
9/30/2019Closed: Selected
Approved Consultants
Ascent Consulting and Engineering, LLC
ATC Group Services LLC
Jackson Dynamics, Inc.
Martin Engineering, PLLC
Potesta & Associates, Inc.
SKELLY and LOY, Inc.
Stantec Consulting Services, Inc.
TERRADON Corporation
The Thrasher Group, Inc.
Triad Engineering, Inc.

Notice is hereby given that the West Virginia Department of Transportation, Division of Highways (DOH) is soliciting qualifications for the purpose of making available a list of pre-qualified Consultants to be utilized for asbestos inspection and sampling.  The work may consist of inspection, sampling and reports; preparation of contract plans and related documents for asbestos removal; project air monitoring; and related services as requested.  Successful Consultants must be capable of performing a minimum of 51% of the work as the prime Consultant.  This list of prequalified Consultants will be made available on the WVDOH website and will be open for submission of qualifications through September 30, 2019.

9/30/2019Closed: Selected
​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​Approved Consultants
A. Morton Thomas and Associates, Inc.
Civil & Environmental Consultants, Inc.
CTL Engineering, Inc.
Dieffenbauch & Hritz, LLC
E. L. Robinson Engineering Co.
E.S.P. Associates, Inc.
Encompass Services, LLC
G. A. Covey Engineering, PLLC
Greenman-Pedersen, Inc.
GRW Engineers, Inc.
Monaloh Basin Engineers, Inc.
Palmer Engineering
Potesta & Associates, Inc.
Precision Measurements, Inc.
RETTEW Associates, Inc.
Rummel, Klepper & Kahl, LLP
Stahl Sheaffer Engineering, LLC
Sucevic, Piccolomini & Kuchar Engineering, Inc.
Surveying and Mapping, LLC
TERRADON Corporation
The Thrasher Group, Inc.
Triad Engineering, Inc.
Woolpert, Inc.

Notice is hereby given by the West Virginia Department of Transportation, Division of Highways (DOH) is soliciting qualifications for the purpose of making available a list of pre-qualified Consultants to be utilized for providing all types of surveying including, but not limited to, conventional, GPS, Remote Sensing, Hydraulic and Hydrology, as well as Subsurface Utility (SUE) at various locations throughout the State for highway, bridge or miscellaneous projects.  Successful Consultants must be capable of performing 51% of the work as the prime Consultant.  This list of prequalified Consultants will be made available on the WVDOH website and will be open for submission of qualifications through September 30, 2019.

7/31/2019Closed: Selected
Link to Prequalified Firms
Approved Consultants
A. Morton Thomas and Associates, Inc.
AECOM Technical Services, Inc.
Alpha Associates, Incorporated
Ascent Consulting and Engineering, LLC
Buchart Horn, Inc.
Burgess & Niple, Inc.
Carpenter Marty Transportation, Inc.
CDI-Infrastructure, LLC
CDM Smith Inc.
Century Engineering, Inc.
Civil & Environmental Consultants, Inc.
E. L. Robinson Engineering Co.
GAI Consultants Inc.
Greenman-Pedersen, Inc.
H. W. Lochner, Inc.
Herbert, Rowland & Grubic, Inc.
HDR Engineering, Inc.
HNTB Corporation
Hornor Brothers Engineers
J.B. Turman Engineering, PLLC
L. A. Gates Company
Mead and Hunt, Inc.
Michael Baker International, Inc.
Mott MacDonald, LLC
ms consultants, inc.
Neff, Longest and Beam & Associates, LLC
P. Joseph Lehman, Inc.
Palmer Engineering Company
Potesta & Associates, Inc.
Randolph Engineering Co., Inc.
Resource International, Inc.
Rummel, Klepper & Kahl, LLP
Stahl Sheaffer Engineering, LLC
Stantec Consulting Services Inc.
Sucevic, Piccolomini & Kucher Engineering, Inc.
The Mannik & Smith Group, Inc.
The Markosky Engineering Group, Inc.
The Thrasher Group, Inc.
Thompson & Litton, Inc.
TRC Engineers, Inc.
Triad Engineering, Inc.
White Brothers Consulting, LLC
Whitman, Requardt and Associates, LLP
Whitney, Bailey, Cox & Magnani, LLC


Notice is hereby given that the West Virginia Department of Transportation, Division of Highways (DOH) is soliciting qualifications for the purpose of making available a list of pre-qualified Consultants to be utilized to provide engineering services for roadway, bridge, and miscellaneous highway-related projects.  The work generally consists of preliminary engineering studies, Alternative Delivery Projects, traffic studies, and engineering services required for preparation of contract plans and related documents.  Successful Consultants must be capable of performing 51% of the work as the prime Consultant.  This list of prequalified Consultants will be made available on the WVDOH website and will be open for submission of qualifications through July 31, 2019.

7/31/2019Closed: Selected
Link to Prequalified Firms
Approved Consultants
Burgess & Niple, Inc.
GAI Consultants Inc.
H. W. Lochner, Inc.
HDR Engineering, Inc.
Mead and Hunt, Inc.
Michael Baker International, Inc.
ms consultants, inc.
Neff, Longest and Beam & Associates, LLC
Rummel, Klepper & Kahl, LLP
SKELLY and LOY, Inc.
Whitman, Requardt and Associates, LLP


Notice is hereby given that the West Virginia Department of Transportation, Division of Highways (DOH) is soliciting qualifications for the purpose of making available a list of pre-qualified Consultants to be utilized to provide noise analysis services for compliance with highway traffic noise prediction requirements, noise analyses, noise abatement criteria as contained in revised Title 23 U S Code of Federal Regulations Part 772 ( 23 CFR 772 ), Procedures for Abatement of Highway Traffic Noise and Construction Noise effective July 13, 2011. Successful Consultants must be capable of performing 51% of the work as the prime Consultant.  This list of prequalified Consultants will be made available on the WVDOH website and will be open for submission of qualifications through July 31, 2019.

7/31/2019Closed: Selected
Link to Prequalified Firms
Approved Consultants
A. Morton Thomas and Associate, Inc.
AECOM Technical Services, Inc.
Aurora Research Associates, LLC
Burgess & Niple, Inc.
CDM Smith Inc.
Decota Consulting Company, Inc.
EnviroScience, Inc.
GAI Consultants Inc.
H. W. Lochner, Inc.
HNTB Corporation
Johnson, Mirmiran & Thompson, Inc.
Mead and Hunt, Inc.
Michael Baker International, Inc.
Mott MacDonald, LLC
ms consultants, inc.
Neff, Longest and Beam & Associates, LLC
Potesta & Associates, Inc.
Rummel, Klepper & Kahl, LLP
SKELLY and LOY, Inc.
Stantec Consulting Services Inc.
TERRADON Corporation
The Mannik & Smith Group, Inc.
The Markosky Engineering Group, Inc.
The Thrasher Group, Inc.
TRC Engineers, Inc.
Whitman, Requardt and Associates, LLP


Notice is hereby given that the West Virginia Department of Transportation, Division of Highways (DOH) is soliciting qualifications for the purpose of making available a list of pre-qualified Consultants to be utilized to provide NEPA services for compliance with the National Environmental Policy Act. Successful Consultants must be capable of performing 51% of the work as the prime Consultant.  This list of prequalified Consultants will be made available on the WVDOH website and will be open for submission of qualifications through July 31, 2019.

7/31/2019Closed: Selected
Link to Prequalified Firms
Approved Consultants
A. Morton Thomas and Associates, Inc.
AECOM Technical Services, Inc.
Applied Research Associates, Inc.
Burgess & Niple, Inc.
Carpenter Marty Transportation, Inc.
CDI-Infrastructure, LLC
CDM Smith Inc.
Century Engineering, Inc.
French Engineering, LLC
GAI Consultants Inc.
HDR Engineering, Inc.
HNTB Corporation
Michael Baker International, Inc.
Mott MacDonald, LLC
ms consultants, inc.
Palmer Engineering Company
Rummel, Klepper & Kahl, LLP
Stahl Sheaffer Engineering, LLC
TRC Engineers, Inc.
Whitman, Requardt and Associates, LLP
Notice is hereby given that the West Virginia Department of Transportation, Division of Highways (DOH) is soliciting qualifications for the purpose of making available a list of pre-qualified Consultants to be utilized to provide traffic engineering services for highway and miscellaneous projects.  The work will generally consist of the preparation of, but not necessarily be limited to, contract plans (signing, traffic signal and roadway lighting), traffic impact studies, traffic engineering studies, Intelligent Transportation System (ITS) projects (planning studies, systems engineering and contract plans), incident management planning, highway safety improvement projects (studies, data analysis, and contract plans), asset and data management assistance to support traffic data programs as well as other related services.  Successful Consultants must be capable of performing 51% of the work as the prime Consultant.  This list of prequalified Consultants will be made available on the WVDOH website.
7/31/2019Closed: Selected
Link to Prequalified Firms
Approved Consultants
A. Morton Thomas and Associates, Inc.
AECOM Technical Services, Inc.
Alliance Consulting, Inc.
Allstar Ecology LLC
CDI-Infrastructure, LLC
CDM Smith Inc.
Century Engineering, Inc.
Civil & Environmental Consultants, Inc.
Copperhead Environmental Consulting, Inc.
Decota Consulting Company, Inc.
EcoAnalysts, Inc.
Environmental Solutions & Innovations, Inc.
EnviroScience, Inc.
GAI Consultants Inc.
HDR Engineering, Inc.
Mead and Hunt, Inc.
Michael Baker International, Inc.
Potesta & Associates, Inc.
Rummel, Klepper & Kahl, LLP
SKELLY and LOY, Inc.
Stantec Consulting Services Inc.
TERRADON Corporation
The Markosky Engineering Group, Inc.
TRC Engineers, Inc.
Whitman, Requardt and Associates, LLP


Notice is hereby given that the West Virginia Department of Transportation, Division of Highways (DOH) is soliciting qualifications for the purpose of making available a list of pre-qualified Consultants to be utilized to provide natural resource services for compliance with the Endangered Species Act, USACE guidelines and related requirements pertaining to roadway and bridge projects in West Virginia.  The work will be performed statewide upon specific requests by the Division of Highways and may include, but not necessarily be limited to; stream and wetland studies, state and federal listed endangered species investigations, non-listed species surveys and biological surveys, and other related services.  Successful Consultants must be capable of performing 51% of the work as the prime Consultant.  This list of prequalified Consultants will be made available on the WVDOH website and will be open for submission of qualifications through July 31, 2019.

7/31/2019Closed: Selected
Link to Prequalified Firms
Approved Consultants
AECOM Technical Services, Inc.
Allstar Ecology LLC
ASC Group, Inc.
Ascent Consulting & Engineering, LLC
Aurora Research Associates, LLC
Civil & Environmental Consultants, Inc.
Cultural Resource Analysts, Inc.
GAI Consultants Inc.
Johnson, Mirmiran & Thompson, Inc.
Lawhon & Associates, Inc.
Mead and Hunt, Inc.
Michael Baker International, Inc.
Potesta & Associates, Inc.
Rummel, Klepper & Kahl, LLP
SKELLY and LOY, Inc.
Stantec Consulting Services Inc.
TERRADON Corporation
The Mannik & Smith Group, Inc.
The Markosky Engineering Group, Inc.
The Thrasher Group, Inc.
TRC Engineers, Inc.


Notice is hereby given that the West Virginia Department of Transportation, Division of Highways (DOH) is soliciting qualifications for the purpose of making available a list of pre-qualified Consultants to be utilized to provide cultural resource services for compliance with Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act.  The work will generally consist of Section 106 documentation and related work including identification surveys, evaluations for National Register eligibility, and data recovery projects for historic and archaeological resources.  Successful Consultants must be capable of performing 51% of the work as the prime Consultant.  This list of prequalified Consultants will be made available on the WVDOH website and will be open for submission of qualifications through July 31, 2019.

Notice is hereby given that the West Virginia Department of Transportation, Division of Highways (DOH) is soliciting qualifications for the purpose of making available a list of pre-qualified Consultants to be utilized to provide engineering Design Bid Build and Design Build services for roadway, bridge, and miscellaneous highway-related projects. The work generally consists of preliminary engineering studies, Alternative Delivery Projects, traffic studies, and engineering services required for preparation of contract plans and related documents. This list of prequalified Consultants will be made available on the WVDOH website.


Notice is hereby given by the West Virginia Department of Transportation, Division of Highways, that Right of Way consultant services related to transportation projects will be used for surveying, plats, legal description writing, appraisal and appraisal review services, title research, acquisition/negotiation services, closings, relocation services, property management services, cemetery services, utility coordination, railroad coordination services, and/or any other right of way activities necessary.
Notice is hereby given that the West Virginia Department of Transportation, Division of Highways (DOH) is soliciting qualifications for the purpose of making available a list of pre-qualified Consultants to be utilized for surveying, plats, legal description writing, appraisal and appraisal review services, title research, acquisition/negotiation services, closings, relocation services, property management services, cemetery services, utility coordination, railroad coordination services, and/or any other right of way activities necessary.
Notice is hereby given by the West Virginia Department of Transportation, Division of Highways, that Right of Way consultant services related to transportation projects will be used for negotiation, relocation, replacement housing, property management, cemetery relocation, and other right of way activities necessary for statewide projects for the fiscal year July 1, 2021 through June 30, 2022.
Notice is hereby given by the West Virginia Department of Transportation, Division of Highways, that individual service contracts related to transportation projects will be used for negotiations, relocation, replacement housing appraisals, estimates and review for statewide projects for the fiscal year July 1, 2021 through June 30, 2022.
8/21/2020Closed: Selected
Notice is hereby given by the West Virginia Department of Transportation, Division of Highways, Right of Way Division, that combined right of way services will be utilized for the following project: 

                Shady Springs to Beaver, State Project: X341-ZWA/Y-1.00 02; Federal Project: STP-0019(428)D, Raleigh County, West Virginia; The project consists of 158 parcels (98 families, 60 businesses) with 51 of those needing relocation services.
7/6/2020Closed: Selected
Notice is hereby given by the West Virginia Department of Transportation, Division of Highways, that individual service contracts related to transportation projects will be used for negotiations, relocation, replacement housing appraisals, estimates and review for statewide projects for the fiscal year July 1, 2020 through June 30, 2021.
7/6/2020Closed: Selected
Notice is hereby given by the West Virginia Department of Transportation, Division of Highways, that Right of Way consultant services related to transportation projects will be used for negotiation, relocation, replacement housing, property management, cemetery relocation, and other right of way activities necessary for statewide projects for the fiscal year July 1, 2020  through June 30, 2021.
1/17/2020Closed: Selected
Notice is hereby given by the West Virginia Department of Transportation, Division of Highways, Right of Way Division, that combined right of way services will be utilized for the following project: 

Parkersburg – St. Mary’s Road, State Project: U354-2-23.11 07; Federal Project: NHPP-0002(595)D, Wood County, West Virginia; The project consists of 89 parcels (80 families, 9 businesses) with 23 of those needing relocation services.
6/28/2019Closed: Selected
Notice is hereby given by the West Virginia Department of Transportation, Division of Highways, that Right of Way consultant services related to transportation projects will be used for negotiation, relocation, replacement housing, property management, cemetery relocation, and other right of way activities necessary for statewide projects for the fiscal year July 1, 2019  through June 30, 2020.
6/28/2019Closed: Selected
 Notice is hereby given by the West Virginia Department of Transportation, Division of Highways, that individual service contracts related to transportation projects will be used for negotiations, relocation, replacement housing appraisals, estimates and review for statewide projects for the fiscal year July 1, 2019 through June 30, 2020.
6/29/2018Closed: Selected
Notice is hereby given by the West Virginia Department of Transportation, Division of Highways, that individual service contracts related to transportation projects will be used for negotiations, relocation, replacement housing appraisals, estimates and review for statewide projects for the fiscal year July 1, 2018 through June 30, 2019.
6/29/2018Closed: Selected

Notice is hereby given by the West Virginia Department of Transportation, Division of Highways, that Right of Way consultant services related to transportation projects will be used for negotiation, relocation, replacement housing, property management, cemetery relocation, and other right of way activities necessary for statewide projects for the fiscal year July 1, 2018 through June 30, 2019.

6/30/2017Closed: Selected
Notice is hereby given by the West Virginia Department of Transportation, Division of Highways, that Right of Way consultant services related to transportation projects will be used for negotiation, relocation, replacement housing, property management, cemetery relocation, and other right of way activities necessary for statewide projects for the fiscal year July 1, 2017 through June 30, 2018.
6/30/2017Closed: Selected
Notice is hereby given by the West Virginia Department of Transportation, Division of Highways, that individual service contracts related to transportation projects will be used for negotiations, relocation, replacement housing appraisals, estimates and review for statewide projects for the fiscal year July 1, 2017 through June 30, 2018.
12/31/2016Closed: Short-Listed
Notice is hereby given by the West Virginia Department of Transportation, Division of Highways, that individual service contracts related to transportation projects will be used for negotiations, relocation, replacement housing appraisals, estimates and review for statewide projects for the current fiscal year through June 30, 2017.
12/31/2016Closed: Short-Listed
Notice is hereby given by the West Virginia Department of Transportation, Division of Highways, that Right of Way consultant services related to transportation projects will be used for negotiation, relocation, replacement housing, property management, cemetery relocation, and other right of way activities necessary for statewide projects for the current fiscal year through June 30, 2017.
6/5/2015Closed: Short-Listed

Notice is hereby given by the West Virginia Department of Transportation, Division of Highways, that Right of Way consultant services related to transportation projects will be used for negotiation, relocation, replacement housing, property management, cemetery relocation, and other right of way activities necessary for statewide projects for fiscal year July 1, 2015 through June 30, 2016.

6/5/2015Closed: Short-Listed

Notice is hereby given by the West Virginia Department of Transportation, Division of Highways, that individual service contracts related to transportation projects will be used for negotiations, relocation, replacement housing appraisals, estimates and review for statewide projects for the fiscal year July 1, 2015 through June 30, 2016.

5/30/2014Closed: Short-Listed

Notice is hereby given by the West Virginia Department of Transportation, Division of Highways, that Right of Way consultant services related to transportation projects will be used for negotiation, relocation, replacement housing, property management, cemetery relocation, and other right of way activities necessary for statewide projects for fiscal year July 1, 2014 through June 30, 2015.

5/30/2014Closed: Short-Listed

Notice is hereby given by the West Virginia Department of Transportation, Division of Highways, that individual service contracts related to transportation projects will be used for negotiations, relocation, and replacement housing appraisals for statewide projects for the fiscal year July 1, 2014 through June 30, 2015.

5/31/2013Closed: Short-Listed

Notice is hereby given by the West Virginia Department of Transportation, Division of Highways, that Right of Way consultant services related to transportation projects will be used for negotiation, relocation, replacement housing, property management, cemetery relocation, and other right of way activities necessary for statewide projects for fiscal year July 1, 2013 through June 30, 2014.

4/30/2013Closed: Selected
Notice is hereby given by the West Virginia Department of Transportation, Division of Highways, that individual service contracts related to Transportation projects will be used for negotiations, relocation, and replacement housing appraisals for statewide projects for the fiscal year July 1, 2013 through June 30, 2014.
4/29/2012Closed: Selected
Notice is hereby given by the West Virginia Department of Transportation, Division of Highways, that individual service contracts related to transportation projects will be used for negotiations, relocation, and replacement housing appraisals for statewide projects for the fiscal year July 1, 2012 through June 30, 2013.
4/29/2011Closed: Selected

Notice is hereby given by the West Virginia Department of Transportation, Division of Highways, that individual service contracts related to transportation projects will be used for negotiations, relocation, and replacement housing appraisals for statewide projects for the fiscal year July 1, 2011 through June 30, 2012.

3/3/2010Closed: Short-Listed

Notice is hereby given by the West Virginia Department of Transportation, Division of Highways, that individual service contracts related to transportation projects will be used for negotiations, relocation, replacement housing appraisals, and right of way questionnaires for statewide projects for the fiscal year July 1, 2010 through June 30, 2011.

State Rail Authority

Notice is hereby given by the West Virginia Department of Transportation/State Rail Authority that consulting services will be utilized for the preparation of a State Rail Plan (SRP) for the State of West Virginia that reflects the rail transportation planning needs in West Virginia. The SRP is intended to cover a twenty- (20) year planning horizon through the performance of the following work: 1) collect available data for and conduct an asset inventory of all Class I and short line railroads in the State; 2) perform analyses of the market, feasibility, capacity, and cost for potential new intercity passenger or High-Speed Rail (HSR) corridors, as well as existing and potential commuter corridors; 3) perform economic impact analyses of existing and potential tourist train corridors; and 4) develop methods that WVDOT may use in the future to analyze the feasibility, costs and benefits of potential rail corridors and projects throughout the State.

Strategic Data Management and Technology

Closed: Selected
Civil & Environmental Consultants Inc.
Gistic Research Inc.
Greenman-Pedersen Inc.
HDR Engineering,Inc
Michael Baker International
Moffatt & Nichol
Potesta & Associates
Rizing Geospatial
The Thrasher Group Inc
Timmons Group
TRC Engineering
Works Consulting LLC

Traffic Engineering



State Project “To Be Determined”, Wheeling CBD Signal System, located in Ohio County, West Virginia.  This project shall consist of renovating/upgrading approximately twenty (20) existing traffic signals in the downtown Wheeling area.

2/28/2011Closed: Selected
Consultant Selected
CDM Smith, Inc.

Notice is hereby given by the West Virginia Department of Transportation, Division of Highways, that consultant services will be utilized for traffic engineering services.  The work will generally consist of roadway lighting contract plan development for the following project: 

State Project U335-70-5.80 00; Federal Project HSIP-0070(159)D, I-70 Roadway Lighting Installation in Ohio County.  This project involves contract plan development for the installation of new roadway lighting on I-70 from the Elm Grove-Triadelphia Interchange to the Dallas Pike Interchange
